
时间:2024-04-02 08:30:56 金磊 英语写作 我要投稿






  过渡词的使用是保证段落或文章连贯的重要手段之一,同时也是英语写作中应注意的一个关键问题。本德(Bander)曾在其著作《美国英语修辞》(American English Rhetoric)中高度概括了写作中使用过渡词的重要性,认为“有两个技巧比学任何其它的更能增强英语写作技能:其一是使用过渡连接词;其二是使用从属关系”。

  夸克(Quirk)等人把过渡词分为13大类:(1)列举类;(2)强势类;(3) 对等类;(4) 转折类;(5) 总结类;(6) 同位类;(7)结果类;(8)推论类;(9)重述类;(10)替换类;(11)对立类;(12)让步类;(13)时间转换类。蔡基刚将过渡词分为11类:举例、比较、对照、让步、原因、结果、强调、递进、结论、时间和空间。

  我们立足于教学,从方便实用的角度出发,综合以上学者的成果,将过渡词按语义划分为以下最常见的几种类型:(一)表示添加信息:and, also, too, furthermore,besides, moreover, in addition, what is more等;( 二) 表示因果关系:because, for, for this reason, because of, since, as a result, thus,therefore, so, consequently, of course, accordingly等;( 三) 表示文章意义的转折或对比:although, however, on the contrary, still, but,otherwise, despite, nevertheless, though, in fact, on the other hand, asa matter of fact等;(四)表示文章中事件发生的时空顺序:first,second, third, after that, meanwhile, then, before, next, formerly, later,finally, in the end, at last等;( 五) 表示列举:firstly, secondly, forone thing…for another, first of all, to begin with, then, last等;(六)表示举例、解释:for example, for instance, that is, namely, to illustrate等;(七)表示总结:in short, to sum up, in conclusion, briefly, on thewhole, to conclude, to summarize等。下面我们逐一进行说明。


  常用词:besides 此外,furthermore 此外,additionally 此外,inaddition 此外,in particular 特别地,moreover 此外,what is more 另外。例如:

  ① Now it’s time to become concerned with the future of ours. Inparticular, we must pay enough attention to the problem ofpollution.

  ② As this society looks to education highly, there is a sense ofdignity and pride in receiving a college education. In addition/Furthermore/Besides/What is more, I believe with a collegeeducation I can serve my fellow men and my country better.


  accordingly 于是,as a result 因此,because of 由于,consequently因此,due to 由于,thanks to 幸亏,for this reason 由于这个原因,hence因此,in this way 这样,therefore 因此,thus 因此。例如:

  ① Because of/Due to science, we now live safer, morecomfortable and convenient lives.

  ② Our standard of living today is much higher than it was before.

  As a result, more and more people can afford their own housesand cars.

  ③ He was told to speak briefly; accordingly, he cut short hisremarks.

  ④ It is important to have good plans if we want to be successful.

  In this way/So/For this reason/Because of this/Therefore/Asa result/Consequently, it is most important to have a goodbeginning whenever we want to accomplish something.


  equally important 同样重要地,similarly 同样地,despite 纵使,in spite of 纵使,likewise 同样重要地,nevertheless 不过,conversely 相反地,on the contrary 相反地,on the other hand 另一方面。例如:

  ① Despite/In spite of all the heartaches and the difficulties, acollege education is still our best passport to success.

  ② If we lacked freedoms, people could not say what they felt.

  On the other hand/Conversely, if we lacked laws, then societywould be disorderly and violent.

  ③ Jones’ case was dismissed. Similarly, so were the chargesagainst Smith.

  ④ Congress can pass a law and the President may signit. Never theless, the Supreme Cour t can declare i tunconstitutional.


  afterward 以后,at present 目前,at the same time 同时,currently 目前,in the meantime 同时,meanwhile 同时,lately 最近,recently 最近,since then... 之后,soon 不久,soon after 不久之后,today 现在。例如:

  ① At present/Currently/Today/Recently/Lately, more andmore people are realizing the importance of protecting ourenvironment.

  ② Meanwhile/In the meantime/At the same time, students shouldhave more free time for reading what they like to read.

  ③ Since then, people have become more and more interested inlearning English.


