
时间:2024-10-31 15:24:33 志华 公共英语 我要投稿
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  第一节 单项填空


  (1)-0h no! I put my bag downhere,but now it’s gone. - __________.Shall I call the police?

  A. Excuseme

  B. Oh,dear

  C. Noproblem

  D. OK

  (2)Why don’t you start out early __________ you don’thave to hurry?

  A. notuntil

  B. sincethen

  C. sothat

  D. as if

  (3)Hard as he tried,he still __________ not get the accident out of his mind.

  A. might

  B. should

  C. could

  D. would

  (4)When __________ into anotherlanguage,the poem reads strange.

  A. havingtranslated

  B. translated

  C. totranslate

  D. translating

  (5)I need your advice——which computer to buy.

  A. on

  B. for

  C. to

  D. with

  (6)一Do you like the bookSidney gave you?一Very much.It’s exactly__________I wanted.

  A. what

  B. which

  C. that

  D. how

  (7)A storm buried Illinois underseveral inches of snow Tuesday,__________at least 100 peopledead in traffic accidents.

  A. toleave

  B. leave

  C. left

  D. leaving

  (8)Whichever way you look at__________,joining the Olympic Games can be an outstanding achievementfor anyone.

  A. that

  B. it

  C. one

  D. this

  (9)一Sorry to bother you.This is the fifth floor,isn’t it?一Yes,it is.Where __________?

  A. doyou stay

  B. areyou from

  C. doyou want to be

  D. areyou

  (10)David won’t be home untilnext month.Oh,__________ too soon—herehe is now!

  A. willspeak

  B. speak

  C. havespoken

  D. hadspoken

  (11)Im against the idea__________ the woman’s place is in the kitchen.

  A. where

  B. which

  C. that

  D. how

  (12)The journey should onlytake about 30 minutes,but __________ it usually takes anhour.

  A. inturn

  B. ingeneral

  C. intime

  D. infact

  (13)The better I get to knowLisa,__________ I like her.

  A. themore

  B. themuch

  C. thebest

  D. themost

  (14)一What did Mr.Jones do before he came to this company?一He __________ a city bus for over twenty-five years.

  A. isdriving

  B. drove

  C. hasdriven

  D. drives

  (15)一My birthday falls on__________ Saturday this year. 一Good!We’ll have time for a big party.

  A. a;/

  B. the;/

  C. a;the

  D. /;the

  第二节 完形填空


  (1)回答{TSE}题Would you believe that the firstoutstanding deaf teacher in America was Laurent Clerc,a Frenchman? At 12,he 36 the Royal Institutionfor the Deaf in Pads where he became a top student.After 37 ,the school asked him to stay on as a 38. Meanwhile.an American named Thomas Gallaudet wasstudying to be a minister(牧师)39 he met a young girl whowas deaf.He was disappointed to learn that there weren0 40 for the deaf in America.41 ,in 1815 Gallaudet sailedto London to 42 information on deaf education.However.he was 43 to get help and becamefrustrated(灰心的).Fortunately he meta French educator wh0 44 him to go to Pads to spend three months 45 atthe school where Clerc was working.The school askedClerc to teach 46 sign language.As aresult,the two men 47 each other. When the time came for Gallaudet t0 48 America,he asked Clerc to come with him.The twomen 49 in June l816.The voyage 50 the Atlantic(大西洋)tookdays.They put the time to productive use, 51 for the new school for the deaf 52 they wanted to open.Such a school was 53 thefollowing year in Connecticut. At the school,Clerc led a busy life.Although he wanted to return to France,he 54 did.He died onJuly l8,1869,still in America.France’s 55 was America’s gain !


  A. entered

  B. visited

  C. heardof

  D. setup


  A. work

  B. preparation

  C. graduation

  D. explanation


  A. headmaster

  B. teacher

  C. graduatestudent

  D. clinicassistant


  A. after

  B. unless

  C. because

  D. when


  A. schools

  B. hospitals

  C. libraries

  D. organizations


  A. Therefore

  B. However

  C. Besides

  D. Meanwhile


  A. offer

  B. share

  C. test

  D. seek


  A. eager

  B. afraid

  C. unable

  D. willing


  A. joined

  B. invited

  C. ordered

  D. permitted


  A. learning

  B. monitoring

  C. practicing

  D. reviewing


  A. theeducator

  B. Laurent

  C. theparent

  D. Gallaudet


  A. respected

  B. taught

  C. met

  D. expected


  A. leave

  B. tour

  C. moveto

  D. returnto


  A. setout

  B. gotback

  C. settleddown

  D. workedout


  A. to

  B. across

  C. from

  D. over


  A. learninglanguages

  B. designinggames

  C. meetingstudents

  D. makingplans


  A. whom

  B. which

  C. what

  D. where


  A. discovered

  B. bought

  C. planned

  D. founded


  A. often

  B. sometimes

  C. seldom

  D. never


  A. fault

  B. loss

  C. gift

  D. decision

  (2)He saw the old lady and her car on the sideof the road.Hecould see she needed help.So he pulled up in front ofher car and got out. Even with the smile on his face.she was worried.He didn’t look safe.He looked poor and hungry. He said.“I’m here to help you,ma’am.My name is Bryan Anderson.”All she had was a flat tire(瘪胎),but for an old lady,that was bad enough.Bryan changed the tire and she couldn’t thank him enough for thehelp.Then,the lady asked howmuch she owed him.She had already imagined all theterrible things that could have happened.He told herthat if she really wanted to pay him back,the next timeshe saw someone who needed help,she could give thatperson the help they needed. A few miles down the road,the lady saw a small caf6.She went in.The waitress came over with asweet smile.one that even being on her feet for thewhole day couldn’t erase.She noticed thewaitress was nearly eight months pregnant(怀孕),but she never let her aches be noticed.The oldlady wondered how someone who had so little could be so giving to a stranger.Then,she remembered Bryan. After her meal,the lady paid with a one hundred dollar bill.The waitress quickly went to get change.butwhen she came back,she noticed something written on thenapkin(餐巾纸)with the words saying:“You don’t owe me anything.Somebody oncehelped me out,the way Im helping you.If you really want to pay me back,here iswhat you d0:Do not let this chain of love end with you.”Under the napkin were four more$100 bills. That night when the waitress got home,she was thinking aboutwhat the lady had written.How could the lady have knownhow much she and her husband needed the money with the baby due next month? Asshe lay sleeping next to her husband,she whispered softand low,“Everything’s going to be all right.I love you,Bryan Anderson.”

  (1)Why was the old ladyworried when Bryan tried to help her?

  A. Shehad difficulty talking to a stranger.

  B. Shenoticed a forced smile on his face.

  C. Shefound him in trouble too.

  D. She feared he might hurt her.

  (2)Why did the old lady wantto give money to Bryan?

  A. Sherecognized Bryan was a friend of hers.

  B. Shewanted to pay him for the new tire.

  C. Shetried to keep clear of trouble.

  D. Shethought he might get angry.

  (3)The underlined word “erase”in Paragraph 5 probably means__________.

  A. hold

  B. insist

  C. forget

  D. remove

  (4)What did the lady suggestif the waitress wanted to pay her back?

  A. Tryingto help others.

  B. Working harder in the future.

  C. Keepingsmiling all the time.

  D. Givingmoney to those in need.

  (5)What would be the besttitle for this text?

  A. GodHelp Those Who Help Themselves.

  B. WhatGoes Around Comes Around.

  C. MisfortuneNever Comes Alone.

  D. Moneydoesn’t Grow on Trees.

  (3)Different countries have different cultures.A same gesture may havedistinct meanings indifferent countries.For instance,in Africa,people knock at the table withtheir fingers to call waiters which is considered as impolite in China.In western countries.if you make a circlewith your thumb and the index finger(食指),and then raise the other three fingers.youare suggesting “OK”.The same gesture,however,means “money” in Japan while makesBrazilian people feel insulted(受侮辱的).With that in mind,you’d better learn abouttheir custom before travelling to foreign countries. Greeting is an important part ofcommunication between people.When greeting someone,Americans tend to holdout their hands and look directly into his/her eyes andthen smile.However.sometimessuch behavior might bring nothing but misunderstanding in other countries.A handshake might not be accepted and looking others right in theeye Can have different meanings. Asian people regard physical contact asembarrassin9;therefore,they do not shake hands.They have their ownways of greeting people.For Japanese,a slight bow of the head is enough.In Korea,women do not shake hands or hug with people;whilemen might shake hands accompanied by nodding the head once.In western Asia,Muslims do not make bodycontacts with women yet hug is generally accepted among men.Same thing happens on eye contact.In manycountries,people avoid direct eye contact to showrespect.This can cause misunderstanding,too.In fact. students have been regarded as lacking respectfor their American teachers exactly because they failed to make eye contactswith their teachers. Though different cultures seem to havedifferent ways of greeting.smiling is taken as the universal gesture of friendliness.Smiling indicates happiness or agreement(同意)andit can also be used to mean “Excuse me ”or “Please”.Sowhen you are not sure what to do,just smile.

