Negotiable Elements of a Job Offer

时间:2020-12-10 15:48:21 Offer 我要投稿

Negotiable Elements of a Job Offer


Non-salary Compensation: signing bonus; performance bonus; profit-sharing, deferred compensation; severance package, stock options

Relocation Expenses: house-hunting, temporary living allowance, closing costs, travel expenses, spouse job-hunting/re-employment expenses

Benefits: vacation days (number, amount paid, timing), personal days, sick days, insurance (medical, dental, vision, life, disability), automobile (or other transportation) allowance, professional training/conference attendance, continuing education (tuition reimbursement), professional memberships, club (country or athletic) memberships, product discounts, clothing allowance, short-term loans

Job-Specific: frequency of performance reviews, job title/role/duties, location/office, telecommuting, work hours and flexibility, starting date, performance standards/goals

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