展会常用口语 !

时间:2020-11-06 12:12:38 商务英语 我要投稿

展会常用口语145句 必备!

1 I’ve come to make sure that your stay in Beijing is a pleasant one.我特地为你们安排使你们在北京的逗留愉快。 
     2 You’re going out of your way for us, I believe.我相信这是对我们的特殊照顾了。 
     3 It’s just the matter of the schedule,that is,if it is convenient for you right now.如果你们感到方便的话,我想现在讨论一下日程安排的问题。 
     4 I think we can draw up a tentative plan now.我认为现在可以先草拟一具临时方案。 
     5 If he wants to make any changes,minor alternations can be made then.如果他有什么意见的话,我们还可以对计划稍加修改。 
     6 Is there any way of ensuring we’ll have enough time for our talks?我们是否能保证有充足的时间来谈判? 
     7 So our evenings will be quite full then?那么我们的活动在晚上也安排满了吗? 
     8 We’ll leave some evenings free,that is,if it is all right with you.如果你们愿意的话,我们想留几个晚上供你们自由支配。

     9 We’d have to compare notes on what we’ve discussed during the day.我们想用点时间来研究讨论一下白天谈判的情况。 
     10 That’ll put us both in the picture.这样双方都能了解全面的情况。 
     11 Then we’d have some ideas of what you’ll be needing.那么我们就会心中有点儿数,知道你们需要什么了。 
     12 I can’t say for certain off-hand.我还不能马上说定。 
     13 Better have something we can get our hands on rather than just spend all our time talking.有些实际材料拿到手总比坐着闲聊强。 
     14 It’ll be easier for us to get down to facts then.这样就容易进行实质性的谈判了。 
     15 But wouldn’t you like to spend an extra day or two here?你们不愿意在北京多待一天吗? 
     16 I’m afraid that won’t be possible,much as we’d like to.尽管我们很想这样做,但恐怕不行了。 

    17 We’ve got to report back to the head office.我们还要回去向总部汇报情况呢。 
     18 Thank you for you cooperation.谢谢你们的合作。 
     19 We’ve arranged our schedule without any trouble.我们已经很顺利地把活动日程安排好了。 
     20 Here is a copy of itinerary we have worked out for you and your friends.Would you please have a look at it?这是我们为你和你的朋友拟定的活动日程安排。请过目一下,好吗?  
     21 If you have any questions on the details, feel free to ask.如果对某些细节有意见的话,请提出来。 
     22 I can see you have put a lot of time into it.我相信你在制定这个计划上一定花了不少精力吧。 
     23 We really wish you’ll have a pleasant stay here.我们真诚地希望你们在这里过得愉快。 
     24 I wonder if it is possible to arrange shopping for us.我想能否在我们访问结束时为我们安排一点时间购物。

    25 Welcome to our factory.欢迎到我们工厂来。 
     26 I’ve been looking forward to visiting your factory.我一直都盼望着参观贵厂。 
     27 You’ll know our products better after this visit.参观后您会对我们的产品有更深的了解。 
     28 Maybe we could start with the Designing Department.也许我们可以先参观一下设计部门。 
     29 Then we could look at the production line.然后我们再去看看生产线。 
     30 These drawings on the wall are process sheets.墙上的图表是工艺流程表。 
     31 They describe how each process goes on to the next.表述着每道工艺间的衔接情况。 
     32 We are running on two shifts.我们实行的工作是两班倒。 
     33 Almost every process is computerized.几乎每一道工艺都是由电脑控制的。 
     34 The efficiency is greatly raised,and the intensity of labor is decreased.工作效率大大地提高了,而劳动强度却降低了。