  (6)When two Japanese men meet,they might greet each other by __________

  A. shakingeach other

  B. huggingeach other

  C. kissingeach other on both cheeks

  D. bow

  ingtheir heads

  (7)If an American makes an “OK"gesture to a Japanese,then the Japanese probably think that__________

  A. theyhave agreed on something

  B. theAmerican feels happy

  C. theAmerican insults him

  D. theAmerican wants money

  (8)What will be regarded asimpolite? __________.

  A. Makea direct eye contact with an American

  B. Tryto hug a Muslim woman

  C. Bowto a Japanese when you first meet

  D. Smileto a French in order to show that you are happy

  (9)What’s the best title forthis passage?

  A. Nevershake hands with Asian people

  B. Differentculture,differentcustom

  C. Smileas much as you can

  D. Peoplebehave rudely in foreign countries

  (4)When mentioning Korea.people might come up witha string of things,such as kimchi(泡菜),cosmetics and beautiful girls.In fact,Korea is also famous for hand—madeclothes.In Korea,you Can get asuit that is well made to your measure within a couple of days but be carefulabout the size because Korean sizes are often a little small,especially to westerners.Even a “large” sizeT-shirt bought in Korea can be too small for an American! Korean clothes aremade of various kinds of silk and other materials.YouCan also buy hand—made traditional clothes in Korea. Those traditional Korean clothes have quite along history which Can be found in ancient wall paintings or on tombs.“Hanbok”(韩服)Can be the best representative of Korean culture.Today hanbok is still worn during formal occasions.Hanbok consists of two parts.“Jeogori”(赤古里),me top part,isblouse—like and has long sleeves.For the bottom part,women wear “Chima”(高腰背心裙),a kind of skirt,and men wear “Paji”(巴基),bag—like trousers. White is the color for common people whileduring festivals or on Special days,upper classes will wear clothes in bright colorsto indicate their social status.Accessories likejewelry and head—dresses complete traditional Korean clothes.Traditional Korean clothes favor soft flowing lines to hide thebody’s shape representing the pursuit for beauty and elegance of Korean people.The de-signs of various forms of Hanbok represent the rich cultureof Korea.

  (10)Which statement is trueabout the first paragraph?

  A. It isvery difficult to get a hand-made suit in Korea.

  B. Westernerscannot wear Korean clothes because they are often too large.

  C. Youcan buy traditional Korean clothes and many other kinds of clothing in Korea.

  D. A11Korean clothes are hand—made by Korean tailors.

  (11)__________will not appear intraditional Korean clothes for women.

  A. Hanbok

  B. Jeogori

  C. Chima

  D. Paji

  (12)How can we recognizepeople with high social status during festivals or on special days in Korea?

  A. Bythe accessories they are wearing.

  B. By mecolor of clothes they are wearing.

  C. Bythe size of clothes they are wearing.

  D. Wecouldn’t distinguish them because they dress the same.

  (5)The Northern Pike is a very bad fish.It is a big,hungry fish,and eats little fish.Many Northern Pike live in Lake Davis.Theyare killing all the smaller fish in the lake.TheNorthern Pike area serious danger to the lake because they eat all the smallerfish.Soon,all other kinds offish in the lake will be killed off.This is not healthyfor the environment(环境). Researchers are afraid that the Northern Pike,will swim out of LakeDavis through many smaller rivers that feed into the lake.They could spread all over the country and damage many other waterenvironments.If that happens,itwould be too late to stop the Northern Pike. For ten years.officials have been trying to remove theNorthern Pike from Lake Davis.They have tried usingnets and poisons(毒药).However,the Northern Pike population is still doing well in Lake Davis.Many people do not like the idea of using poison to kill the fish.They worry that the poisons are bad for humans who use the water.However,people haven’t found any poisons atall in local(当地的)wells. Scientists are going to try the poison again.This time,they will dry off the lake before puttingthepoison in.Apublic hearing will be held to talk about the problem.

  (13)This text is most probably__________.

  A. ashort story

  B. anews report

  C. flresearch paper

  D. anofficial announcement

  (14)What could happen if theNorthern Pike swim out of Lake Davis?

  A. Theycould be out of control.

  B. Thesmaller fish would be saved.

  C. Theenvironment could be improved.

  D. Manysmall rivers would be poisoned.

  (15)What was the result ofusing poisons in Lake Davis?

  A. Peoplestopped using the well water.

  B. Thelake was seriously damaged.

  C. Thepoisons worked as expected.

  D. Therewere hardly any effects.

  (16)A public hearing will beheld because __________.

  A. localpeople object to the use of poisons

  B. the NorthernPike have spread to other lakes

  C. peopleare strongly against drying off the lake

  D. theharm of the Northern Pike is seldom heard of

  (6)Even if your child is an excellent student,you can’t expect that hewill always dutifully do his homework.The following issome useful advice for helping them deal with their homework. Set a regular time and place for study.Give homework its ownspecial time and place,and if your child is in middleor high school,let her set her own timetable. Take it step by step.Children may getoverwhelmed(压倒)by too much homework they have to do.Encourage your child to calmly work out what needs to be done andhow much time it will take,and then make a plan.Help your child break homework down into manageable steps. Help out.You shouldn’t have to do your child’s homeworkor re—teach the material covered in class.but you canhelp out by showing your interest and by encouraging independent(独立的)problem solving. Praise a job well done.Kids,no matter what their age,need to know thatthey are doing a good job.Praise them for theirsuccesses and encourage them to keep up the good work.Alittle praise will go a long way in building healthy study habits.

  (17)For whom is the textmainly written?

  A. Parents.

  B. Teachers.

  C. Headmasters.

  D. Students.

  (18)What should a child beencouraged to do when having too much homework?

  A. Havean interest in it.

  B. Setenough time for it.

  C. Askhis parents for help.

  D. Do itin manageable steps.

  (19)The text says thatchildren should be encouraged to__________.

  A. managetheir own learning

  B. expresstheir interest and care

  C. askas many questions as possible

  D. findsomeone to re-teach the lessons

  (20)What can best helpchildren to keep on making progress?

  A. Goingover the lessons with them.

  B. Encouragingthem from time to time.

  C. Helping them with study plans

  D. Offering them a special place.

  第二节 书面表达

  (1)假定你是李明,你的美国笔友Alex将于今年四月到杭州进行为期一个月的学习。请根据以下要点给他写封信: 1.表示欢迎; 2.月平均气温20度左右; 3.带雨伞、相机; 4.祝旅行愉快。 注意: 1.词数100词左右; 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.请直接将书面表达写在答题卡2背面。


  第一节 单项填空


  (1) :B句意:——不会吧!我把我的包放在这,但是现在不见了。——天哪。要我报警吗?本题考查的是情景英语。由第一句可知出现了意料之外的事情,第二旬自然表达惊讶之情。“Excuse me”意思是“抱歉;劳驾”。“Oh,dear”的意思是“哦,我的天哪”。“No problem”和“OK”的意思均是“没问题”。故B正确。

  (2) :C句意:为什么你不早点出发?这样就不用赶了!本题考查的是副词连接词意义的辨析。“notuntil”的意思是“直到…才”。“since then”的意思是“自从…”,“so that”的意思是“为了;以便”。“asif”的意义是“好像…”。故C正确。

  【知识拓展】so that和so…that的区别。两个短语形似但意义却迥异。so that…引导目的状语从句,意为“为了;以便”,如I read more books so that I can catch up with my classmates.我读更多的书,以便我能赶上我的同学。而so…that引导结果状语从句,意为“如此…以至于…”,如I am so hungry that I ate six hamburgers.我是如此的饿以至于吃了六个汉堡包。

  (3) :C句意:尽管他努力尝试,但仍不能摆脱车祸的阴影。本题考查的是情态动词的意义辨析。“might”表示推测,意为“也许”。“should”表示建议,意为“应该”。“could”表示能力,意为“能够”。“would”表示意愿,意为“想要”。故C正确。

  (4) :B句意:这首诗被翻译成另一种语言之后读起来会很奇怪。本题考查的是分词结构作状语的用法。分词结构作状语,若分词结构的主语与主句主语一致,动词使用现在分词形式;否则,使用过去分词形式。poem是translate这个动作的宾语,而非主语,故B正确。

