5.1 高盛网申秘籍
5.1.1 网申入口
5.2 网申内容
1、首先先登入网申页面,找到“OUR PROGRAMS”选项可查看美国地区、亚太地区、欧洲、中东、非洲和印度正在面向校园的招聘,如图一。系统会列出所有进行的招聘计划,以及申请的Dealine,如图二。
2、要进行网上的职位申请,则要找到页面上的“APPLY NOW”按钮,点击进入。
3、进入后,点击左方菜单栏的“Login or Register”进行账户登录或账户注册。只有通过账户登录才能成功进行申请。
4、登录账户后,点击菜单栏左方的“Apply Now”按钮,进行职位申请。进入后,如果想要再次详细了解高盛集团的校园招聘计划,可以点击“careers site”进行查看。如果已经确定好目标职位,可直接选取页面中显示的职位项目进行申请。
(11)填写求职信,求职信中应确保包括在高盛工作你所具备的素质,描述你来高盛求职的动机。(300 字左右)
(13)上传简历可接受的是doc, .rtf, .pdf or .txt 格式,并且不大于512 KB
(14)上传跟学习情况及经历总结性的说明(对于中国的申请者可用中文)可接受格式doc, .rtf, .pdf, .xls or .txt 并不大于 3000KB.
5.3 网申技巧
- 联系方法
- 学历
- 语言能力-在某些亚洲地区的办事处,掌握两种或多种语言是招聘条件之一。请注意申请
- 工作经历
- 荣誉、证书、技术能力和其他技能
- 申请高盛职位的动机
- 一份简历将自动发往高盛公司网站的“教育、技能和测试”一栏
- 另一份以中文起草的简历将作为您网上申请的附件
Your Resume/CV is a key part of your Goldman Sachs application. Therefore it's very important to build a successful Resume/CV that is well-written, clear and concise. Based on our experience reviewing numerous applications, we have outlined some Resume/CV best practices and winning strategies below.
The information on your Resume/CV should be as readable and aesthetically pleasing as possible with a measured balance between text and space
The standard length of a Resume/CV for a graduate application is one page. Everything included in your Resume/CV should add value
Think about the points you consider particularly important. Block capitals, different size fonts and bold or italic type can help to direct the reviewer's focus. Use with moderation and be consistent in your formatting
Avoid lengthy paragraphs; bullet points can be used to condense a list of details
Personal Details
Include your name, address, at least one email address, a home telephone number and a mobile telephone number
Be sure that all of your contact details are correct and up-to-date
Ensure that your e-mail address projects a professional image of yourself
Education Details
List your educational details in reverse order, with your most recent experiences first, back to your secondary level education
Integrate your education institutions and qualifications into one section
Highlight any positions of responsibility you may have held
Employment History/Work Experience
Especially if your career has been short to date, give details of all jobs and positions held. Include part time and unpaid work, starting with your current or most recent employer
Work experience should not be limited to paid employment. Include any volunteer work, positions of responsibility within societies
This section can be used by reviewers to target your Resume/CV for particular positions at Goldman Sachs. Use the experiences that you do have to talk about any relevant or transferable skills
Do not use valuable space to include the full addresses of your past employers
Personal Development/Skills
Write about any courses, societies, voluntary work or responsibilities you consider relevant
Sell any transferable or technical skills acquired
Before You Submit
Spell check!
Print out a copy and ask yourself the following questions:
1. Will a recruiter find my Resume/CV easy to read and impactful?
2. Is the content concise and effective?
3. Is the application a good reflection of me and my experiences?
Ask a friend or colleague to read the document and ask them the same set of questions