News 4 uncovers May interview in wh

时间:2020-11-11 18:51:41 Interview 我要投稿

News 4 uncovers May 2010 interview in which Angle says she w

Reno, NV - Nevada's Republican U.S. Senate candidate Sharron Angle says she wants to save the nation's Social Security system.  However, KRNV News 4 has uncovered a radio interview from May 19, 2010, in which Angle says she wants to privatize the program.

Here is the verbatim from the interview:

Host:  "You talked about privatizing Social Security, which makes me think offering the option of a private account.  Are you talking about offering that option along with or compared to Social Security or are you talking about that option and nothing else because you want to privatize Social Security?" Angle:  "Whenever I say privatize I don't mean governmental privatization, I mean actual free market privatization, but going forward what we need is a phased in private alternative.  So for those who are now working but have paid a lot into the Social Security system they would have their choice of opting into that old system or transferring their stuff to a new system. Those who come online as new wage earners would only have the private system to work with so it would be a phased in privatizing of that."

(Click here to listen to the entire interview from

News 4 contacted the Angle campaign for clarification, but we have not received a response. We will keep you posted.

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