  First of all 首先;In the first place, …Second, ... Finally 首先……,第二……,第三……;Firstly, …Secondly, ...Thirdly 第一……,第二……,第三……;At the very beginning, …Then, …

  Finally,… 首先……其次……最后……;To begin with, …Next, …

  Finally,… 首先……其次……最后……。


  Our standard of living today is much higher than it wasbefore. But this does not mean that the spiritual quality of our liveshas also improved. What should we do?

  First/First of all/In the first place, we must understand thatmoney can’t buy happiness. Don’t be a slave to it. Second, weshould spend time with friends and family. And third, we should findtime to listen to the birds sing, and see the beautiful scenery.


  常用的表示举例的过渡词语有:for example 举例,namely(等于“that is”)即,这就是说,for instance 举例,a case in point恰当的例子。例如:

  ① The means of production, namely, factories, mines and landshould be improved.

  ② A lot of people here, like Tom for example, would rather stay athome watching TV.

  ③ A case in point is the water control project along the YangtzeRiver.


  As has been noted 如前所述,As I have said 如我所述,In brief简言之,In conclusion 总之,In short 简言之,In summary 总之,Tosum up 总之,To conclude 总之,Eventually 最后,In my opinion 以我看来,From this point of view 从这个观点来看,On account of this, wecan find that… 由此我们可以发现……,On the whole 总起来说,Atlarge 总体上而,Personally 我个人认为……,Thus, this is the reasonwhy we must… 因此,这就是我们为什么必须……。例如:

  ① In conclusion, let us encourage the exchange of ideas andopinions by means of debates.

  ② In short/In brief/To sum up/In summary, I think that time hascome for the introduction of strict measures to protect ourenvironment.

  ③ As has been noted/As I have said, country life is morebeneficial than city life.



  … Attribute to … (原因) [形容词短语](原因)… which in turn (结果)

  Account for … (原因)

  (结果) lie in the fact that (原因)

  (结果) result from (原因)

  It is precisely because… (原因) that (结果)… [强调结构](原因) be responsible for (结果)

  It’s well known to us that ...

  As is known to us, ...

  This is a topic that is being widely talked about.

  From the graph (table, chart) listed above, it can be seen that ...


  ① They give rise to unfair competition, which in turn throwsoriginal businesses into a commercial panic.

  ② As is well known to us, it is important for the students to knowthe world outside campus.

  ③ The reason for this is obvious. Nowadays. the society ischanging and developing rapidly. and the campus is no longeran “ivory tower”. As college students. we must get in touch withthe world outside the campus. Only in this way can we adaptourselves to the society quickly after we graduate.

  诸如此类的结构还有很多,比如表达数量、优点、缺点、重要、必要、困难、方便、可能、措施、变化、事实、现状、比较、看法、结论,如As the proverb says… 正如谚语所言,Everybodyknows that… 每个人都知道,Generally speaking, … 一般说来,It isknown to us that… 众所周知,It is true that… 的确,Many people aremuch interested in the question that… 许多人都对……感兴趣,Thereis no doubt that… 毫无疑问,等等。总之,过渡词纷繁复杂,只有在学习中慢慢摸索,慢慢积累,才能切实地提高英语写作水平。




  This painting is very valuable.

  This painting is of great value.


  Our hometown has changed a lot these years.

  Great changes have taken place in my hometown these years.


  As he was tired and hungry, the boy was unwilling to move on

  Tired and hungry, the boy was unwilling to move on.



  When he arrives, please give me an e-mail.

  On hearing his arrival, please give me an e-mail.



  As he was lying in the grass, he thought of his parents living in the countryside.

  Lying in the grass, he thought of his parents living in the countryside.


  Once it is seen, it will never be forgotten.

  Once seen, it will never be forgotten


  He spoke louder so that the audience could hear him clearly.

  To make himself heard clearly, he spoke louder.


  If weather permits, we shall go there on foot.

  Weather permitting, we shall go there on foot.(逻辑主语+现在分词)

  If everything is considered, his plan seems to be more workable.

  Everything taken into consideration, his plan seems to be more workable.


  When this was done, we went home.

  This done, we went home.

  Given good luck, I will earn more money than all of you.

  Good luck given, I will earn more money than all of you.

  Because there was nothing to do, we played games.

  There being nothing to do, we played games.(being不可省略)


  The girl is spoken highly of. Her composition was well written.

