
时间:2024-05-25 12:15:04 毅霖 商务英语 我要投稿
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  1、Please review and confirm by reply/return. 请检讨并回复确认

  2、Please note and (proceed) accordingly 请相应照办

  3、so,we would like to proceed as follows 所以,我们想按下列计划进行

  4、Please confirm you understand. 请确认你能理解

  5、Based on this information,I need the following to happen: 基于这一点,我需要以下事情能做到

  6、This is a very urgent matter-please make sure the above happens. 这是非常急迫的事情--请确认以上能做到

  7、Thank you very much for you assistance(支持)

  8、This is good news-thanks for the help with regards to this matter

  9、Please comment.请评价

  10、Thanks and best regards,12、We would like to lock up this business. 我们想锁定这笔生意

  11、Once you nespond(wespond?) to the abover questions,we will decide which

  12、option we would like to pursue. 你们对上述问题回复后,我们会立即决定我们会选择哪个方案。

  13、Thanks for your understanding. 谢谢您的谅解

  14、Also please let me know if you need any other information 另外,你们还需要其他信息吗?

  15、Will get back to you ASAP. 会尽快回复你!

  16、Let`s discuss this then 到时我们讨论下这个问题。

  17、Please review the below email our US office and advise. 请查看以下我们US办公室发的E-mail并进行回复

  18、Noted and understand all below.

  19、Please review and advise us with any questions.

  20、Let`s give it a try to make it happen…It is for a good cause. 让我们试试吧…这是值得支持的

  21、There are a lots of lose ends now…How once you going to execute this? 现在有很多问题,我们怎样处理

  22、As I explained over the phone, today,如同我今天在电话中解释的那样

  23、Since we will have one chance only.既然我们只要一个选择

  24、Please note and proceed as is,请注意,并按现况继续

  25、Please see the reply below in red 请看如下红色的回复

  26、Please check at your side and coment 请你们那边检讨一下并回复。

  27、Noted and understand all below,see reply in bold black (请看黑色粗体回复)

  28、Please forward to JACK for comment and corrective action. 评价和纠正措施提供给JACK

  29、This is good news,You did a really good job!

  30、Noted all below and attached files with thanks.Here is the summary of

  31、Looking forward to hearing back from you tomorrow (盼明天收到你的回复)

  32、Please advise us with your comments 请把你的看法告诉我们

  33、Please advise 请回复

  34、Noted all below with thanks,see reply in red.

  35、Sorry for confusion(混乱)

  36、We will let you know its result soon.

  37、Any updates on this request? 关于这个问题有什么新的消息吗

  38、We reviewed (it) and have the following comments:

  39、As we understand,42、Please review with Jack and advise 请与JACK检讨并回复

  40、Please see corrctions in green below 请看如下绿色修正内容

  41、Can you call me at my cell phone number(+86-137 ****-****)

  42、FYI=just for your reference/information… 供参考

  43、To sumup… 总结如下…

  44、Please discuss the above schedule and let us know the results 请检讨以上计划并把结果告诉我们

  45、Please review and advise with any comment 请检讨,如果有意见请回复

  46、This is most/very important.

  47、Noted and thanks for reminding. 知道了,谢谢提醒。

  48、Please see the attached pictures first 请先看附件的照片

  49、Please see the attached techincal data. 请看附件的技术数据

  50、Noted below with thanks.

  51、Please review and advise 请检讨并回复

  52、Noted all below with thanks!

  53、We are following your instruction on the basis of your confirmation. 我们在您确认的基础上按您的指示行事

  54、Hare are you doing 还好吧?

  55、Thanks in advance and best regards.

  56、Looking forward seeing you soon.

  57、If there is anything else I can help,please let me know.

  58、How do you do ?

  59、Please review, and let`s discuss how we should move forward. 请检讨,并让我们一起讨论我们应该怎样继续。

  60、If you`re any questions please let me know. 如有任何问题,请告诉我。

  61、Please refer tentative schedule as follow: 请参照下面的暂定计划

  62、Please recheck your record and advise if you find any differences.

  63、im an office worker.我是上班族。

  64、i work for the government.我在政府机关做事。

  65、im happy to meet you.很高兴见到你。

  66、i like your sense of humor.我喜欢你的幽默感。

  67、im glad to see you again.很高兴再次见到你。

  68、ill call you.我会打电话给你。

  69、i feel like sleeping / taking a walk.我想睡/散步。

  70、i want something to eat.我想吃点东西。

  71、i need your help.我需要你的帮助。

  72、i would like to talk to you for a minute.我想和你谈一下。

  73、i have a lot of problems.我有很多问题。

  74、i hope our dreams come true.我希望我们的梦想成真。

  75、im looking forward to seeing you.我期望见到你。 hearing from you

  76、im supposed to go on a diet / get a raise.我应该节食/涨工资。

  77、i heard that youre getting married. congratulations.听说你要结婚了,恭喜!

