
时间:2024-06-30 05:14:35 英语词汇 我要投稿
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  Skiing types 滑雪分类

  snowboarding 单板滑雪

  cross-country skiing 越野滑雪

  Alpine Skiing 高山滑雪

  Nordic skiing 北欧滑雪(后脚跟不固定在雪板上的越野滑雪)

  ski jumping 跳台滑雪

  freestyle skiing 自由式滑雪(没有固定雪槽)

  classical skiing 传统式滑雪(固定雪槽)

  downslope skiing 山地滑雪

  military skiing 军事滑雪(在军事上被用作一种运输方式)

  kite skiing 风筝牵引滑雪(借助滑翔伞、滑翔机或风筝拉动或搭载的滑雪形式)

  backcountry skiing 荒原滑雪(指在无人居住的乡野地区未经整饬和标记的雪坡或雪道滑雪)

  Skiing equipments 滑雪装备

  ski 滑雪板

  snowboard 单板滑雪板

  tipped ski 板头

  tailed ski 板尾

  ski break 止滑器

  ski pole 滑雪杖

  ski wear 滑雪衣

  tapering trousers 滑雪裤

  ski boots 滑雪靴

  snow training shoes 防寒运动鞋

  binding 固定器

  thermos 保温水壶

  snow cap 雪帽

  gloves 手套

  ski glasses/goggle 滑雪眼镜

  helmet 头盔

  kneepad 护膝

  plush earmuffs 毛绒耳套

  Band-Aid/plaster 创可贴

  Skiing moves 滑雪动作

  short radius turn 短半径转弯

  giant slalom turn(G.S turn) 大转弯

  parallel turn 并腿转弯(平行转弯)

  snow plough 犁式刹车(两个雪板板尾向外,使雪板形成一个“八”字)

  airplane turn 空中转弯

  stem christie 制动转弯(将内侧板的.尾端向外侧推,沿雪面侧滑,使它从与外侧板平行的位置变为V字形)

  Skiing facilities 滑雪场设施

  ticket Office 售票处

  ski resort 滑雪场

  track 赛道

  ski slopes/runs/piste 滑道

  the primary/elementary Ski slopes/runs/Bunny Slope 初级道

  the intermediate Ski slopes/runs 中级道

  the high-class/high-level/high-grade Ski slopes/runs 高级道

  snowmaking machine/snowmaker 造雪机

  bombardier 压雪机

  cableway 索道

  drinking Station 饮水站

  shuttle Bus 穿梭巴士

  ski equipment hall雪具大厅

  the distance between... 间距

  the cable car gondola lift(吊箱式)缆车

  chairlift 吊椅缆车

  oxygen bar 氧吧

  snow entertainment 戏雪区

  snow entertainment area for children儿童戏雪乐园

  entertainment facilities 娱乐设施

  ski area 滑雪区

  skiing show 滑雪表演

  Ski area conditions 雪场自然条件状况

  slope 坡度

  temperature 温度

  humidity 湿度

  altitude 海拔

  the slope orientation 坡面朝向

  natural resources 自然资源

  sunlight 日照

  local climate 当地气候

  transport capacity/ability 运力



  Stack: Basic Body alignment with thehips and shoulders stacked over the down hill foot.


  Lead Change: When the body isstacked properly over the downhill foot the uphill knee naturallyadvances forward. The leading knee changes as the weight shiftsonto the new downhill ski


  Transitions: The weight shifts fromdown hill ski to the new downhill ski using lead change with out upweighting and down weighting.


  Knee Roll: As the weight shifts ontothe new ski the knees roll into the angle of the new turn.


  Knee Angle: The ski is put on edgewith knee angle not hip angle. This allows the knees to bend freelyup and down.


  Weight Shift: The body should be ina non banked stance. The shoulders should always stay over thedownhill ski.

  重心移动:身体处于一种非堆叠(non bankedstance?)的姿势。肩部一定要始终位于山下板的上方。

  Shin Pressure: Shin pressure shouldbe maintained at all times on the front of the boot.


  NonBraced Stance: To increasesensitivity and free range of motion the body should not be bracingagainst it self in any way.


  Center of Mass: The center of masswhich is just below the belly button should always be projectingdown the hill.


  Parallel Shafts: The legs shouldcreate parallel shafts under the center of mass with the uphill skiand the down hill ski tracking together.


  Opposing Hip Drive: The uphill hipshould drive down the fall line.


  Turn Placement: Turning happens onthe top and backside of the moguls.



  Foot Containment: As the knees bendand absorb the feet pull back underneath the center of mass to keepthe body stacked properly.


  Reverse Bicycle: The motion of footcontainment is similar to pedaling a bike backwards


  Center of Mass Moving Through: Whenabsorbing and extending the center of mass should always be movingdown the fall line.