  (5) :A句意:我该买哪款电脑需要你给点儿意见。本题考查的是介词的用法。“advice on…”为固定搭配,后面接意见的内容,意为“对…提出意见”。故A正确。

  (6) :A句意:你喜欢西德尼给你的书吗?——非常喜欢。这正是我想要的。本题考查的是连接词的选择。题干是一个表语从句且连接词在从句中作宾语,因此需要由连接代词引导。选项中what和which可以作为连接代词引导表语从句,而what意为“所…的事物”,而which表示选择“哪一个”。故A正确。

  (7) :D句意:星期二伊利诺伊州下了几英寸厚的暴风雪,造成至少100人死于交通事故。本题考查的是分词结构作状语的用法。若分词结构的主语与主句主语一致,动词使用现在分词形式,否则,使用过去分词形式。由题意可知,这场暴风雪正是造成100人死于交通事故的原因,即a storm是leave的主语,故D正确。

  (8) :B句意:无论从哪个角度看,参加奥运会对任何人来说都是一项杰出的成就。本题考查的是it作代词的用法。由题意可知,画线部分和joiningthe Olympic Games指的是同一件事。it可以用作代词,指代上下文重复出现的短语或者句子,以避免重复。故B正确。

  【知识拓展】it可以用作人称代词和指示代词。作人称代词时,it指代第三人称单数,代表前文已提到过的一件事物,如:I love swimming.It keeps me fit.我喜欢游泳,它能使我保持健康。同时,当说话者不清楚或无必要知道说话对象的性别时,也可用it来表示。如:It&

  【知识拓展】it可以用作人称代词和指示代词。作人称代词时,it指代第三人称单数,代表前文已提到过的一件事物,如:I love swimming.It keeps me fit.我喜欢游泳,它能使我保持健康。同时,当说话者不清楚或无必要知道说话对象的性别时,也可用it来表示。如:It’S a lovely baby.Is it a boy ora girl?宝宝真可爱,是男孩还是女孩?it作指示代词时,常用来指人。如,一who is making such a noise?——是谁发出这样的吵闹声?一It must be the children.——一定是孩子们。此外,it还可以用作没有具体意义的主语,出现于表示天气、气候、温度、时间、地点、距离等意义的句子中。如:It is half past three nOW。现在是三点半钟。

  (9) :C句意:——抱歉打扰你一下。这是五楼,对吧?——是的,你想去哪?本题考查的是日常用语的用法。A的意思为“你住在哪?”。B的意思为“你来自哪个国家?”。C的意思为“你想去哪?”。D的意思为“你在哪?”。故c正确。

  (10) :B句意:——大卫要下个月才能回家呢。哦,我说早了!——他回来了。本题考查的是日常用语的用法。speaktoo soon意为“说早了”。故B正确。

  (11) :C句意:我反对认为女人的位置就在厨房这样的想法。本题考查的是同位语从句的连接词。由题意可知,“the woman’S place is in thekitchen.”是我反对的想法的内容,因此该句是同位语从句,应由that引导。故C正确。

  【知识拓展】同位语从句和定语从句的辨析是常考的考点。同位语从句同它所修饰的名词在内容上是等同关系,是在述说先行词的具体内容,而定语从句说明前一名词的性质、特征,对先行词进行修饰、限制,是先行词不可缺少的定语。引导词在同位语从句中不作句子成分;而在定语从句中必作句子成分,是从句所修饰的词的替代词。试比较:The fact that theChinesepeople invented the compass is known to all。中国人发明指南针这个事实是众所周知的。(同位语从旬)The fact that wetalked about is very important.我们谈论的这个事实很重要。(定语从句)

  (12) :D句意:这段路应该只需要30分钟,但实际上通常要花一一个小时。本题考查的是介词短语的意义辨析。“in turn”意为“轮流”。“ingeneral”意为“总体上…”。“in time”意为“及时”。“in fact”意为“实际上”。故D正确。

  (13) :A句意:我越了解丽莎,就越喜欢她。本题考查的是固定句型“The more…the more…”。more后面分别接形容词/副词的比较级,意为“越…越…”。故A正确。

  (14) :C句意:一一琼斯先生来这家公司之前是做什么的?一一他开了超过25年的城市巴士。本题考查的是动词时态。由题意可知,开城市巴士这个动作到现在为止持续了25年多,并且for +时间段是完成时的显著标志。故C正确。

  (15) :A句意:——今年我的生日赶在一个星期六。——太好r!我们有时问开个大party了!本题考查的是定冠词和不定冠词的用法。第一个空表示泛指,所以用不定冠词a。第二个空同样表示泛指,而time是不可数名词,所以不填冠词。故A正确。第二节 完形填空


  (1) :A





  在学校的日子克拉克十分忙碌。尽管他想要回到法国。但他始终没能如愿。1869年7月18日克拉克在美国去世。法国的损失却是美国珍贵的财富本题考查的是动词的用法。enter意为“进入”,visit意为“拜访”,hear of意为“听说”,set up意为“创建”。根据上下文的意思,罗伦进入学校学习并且成绩十分优秀。故A正确。

  (2) :C本题考查的是名词的用法。work意为“工作”,preparation意为“准备”,graduation意为“毕业”,explanation意为“解释”。上文提到罗伦求学的经历,因此可以推断此句是讲他毕业之后的事情。故C正确。

  (3) :B本题考查的是对上下文的理解。上文提到罗伦求学的经历,那么他被邀请留在学校只能是做教师。故B正确。

  (4) :D本题考查连接副词的意义辨析。after意为“在…之后”,unless意为“除非”,because意为“因为”,when意为“当…时”。主句使用过去进行时态,说明加劳德特学习成为一名牧师和他遇到一个聋哑女孩这两个动作同时发生,故D正确。

  (5) :A本题考查对全文的理解。通读全文可知,文章介绍的是美国第一个聋哑学校的建立和第一位聋哑学生教师的事迹,故A正确。

  (6) :A本题考查对上下文的理解。美国没有一所聋哑学校是加劳德特赴伦敦寻求帮助的原因,因此应该选择表示因果关系的连词。therefore意为“因此”,however意为“然而,可是”,besides意为“并且”,meanwhile意为“与此同时”,故A正确。

  (7) :D本题考查动词的词义辨析。0ffer意为“提供”,share意为“分享”,test意为“测试”,seek意为“寻求”。上文提到因为美国没有一所聋哑学校,因此加劳德特去伦敦是要寻求相关信息,故D正确。

  (8) :C本题考查对连词however用法的掌握。however意为“然而,可是”,表示转折关系,说明加劳德特没能获得帮助,故C正确。

  (9) :B本题考查动词词义的辨析。join意为“加入”,invite意为“邀请”,order意为“命令”,permit意为“允许”。上文提到加劳德特在伦敦一无所获,因而可以推知那位法国教育家邀请加劳德特到法国寻求帮助,故B正确。

  (10) :A本题考查对上下文的理解。learn意为“学习”,monitor意为“监测”,practice意为“练习”,review意为“复习;检查”。根据上下文可知加劳德特获邀到法国的学校学习,故A正确。

  (11) :D本题考查对上下文的理解。上文提到加劳德特获邀到克拉克任教的学校学习,因此可推断出克拉克教授手语的对象正是加劳德特,故D正确。

  (12) :C本题考查对上下文的理解。上文提到加劳德特来到克拉克任教的学校学习,下文提到他们共赴美国,由此可知他们在学校的时候相识。故C正确。

  (13) :D本题考查对上下文的理解。上文提到加劳德特是美国人,获邀在法国学习三个月,因此可推断出此处表示他要返回美国了。故D正确。

  (14) :A本题考查动词词组的意义。set out有“出发”的意思,get back意为“拿回;夺回”,settledown意为“定居;安定下来”,work out意为“想出;弄懂”。上文提到加劳德特邀请克拉克去美国,因此这里是说两人一起出发,故A正确。

  (15) :B本题考查介词的用法。to表示方向,across意为“横跨”,from表示来源,over作介词意为“在…上方”。根据题意,从伦敦回到美国要横跨大西洋,故B正确。

  (16) :D本题考查对上下文的理解。由上文可知,加劳德特和克拉克两人在去往美国的途中充分利用了时间,可以推断两人是在为即将在美国开办的聋哑学校做计划,故D正确。

  (17) :B本题考查关系词的选择。关系词在句中引导定语从旬,修饰the new school for the deaf,且关系词在从句中作0pen的宾语,故B正确。

  (18) :D本题考查对上下文的理解。discover意为“发现”,buy意为“购买”,plan意为“计划”,found意为“建立”。上文已经提到加劳德特和克拉克计划开办聋哑学校,因此此处是指学校最终建立,故D正确。

  (19) :D本题考查对上下文的理解。上文中连词although意为“尽管…”,表明两个分句间是转折关系,因此可以推断克拉克想要回到法国却没能如愿,并且根据下文克拉克在美国去世,可知他从未回到法国。故D正确。

  (20) :B本题考查名词的使用。克拉克的去世对法国是一个损失。故B正确。

  (1) :D他看到一位老妇人和她停在路边的车子。他能看得出这位老妇人需要帮助。因此他把车停在她的车前面然后走了出去。




  推理题。题二F意为“为什么当布莱恩试图帮助老妇人的时候,她感到担忧?”从文中第二段对老妇人心理活动的描写“He didn’t look safe.He looked poorand hungry.”


