
时间:2024-08-26 15:44:56 啟宏 商务英语 我要投稿





  I regularly see mistakes with phrases using the words “regards”or “respect”. There are several of these phrases in English, but they are easily confused and mixed up. For example, phrases like in respect to and with regards to are incorrect.

  人们在使用与“regards”和“respect”相关的词组时经常会出现误用错用的情况。在英语里,的确有一些与这两个词相关的词组,但很容易混淆。比如,人们经常会用“in respect to”和“with regards to”来表示“关于”的意思,但实际上这种用法是不正确的。

  Here is a list of correct phrases (they all mean basically the same thing):



  EX:I have received your letter of October 15 regarding the three letters of recommendation which you require.


  2.as regards (this is the only one with an s – “regards”)(这是唯一一个用到regards的词组)

  EX:As regards communication with colleagues, department meetings are held once a fortnight.


  3.in regard to (rare)(很少用)

  EX:This is Bill Burton from Milford Insurance, I'm calling in regard to our meeting next Tuesday.


  4.with regard to

  EX:With regard to the Middle East and North Africa, the U.S. and EU pledged to continue to support democratic transitions and economic development.


  5.respecting (rare)(很少用)

  EX:I must tell you that I have not come to any decided opinion respecting him, but I think him a Maltese.


  6.in respect of

  EX:When a customer first opens an account, he instructs the bank to debit his account only in respect of cheques drawn by himself.


  7.with respect to

  EX:With respect to your other proposals, I am not yet able to tell you our decision.

  例句:谈到你的其他建议, 我现在还无法把我们的决定告诉你。

  二、According to的用法

  Although these phrases are often used interchangeably they have slightly different meanings, so we should be careful how we use them.

  在很多情况下,“According to”和“In accordance with”都可以互换,但是两者之间还是有一些细微的差别的。所以,在使用这两个词组时,我们需要特别小心。

  How to use “According to”?

  “According to”的用法

  “According to…” is usually used when you restate something someone told you or something you have heard or read somewhere. It is mostly used for reporting.

  “According to”往往是用在重述别人的话,或者你在其他地方听到或看到的内容,常用于报告的写作中。

  EX:According to the clerk we spoke to when we telephoned the supervisory authority this morning, the application was filed last week.


  It may be used to introduce information that might not be true:

  “According to”可以用于引用不确实的消息:

  EX:According to the state news agency, the number of demonstrators did not exceed 1,000. However, the organisers of the protest say there were at least 100,000 people on the march.


  It may also be used to introduce hearsay:

  “According to”也可以用来引用道听途说的消息:

  EX:According to Annabel, Tom wants to dump Sarah because he really fancies Emma.


  How to use “In accordance with”?

  “In accordance with”的用法

  “In accordance with…” is used in more formal contexts to introduce the notion of conformity. In a legal context it is used for stating what conforms to the law or a contract. It is never used to introduce information that may not be true.

  “In accordance with”是用在比较正式的内容中,用来引述确实的信息。在法律文本中,这个词组就是用来引述法律条文或合同中的规定的。“In accordance with”从来不会用于引用不确实的消息。

  EX:In accordance with Article 72 of the Act, employees of the Company have the right to form a representative body.


  In some cases you can use “under…” instead of “in accordance with”, or where “in accordance with” seems too strong:

  如果觉得用“in accordance with”语气太强烈的话,也可以用“under…”来替换。

  EX:Under / In accordance with a general rule of the Pharmaceutical law, the sponsor and the investigator are responsible for damage resulting from conducting a clinical trial.


  Using a comma with this type of clause


  EX:According to recent government statistics, unemployment has risen from 3% to 5% over the last 12 months.