  The girl whose composition was well written is spoken highly of.


  I graduatedfromthe university last summer.

  It was last summer that I graduatedfromthe university.


  If you go through the gate, you will find the entrance to Bear Country.

  Go through the gate, and you will find the entrance to Bear Country.


  I wont believe what he says.

  No matter what he says, I wont believe him.



  The bell is ringing now.

  There goes the bell.


  People suggested that the meeting be put off.

  It is suggested that the meeting be put off.



  Though Im weak I will make the effort.

  Weak as I am, I will make the effort.

  They will never give up the struggle for success

  Never will they give up the struggle for success.


  The ship didnt sink with all on board because there were the efforts of the captain.

  But for the efforts of the captain, the ship would have sunk with all on board.


  At the same time, as soon as, so far, since, now, when, meanwhile, shortly, later, lately, after a while, at this time, before, earlier, presently, in the meantime, formerly, previously, simultaneously, eventually, finally, concurrently , immediately, subsequently, lastly, consequently, since then, following this, preceding this, at the outset, at this point, after, afterwards, after this, at once, at length, in the mean time, meanwhile, at the same time, in the end, not long after, some time ago, at present, all of a sudden, from this time on.


  In other words, again, as has been pointed out, to repeat, as I have said above, once again, after all, indeed, in fact, truly, chiefly, especially, actually, particularly, to be sure, above all, most important of all, even worse, no doubt, needless to say.


  but, however, yet, or, nevertheless, still, nonetheless, conversely, nor rather, whereas, though, on the one hand, on the contrary, by contrast with/to, even though, instead, unlike, different from, in contrast (with/to), instead (of), unlike, while, for all of that, notwithstanding, something is just the other way around, opposed to, as opposed to.


  similarly, likewise, like, as, at the same time, in fact, too, in the same way, in alike manner, both, also, compared with, in comparison with


  first of all, to begin with, first, second, next, in the first (second) place, furthermore, moreover, beyond that, also, besides, in addition, what is more, such as, finally, for example, for instance, in this case, namely, a case in point is…, consider…, in particular, including…, for one thing…, for another…, put it simply, stated roughly, as an illustration, I will say…, a good example (of…) would be…, to detail this, I would like to…, it is interesting to note that…, in this situation, as proof, take the case of…, take (something) as example, as for, as regards, as to, according to, on this occasion.


  Since, because (of), as, for, owing to, result from, due to, on account of, on the ground of, as a result of, being that, another important factor/reason of…, in that…, for the reason that…, in view of.

  So, therefore, thus, hence, as a result, accordingly, for this reason, on that account, it follows that, thereupon, inevitably, under these conditions, as a consequence, consequently, in consequence, so that, not only…but (also…), so… as to


  To sum up, in summary, to summarize, in short, in brief, to be brief, on the whole, in conclusion, to conclude, the conclusion can be drawn that…


















  过渡词的使用是保证段落或文章连贯的重要手段之一,同时也是英语写作中应注意的一个关键问题。本德(Bander)曾在其著作《美国英语修辞》(American English Rhetoric)中高度概括了写作中使用过渡词的重要性,认为“有两个技巧比学任何其它的更能增强英语写作技能:其一是使用过渡连接词;其二是使用从属关系”。

  夸克(Quirk)等人把过渡词分为13大类:(1)列举类;(2)强势类;(3) 对等类;(4) 转折类;(5) 总结类;(6) 同位类;(7)结果类;(8)推论类;(9)重述类;(10)替换类;(11)对立类;(12)让步类;(13)时间转换类。蔡基刚将过渡词分为11类:举例、比较、对照、让步、原因、结果、强调、递进、结论、时间和空间。

  我们立足于教学,从方便实用的角度出发,综合以上学者的成果,将过渡词按语义划分为以下最常见的几种类型:(一)表示添加信息:and, also, too, furthermore,besides, moreover, in addition, what is more等;( 二) 表示因果关系:because, for, for this reason, because of, since, as a result, thus,therefore, so, consequently, of course, accordingly等;( 三) 表示文章意义的转折或对比:although, however, on the contrary, still, but,otherwise, despite, nevertheless, though, in fact, on the other hand, asa matter of fact等;(四)表示文章中事件发生的时空顺序:first,second, third, after that, meanwhile, then, before, next, formerly, later,finally, in the end, at last等;( 五) 表示列举:firstly, secondly, forone thing…for another, first of all, to begin with, then, last等;(六)表示举例、解释:for example, for instance, that is, namely, to illustrate等;(七)表示总结:in short, to sum up, in conclusion, briefly, on thewhole, to conclude, to summarize等。下面我们逐一进行说明。