  (2) :C推理题。题干意为“为什么老妇人想要付钱给布莱恩?”从文中第三段对老妇人心理活动的描写“Shehad already imagined all the temble things that could have happened.”可以推断老妇人想要破财免灾。故c为正确答案。

  (3) :D推理题。题干意为“第五段中划线的单词erase是什么意思?”从第五段第三句话“She noticedthe waitress was nearly eight months pregnant,but she never let her aches be noticed.”可以推知服务员尽管已经怀了8个月的身孕,但是不想让别人感到她身体的不适,因此竭力让自己的笑容不被抹去,故D为正确答案。

  (4) :A细节题。题干意为“老妇人建议服务员如果想要报答她的话,要怎么做?”从文中第六段最后一句话“If youreally want to pay me back,here is whatyou d0:Do not let this chain oflove end with you.”可知,老妇人让服务员将爱心传递下去,也就是继续帮助其他人。故A为正确答案。

  (5) :B主旨题。题干意为“以下哪项最适合做本文的标题?”通过本文叙述的两个故事可以看出文章的主题是爱的传递,布莱恩付出的爱心经由老妇人又传递回了他本人和他的妻子。故B为正确答案。

  (6) :D

  不同的国家拥有不同的文化  。同一个手势可能在不同的国家有着不同的含义。比如,在非洲,人们通过敲打桌子来叫服务员,然而这在中国却是不礼貌的。在西方国家,如果你用大拇指和食指环成一个圈


  问候是人际交往中重要的一部分。当问候别人的时候,美国人会伸出手,直视对方,并且面带微笑。然而,有时候这样的行为会在其他国家造成误解。那些国家的人们不会用握手来彼此问候,而直视对方的眼睛也有着不同的含义。 ‘



  (7) :D推理题。题干意为“如果一个美国人对一个日本人做出‘0K’的手势,那么日本人可能会认为?”根据第一段第四、五句可知,美国人用“OK”的手势表达“好的,没问题”,而同一个手势在日本表示“金钱”,由此可推知,如果日本人看到美国人摆出“OK”的手势,可能会觉得是想要钱。故D为正确答案。

  (8) :B细节题。题干意为“以下哪项中的行为会被认为是不礼貌的?”根据第三段末尾亚洲学生因为不与他们的美国老师进行眼神接触而被认为对老师有失尊重的例子,可以推知美国人习惯进行直接的眼神接触,故A项的行为是礼貌的。根据第三段第三句“对日本人来说,轻轻颔首就足够了。”可知点头致意是日本人的问候方式,故c项的行为是礼貌的。根据第四段第一句可知“微笑被看作是表达友好的通用方式”,因此D项对法国人来讲,用微笑来表达自己喜悦的心情是礼貌的。根据第三段第五句“在西亚,穆斯林并不与女性发生身体接触,但是男性之间通常可以互相拥抱”可知穆斯林的女性是不与人进行身体接触的,所以B项的行为会被认为是不礼貌的。故B为正确答案。

  (9) :B主旨题。题干意为“以下哪项是文章的最佳标题?”文章以不同手势在不同国家的不同含义开始,引出各个国家问候方式的不同,接着讲述了不同国家对待身体接触和眼神接触的不同态度。不难看出,文章是围绕“不同国家,不同风俗习惯”这一一个主题进行的。故B为正确答案。

  (10) :C一提起韩国,人们可能会想到很多东西,比如泡菜、化妆品和美女。实际上,韩国的手工制作衣服也很有名。在韩国,几天的时间就可以让你拥有一套手工制作的衣服,但是一定要留意尺寸,因为韩国的尺码通常偏小一点,特别是对西方人来说。即便是一件大号的T恤衫对美国人来说也可能太小了!韩国的衣服由各种丝绸以及其他材料制作而成。你也可以在韩国购买传统手工服装。





  (11) :D细节题。题干意为“——不会出现在传统韩国女性服装中。”根据第二段第四句和第五句可知,Hanbok是韩服的总称,Jeogori(赤古里)是韩国男性和女性都会穿着的上装,Chima(高腰背心裙)是韩国女性穿着的下装,而Paji(巴基)则是韩国男性穿着的下装,不会出现在传统韩国女性服装中。故D为正确答案。

  (12) :B推理题。题干意为“在韩国的节日或者特殊日子里,我们如何认出社会地位高的人?”根据第三段第一句“在节日或者特殊的日子,普通韩国百姓一般穿着白色服装,而上层阶级则以穿着鲜艳来表明自己的社会地位。”可以推知韩国人通过衣服颜色的不同来表明社会地位。故B为正确答案。

  (13) :B白斑狗鱼是一种十分有害的鱼类。它体型很大,容易饥饿,以捕食其他小型鱼类为生。许多白斑狗鱼居住在戴维斯湖。它们捕杀那里的小型鱼类。白斑狗鱼对戴维斯湖造成了严重的威胁,因为它们捕食那里的所有小型鱼类。不久,湖中的所有其他鱼类都会被它们吃光。这对环境来说是不健康的。





  (14) :A细节题。题干意为“如果白斑狗鱼游出戴维斯湖将会发生什么?”由文章第二段可知,如果白斑狗鱼游出戴维斯湖将会遍布全国,给更多的水域造成危害,到那时再阻止它们就来不及了。由此可知,如果任由它们游出戴维斯湖,则会失去对它们的控制。故A为正确答案。

  (15) :D细节题。题干意为“在戴维斯湖使用毒药的结果是什么?”由文章第三段第二、三句“They havetried using Nets and poisons.However,the Northern Pike population is still doingwell in Lake Davis.”可知,毒药对白斑狗鱼没有产生任何效果。故I)为正确答案。

  (16) :A推理题。题干意为“将要召开向公众开放的听证会是因为什么?”由文章第三段可知,人们反对用毒药毒杀白斑狗鱼,因为害怕人们使用的井水受到污染。而第四段第一句话指出科学家打算再次尝试用毒药消灭白斑狗鱼,由此可以推出,召开听证会的原因是当地居民反对使用毒药,为此要征求大家的意见。故A为正确答案。

  (17) :A







  (18) :D细节题。题干意为“当有太多作业要做的时候,应该鼓励孩子如何去做?”由文章第三段最后一句话“Help yourchild break homework down into manageable steps.”可知应该鼓励孩子将作业分解成可以掌控的步骤来做。故D为正确答案。

  (19) :A推理题。题干意为“文章认为孩子应该被鼓励去做什么?”由文章第四段第二句“You shouldn’t have to…you can helpout by showing your interest and by encouraging independent problem solving.”可推知应该鼓励孩子自己管理学习。故A为正确答案。

  (20) :B推理题。题干意为“如何最好地帮助孩子不断进步?”由文章最后一段最后一句话“A littlepraise will go a long way in building healthy study habits.”可知不时地鼓励表扬孩子可以让孩子不断进步。故B为正确答案。

  第二节 书面表达



  I am soglad to hear that you are going to study in Hangzhou for a month.We eventually have the opportunity to see each other and I could notwait to meet you in China!

  The weather will be quite comfortable inApril with the average temperature of 20 degree celsius.It will be a good time tO stay outside and visit places of interestin Hangzhou.Therefore,do not forget to bring your Calllera!I bet you will be deeplyimpressed by the beau—tiful sceneryin Hangzhou.Also Hangzhou will bequite humid at that time.Bring yourumbrella with you in case we get caught in the rain.

  Ialn looking forward to your comin9.Wish you have a nice trip in advance!

  Yours sincerely,

  Li Ming




  degree celsius摄氏度

  bdng sth.with sb.将…带在身上

  Ibet you will be deeply impressed by the beautiful scenery in Hangzhou.

















