The executive secretary to cover let

时间:2020-11-08 16:10:09 Letters 我要投稿

The executive secretary to cover letter

Dear mr. dIrector,
  I have learned from the newspaper that you are employIng an admInIstratIve secretary. I am very much Interested In thIs posItIon.
  I have worked as an admInIstrataIv secretary for a chemIcal company In shanghaI for three years, so I have some understandIng of the chemIcal Industry. I graduated from the east chIna unIversIty of technology, holdIng a bachelor degree. havIng obtaIned certIfIcates of cet-4 and cet-6, I fInd myself fluent In both spoken and wrItten englIsh. In adItIon, I am also quIte famIlIar wIth computer skIlls.
  enclosed please fInd my resume.
  LookIng forward to your early reply.
  Yours sIncerely,

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