  Punch: The tips of the skis shouldpush powerfully down the backside of each mogul. The legs extendfor the next mogul in an aligned position.


  Release: The body should be instacked position when the skis make contact with the face of themogul so that tension can be released in the legs allowing theknees to absorb the mogul.


  Touch: If the body is alignedproperly the impact will be very light on the face of the mogul,because the knees will be able to absorb the impact.


  Tip Touch: The releasing, absorptionprocess should happen the second the tips make contact with themogul.


  Hip Clearing: The hips and center ofmass should always clear the top of the mogul as the tips of theskis punch down the backside of the mogul.


  Hip Projection: The hips and centerof mass should always be projecting down the fall line.

  臀部投向: 臀部和身体中心要始终沿滚落线向下。

  Passive Active: Ryan Riley is moreof a passive style skier. He maintains a good body position andlooks very relaxed. Shupletsov was more of an active skier who wasable ski with a lot of knee angle and absorption. Shupletsovappeared to actively pull his feet underneath his center ofmass.


  Anticipation: Setting up the bodyinto a stacked position early in the extension process so that thelegs are able to release the second the tip makes contact with themogul.


  Pre Jumping: Prejumping the face ofthe mogul pumping with heavy contact on the backside. This is atechnique to gain speed in the moguls.


  Effective Range: The range of motionused when the knees move up and down. The range can be adjustedaccording to the size of the moguls and the pitch of theterrain.



  Approach: Spot the jump early,control speed three bumps early, the last two moguls before the airare key for setting up balance.


  Vision: A loose focus should be kepton the jump on the approach and a loose focus should be on thelanding and the next three moguls after the take off.

  视线:在接近和起跳时要以一种放松的注意力放在起跳上。在起跳后要将放松的注意力放在着地点和后三个包。 (loose focus?意思应该是不能太集中注意力?)

  4 Point Take Off: Both poles shouldtouch lightly on top of the jump on take off. This helps square thebody to the fall line.


  Bink: A light 4 point take off onthe jump so that the hands do not fall behind the center ofmass.


  Take off Extension: The legs shouldbe fully extended on top of the jump.


  Shin Pressure: When approaching thetransition of the jump the shins should be pressing into the bootswith the center of mass stacked over the ball of the foot.


  Hips Up: During the take offextension the hips should come all the way up into a symmetricalposition.


  Symmetry: When executing the tricksin the air the body should stay in a symmetrical position with theshoulders "T'd" off with the rest of the body.


  Spotting: When approaching the topof the jump the eyes should spot forward over the jump with a loosefocus.


  Timing; The take off extensionshould be timed to give the maximum lift off the top of thejump.


  Relaxing into the Center: Whenlanding in the moguls it is important to relax into the center ofmass.


  Big Air Projection: When executingthe take off extension concentrate on projecting the body up intothe air.



  Arm box: The arms should form a boxin front of the body with the hands in line with the elbows


  Square Shoulders: The shouldersshould square up to the fall line.


  Down Hill Shoulder Drive: Theshoulder over the downhill ski should be driving down onto thedownhill ski.


  Back Side Pole Plants: The basket ofthe pole should reach for the downhill side of the mogul in frontof you.


  Pulling Down the Hill: The poleswing should be early. It is a sensation of being pulled down thefall line with the pole plants.


  Suppression: Pulling down with theshoulders. Settling into the center of mass.


  Soft Focus: Focusing down the fallline with out spot fixation.


  Spot Fixation: Looking at one spotin a mogul line and loosing the flow of motion.


  Look 3 Moguls Ahead: Refer to Look 3Moguls Ahead.


  Opposite Hand Drive: The hand thatis not planting should be driving down the fall line.


  Light Pole Plants: Pole plantsshould be used as a timing device. They should not be used forbalance.


  Relaxation: The upper body should berelaxed.


  Grip: Pole straps should be wrappedaround the hand. The grip on the pole should be light using thewrist to swing the basket of the pole forward.



  Flowing Focus: The mental focus in acompetition run that enables the mind and body to flow while skiingdown the run.


  Non-Thinking: Letting thoughts goduring a competition run so that the body can ski.


  Top to Bottom Focus: Visualizing arun from top to bottom with air. Focusing through mistakes.


  Skiing Through Mistakes: Skiingthrough mistakes in training so those mistakes do not paralyze thefocus during competition runs.


  Paralysis by Analysis: Focusing onone point during a run and losing the flow.


  Self-Talk Key Words: Use one keyword to keep the focus flowing.


  Trust Your Stuff: Trust yourself tolet go of your thoughts when you are in the competition gate. Thethinking is done during training.


  Speed Relaxation: The key to goingfast is to breathe and relax into the center of mass.

