  第一节 单项填空


  (1)-0h no! I put my bag downhere,but now it’s gone. - __________.Shall I call the police?

  A. Excuseme

  B. Oh,dear

  C. Noproblem

  D. OK

  (2)Why don’t you start out early __________ you don’thave to hurry?

  A. notuntil

  B. sincethen

  C. sothat

  D. as if

  (3)Hard as he tried,he still __________ not get the accident out of his mind.

  A. might

  B. should

  C. could

  D. would

  (4)When __________ into anotherlanguage,the poem reads strange.

  A. havingtranslated

  B. translated

  C. totranslate

  D. translating

  (5)I need your advice——which computer to buy.

  A. on

  B. for

  C. to

  D. with

  (6)一Do you like the bookSidney gave you?一Very much.It’s exactly__________I wanted.

  A. what

  B. which

  C. that

  D. how

  (7)A storm buried Illinois underseveral inches of snow Tuesday,__________at least 100 peopledead in traffic accidents.

  A. toleave

  B. leave

  C. left

  D. leaving

  (8)Whichever way you look at__________,joining the Olympic Games can be an outstanding achievementfor anyone.

  A. that

  B. it

  C. one

  D. this

  (9)一Sorry to bother you.This is the fifth floor,isn’t it?一Yes,it is.Where __________?

  A. doyou stay

  B. areyou from

  C. doyou want to be

  D. areyou

  (10)David won’t be home untilnext month.Oh,__________ too soon—herehe is now!

  A. willspeak

  B. speak

  C. havespoken

  D. hadspoken

  (11)Im against the idea__________ the woman’s place is in the kitchen.

  A. where

  B. which

  C. that

  D. how

  (12)The journey should onlytake about 30 minutes,but __________ it usually takes anhour.

  A. inturn

  B. ingeneral

  C. intime

  D. infact

  (13)The better I get to knowLisa,__________ I like her.

  A. themore

  B. themuch

  C. thebest

  D. themost

  (14)一What did Mr.Jones do before he came to this company?一He __________ a city bus for over twenty-five years.

  A. isdriving

  B. drove

  C. hasdriven

  D. drives

  (15)一My birthday falls on__________ Saturday this year. 一Good!We’ll have time for a big party.

  A. a;/

  B. the;/

  C. a;the

  D. /;the

  第二节 完形填空


  (1)回答{TSE}题Would you believe that the firstoutstanding deaf teacher in America was Laurent Clerc,a Frenchman? At 12,he 36 the Royal Institutionfor the Deaf in Pads where he became a top student.After 37 ,the school asked him to stay on as a 38. Meanwhile.an American named Thomas Gallaudet wasstudying to be a minister(牧师)39 he met a young girl whowas deaf.He was disappointed to learn that there weren0 40 for the deaf in America.41 ,in 1815 Gallaudet sailedto London to 42 information on deaf education.However.he was 43 to get help and becamefrustrated(灰心的).Fortunately he meta French educator wh0 44 him to go to Pads to spend three months 45 atthe school where Clerc was working.The school askedClerc to teach 46 sign language.As aresult,the two men 47 each other. When the time came for Gallaudet t0 48 America,he asked Clerc to come with him.The twomen 49 in June l816.The voyage 50 the Atlantic(大西洋)tookdays.They put the time to productive use, 51 for the new school for the deaf 52 they wanted to open.Such a school was 53 thefollowing year in Connecticut. At the school,Clerc led a busy life.Although he wanted to return to France,he 54 did.He died onJuly l8,1869,still in America.France’s 55 was America’s gain !


  A. entered

  B. visited

  C. heardof

  D. setup


  A. work

  B. preparation

  C. graduation

  D. explanation


  A. headmaster

  B. teacher

  C. graduatestudent

  D. clinicassistant


  A. after

  B. unless

  C. because

  D. when


  A. schools

  B. hospitals

  C. libraries

  D. organizations


  A. Therefore

  B. However

  C. Besides

  D. Meanwhile


  A. offer

  B. share

  C. test

  D. seek


  A. eager

  B. afraid

  C. unable

  D. willing


  A. joined

  B. invited

  C. ordered

  D. permitted


  A. learning

  B. monitoring

  C. practicing

  D. reviewing


  A. theeducator

  B. Laurent

  C. theparent

  D. Gallaudet


  A. respected

  B. taught

  C. met

  D. expected


  A. leave

  B. tour

  C. moveto

  D. returnto


  A. setout

  B. gotback

  C. settleddown

  D. workedout


  A. to

  B. across

  C. from

  D. over


  A. learninglanguages

  B. designinggames

  C. meetingstudents

  D. makingplans


  A. whom

  B. which

  C. what

  D. where


  A. discovered

  B. bought

  C. planned

  D. founded


  A. often

  B. sometimes

  C. seldom

  D. never


  A. fault

  B. loss

  C. gift

  D. decision

  (2)He saw the old lady and her car on the sideof the road.Hecould see she needed help.So he pulled up in front ofher car and got out. Even with the smile on his face.she was worried.He didn’t look safe.He looked poor and hungry. He said.“I’m here to help you,ma’am.My name is Bryan Anderson.”All she had was a flat tire(瘪胎),but for an old lady,that was bad enough.Bryan changed the tire and she couldn’t thank him enough for thehelp.Then,the lady asked howmuch she owed him.She had already imagined all theterrible things that could have happened.He told herthat if she really wanted to pay him back,the next timeshe saw someone who needed help,she could give thatperson the help they needed. A few miles down the road,the lady saw a small caf6.She went in.The waitress came over with asweet smile.one that even being on her feet for thewhole day couldn’t erase.She noticed thewaitress was nearly eight months pregnant(怀孕),but she never let her aches be noticed.The oldlady wondered how someone who had so little could be so giving to a stranger.Then,she remembered Bryan. After her meal,the lady paid with a one hundred dollar bill.The waitress quickly went to get change.butwhen she came back,she noticed something written on thenapkin(餐巾纸)with the words saying:“You don’t owe me anything.Somebody oncehelped me out,the way Im helping you.If you really want to pay me back,here iswhat you d0:Do not let this chain of love end with you.”Under the napkin were four more$100 bills. That night when the waitress got home,she was thinking aboutwhat the lady had written.How could the lady have knownhow much she and her husband needed the money with the baby due next month? Asshe lay sleeping next to her husband,she whispered softand low,“Everything’s going to be all right.I love you,Bryan Anderson.”

  (1)Why was the old ladyworried when Bryan tried to help her?

  A. Shehad difficulty talking to a stranger.

  B. Shenoticed a forced smile on his face.

  C. Shefound him in trouble too.

  D. She feared he might hurt her.

  (2)Why did the old lady wantto give money to Bryan?

  A. Sherecognized Bryan was a friend of hers.

  B. Shewanted to pay him for the new tire.

  C. Shetried to keep clear of trouble.

  D. Shethought he might get angry.

  (3)The underlined word “erase”in Paragraph 5 probably means__________.

  A. hold

  B. insist

  C. forget

  D. remove

  (4)What did the lady suggestif the waitress wanted to pay her back?

  A. Tryingto help others.

  B. Working harder in the future.

  C. Keepingsmiling all the time.

  D. Givingmoney to those in need.

  (5)What would be the besttitle for this text?

  A. GodHelp Those Who Help Themselves.

  B. WhatGoes Around Comes Around.

  C. MisfortuneNever Comes Alone.

  D. Moneydoesn’t Grow on Trees.

  (3)Different countries have different cultures.A same gesture may havedistinct meanings indifferent countries.For instance,in Africa,people knock at the table withtheir fingers to call waiters which is considered as impolite in China.In western countries.if you make a circlewith your thumb and the index finger(食指),and then raise the other three fingers.youare suggesting “OK”.The same gesture,however,means “money” in Japan while makesBrazilian people feel insulted(受侮辱的).With that in mind,you’d better learn abouttheir custom before travelling to foreign countries. Greeting is an important part ofcommunication between people.When greeting someone,Americans tend to holdout their hands and look directly into his/her eyes andthen smile.However.sometimessuch behavior might bring nothing but misunderstanding in other countries.A handshake might not be accepted and looking others right in theeye Can have different meanings. Asian people regard physical contact asembarrassin9;therefore,they do not shake hands.They have their ownways of greeting people.For Japanese,a slight bow of the head is enough.In Korea,women do not shake hands or hug with people;whilemen might shake hands accompanied by nodding the head once.In western Asia,Muslims do not make bodycontacts with women yet hug is generally accepted among men.Same thing happens on eye contact.In manycountries,people avoid direct eye contact to showrespect.This can cause misunderstanding,too.In fact. students have been regarded as lacking respectfor their American teachers exactly because they failed to make eye contactswith their teachers. Though different cultures seem to havedifferent ways of greeting.smiling is taken as the universal gesture of friendliness.Smiling indicates happiness or agreement(同意)andit can also be used to mean “Excuse me ”or “Please”.Sowhen you are not sure what to do,just smile.

