
2.3 员工关怀

We also believe in building relationships with your colleagues outside the office. There are many opportunities for you to join our corporate sports teams and compete on behalf of PwC.

Basketball team - won the HKICPA Basketball Competition for the last three consecutive years;

Tennis team - reached the quarterfinals of the 2005 Corporate Patron Tennis League in Hong Kong;

Soccer and basketball teams in the mainland China which play matches against clients and other organisations;

Dragon Boat Championship - a great team building opportunity, and a lot of fun; and

Table tennis team - represents the firm in the mainland China.


前言: 第一章 企业背景 第二章 福利待遇 & 职业发展 第三章 校园招聘 第四章 普华永道宣讲会秘籍 第五章 普华永道网申秘籍 第六章 普华永道笔试秘籍 第七章 普华永道面试秘籍 第八章 常见问题(FAQ)