    35 All produets have to go through five checks in the whole process.所有产品在整个生产过程中得通过五道质量检查关。 

     101 It would help if you could try to speak a little slower.请你尽量放慢说话速度。 
     102 Could you please explain the premises of your argument in more detail?你能详细说明你们的论据吗? 
     103 It will help me understand the point you are trying to make.这会帮助我了解你们的重点。  
     104 We cannot proceed any further without receiving your thoughts with respect to the manner of payment.我们如果不了解你们对付款方式的意见,便不能进一步检讨。 
     105 Actually, my interest was directed more towards what particular markets you foresee for our product.事实上,我关心的是贵公司对我们产品市场的考量。 
     106 We really need more specific information about your technology.我们需要与贵公司技术相关更专门的资讯。

     107 Our project must proceed at a reasonably quick tempo. Surely one month is ample time, isn’t it?这个计划必须尽速进行。一个月的时间应该够了吧? 
     108 I will try, but no promises. 
     109 I could not catch your question. Could you repeat it, please?我没听清楚你们的问题,你能重复一次吗? 
     110 The following answer is subject to official confirmation.以下的答案必须再经过正式确认才有效。 
     111 Let me give you an indication.我可以提示一个想法。 
     112 Please remember this is not to be taken as final.请记得这不是最后的回答。 
     113 Let’s imagine a hypothetical case where we disagree.让我们假设一个我们不同意的状况。 
     114 Just for argument’s sake, suppose we disagree.为了讨论各种情形,让我们假设我方不同意时的处理方法。

     115 There is no such published information.没有相关的出版资料。 
     116 Such data is confidential. 
     117 I am not sure such data does exist.我不确定是否有这样的资料存在。 
     118 It would depend on what is on the list.这要看列表内容。 
     119 We need them urgently. 
     120 All right. I will send the information on a piecemeal basis as we acquire it.好。我们收齐之后会立即寄给你。 
     121 I’d like to introduce you to our company. Is there anything in particular you’d like to know?我将向你介绍我们的公司,你有什么特别想知道的吗? 
     122 I’d like to know some information about the current investment environment in your country?我想了解一下贵国的投资环境。

     123 I’d like to know something about your foreign trade policy.我非常想了解有关贵国对外贸易的政策。 
     124 It is said that a new policy is being put into practice in your foreign trade.据说你们正在实施一种新的对外贸易政策。 
     125 Our foreign trade policy has always been based on equality and mutual benefit and exchange of needed goods.我们的.对外贸易政策一向是以平等互利、互通有无为基础的。  
     126 We have adopted much more flexible methods in our dealings.我们在具体*作方法上灵活多了。 
     127 We have mainly adopted some usual international practices.我们主要采取了一些国际上的惯例做法。 
     128 You have also made some readjustment in your import and export business, have you?你们的进出口贸易也有一些调整,对吗? 
     129We are sure both of us have a brighter future.我们相信双方都有一个光明的前景。

     130 How would you like to proceed with the negotiations?你认为该怎样来进行这次谈判呢? 
     131 Perhaps you’ve heard our product’s name. Would you like to know more about it?也许你已听说过我们产品的名称,你想知道更多一点吗? 
     132 Let me tell you about our product.关于产品一事让我向你说明。 
     133 This is our most recently developed product.这是我们最近开发的产品。 
     134 We’d like to recommend our new home health monitor.我们想推荐我们新的家庭健康监测器。 
     135 That sounds like the product we had in mind.那种产品好像就是我们所想要的。 
     136 I’m sure you’ll be pleased with this product.我敢保证你会喜欢这种产品的。 
     137 I’m really positive that this product has all the features you have always wanted.我确信这种产品有各种你所要的款式。 

    138 I strongly recommend this product.我强力推荐这种产品。 
     139 If I were you, I’d choose this product.如果我是你,我就选择这种产品。 
     140 We’ve already had a big demand for this product.这种产品我们已有很大的需要求量。 
     141 This product is doing very well in foreign countries.这种产品在国外很畅销。 
     142 Our product is competitive in the international market.我们的产品在国际市场上具有竞争力。 
     143 Let’s move on to what makes our product sell so well.让我来说明是什么原因使我们的产品销售得那么好。 
     144 Good. That’s just what we want to hear.很好,那正是我们想要听的。 
     145 The distinction of our product is its light weight.我们产品的特点就是它很轻。 

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