  (6)When two Japanese men meet,they might greet each other by __________

  A. shakingeach other

  B. huggingeach other

  C. kissingeach other on both cheeks

  D. bow

  ingtheir heads

  (7)If an American makes an “OK"gesture to a Japanese,then the Japanese probably think that__________

  A. theyhave agreed on something

  B. theAmerican feels happy

  C. theAmerican insults him

  D. theAmerican wants money

  (8)What will be regarded asimpolite? __________.

  A. Makea direct eye contact with an American

  B. Tryto hug a Muslim woman

  C. Bowto a Japanese when you first meet

  D. Smileto a French in order to show that you are happy

  (9)What’s the best title forthis passage?

  A. Nevershake hands with Asian people

  B. Differentculture,differentcustom

  C. Smileas much as you can

  D. Peoplebehave rudely in foreign countries

  (4)When mentioning Korea.people might come up witha string of things,such as kimchi(泡菜),cosmetics and beautiful girls.In fact,Korea is also famous for hand—madeclothes.In Korea,you Can get asuit that is well made to your measure within a couple of days but be carefulabout the size because Korean sizes are often a little small,especially to westerners.Even a “large” sizeT-shirt bought in Korea can be too small for an American! Korean clothes aremade of various kinds of silk and other materials.YouCan also buy hand—made traditional clothes in Korea. Those traditional Korean clothes have quite along history which Can be found in ancient wall paintings or on tombs.“Hanbok”(韩服)Can be the best representative of Korean culture.Today hanbok is still worn during formal occasions.Hanbok consists of two parts.“Jeogori”(赤古里),me top part,isblouse—like and has long sleeves.For the bottom part,women wear “Chima”(高腰背心裙),a kind of skirt,and men wear “Paji”(巴基),bag—like trousers. White is the color for common people whileduring festivals or on Special days,upper classes will wear clothes in bright colorsto indicate their social status.Accessories likejewelry and head—dresses complete traditional Korean clothes.Traditional Korean clothes favor soft flowing lines to hide thebody’s shape representing the pursuit for beauty and elegance of Korean people.The de-signs of various forms of Hanbok represent the rich cultureof Korea.

  (10)Which statement is trueabout the first paragraph?

  A. It isvery difficult to get a hand-made suit in Korea.

  B. Westernerscannot wear Korean clothes because they are often too large.

  C. Youcan buy traditional Korean clothes and many other kinds of clothing in Korea.

  D. A11Korean clothes are hand—made by Korean tailors.

  (11)__________will not appear intraditional Korean clothes for women.

  A. Hanbok

  B. Jeogori

  C. Chima

  D. Paji

  (12)How can we recognizepeople with high social status during festivals or on special days in Korea?

  A. Bythe accessories they are wearing.

  B. By mecolor of clothes they are wearing.

  C. Bythe size of clothes they are wearing.

  D. Wecouldn’t distinguish them because they dress the same.

  (5)The Northern Pike is a very bad fish.It is a big,hungry fish,and eats little fish.Many Northern Pike live in Lake Davis.Theyare killing all the smaller fish in the lake.TheNorthern Pike area serious danger to the lake because they eat all the smallerfish.Soon,all other kinds offish in the lake will be killed off.This is not healthyfor the environment(环境). Researchers are afraid that the Northern Pike,will swim out of LakeDavis through many smaller rivers that feed into the lake.They could spread all over the country and damage many other waterenvironments.If that happens,itwould be too late to stop the Northern Pike. For ten years.officials have been trying to remove theNorthern Pike from Lake Davis.They have tried usingnets and poisons(毒药).However,the Northern Pike population is still doing well in Lake Davis.Many people do not like the idea of using poison to kill the fish.They worry that the poisons are bad for humans who use the water.However,people haven’t found any poisons atall in local(当地的)wells. Scientists are going to try the poison again.This time,they will dry off the lake before puttingthepoison in.Apublic hearing will be held to talk about the problem.

  (13)This text is most probably__________.

  A. ashort story

  B. anews report

  C. flresearch paper

  D. anofficial announcement

  (14)What could happen if theNorthern Pike swim out of Lake Davis?

  A. Theycould be out of control.

  B. Thesmaller fish would be saved.

  C. Theenvironment could be improved.

  D. Manysmall rivers would be poisoned.

  (15)What was the result ofusing poisons in Lake Davis?

  A. Peoplestopped using the well water.

  B. Thelake was seriously damaged.

  C. Thepoisons worked as expected.

  D. Therewere hardly any effects.

  (16)A public hearing will beheld because __________.

  A. localpeople object to the use of poisons

  B. the NorthernPike have spread to other lakes

  C. peopleare strongly against drying off the lake

  D. theharm of the Northern Pike is seldom heard of

  (6)Even if your child is an excellent student,you can’t expect that hewill always dutifully do his homework.The following issome useful advice for helping them deal with their homework. Set a regular time and place for study.Give homework its ownspecial time and place,and if your child is in middleor high school,let her set her own timetable. Take it step by step.Children may getoverwhelmed(压倒)by too much homework they have to do.Encourage your child to calmly work out what needs to be done andhow much time it will take,and then make a plan.Help your child break homework down into manageable steps. Help out.You shouldn’t have to do your child’s homeworkor re—teach the material covered in class.but you canhelp out by showing your interest and by encouraging independent(独立的)problem solving. Praise a job well done.Kids,no matter what their age,need to know thatthey are doing a good job.Praise them for theirsuccesses and encourage them to keep up the good work.Alittle praise will go a long way in building healthy study habits.

  (17)For whom is the textmainly written?

  A. Parents.

  B. Teachers.

  C. Headmasters.

  D. Students.

  (18)What should a child beencouraged to do when having too much homework?

  A. Havean interest in it.

  B. Setenough time for it.

  C. Askhis parents for help.

  D. Do itin manageable steps.

  (19)The text says thatchildren should be encouraged to__________.

  A. managetheir own learning

  B. expresstheir interest and care

  C. askas many questions as possible

  D. findsomeone to re-teach the lessons

  (20)What can best helpchildren to keep on making progress?

  A. Goingover the lessons with them.

  B. Encouragingthem from time to time.

  C. Helping them with study plans

  D. Offering them a special place.

  第二节 书面表达

  (1)假定你是李明,你的美国笔友Alex将于今年四月到杭州进行为期一个月的学习。请根据以下要点给他写封信: 1.表示欢迎; 2.月平均气温20度左右; 3.带雨伞、相机; 4.祝旅行愉快。 注意: 1.词数100词左右; 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.请直接将书面表达写在答题卡2背面。


  第一节 单项填空


  (1) :B句意:——不会吧!我把我的包放在这,但是现在不见了。——天哪。要我报警吗?本题考查的是情景英语。由第一句可知出现了意料之外的事情,第二旬自然表达惊讶之情。“Excuse me”意思是“抱歉;劳驾”。“Oh,dear”的意思是“哦,我的天哪”。“No problem”和“OK”的意思均是“没问题”。故B正确。

  (2) :C句意:为什么你不早点出发?这样就不用赶了!本题考查的是副词连接词意义的辨析。“notuntil”的意思是“直到…才”。“since then”的意思是“自从…”,“so that”的意思是“为了;以便”。“asif”的意义是“好像…”。故C正确。

  【知识拓展】so that和so…that的区别。两个短语形似但意义却迥异。so that…引导目的状语从句,意为“为了;以便”,如I read more books so that I can catch up with my classmates.我读更多的书,以便我能赶上我的同学。而so…that引导结果状语从句,意为“如此…以至于…”,如I am so hungry that I ate six hamburgers.我是如此的饿以至于吃了六个汉堡包。

  (3) :C句意:尽管他努力尝试,但仍不能摆脱车祸的阴影。本题考查的是情态动词的意义辨析。“might”表示推测,意为“也许”。“should”表示建议,意为“应该”。“could”表示能力,意为“能够”。“would”表示意愿,意为“想要”。故C正确。

  (4) :B句意:这首诗被翻译成另一种语言之后读起来会很奇怪。本题考查的是分词结构作状语的用法。分词结构作状语,若分词结构的主语与主句主语一致,动词使用现在分词形式;否则,使用过去分词形式。poem是translate这个动作的宾语,而非主语,故B正确。