  常用词:besides 此外,furthermore 此外,additionally 此外,inaddition 此外,in particular 特别地,moreover 此外,what is more 另外。例如:

  ① Now it’s time to become concerned with the future of ours. Inparticular, we must pay enough attention to the problem ofpollution.

  ② As this society looks to education highly, there is a sense ofdignity and pride in receiving a college education. In addition/Furthermore/Besides/What is more, I believe with a collegeeducation I can serve my fellow men and my country better.


  accordingly 于是,as a result 因此,because of 由于,consequently因此,due to 由于,thanks to 幸亏,for this reason 由于这个原因,hence因此,in this way 这样,therefore 因此,thus 因此。例如:

  ① Because of/Due to science, we now live safer, morecomfortable and convenient lives.

  ② Our standard of living today is much higher than it was before.

  As a result, more and more people can afford their own housesand cars.

  ③ He was told to speak briefly; accordingly, he cut short hisremarks.

  ④ It is important to have good plans if we want to be successful.

  In this way/So/For this reason/Because of this/Therefore/Asa result/Consequently, it is most important to have a goodbeginning whenever we want to accomplish something.


  equally important 同样重要地,similarly 同样地,despite 纵使,in spite of 纵使,likewise 同样重要地,nevertheless 不过,conversely 相反地,on the contrary 相反地,on the other hand 另一方面。例如:

  ① Despite/In spite of all the heartaches and the difficulties, acollege education is still our best passport to success.

  ② If we lacked freedoms, people could not say what they felt.

  On the other hand/Conversely, if we lacked laws, then societywould be disorderly and violent.

  ③ Jones’ case was dismissed. Similarly, so were the chargesagainst Smith.

  ④ Congress can pass a law and the President may signit. Never theless, the Supreme Cour t can declare i tunconstitutional.


  afterward 以后,at present 目前,at the same time 同时,currently 目前,in the meantime 同时,meanwhile 同时,lately 最近,recently 最近,since then... 之后,soon 不久,soon after 不久之后,today 现在。例如:

  ① At present/Currently/Today/Recently/Lately, more andmore people are realizing the importance of protecting ourenvironment.

  ② Meanwhile/In the meantime/At the same time, students shouldhave more free time for reading what they like to read.

  ③ Since then, people have become more and more interested inlearning English.


  First of all 首先;In the first place, …Second, ... Finally 首先……,第二……,第三……;Firstly, …Secondly, ...Thirdly 第一……,第二……,第三……;At the very beginning, …Then, …

  Finally,… 首先……其次……最后……;To begin with, …Next, …

  Finally,… 首先……其次……最后……。


  Our standard of living today is much higher than it wasbefore. But this does not mean that the spiritual quality of our liveshas also improved. What should we do?

  First/First of all/In the first place, we must understand thatmoney can’t buy happiness. Don’t be a slave to it. Second, weshould spend time with friends and family. And third, we should findtime to listen to the birds sing, and see the beautiful scenery.


  常用的表示举例的过渡词语有:for example 举例,namely(等于“that is”)即,这就是说,for instance 举例,a case in point恰当的例子。例如:

  ① The means of production, namely, factories, mines and landshould be improved.

  ② A lot of people here, like Tom for example, would rather stay athome watching TV.

  ③ A case in point is the water control project along the YangtzeRiver.


  As has been noted 如前所述,As I have said 如我所述,In brief简言之,In conclusion 总之,In short 简言之,In summary 总之,Tosum up 总之,To conclude 总之,Eventually 最后,In my opinion 以我看来,From this point of view 从这个观点来看,On account of this, wecan find that… 由此我们可以发现……,On the whole 总起来说,Atlarge 总体上而,Personally 我个人认为……,Thus, this is the reasonwhy we must… 因此,这就是我们为什么必须……。例如:

  ① In conclusion, let us encourage the exchange of ideas andopinions by means of debates.