  Business English Writing Tips系列对商务和法律人士使用英语时的一些常见错误进行指正,请看以下商务和法律人士(商法人)英语写作常见表达错误:

  1. “well received with many thanks”

  经常看见商法人回复客户邮件时的这种表达方法,这其实是非常strange的一种表达。首先received就可以,加上well就和一般常见的英文表达方式相悖了。其次,thanks就行,加上many没有必要,亦会看起来稍微有一点点过于polite,well received with many thanks是亚洲人会经常用的英语表达方法。所以,这个句子的正确说法应是email received with thanks,但其实这种表达方式老外是不常用的,这更多的是亚洲人对英语的一种发明并最终影响了英美人的使用方法,像Long time no see一样。更正宗一点的表达是We have received your email and we will xxx accordingly或We acknowledge the receipt of your email and thank you for contacting us或者Thank you for sending xxx through and we will xxx accordingly等等。有的时候英文表达不一定是简短的好,正如中文一样,英文是一门存在了很长时间的语言,是有固定和让人舒适的表达方式的,故意缩短不可取。

  2. “captioned matter”

  Captioned matter也是商法人在邮件中经常见到的表达方式,但对这种用法,没有和亚洲人接触过的外国人大都是看不懂的。想用captioned matter在邮件中表达的意思是the matter in the subject line。但在英语中这种表达方式是不存在的,正确的应是把subject line matter再叙述一遍,这样也省去了客户再回到subject line看邮件主题是什么的时间,是一种非常好的习惯。另一个选择就是直接说subject line matter,这样通俗易懂。

  3. “it’s, can’t”

  邮件中经常看到商法人这样用缩写,这是不要紧的。但是在各种正式的商法人memo中个人觉得还是越正式越好,最好直接用It has, it is 或cannot。要注意是cannot 不是can not,中间是没有空格的,这个有时候有人会用错。而且,个人认为应当摒弃memo中所有的英文动词的缩写,只用全称,这样显得更严谨和专业。

  4. “完整的句子,+完整的句子”

  比如,这一个例句:the employee argued with his employer, the employee then left the employer’s office。这个句子在语法上是绝对错误的。因为这是两个完整的句子,不能用逗号连接,要用一个句号终止第一句,然后再另起一句,如the employee argued with his employer. The employee then left the employer’s office。或要用连词连接两句话,比如the employee argued with his employer and the employee left the employer’s office。

  实践中还有一个常见的错误就是把therefore,however等词当成连词用,这在语法上也是错误的。如the employee argued with his employer, however, he controlled his anger。正确的语法应是the employee argued with his employer, however, and he controlled his anger。加上and之后,两个本来独立的完整句子在语法上就被连接起来了。或者干脆断句:the employee argued with his employer. However, he controlled his anger。


  5. “分号的用法”


  FYI,分号多用于连接两个紧密联系的独立句子时,如Call me in 30; I'll have what you are asking for. 但其所用之处表达不太正式,一般只在英文小说或文章中常见,故应尽量在商务memo中避免。

  6. “i.e.和e.g.”

  "i.e."的意思是 "that is" 或者 "in other words," ,"e.g." 的意思是 "for example." 前者是用来澄清你前面已经说的东西,后者是通过举例的方式为你所叙述的事情添加色彩。他们是完全不同的,大多数商法人在实践中分不清楚。

  7. “比较级的使用”

  有时会见到商法人这么用比较级,如employee A’s severance package is higher than employee B. 这在意思上是不成立的。不能说A的package比B高,而应该是A的package比B的package高。所以,正确表达应是employee A’s severance package is higher than employee B’s。

  8. “xxx and I 的使用”

  有时会看见商法人这样的表达:could you please send the documents above to xxx and I? 这样是不正确的,正确的表达应该是could you please send the documents above to xxx and me?因为I在这时候被放在了object的位置上,其要变形为me,才能符合其object 的定位,否则则是以subject的意思替代了object的位置。但如果主语是在句首,则要用I不用me,如xxx and I will send the documents through tomorrow.

  9. “Farther 和Further的区别”

  二者一般可以互换,但farther多指地理位置上的更遥远,而further则多指抽象意义上的更遥远,还是有细微差别的,我们有的时候不太注意。比如I think you deserve to go further in life,这时最好不用farther.