  (5) :A句意:我该买哪款电脑需要你给点儿意见。本题考查的是介词的用法。“advice on…”为固定搭配,后面接意见的内容,意为“对…提出意见”。故A正确。

  (6) :A句意:你喜欢西德尼给你的书吗?——非常喜欢。这正是我想要的。本题考查的是连接词的选择。题干是一个表语从句且连接词在从句中作宾语,因此需要由连接代词引导。选项中what和which可以作为连接代词引导表语从句,而what意为“所…的事物”,而which表示选择“哪一个”。故A正确。

  (7) :D句意:星期二伊利诺伊州下了几英寸厚的暴风雪,造成至少100人死于交通事故。本题考查的是分词结构作状语的用法。若分词结构的主语与主句主语一致,动词使用现在分词形式,否则,使用过去分词形式。由题意可知,这场暴风雪正是造成100人死于交通事故的原因,即a storm是leave的主语,故D正确。

  (8) :B句意:无论从哪个角度看,参加奥运会对任何人来说都是一项杰出的成就。本题考查的是it作代词的用法。由题意可知,画线部分和joiningthe Olympic Games指的是同一件事。it可以用作代词,指代上下文重复出现的短语或者句子,以避免重复。故B正确。

  【知识拓展】it可以用作人称代词和指示代词。作人称代词时,it指代第三人称单数,代表前文已提到过的一件事物,如:I love swimming.It keeps me fit.我喜欢游泳,它能使我保持健康。同时,当说话者不清楚或无必要知道说话对象的性别时,也可用it来表示。如:It&

  【知识拓展】it可以用作人称代词和指示代词。作人称代词时,it指代第三人称单数,代表前文已提到过的一件事物,如:I love swimming.It keeps me fit.我喜欢游泳,它能使我保持健康。同时,当说话者不清楚或无必要知道说话对象的性别时,也可用it来表示。如:It’S a lovely baby.Is it a boy ora girl?宝宝真可爱,是男孩还是女孩?it作指示代词时,常用来指人。如,一who is making such a noise?——是谁发出这样的吵闹声?一It must be the children.——一定是孩子们。此外,it还可以用作没有具体意义的主语,出现于表示天气、气候、温度、时间、地点、距离等意义的句子中。如:It is half past three nOW。现在是三点半钟。

  (9) :C句意:——抱歉打扰你一下。这是五楼,对吧?——是的,你想去哪?本题考查的是日常用语的用法。A的意思为“你住在哪?”。B的意思为“你来自哪个国家?”。C的意思为“你想去哪?”。D的意思为“你在哪?”。故c正确。

  (10) :B句意:——大卫要下个月才能回家呢。哦,我说早了!——他回来了。本题考查的是日常用语的用法。speaktoo soon意为“说早了”。故B正确。

  (11) :C句意:我反对认为女人的位置就在厨房这样的想法。本题考查的是同位语从句的连接词。由题意可知,“the woman’S place is in thekitchen.”是我反对的想法的内容,因此该句是同位语从句,应由that引导。故C正确。

  【知识拓展】同位语从句和定语从句的辨析是常考的考点。同位语从句同它所修饰的名词在内容上是等同关系,是在述说先行词的具体内容,而定语从句说明前一名词的性质、特征,对先行词进行修饰、限制,是先行词不可缺少的定语。引导词在同位语从句中不作句子成分;而在定语从句中必作句子成分,是从句所修饰的词的替代词。试比较:The fact that theChinesepeople invented the compass is known to all。中国人发明指南针这个事实是众所周知的。(同位语从旬)The fact that wetalked about is very important.我们谈论的这个事实很重要。(定语从句)

  (12) :D句意:这段路应该只需要30分钟,但实际上通常要花一一个小时。本题考查的是介词短语的意义辨析。“in turn”意为“轮流”。“ingeneral”意为“总体上…”。“in time”意为“及时”。“in fact”意为“实际上”。故D正确。

  (13) :A句意:我越了解丽莎,就越喜欢她。本题考查的是固定句型“The more…the more…”。more后面分别接形容词/副词的比较级,意为“越…越…”。故A正确。

  (14) :C句意:一一琼斯先生来这家公司之前是做什么的?一一他开了超过25年的城市巴士。本题考查的是动词时态。由题意可知,开城市巴士这个动作到现在为止持续了25年多,并且for +时间段是完成时的显著标志。故C正确。

  (15) :A句意:——今年我的生日赶在一个星期六。——太好r!我们有时问开个大party了!本题考查的是定冠词和不定冠词的用法。第一个空表示泛指,所以用不定冠词a。第二个空同样表示泛指,而time是不可数名词,所以不填冠词。故A正确。第二节 完形填空


  (1) :A





  在学校的日子克拉克十分忙碌。尽管他想要回到法国。但他始终没能如愿。1869年7月18日克拉克在美国去世。法国的损失却是美国珍贵的财富本题考查的是动词的用法。enter意为“进入”,visit意为“拜访”,hear of意为“听说”,set up意为“创建”。根据上下文的意思,罗伦进入学校学习并且成绩十分优秀。故A正确。

  (2) :C本题考查的是名词的用法。work意为“工作”,preparation意为“准备”,graduation意为“毕业”,explanation意为“解释”。上文提到罗伦求学的经历,因此可以推断此句是讲他毕业之后的事情。故C正确。

  (3) :B本题考查的是对上下文的理解。上文提到罗伦求学的经历,那么他被邀请留在学校只能是做教师。故B正确。

  (4) :D本题考查连接副词的意义辨析。after意为“在…之后”,unless意为“除非”,because意为“因为”,when意为“当…时”。主句使用过去进行时态,说明加劳德特学习成为一名牧师和他遇到一个聋哑女孩这两个动作同时发生,故D正确。

  (5) :A本题考查对全文的理解。通读全文可知,文章介绍的是美国第一个聋哑学校的建立和第一位聋哑学生教师的事迹,故A正确。

  (6) :A本题考查对上下文的理解。美国没有一所聋哑学校是加劳德特赴伦敦寻求帮助的原因,因此应该选择表示因果关系的连词。therefore意为“因此”,however意为“然而,可是”,besides意为“并且”,meanwhile意为“与此同时”,故A正确。

  (7) :D本题考查动词的词义辨析。0ffer意为“提供”,share意为“分享”,test意为“测试”,seek意为“寻求”。上文提到因为美国没有一所聋哑学校,因此加劳德特去伦敦是要寻求相关信息,故D正确。

  (8) :C本题考查对连词however用法的掌握。however意为“然而,可是”,表示转折关系,说明加劳德特没能获得帮助,故C正确。

  (9) :B本题考查动词词义的辨析。join意为“加入”,invite意为“邀请”,order意为“命令”,permit意为“允许”。上文提到加劳德特在伦敦一无所获,因而可以推知那位法国教育家邀请加劳德特到法国寻求帮助,故B正确。

  (10) :A本题考查对上下文的理解。learn意为“学习”,monitor意为“监测”,practice意为“练习”,review意为“复习;检查”。根据上下文可知加劳德特获邀到法国的学校学习,故A正确。

  (11) :D本题考查对上下文的理解。上文提到加劳德特获邀到克拉克任教的学校学习,因此可推断出克拉克教授手语的对象正是加劳德特,故D正确。

  (12) :C本题考查对上下文的理解。上文提到加劳德特来到克拉克任教的学校学习,下文提到他们共赴美国,由此可知他们在学校的时候相识。故C正确。

  (13) :D本题考查对上下文的理解。上文提到加劳德特是美国人,获邀在法国学习三个月,因此可推断出此处表示他要返回美国了。故D正确。

  (14) :A本题考查动词词组的意义。set out有“出发”的意思,get back意为“拿回;夺回”,settledown意为“定居;安定下来”,work out意为“想出;弄懂”。上文提到加劳德特邀请克拉克去美国,因此这里是说两人一起出发,故A正确。

  (15) :B本题考查介词的用法。to表示方向,across意为“横跨”,from表示来源,over作介词意为“在…上方”。根据题意,从伦敦回到美国要横跨大西洋,故B正确。

  (16) :D本题考查对上下文的理解。由上文可知,加劳德特和克拉克两人在去往美国的途中充分利用了时间,可以推断两人是在为即将在美国开办的聋哑学校做计划,故D正确。

  (17) :B本题考查关系词的选择。关系词在句中引导定语从旬,修饰the new school for the deaf,且关系词在从句中作0pen的宾语,故B正确。

  (18) :D本题考查对上下文的理解。discover意为“发现”,buy意为“购买”,plan意为“计划”,found意为“建立”。上文已经提到加劳德特和克拉克计划开办聋哑学校,因此此处是指学校最终建立,故D正确。

  (19) :D本题考查对上下文的理解。上文中连词although意为“尽管…”,表明两个分句间是转折关系,因此可以推断克拉克想要回到法国却没能如愿,并且根据下文克拉克在美国去世,可知他从未回到法国。故D正确。

  (20) :B本题考查名词的使用。克拉克的去世对法国是一个损失。故B正确。

  (1) :D他看到一位老妇人和她停在路边的车子。他能看得出这位老妇人需要帮助。因此他把车停在她的车前面然后走了出去。




  推理题。题二F意为“为什么当布莱恩试图帮助老妇人的时候,她感到担忧?”从文中第二段对老妇人心理活动的描写“He didn’t look safe.He looked poorand hungry.”


