- 相关推荐
1.4C营销理论 (The Marketing Theory of 4Cs)
2.4R营销理论 (The Marketing Theory of 4Rs)
3.4P营销理论 (The Marketing Theory of 4Ps)
4.感性营销 (Sensibility Marketing)
5.利基营销 (Niche Marketing)
6.交叉营销 (Cross Marketing)
7.知识营销 (Infromation Marketing)
8.文化营销 (Cultural Marketing)
9.服务营销 (Services Marketing)
10.体验营销 (Experience Marketing)
11.定制营销 (Customization Marketing)
12.色彩营销 (Color Marketing)
13.绿色营销 (Green Marketing)
14.关系营销 (Relationship Marketing)
15.合作营销 (The Co Marketing Solution)
16.伙伴营销 (Partnership Marketing)
17.一对一营销 (One-to-One Marketing)
18.差异化营销 (Difference Marketing)
19.大市场营销 (Big Marketing)
20.个性化营销 (Personalization Marketing)
21.堡垒式营销 (Focalization Marketing)
22.数据库营销 (Data base Marketing)
23.服务分销策略 (Services Distribution Strategy)
24.服务促销策略 (Services Sales Promotion Strategy)
25.整合营销传播 (Integrated Marketing Communications, IMC)
26.水坝式经营 (Dam Operation)
27.战略营销联盟 (Strategic Marketing Union)
28.网络数据库营销 (Internet Data base Marketing)
29.“整时营销” 与“晚盈利” (Profit by Timing Marketing and Lag Profit Marketing)
1.目标管理 (Management by Objectives, MBO)
3.开明管理(Open Management)
4.宽容管理 (Allowance Management)
5.危机管理 (Crisis Management)
6.标杆管理 (Benchmarking Management)
7.人格管理 (Character Management)
8.品牌管理 (Brand Management)
9.变革管理 (Change Management)
10.沟通管理 (Communication Management)
11.走动管理 (Management by Walking Around,MBWA)
12.价值管理 (Value Management)
13.钩稽管理 (Innovation and Practice Management)
14.能本管理 (Capacity Core Management)
15.绩效管理 (Managing For Perfromance)
16.赋权管理 (Delegation Management)
17.灵捷管理 (Celerity Management)
18.物流管理 (Logistics Management/Physical Distribution ) (Physical Distribution为传统意义上的物流)
19.知识管理 (Knowledge Management)
20.时间管理 (Time-Management)
21.互动管理 (Interactive Management)
22.T型管理 (T Management)
23.预算管理 (Budget Management)
24.末日管理 (End Management)
25.柔性管理 (Soft Management)
26.例外管理 (Exception Management)
27.K型管理 (K Management)
28.EVA管理 (Economic Value Added, EVA)
29.5S管理法 (5S :Seiri、Seiten、Seigo、Seiketsu、Shitsuke)
30.零缺陷管理(Zero Defects)
31.一分钟管理(One Minute Management)
32.供应链管理 (Supply Chain Management, SCM)
33.客户关系管理 (Customer Relationship Management,CRM)
34.产品数据管理 (Product Data Management, PDM)
35.过程质量管理法 (Process of Quality Management)
36.管理驾驶舱(Cockpit of Management)
37.OEC管理法 (Over All Every Control and Clear)
38.数字化管理 (Digital Management)
39.海豚式管理 (Management as Porpoise)
40.丰田式管理 (Toyota- Management)
41.跨文化管理 (Span-Culture Management)
42.蚂蚁式管理 (Style of Ant Management)
43.购销比价管理 (Purchase by Grade Management)
44.企业内容管理 (Enterprise Content Management)
45.企业健康管理 (Health of Enterprise Management)
46.薪酬外包管理 (Salary Epibolic Management)