  10. “between 和among”

  Between的意思是在两个不同的事物中,而among则是在一堆大致相同的物体中。比如,Mike needs to choose between incentive plan A and plan B以及Mike needs to choose among all the incentive plans,这个有时候商法人也容易混淆。
















  I regularly see mistakes with phrases using the words “regards”or “respect”. There are several of these phrases in English, but they are easily confused and mixed up. For example, phrases like in respect to and with regards to are incorrect.

  人们在使用与“regards”和“respect”相关的词组时经常会出现误用错用的情况。在英语里,的确有一些与这两个词相关的词组,但很容易混淆。比如,人们经常会用“in respect to”和“with regards to”来表示“关于”的意思,但实际上这种用法是不正确的。

  Here is a list of correct phrases (they all mean basically the same thing):



  EX:I have received your letter of October 15 regarding the three letters of recommendation which you require.


  2.as regards (this is the only one with an s – “regards”)(这是唯一一个用到regards的词组)

  EX:As regards communication with colleagues, department meetings are held once a fortnight.


  3.in regard to (rare)(很少用)

  EX:This is Bill Burton from Milford Insurance, I'm calling in regard to our meeting next Tuesday.


  4.with regard to

  EX:With regard to the Middle East and North Africa, the U.S. and EU pledged to continue to support democratic transitions and economic development.


  5.respecting (rare)(很少用)

  EX:I must tell you that I have not come to any decided opinion respecting him, but I think him a Maltese.


  6.in respect of

  EX:When a customer first opens an account, he instructs the bank to debit his account only in respect of cheques drawn by himself.


  7.with respect to

  EX:With respect to your other proposals, I am not yet able to tell you our decision.

  例句:谈到你的其他建议, 我现在还无法把我们的决定告诉你。

  二、According to的用法

  Although these phrases are often used interchangeably they have slightly different meanings, so we should be careful how we use them.

  在很多情况下,“According to”和“In accordance with”都可以互换,但是两者之间还是有一些细微的差别的。所以,在使用这两个词组时,我们需要特别小心。

  How to use “According to”?

  “According to”的用法

  “According to…” is usually used when you restate something someone told you or something you have heard or read somewhere. It is mostly used for reporting.

  “According to”往往是用在重述别人的话,或者你在其他地方听到或看到的内容,常用于报告的写作中。

  EX:According to the clerk we spoke to when we telephoned the supervisory authority this morning, the application was filed last week.


  It may be used to introduce information that might not be true:

  “According to”可以用于引用不确实的消息:

  EX:According to the state news agency, the number of demonstrators did not exceed 1,000. However, the organisers of the protest say there were at least 100,000 people on the march.


  It may also be used to introduce hearsay:

  “According to”也可以用来引用道听途说的消息:

  EX:According to Annabel, Tom wants to dump Sarah because he really fancies Emma.


  How to use “In accordance with”?

  “In accordance with”的用法

  “In accordance with…” is used in more formal contexts to introduce the notion of conformity. In a legal context it is used for stating what conforms to the law or a contract. It is never used to introduce information that may not be true.

  “In accordance with”是用在比较正式的内容中,用来引述确实的信息。在法律文本中,这个词组就是用来引述法律条文或合同中的规定的。“In accordance with”从来不会用于引用不确实的消息。

  EX:In accordance with Article 72 of the Act, employees of the Company have the right to form a representative body.


  In some cases you can use “under…” instead of “in accordance with”, or where “in accordance with” seems too strong:

  如果觉得用“in accordance with”语气太强烈的话,也可以用“under…”来替换。

  EX:Under / In accordance with a general rule of the Pharmaceutical law, the sponsor and the investigator are responsible for damage resulting from conducting a clinical trial.


  Using a comma with this type of clause


  EX:According to recent government statistics, unemployment has risen from 3% to 5% over the last 12 months.