  (2) :C推理题。题干意为“为什么老妇人想要付钱给布莱恩?”从文中第三段对老妇人心理活动的描写“Shehad already imagined all the temble things that could have happened.”可以推断老妇人想要破财免灾。故c为正确答案。

  (3) :D推理题。题干意为“第五段中划线的单词erase是什么意思?”从第五段第三句话“She noticedthe waitress was nearly eight months pregnant,but she never let her aches be noticed.”可以推知服务员尽管已经怀了8个月的身孕,但是不想让别人感到她身体的不适,因此竭力让自己的笑容不被抹去,故D为正确答案。

  (4) :A细节题。题干意为“老妇人建议服务员如果想要报答她的话,要怎么做?”从文中第六段最后一句话“If youreally want to pay me back,here is whatyou d0:Do not let this chain oflove end with you.”可知,老妇人让服务员将爱心传递下去,也就是继续帮助其他人。故A为正确答案。

  (5) :B主旨题。题干意为“以下哪项最适合做本文的标题?”通过本文叙述的两个故事可以看出文章的主题是爱的传递,布莱恩付出的爱心经由老妇人又传递回了他本人和他的妻子。故B为正确答案。

  (6) :D

  不同的国家拥有不同的文化  。同一个手势可能在不同的国家有着不同的含义。比如,在非洲,人们通过敲打桌子来叫服务员,然而这在中国却是不礼貌的。在西方国家,如果你用大拇指和食指环成一个圈


  问候是人际交往中重要的一部分。当问候别人的时候,美国人会伸出手,直视对方,并且面带微笑。然而,有时候这样的行为会在其他国家造成误解。那些国家的人们不会用握手来彼此问候,而直视对方的眼睛也有着不同的含义。 ‘



  (7) :D推理题。题干意为“如果一个美国人对一个日本人做出‘0K’的手势,那么日本人可能会认为?”根据第一段第四、五句可知,美国人用“OK”的手势表达“好的,没问题”,而同一个手势在日本表示“金钱”,由此可推知,如果日本人看到美国人摆出“OK”的手势,可能会觉得是想要钱。故D为正确答案。

  (8) :B细节题。题干意为“以下哪项中的行为会被认为是不礼貌的?”根据第三段末尾亚洲学生因为不与他们的美国老师进行眼神接触而被认为对老师有失尊重的例子,可以推知美国人习惯进行直接的眼神接触,故A项的行为是礼貌的。根据第三段第三句“对日本人来说,轻轻颔首就足够了。”可知点头致意是日本人的问候方式,故c项的行为是礼貌的。根据第四段第一句可知“微笑被看作是表达友好的通用方式”,因此D项对法国人来讲,用微笑来表达自己喜悦的心情是礼貌的。根据第三段第五句“在西亚,穆斯林并不与女性发生身体接触,但是男性之间通常可以互相拥抱”可知穆斯林的女性是不与人进行身体接触的,所以B项的行为会被认为是不礼貌的。故B为正确答案。

  (9) :B主旨题。题干意为“以下哪项是文章的最佳标题?”文章以不同手势在不同国家的不同含义开始,引出各个国家问候方式的不同,接着讲述了不同国家对待身体接触和眼神接触的不同态度。不难看出,文章是围绕“不同国家,不同风俗习惯”这一一个主题进行的。故B为正确答案。

  (10) :C一提起韩国,人们可能会想到很多东西,比如泡菜、化妆品和美女。实际上,韩国的手工制作衣服也很有名。在韩国,几天的时间就可以让你拥有一套手工制作的衣服,但是一定要留意尺寸,因为韩国的尺码通常偏小一点,特别是对西方人来说。即便是一件大号的T恤衫对美国人来说也可能太小了!韩国的衣服由各种丝绸以及其他材料制作而成。你也可以在韩国购买传统手工服装。





  (11) :D细节题。题干意为“——不会出现在传统韩国女性服装中。”根据第二段第四句和第五句可知,Hanbok是韩服的总称,Jeogori(赤古里)是韩国男性和女性都会穿着的上装,Chima(高腰背心裙)是韩国女性穿着的下装,而Paji(巴基)则是韩国男性穿着的下装,不会出现在传统韩国女性服装中。故D为正确答案。

  (12) :B推理题。题干意为“在韩国的节日或者特殊日子里,我们如何认出社会地位高的人?”根据第三段第一句“在节日或者特殊的日子,普通韩国百姓一般穿着白色服装,而上层阶级则以穿着鲜艳来表明自己的社会地位。”可以推知韩国人通过衣服颜色的不同来表明社会地位。故B为正确答案。

  (13) :B白斑狗鱼是一种十分有害的鱼类。它体型很大,容易饥饿,以捕食其他小型鱼类为生。许多白斑狗鱼居住在戴维斯湖。它们捕杀那里的小型鱼类。白斑狗鱼对戴维斯湖造成了严重的威胁,因为它们捕食那里的所有小型鱼类。不久,湖中的所有其他鱼类都会被它们吃光。这对环境来说是不健康的。





  (14) :A细节题。题干意为“如果白斑狗鱼游出戴维斯湖将会发生什么?”由文章第二段可知,如果白斑狗鱼游出戴维斯湖将会遍布全国,给更多的水域造成危害,到那时再阻止它们就来不及了。由此可知,如果任由它们游出戴维斯湖,则会失去对它们的控制。故A为正确答案。

  (15) :D细节题。题干意为“在戴维斯湖使用毒药的结果是什么?”由文章第三段第二、三句“They havetried using Nets and poisons.However,the Northern Pike population is still doingwell in Lake Davis.”可知,毒药对白斑狗鱼没有产生任何效果。故I)为正确答案。

  (16) :A推理题。题干意为“将要召开向公众开放的听证会是因为什么?”由文章第三段可知,人们反对用毒药毒杀白斑狗鱼,因为害怕人们使用的井水受到污染。而第四段第一句话指出科学家打算再次尝试用毒药消灭白斑狗鱼,由此可以推出,召开听证会的原因是当地居民反对使用毒药,为此要征求大家的意见。故A为正确答案。

  (17) :A







  (18) :D细节题。题干意为“当有太多作业要做的时候,应该鼓励孩子如何去做?”由文章第三段最后一句话“Help yourchild break homework down into manageable steps.”可知应该鼓励孩子将作业分解成可以掌控的步骤来做。故D为正确答案。

  (19) :A推理题。题干意为“文章认为孩子应该被鼓励去做什么?”由文章第四段第二句“You shouldn’t have to…you can helpout by showing your interest and by encouraging independent problem solving.”可推知应该鼓励孩子自己管理学习。故A为正确答案。

  (20) :B推理题。题干意为“如何最好地帮助孩子不断进步?”由文章最后一段最后一句话“A littlepraise will go a long way in building healthy study habits.”可知不时地鼓励表扬孩子可以让孩子不断进步。故B为正确答案。

  第二节 书面表达



  I am soglad to hear that you are going to study in Hangzhou for a month.We eventually have the opportunity to see each other and I could notwait to meet you in China!

  The weather will be quite comfortable inApril with the average temperature of 20 degree celsius.It will be a good time tO stay outside and visit places of interestin Hangzhou.Therefore,do not forget to bring your Calllera!I bet you will be deeplyimpressed by the beau—tiful sceneryin Hangzhou.Also Hangzhou will bequite humid at that time.Bring yourumbrella with you in case we get caught in the rain.

  Ialn looking forward to your comin9.Wish you have a nice trip in advance!

  Yours sincerely,

  Li Ming




  degree celsius摄氏度

  bdng sth.with sb.将…带在身上

  Ibet you will be deeply impressed by the beautiful scenery in Hangzhou.