  78、i see what your mean.我了解你的意思。

  79、i cant do this.我不能这么做。

  80、let me explain why i was late.让我解释迟到的理由。

  81、lets have a beer or something.咱们喝点啤酒什么的。

  82、where is your office?你们的办公室在哪?

  83、what is your plan?你的计划是什么?

  84、when is the store closing?这家店什么时候结束营业?

  85、Are you sure you can come by at nine?你肯定你九点能来吗?

  86、Am i allowed to stay out past 10?我可以十点过后再回家吗?

  87、The meeting was scheduled for two hours, but it is not over yet.会议原定了两个小时,不过现在还没有结束。

  88、Toms birthday is this week.汤姆的生日就在这个星期。

  89、Would you care to see it / sit down for a while?你要不要看/坐一会呢?

  90、Can you cover for me on friday / help me / tell me how to get there?星期五能不能请你替我个班/你能帮我吗/你能告诉我到那里怎么走吗?

  91、could you do me a big favor?能否请你帮我个忙?give me a hand

  92、he is crazy about crazy english.他对疯狂英语很着迷。

  93、can you imagine how much he paid for that car?你能想象他买那车花了多少钱吗?

  94、can you believe that i bought a tv for $25?你能相信我花25美元买了一台电视机吗?

  95、did you know he was having an affair / cheating on his wife?你知道他有外遇了吗?/欺骗他的妻子吗?

  96、did you hear about the new project?你知道那个新项目吗?

  97、do you realize that all of these shirts are half off?你知道这些衬衫都卖半价了吗?

  98、do you mind if i take tomorrow off?你介意我明天请假吗?

  99、i enjoy working with you very much.我很喜欢和你一起工作。

  100、did you know that stone ended up marrying his secretary?你知道吗?斯通最终和他的秘书结婚了。

  101、lets get together for lunch.让我们一起吃顿午餐吧。

  102、how did you do on your test?你这次考试的结果如何?

  103、im sorry that you didnt get the job.很遗憾,你没有得到那份工作。

  104、im afraid that its not going to work out.我恐怕这事不会成的。

  105、i guess i could come over.我想我能来。

  106、is it ok to smoke in the office?在办公室里抽烟可以吗?

  107、it was kind of exciting.有点剌激。

  108、i know what you want.我知道你想要什么。

  109、is that why you dont want to go home?这就是你不想回家的原因吗?

  110、im sure we can get you a great / good deal.我很肯定我们可以帮你做成一笔好交易。

  111、would you help me with the report?你愿意帮我写报告吗?

  112、i didnt know he was the richest person in the world.我不知道他是世界上最有钱的人。

  113、The answer is zero! 白忙了!

  114、The dice is cast! 已成定局了!

  115、The same as usual! 一如既往!

  116、The walls have ears! 隔墙有耳!

  117、There you go again! 你又来了!

  118、Time is running out! 没有时间了!

  119、We better get going! 最好马上就走!

  120、Well discuss it later! 回头再说吧!

  121、Well find out shortly! 我们很快就知道了!

  122、We are all for it! 我们全都赞成!

  123、Weve been expecting you! 我们正等着你呢!

  124、What a good deal! 真便宜!

  125、What a let down! 真令人失望!

  126、What do you figure? 你有什么想法?

  127、What happened to you? 你怎么了?

  128、What should I do? 我应该怎样做?

  129、Whats would you recommend?你有何意见?

  130、Whats come over you? 你怎么了?

  131、Whats it to you? 这跟你有关吗?

  132、Whats on your mind? 你在想什么

  133、Which would you prefer? 你要选哪个?

  134、Wouldnt you say so? 你说不是这样吗?

  135、You are most understanding! 你真体贴!

  136、You asked for it! 你自讨苦吃!

  137、You cant be serious! 你不是认真的吧?

  138、You cant miss it! 你不可能找不到的!

  139、Any day will do? 哪一天都可以?

  140、Any messages for me? 有我的留言吗?

  141、Are you by yourself? 你一个人来吗?

  142、All right with you? 你没有问题吧?

  143、Are you free tomorrow? 明天有空吗?

  144、Are you kidding me? 你在跟我开玩笑吧?

  145、As soon as possible! 尽可能快!

  146、Back in a moment! 马上回来!

  147、Believe it or not! 信不信由你!

  148、Better luck next time! 下次会更好!

  149、Boy will be boys本性难移!

  150、Come to the point! 有话直说!

  151、Do you accept plastic? 收不收行用卡?

  152、Does it keep long? 可以保存吗?