  Business English Writing Tips系列对商务和法律人士使用英语时的一些常见错误进行指正,请看以下商务和法律人士(商法人)英语写作常见表达错误:

  1. “well received with many thanks”

  经常看见商法人回复客户邮件时的这种表达方法,这其实是非常strange的一种表达。首先received就可以,加上well就和一般常见的英文表达方式相悖了。其次,thanks就行,加上many没有必要,亦会看起来稍微有一点点过于polite,well received with many thanks是亚洲人会经常用的英语表达方法。所以,这个句子的正确说法应是email received with thanks,但其实这种表达方式老外是不常用的,这更多的是亚洲人对英语的一种发明并最终影响了英美人的使用方法,像Long time no see一样。更正宗一点的表达是We have received your email and we will xxx accordingly或We acknowledge the receipt of your email and thank you for contacting us或者Thank you for sending xxx through and we will xxx accordingly等等。有的时候英文表达不一定是简短的好,正如中文一样,英文是一门存在了很长时间的语言,是有固定和让人舒适的表达方式的,故意缩短不可取。

  2. “captioned matter”

  Captioned matter也是商法人在邮件中经常见到的表达方式,但对这种用法,没有和亚洲人接触过的外国人大都是看不懂的。想用captioned matter在邮件中表达的意思是the matter in the subject line。但在英语中这种表达方式是不存在的,正确的应是把subject line matter再叙述一遍,这样也省去了客户再回到subject line看邮件主题是什么的时间,是一种非常好的习惯。另一个选择就是直接说subject line matter,这样通俗易懂。

  3. “it’s, can’t”

  邮件中经常看到商法人这样用缩写,这是不要紧的。但是在各种正式的商法人memo中个人觉得还是越正式越好,最好直接用It has, it is 或cannot。要注意是cannot 不是can not,中间是没有空格的,这个有时候有人会用错。而且,个人认为应当摒弃memo中所有的英文动词的缩写,只用全称,这样显得更严谨和专业。

  4. “完整的句子,+完整的句子”

  比如,这一个例句:the employee argued with his employer, the employee then left the employer’s office。这个句子在语法上是绝对错误的。因为这是两个完整的句子,不能用逗号连接,要用一个句号终止第一句,然后再另起一句,如the employee argued with his employer. The employee then left the employer’s office。或要用连词连接两句话,比如the employee argued with his employer and the employee left the employer’s office。

  实践中还有一个常见的错误就是把therefore,however等词当成连词用,这在语法上也是错误的。如the employee argued with his employer, however, he controlled his anger。正确的语法应是the employee argued with his employer, however, and he controlled his anger。加上and之后,两个本来独立的完整句子在语法上就被连接起来了。或者干脆断句:the employee argued with his employer. However, he controlled his anger。


  5. “分号的用法”


  FYI,分号多用于连接两个紧密联系的独立句子时,如Call me in 30; I'll have what you are asking for. 但其所用之处表达不太正式,一般只在英文小说或文章中常见,故应尽量在商务memo中避免。

  6. “i.e.和e.g.”

  "i.e."的意思是 "that is" 或者 "in other words," ,"e.g." 的意思是 "for example." 前者是用来澄清你前面已经说的东西,后者是通过举例的方式为你所叙述的事情添加色彩。他们是完全不同的,大多数商法人在实践中分不清楚。

  7. “比较级的使用”

  有时会见到商法人这么用比较级,如employee A’s severance package is higher than employee B. 这在意思上是不成立的。不能说A的package比B高,而应该是A的package比B的package高。所以,正确表达应是employee A’s severance package is higher than employee B’s。

  8. “xxx and I 的使用”

  有时会看见商法人这样的表达:could you please send the documents above to xxx and I? 这样是不正确的,正确的表达应该是could you please send the documents above to xxx and me?因为I在这时候被放在了object的位置上,其要变形为me,才能符合其object 的定位,否则则是以subject的意思替代了object的位置。但如果主语是在句首,则要用I不用me,如xxx and I will send the documents through tomorrow.

  9. “Farther 和Further的区别”

  二者一般可以互换,但farther多指地理位置上的更遥远,而further则多指抽象意义上的更遥远,还是有细微差别的,我们有的时候不太注意。比如I think you deserve to go further in life,这时最好不用farther.

  10. “between 和among”

  Between的意思是在两个不同的事物中,而among则是在一堆大致相同的物体中。比如,Mike needs to choose between incentive plan A and plan B以及Mike needs to choose among all the incentive plans,这个有时候商法人也容易混淆。