  Skiing types 滑雪分类

  snowboarding 单板滑雪

  cross-country skiing 越野滑雪

  Alpine Skiing 高山滑雪

  Nordic skiing 北欧滑雪(后脚跟不固定在雪板上的越野滑雪)

  ski jumping 跳台滑雪

  freestyle skiing 自由式滑雪(没有固定雪槽)

  classical skiing 传统式滑雪(固定雪槽)

  downslope skiing 山地滑雪

  military skiing 军事滑雪(在军事上被用作一种运输方式)

  kite skiing 风筝牵引滑雪(借助滑翔伞、滑翔机或风筝拉动或搭载的滑雪形式)

  backcountry skiing 荒原滑雪(指在无人居住的乡野地区未经整饬和标记的雪坡或雪道滑雪)

  Skiing equipments 滑雪装备

  ski 滑雪板

  snowboard 单板滑雪板

  tipped ski 板头

  tailed ski 板尾

  ski break 止滑器

  ski pole 滑雪杖

  ski wear 滑雪衣

  tapering trousers 滑雪裤

  ski boots 滑雪靴

  snow training shoes 防寒运动鞋

  binding 固定器

  thermos 保温水壶

  snow cap 雪帽

  gloves 手套

  ski glasses/goggle 滑雪眼镜

  helmet 头盔

  kneepad 护膝

  plush earmuffs 毛绒耳套

  Band-Aid/plaster 创可贴

  Skiing moves 滑雪动作

  short radius turn 短半径转弯

  giant slalom turn(G.S turn) 大转弯

  parallel turn 并腿转弯(平行转弯)

  snow plough 犁式刹车(两个雪板板尾向外,使雪板形成一个“八”字)

  airplane turn 空中转弯

  stem christie 制动转弯(将内侧板的.尾端向外侧推,沿雪面侧滑,使它从与外侧板平行的位置变为V字形)

  Skiing facilities 滑雪场设施

  ticket Office 售票处

  ski resort 滑雪场

  track 赛道

  ski slopes/runs/piste 滑道

  the primary/elementary Ski slopes/runs/Bunny Slope 初级道

  the intermediate Ski slopes/runs 中级道

  the high-class/high-level/high-grade Ski slopes/runs 高级道

  snowmaking machine/snowmaker 造雪机

  bombardier 压雪机

  cableway 索道

  drinking Station 饮水站

  shuttle Bus 穿梭巴士

  ski equipment hall雪具大厅

  the distance between... 间距

  the cable car gondola lift(吊箱式)缆车

  chairlift 吊椅缆车

  oxygen bar 氧吧

  snow entertainment 戏雪区

  snow entertainment area for children儿童戏雪乐园

  entertainment facilities 娱乐设施

  ski area 滑雪区

  skiing show 滑雪表演

  Ski area conditions 雪场自然条件状况

  slope 坡度

  temperature 温度

  humidity 湿度

  altitude 海拔

  the slope orientation 坡面朝向

  natural resources 自然资源

  sunlight 日照

  local climate 当地气候

  transport capacity/ability 运力



  Stack: Basic Body alignment with thehips and shoulders stacked over the down hill foot.


  Lead Change: When the body isstacked properly over the downhill foot the uphill knee naturallyadvances forward. The leading knee changes as the weight shiftsonto the new downhill ski


  Transitions: The weight shifts fromdown hill ski to the new downhill ski using lead change with out upweighting and down weighting.


  Knee Roll: As the weight shifts ontothe new ski the knees roll into the angle of the new turn.


  Knee Angle: The ski is put on edgewith knee angle not hip angle. This allows the knees to bend freelyup and down.


  Weight Shift: The body should be ina non banked stance. The shoulders should always stay over thedownhill ski.

  重心移动:身体处于一种非堆叠(non bankedstance?)的姿势。肩部一定要始终位于山下板的上方。

  Shin Pressure: Shin pressure shouldbe maintained at all times on the front of the boot.


  NonBraced Stance: To increasesensitivity and free range of motion the body should not be bracingagainst it self in any way.


  Center of Mass: The center of masswhich is just below the belly button should always be projectingdown the hill.


  Parallel Shafts: The legs shouldcreate parallel shafts under the center of mass with the uphill skiand the down hill ski tracking together.


  Opposing Hip Drive: The uphill hipshould drive down the fall line.


  Turn Placement: Turning happens onthe top and backside of the moguls.



  Foot Containment: As the knees bendand absorb the feet pull back underneath the center of mass to keepthe body stacked properly.


  Reverse Bicycle: The motion of footcontainment is similar to pedaling a bike backwards


  Center of Mass Moving Through: Whenabsorbing and extending the center of mass should always be movingdown the fall line.