47.戴明的.质量管理 (William Edwards Dem's Quality Management)
48.六西格玛管理法 (Six Sigma)
49.倒金字塔管理 (Handstand Pyramidal Management)
50.变形虫式管理 (Amoeba Management)
1.木桶定律(Cannikin Law)
2.墨菲定律 (Moffe's Law)
3.羊群效应 (Sheep-Flock Effect)
4.帕金森定律 (Parkinson's Law)
5.华盛顿合作定律 (Washington Company Law)
6.手表定律 (Watch Law)
7.蘑菇定律 (Mushroom Law)
8.鲇鱼效应 (Weever Effect)
9.飞轮效应 (Flywheel Effect)
10.光环效应 (Halo Effect)
11.马太效应 (Matthew Effect)
12.蝴蝶效应 (Butterfly Effect)
13.多米诺效应 (Domicile Effect)
14.皮格马利翁效应 (Pygmalion Effect)
15.彼德原理 (The Peter Principle)
16.破窗理论 (Break Pane Law)
17.路径依赖 (Path Dependence)
18.奥卡姆剃刀 (Occam's Razor)
19.博弈论 (Game Theory)
20.定位法则 (Orientation Law)
21.80/20原理 (80/20 Law)
1.7S模型 (Principle of 7S)
2.ABC分析法 (ABC-Analysis)
3.SWOT分析 (SWOT Analysis)
4.波士顿矩阵法 (Boston Matrix Analysis)
5.新7S原则 (Principle of New 7S)
6.PDCA循环 (PDCA Cyc)
7.平衡记分卡 (Balanced Score Card)
8.品管圈 (Quality Control Circle,QCC)
9.零库存 (In-Time Inventory)
10.顾客份额 (Constituency Share)
11.业务流程重组 (Business Process Reengineer)
12.动态薪酬 (Dynamic Salary)
13.管理审计 (Managed Audit)
14.管理层收购 (Management Buy-out)
15.逆向供应链 (Reverse Supply Chain)
16.宽带薪酬设计 (Broad Band Salary Design)
17.员工持股计划(Employee Stock Ownership Plan,ESOP)
18.人力资源外包 (Epiboly HR)
19.360度绩效反馈 (360-Degree Perfromance Feedback)
20.人力资源价值链 (Human Resource Value Chain)
21.柯氏模式 (Kirkpatrick Model)
22.归因模型 (Attribution Model)
23.期望模型 (Expectancy Model)
24.五力模型 (The Five-force Model)
25.安东尼模型 (Anthony Model)
26.CS经营战略(Customer Satisfaction)
27.532绩效考核模型 (532 Perfromance Appraisal Model)
28.101℃理论 (101℃ Theory)
29.双因素激励理论 (Dual Stimulant Theory)
30.注意力经济 (The Economy of Attention)
31.灵捷竞争(Adroitly Compete).德尔菲法(Delphi Technique)
32.执行力 (Execution)
33.领导力 (Leadership)
34.学习力 (Learning Capacity)
35.企业教练 (Corporate Coach)
36.首席知识官 (Chief Knowledge Officer)
37.第五级领导者 (Fifth Rank Leader)
38.智力资本 (Intellect Capital)
39.智能资本 (Intellectual Capital)
40.学习型组织 (Learning Organization)
41.知识型企业 (Knowledge Enterprise)
42.高智商企业 (Knowledge-Intensive Enterprise)
1.financial turmoil/meltdown 金融危机
2.Federal Reserve 美联储
3.real estate 房地产
4.share 股票
5.valuation 股价
6.shareholder 股东
7.macroeconomic 宏观经济
saving account 储蓄帐户
8.go under 破产
9.take a nosedive (股市)大跌
10.tumble 下跌
11.big macs,big/large-cap stock,mega-issue 大盘股
12.offering,list 上市
13.bourse 证交所
Paris Bourse
Stock exchange (or market); securities house; Bourse
bourse transaction tax
14.corporate champion 龙头企业
15.Shanghai Exchange 上海证交所
16.pension fund 养老基金
17.mutual fund 共同基金
18.hedge mutual fund 对冲式共同基金
19.underwriter 保险商
20.government bond 政府债券
subscription to government bond 认购公债
amortization of government bond 政府公债分期偿还
