毕业典礼演讲稿 英语

时间:2021-01-15 18:59:00 毕业典礼 我要投稿

毕业典礼演讲稿 英语


毕业典礼演讲稿 英语

  Dear teachers, dear students,

  Hi everybody! Today, I stand here, on behalf of all graduates ~ to say goodbye to our Alma mater, to say goodbye to yanan of the teachers, to say goodbye to the classmates, being also to can't forget this period of time to say goodbye!

  Having experienced the tension and busyness of the mid-term exam, I think I should be in the same mood as all of you in this room. The four years of road, we walk hard and happy, four years of life, we have full and beautiful, we shed tears, but with laughter, stepping thorns, we was smelling of wanli of flowers. Four years, 1460 days and nights, it sounds like a long time, and when we face it today, it feels so short.

  Four years, idle away one's time, but a lot of memory in our life the most treasure collection: luxuriant trees, broad playground, picturesque promenade, the bright classroom... We must remember newly enrolled I have set ambitious, you must remember you in the classroom, library and lab I diligently study, research, teacher must remember and exercises to obtain breakthrough you that kind of heartfelt joy, I remember you I energetic exercise scene in sports field... Too many scenarios are worth remembering. Yenan for four years, we learned to further analysis and thinking, and learned to rich and concise, learned to cooperation and competition, learn the inheritance and innovation, and further learned how to transcend, and breakthrough the limit of their growth. Now that we are graduating, all these warm memories will be engraved in our hearts, the most memorable day of our lives.

  "We are angels with only one wing," he said. "we can fly only by hugging each other." The four years of friendship have taught us to believe and depend on each other. Four years of life, we all had a low, but we support and encourage each other, friends warm warm smile, class atmosphere, let we all walked to come over, let's learn to love, to adhere to, to believe that "sunshine always after the rain". Like the teacher often say a sentence: "the treasure jianfeng from grind out, plum flower sweet from bitter cold come". Grade, submerged in a stream suddenly sober, we found that our impression of junior high school, is no longer a stack of papers and done the problem sets, but the junior middle school, this makes our heart hall, also raise our growing knowledge of gratitude and love, is the eyes hit "yan" strong induction this familiar name.

  Now we, standing on the intersection of time, back at the past, look to the future, it turns out that graduation is the injury and make public farewell, let the moonlight of tonight, let the Ming sun warm. Graduation is a kind of means to return to the state of lu, as is in a hurry, looking back at a glance all the brilliant past times, are click into vivid details, once had the honor of the dream, had the deep agitation, is calling us to listen to the voice of the love. Is old and sing long long, graduation is over after the echoes of the round ears, all sweet or bitter, as tears heart, still candid eyes, still running agitate blood, are pulling us once again, to sing in the drift in the spring and autumn. Graduation is each rush thing even separated respectively, graduation is a classic moments of holding hands deeper, but time went by, the low eyebrow YangFanHang aspiring elegance and graduation is all not formally began, the end of the graduation is nothing away deep impressed.

  "Sometimes the wind blows the waves and the sea goes up." Let time witness, bearing the weight of the ardent expectations of yenan leaders, teachers and deep feeling, and we will do people with wisdom and passion, be ambitious and down-to-earth person, having both ability and political integrity and innovation, of the heavy burden of responsibility and dare to pick one! Dear students, let us make a vow: today, we are proud to be the graduates of yan 'an. Tomorrow, yan 'an will be proud of us, the pillar of our motherland!

  I'm done. Thank you.


  大家好! 今天,我站在这里,代表全体 ~ 届毕业生向我们的母校道别,向延安的师长们道别,向朝夕相处的同窗们道别,也向这段不能忘怀的岁月道别!

  经历了中考的紧张和忙碌,我想我此刻的心情应当和在座的各位一样,纵然喜悦,也掩不住回忆与留恋。这四年的路,我们走的辛苦而快乐,四年的生活,我们过的充实而美丽,我们流过眼泪,却伴着欢笑,我们踏着荆棘,却嗅得万里花香。四年的岁月, 1460 个日日夜夜,听起来似乎是那么的漫长,而当我们今天面对离别,又觉得它是那么的短暂。

  四年的时光,弹指一挥间,但很多记忆将成为我们生命中最为珍重的收藏:葳蕤的梧桐树,宽阔的操场,如画的长廊,明亮的教室 ...... 我们一定还记得刚入校时你我所立的雄心壮志,一定还记得在教室、图书馆和实验室中你我孜孜不倦学习、研究的身影,一定还记得老师的谆谆教诲和习题获得突破时你我那种发自内心的喜悦,一定还记得在运动场上你我生龙活虎的锻炼场景 ..... 太多太多的情景值得我们去回忆。延安四年,我们更进一步学会了分析与思考,学会了丰富与凝练,学会了合作与竞争,学会了继承与创新,也进一步学会了如何不断超越、突破自己的极限而成长。如今我们就要毕业了,所有这些温暖的记忆都将铭刻在我们内心深处,那是我们生命中最难忘的.日子。

  喜欢好友常说的一句话:“我们都是只有一只翅膀的天使,只有互相拥抱才能飞翔。” 四年的同窗友谊,让我们学会了彼此相信并依赖。四年的生活,我们都有过低谷,但我们相互扶持、鼓励,朋友温馨的笑容、班级温暖的气氛,让我们都走了过来,让我们学会去爱、去坚持、去相信“阳光总在风雨后”。 喜欢老师常说的一句话:“宝剑锋自磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来”。初三,被淹没在题海中的我们却突然清醒地发现,我们对初中的印象,不再是堆叠如山的试卷、做不完的习题,而是对初中,这个令我们心动、也抚育我们成长的知识殿堂的感激和热爱,是双眼触及“延安”这个熟悉名字时的强烈感应。

  现在的我们,站在时间的交汇点上,回望过去,远眺未来,原来,毕业是伤情而张扬的告别,让今宵的月色格外亲切,让明朝的阳光别样热烈。毕业是一种去意回徨的境界,是行色匆匆的回眸一瞥,所有缤纷灿烂的往昔时光,都被点击成生动传神的细节,曾经有过的光荣梦想,曾经有过的深沉激越,正召唤着我们重新聆听爱的声音。毕业是一首久唱不衰的老歌,是散场之后的余音绕耳,所有甜美或者苦涩的故事,定格为热泪盈眶的欣悦,依然真诚直率的目光 ,依然奔流激荡的热血,正牵引着我们再一次传唱,传唱那飘逝的日月春秋。毕业是各奔东西甚至天各一方的分别,毕业是执手相握心心相印的经典时刻,低眉处无奈流年似水,扬帆行有志风华如火,毕业是一切都并非结束的郑重开始,毕业是一切都没有飘散的深沉铭刻。

  “乘风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海。”让时间作证,承载着延安领导、老师们的殷切期望和深情嘱托,我们一定会做拥有智慧并富有激情的人,做胸怀大志并脚踏实地的人,做德才兼备并勇于创新的人,做富有责任并敢挑重担的人! 同学们,临别之际,让我们立下誓言:今天,我们以作为延安的毕业生为荣;明天,延安将会以我们——祖国的栋梁,为荣!



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