  Punch: The tips of the skis shouldpush powerfully down the backside of each mogul. The legs extendfor the next mogul in an aligned position.


  Release: The body should be instacked position when the skis make contact with the face of themogul so that tension can be released in the legs allowing theknees to absorb the mogul.


  Touch: If the body is alignedproperly the impact will be very light on the face of the mogul,because the knees will be able to absorb the impact.


  Tip Touch: The releasing, absorptionprocess should happen the second the tips make contact with themogul.


  Hip Clearing: The hips and center ofmass should always clear the top of the mogul as the tips of theskis punch down the backside of the mogul.


  Hip Projection: The hips and centerof mass should always be projecting down the fall line.

  臀部投向: 臀部和身体中心要始终沿滚落线向下。

  Passive Active: Ryan Riley is moreof a passive style skier. He maintains a good body position andlooks very relaxed. Shupletsov was more of an active skier who wasable ski with a lot of knee angle and absorption. Shupletsovappeared to actively pull his feet underneath his center ofmass.


  Anticipation: Setting up the bodyinto a stacked position early in the extension process so that thelegs are able to release the second the tip makes contact with themogul.


  Pre Jumping: Prejumping the face ofthe mogul pumping with heavy contact on the backside. This is atechnique to gain speed in the moguls.


  Effective Range: The range of motionused when the knees move up and down. The range can be adjustedaccording to the size of the moguls and the pitch of theterrain.



  Approach: Spot the jump early,control speed three bumps early, the last two moguls before the airare key for setting up balance.


  Vision: A loose focus should be kepton the jump on the approach and a loose focus should be on thelanding and the next three moguls after the take off.

  视线:在接近和起跳时要以一种放松的注意力放在起跳上。在起跳后要将放松的注意力放在着地点和后三个包。 (loose focus?意思应该是不能太集中注意力?)

  4 Point Take Off: Both poles shouldtouch lightly on top of the jump on take off. This helps square thebody to the fall line.


  Bink: A light 4 point take off onthe jump so that the hands do not fall behind the center ofmass.


  Take off Extension: The legs shouldbe fully extended on top of the jump.


  Shin Pressure: When approaching thetransition of the jump the shins should be pressing into the bootswith the center of mass stacked over the ball of the foot.


  Hips Up: During the take offextension the hips should come all the way up into a symmetricalposition.


  Symmetry: When executing the tricksin the air the body should stay in a symmetrical position with theshoulders "T'd" off with the rest of the body.


  Spotting: When approaching the topof the jump the eyes should spot forward over the jump with a loosefocus.


  Timing; The take off extensionshould be timed to give the maximum lift off the top of thejump.


  Relaxing into the Center: Whenlanding in the moguls it is important to relax into the center ofmass.


  Big Air Projection: When executingthe take off extension concentrate on projecting the body up intothe air.



  Arm box: The arms should form a boxin front of the body with the hands in line with the elbows


  Square Shoulders: The shouldersshould square up to the fall line.


  Down Hill Shoulder Drive: Theshoulder over the downhill ski should be driving down onto thedownhill ski.


  Back Side Pole Plants: The basket ofthe pole should reach for the downhill side of the mogul in frontof you.


  Pulling Down the Hill: The poleswing should be early. It is a sensation of being pulled down thefall line with the pole plants.


  Suppression: Pulling down with theshoulders. Settling into the center of mass.


  Soft Focus: Focusing down the fallline with out spot fixation.


  Spot Fixation: Looking at one spotin a mogul line and loosing the flow of motion.


  Look 3 Moguls Ahead: Refer to Look 3Moguls Ahead.


  Opposite Hand Drive: The hand thatis not planting should be driving down the fall line.


  Light Pole Plants: Pole plantsshould be used as a timing device. They should not be used forbalance.


  Relaxation: The upper body should berelaxed.


  Grip: Pole straps should be wrappedaround the hand. The grip on the pole should be light using thewrist to swing the basket of the pole forward.



  Flowing Focus: The mental focus in acompetition run that enables the mind and body to flow while skiingdown the run.


  Non-Thinking: Letting thoughts goduring a competition run so that the body can ski.


  Top to Bottom Focus: Visualizing arun from top to bottom with air. Focusing through mistakes.


  Skiing Through Mistakes: Skiingthrough mistakes in training so those mistakes do not paralyze thefocus during competition runs.


  Paralysis by Analysis: Focusing onone point during a run and losing the flow.


  Self-Talk Key Words: Use one keyword to keep the focus flowing.


  Trust Your Stuff: Trust yourself tolet go of your thoughts when you are in the competition gate. Thethinking is done during training.


  Speed Relaxation: The key to goingfast is to breathe and relax into the center of mass.