fixed rate government bond 固定利率公债
21.budget 预算
22.deficit 赤字
23.delist 摘牌
24.mongey-loser 亏损企业
25.inventory 存货
26.traded company,trading enterprise 上市公司
state trading enterprise国营贸易企业
27.stakeholder 利益相关者
28.transparency 透明度
29.market fundamentalist 市场经济基本规则
30.damage-contral machinery 安全顾问
31.efficient market 有效市场
32.intellectual property 知识产权
33.opportunistic practice 投机行为
34.entrepreneur 企业家
35.cook the book 做假帐
36.regulatory system 监管体系
37.portfolio 投资组合
38.money-market 短期资本市场 金融市场 金融界
39.capital-market 长期资本市场
40.volatility 波动
41.diversification 多元化 多样化 经营多样化
42.option 期权
43.call option 看涨期权 购买选择权
44.put option 看跌期权
45.merger 并购
46.arbitrage 套利
47.Securities and Exchange Commission 〈美〉证券交易委员会
安全与交换佣金, SEC (简称), 美国管理营业和公共销售安全的部门
48.dollar standard 美元本位制
49.bad debt 坏帐
50.fiscal stimulus 财政刺激
51.a store of value 保值
52.transaction currency 结算货币
53.forward exchange 期货交易
54.intervention currency 干预货币
55.Treasury bond 财政部公债
56.current-account 经常项目
57.pickup in rice 物价上涨
58.Federal Reserve 美联储
59.inflation 通货膨胀
60.deflation 通货紧缩
61.tighter credit 紧缩信贷
62.monetary policy 货币政策
63.foreigh exchange 外汇
64.spot transaction 即期交易 现货交易
65.forward transaction 远期交易
66.option forward transaction 择期交易
67.swap transaction 调期交易互惠信贷交易
68.quote 报价
69.settlment and delivery 交割
70.buying rate 买入价
71.selling rate 卖出价
selling rate卖价卖出汇价销售率卖出价
72.spread 差幅
73.contract 合同
74.at par 平价,按票面价格
75.premium 升水
76.discount 贴水
77.direct quoation method 直接报价法
78.indirect quoation method 间接报价法
79.dividend 股息
80.domestic currency 本币、本国货币
81.floating rate 浮动利率
82.parent company 母公司、总公司
83.credit swap 互惠贷款
84.venture capital 风险资本
85.book value 帐面价值
86.physical capital 实际资本
(1)economist 经济学家
(2)socialist economy 社会主义经济
(3)capitalist economy 资本主义经济
(4)collective economy 集体经济
(5)planned economy 计划经济
(6)controlled economy 管制经济
(7)rural economics 农村经济
(8)liberal economy 经济
(9)mixed economy 混合经济
(10)political economy 政治经济学
(11)protectionism 保护主义
(12)autarchy 闭关自守
(13)primary sector 初级成分
(14)private sector 私营成分,私营部门
(15)public sector 公共部门,公共成分
(16)economic channels 经济渠道
(17)economic balance 经济平衡
(18)economic fluctuation 经济波动
(19)economic depression 经济衰退
(20)economic stability 经济稳定
(21)economic policy 经济政策
(22)economic recovery 经济复原
(23)understanding 约定
(24)concentration 集中
(25)holding company 控股公司
(26)trust 托拉斯
(27)cartel 卡特尔
(28)rate of growth 增长
(29)economic trend经济趋势
(30)economic situation 经济形势
(31)infrastructure 基本建设
(32)standard of living 生活标准,生活水平
(33)purchasing power, buying power 购买力
(34)scarcity 短缺
(35)stagnation 停滞,萧条,不景气
(36)underdevelopment 不发达
(37)underdeveloped 不发达的
(38)developing 发展中的.