  153、Dont be so fussy! 别挑剔了!

  154、Dont count to me! 别指望我!

  155、Dont fall for it! 不要上当!

  156、Dont get me wrong! 你搞错了!

  157、Dont give me that! 少来这套!

  158、Dont let me down! 别让我失望!

  159、Dont lose your head! 别乐昏了头!

  160、Dont over do it! 别做过头了!

  161、Dont sit there daydreaming! 别闲着做白日梦!

  162、Dont stand on ceremony! 别太拘束!

  163、Drop me a line! 要写信给我!

  164、Easy come easy go! 来得容易去得也快!

  165、Im spaced-out! 我开小差了!

  166、I beg your pardon! 请你再说一遍!

  167、I cant afford that! 我付不起!

  168、I cant follow you! 我不懂你说的!

  169、I cant help it! 我情不自禁!

  170、I couldnt reach him! 我联络不上他!

  171、I cross my heart! 我发誓是真的!

  172、I dont mean it! 我不是故意的!

  173、I feel very miserable! 我好沮丧!

  174、I have no choice! 我别无选择了!

  175、I watch my money! 视财如命!

  176、Ill be in touch! 保持联络!

  177、Ill check it out! 我去看看!

  178、Ill show you around! 我带你四处逛逛!

  179、Ill see to it! 我会留意的!

  180、Im crazy for you! 我为你疯狂!

  181、You make me jump! 你下了我一跳!

  182、Make up your mind. 作个决定吧!

  183、Make yourself at home! 就当在家一样!

  184、My mouth is watering! 我要流口水了!

  185、Never heard of it! 没听说过!

  186、Nice talking to you! 很高兴和你聊天!

  187、No doubt about it! 勿庸置疑!

  188、No pain no gain! 不经一事,不长一智!

  189、None of your business! 要你管?

  190、There is nothing on your business! 这没你的事!

  191、Now you are really talking! 说得对!

  192、Please dont rush me! 请不要催促我!

  193、Please keep me informed! 请一定要通知我!

  194、She looks blue today. 她今天很忧郁!

  195、She is under the weather. 她心情不好!

  196、So far, so good. 过得去。

  197、We hope to receive your favors at early date.

  198、We hope to be favored with a reply with the least delay.

  199、We await good news with patience.

  200、We hope to receive a favorable reply per return mail.

  201、We await the favor of your early (prompt) reply.

  202、A prompt reply would greatly oblige us.

  203、We trust you will favor us with an early (prompt) reply.

  204、We trust that you will reply us immediately.

  205、We should be obliged by your early (prompt) reply.

  206、Will you please reply without delay what your wishes are in this matter?

  207、Will you kindly inform us immediately what you wish us to do?

  208、We request you to inform us of your decision by return of post.

  209、We are waiting (anxious to receive) your early reply.

  210、We should appreciate an early reply.

  211、We thank you for the courtesy to your early attention.

  212、We hope to receive your reply with the least possible delay.

  213、Kindly reply at your earliest convenience.

  214、Please send your reply by the earliest delivery.

  215、Please send your reply by messenger.

  216、Please reply immediately.

  217、Please favor us with your reply as early as possible.

  218、Please write to us by tonights mail, without fail.

  219、May we remind you that we are awaiting your early reply?

  220、May we request the favor of your early reply?

  221、A prompt reply would help us greatly.

  222、A prompt reply will greatly oblige us.

  223、Your prompt reply would be greatly appreciated.

  224、Your prompt attention to this matter would be greatly esteemed.

  225、We look forward to receiving your early reply.

  226、As the matter is urgent, an early reply will reply.

  227、We reply on receiving your reply by return of post.

  228、We request you to accept our warmest thanks for the anticipated favor.

  229、We thank you in advance for the anticipated favor.

  230、Your health,John,may you have a successful time in Manchester!为了你的健康,约翰,也祝你在曼彻斯特前程似锦!

  231、Wishing you health and happiness in the year to come. 祝你在新的一年里健康,快乐。

  232、Wishing you and yours a merry Christmas this holiday season. 值此佳节,祝你全家圣诞快乐。

  233、Wishing you a white Christmas. 愿你有一个银白色的圣诞。

  234、Thank you for everything this holiday season! 值此佳节,感谢您们所给予的一切。

  235、Season’s greetings. 顺颂时祺。

  236、Pat,you do the honors and propose the toast. 帕特,你敬酒吧。

  237、May the holidays fill your heart with happiness. 祝您节日快乐。

  238、May peace, happiness and good fortune be with you always. 祝您年年阖第平安,岁岁满目吉祥。

  239、I now propose a toast to the friendship between our two people to our friendship.现在,我提议为我们两国人民的友谊干杯。

  240、Here s to your success!为你的成功干杯!