(39)initial capital 创办资本
(40)frozen capital 冻结资金
(41)frozen assets 冻结资产
(42)fixed assets 固定资产
(43)real estate 不动产,房地产
(44)circulating capital, working capital 流动资本
(45)available capital 可用资产
(46)capital goods 资本货物
(47)reserve 准备金,储备金
(48)calling up of capital 催缴资本
(49)allocation of funds 资金分配
(50)contribution of funds 资金捐献
(51)working capital fund 周转基金
(52)revolving fund 循环基金,周转性基金
(53)contingency fund 意外开支,准备金
(54)reserve fund 准备金
(55)buffer fund 缓冲基金,平准基金
(56)sinking fund 偿债基金
(57)investment 投资,资产
(58)investor 投资人
(59)self-financing 自筹经费,经费自给
(60)bank 银行
(61)current account 经常帐户
(62)(美作:checking account)
(63)current-account holder 支票帐户
(64)(美作:checking-account holder)
(65)cheque 支票 (美作:check)
(66)bearer cheque, cheque payable to bearer 无记名支票,来人支票
(67)crossed cheque 划线支票
(68)traveller's cheque 旅行支票
(69)chequebook 支票簿,支票本 (美作:checkbook)
(70)endorsement 背书
(71)transfer 转让,转帐,过户
(72)money 货币
(73)issue 发行
(74)ready money 现钱
(75)cash 现金
(76)ready money business, no credit given 现金交易,概不赊欠
(77)change 零钱
(78)banknote, note 钞票,纸币 (美作:bill)
(79)to pay (in) cash 付现金
(80)domestic currency, local currency] 本国货币
(81)convertibility 可兑换性
(82)convertible currencies 可兑换货币
(83)exchange rate 汇率,兑换率
(84)foreign exchange 外汇
(85)floating exchange rate 浮动汇率
(86)free exchange rates 汇兑市场
(87)foreign exchange certificate 外汇兑换券
(88)hard currency 硬通货
(89)speculation 投机
(90)saving 储装,存款
(91)depreciation 减价,贬值
(92)devaluation (货币)贬值
(93)revaluation 重估价
(94)runaway inflation 无法控制的通货膨胀
(95)deflation 通货紧缩
(96)capital flight 资本外逃
(97)securities business 证券市场
(98)stock exchange 贡市场
(99)stock exchange corporation 证券交易所
(100)stock exchange 证券交易所,贡交易所
(101)quotation 报价,牌价
(102)share 股份,贡
(103)shareholder, stockholder 贡持有人,股东
(105)cash dividend现金配股
(106)stock investment 贡投资
(107)investment trust 投资信托
(108)stock-jobber 贡经纪人
(109)stock company, stock brokerage firm 证券公司
(110)securities 有价证券
(111)share, common stock 普通股
(112)preference stock 优先股
(113)income gain 股利收入
(114)issue 发行贡
(115)par value 股面价格, 票面价格
(116)bull 买手, 多头
(117)bear 卖手, 空头
(118)assigned 过户
(119)opening price 开盘
(120)closing price 收盘
(121)hard times 低潮
(122)business recession 景气衰退
(123)doldrums 景气停滞
(124)dull 盘整
(125)ease 松弛
(126)raising limit 涨停板
(127)break 暴跌
(128)bond, debenture 债券
(129)Wall Street 华尔街
(130)short term loan 短期贷款
(131)medium term loan 中期贷款
(132)lender 债权人
(133)creditor 债权人
(134)debtor 债务人,借方
(135)borrower 借方,借款人
(136)borrowing 借款
(137)interest 利息
(138)rate of interest 利率
(139)discount 贴现,折扣
(140)rediscount 再贴现
(141)annuity 年金
(142)maturity 到期日,偿还日
(143)amortization 摊销,摊还,分期偿付
(144)redemption 偿还
(145)insurance 保险
(146)mortgage 抵押
(147)allotment 拨款
(148)short term credit 短期信贷
(149)consolidated debt 合并债务
(150)funded debt 固定债务,长期债务
(151)floating debt 流动债务
(152)drawing 提款,提存
(153)aid 援助
(154)allowance, grant, subsidy 补贴,补助金,津贴
(155)short term loan 短期贷款
(156)long term loan 长期贷款
(157)medium term loan 中期贷款
(158)lender 债权人
(159)creditor 债权人
(160)debtor 债务人,借方
(161)borrower 借方,借款人
(162)borrowing 借款
(163)interest 利息
(164)rate of interest 利率
(165)discount 贴现,折扣
(166)rediscount 再贴现
(167)annuity 年金
(168)maturity 到期日,偿还日
(169)amortization 摊销,摊还,分期偿付