  ② In short/In brief/To sum up/In summary, I think that time hascome for the introduction of strict measures to protect ourenvironment.

  ③ As has been noted/As I have said, country life is morebeneficial than city life.



  … Attribute to … (原因) [形容词短语](原因)… which in turn (结果)

  Account for … (原因)

  (结果) lie in the fact that (原因)

  (结果) result from (原因)

  It is precisely because… (原因) that (结果)… [强调结构](原因) be responsible for (结果)

  It’s well known to us that ...

  As is known to us, ...

  This is a topic that is being widely talked about.

  From the graph (table, chart) listed above, it can be seen that ...


  ① They give rise to unfair competition, which in turn throwsoriginal businesses into a commercial panic.

  ② As is well known to us, it is important for the students to knowthe world outside campus.

  ③ The reason for this is obvious. Nowadays. the society ischanging and developing rapidly. and the campus is no longeran “ivory tower”. As college students. we must get in touch withthe world outside the campus. Only in this way can we adaptourselves to the society quickly after we graduate.

  诸如此类的结构还有很多,比如表达数量、优点、缺点、重要、必要、困难、方便、可能、措施、变化、事实、现状、比较、看法、结论,如As the proverb says… 正如谚语所言,Everybodyknows that… 每个人都知道,Generally speaking, … 一般说来,It isknown to us that… 众所周知,It is true that… 的确,Many people aremuch interested in the question that… 许多人都对……感兴趣,Thereis no doubt that… 毫无疑问,等等。总之,过渡词纷繁复杂,只有在学习中慢慢摸索,慢慢积累,才能切实地提高英语写作水平。




  This painting is very valuable.

  This painting is of great value.


  Our hometown has changed a lot these years.

  Great changes have taken place in my hometown these years.


  As he was tired and hungry, the boy was unwilling to move on

  Tired and hungry, the boy was unwilling to move on.



  When he arrives, please give me an e-mail.

  On hearing his arrival, please give me an e-mail.



  As he was lying in the grass, he thought of his parents living in the countryside.

  Lying in the grass, he thought of his parents living in the countryside.


  Once it is seen, it will never be forgotten.

  Once seen, it will never be forgotten


  He spoke louder so that the audience could hear him clearly.

  To make himself heard clearly, he spoke louder.


  If weather permits, we shall go there on foot.

  Weather permitting, we shall go there on foot.(逻辑主语+现在分词)

  If everything is considered, his plan seems to be more workable.

  Everything taken into consideration, his plan seems to be more workable.


  When this was done, we went home.

  This done, we went home.

  Given good luck, I will earn more money than all of you.

  Good luck given, I will earn more money than all of you.

  Because there was nothing to do, we played games.

  There being nothing to do, we played games.(being不可省略)


  The girl is spoken highly of. Her composition was well written.

  The girl whose composition was well written is spoken highly of.


  I graduatedfromthe university last summer.

  It was last summer that I graduatedfromthe university.


  If you go through the gate, you will find the entrance to Bear Country.

  Go through the gate, and you will find the entrance to Bear Country.


  I wont believe what he says.

  No matter what he says, I wont believe him.



  The bell is ringing now.

  There goes the bell.


  People suggested that the meeting be put off.

  It is suggested that the meeting be put off.



  Though Im weak I will make the effort.

  Weak as I am, I will make the effort.

  They will never give up the struggle for success

  Never will they give up the struggle for success.


  The ship didnt sink with all on board because there were the efforts of the captain.

  But for the efforts of the captain, the ship would have sunk with all on board.


  At the same time, as soon as, so far, since, now, when, meanwhile, shortly, later, lately, after a while, at this time, before, earlier, presently, in the meantime, formerly, previously, simultaneously, eventually, finally, concurrently , immediately, subsequently, lastly, consequently, since then, following this, preceding this, at the outset, at this point, after, afterwards, after this, at once, at length, in the mean time, meanwhile, at the same time, in the end, not long after, some time ago, at present, all of a sudden, from this time on.


  In other words, again, as has been pointed out, to repeat, as I have said above, once again, after all, indeed, in fact, truly, chiefly, especially, actually, particularly, to be sure, above all, most important of all, even worse, no doubt, needless to say.


  but, however, yet, or, nevertheless, still, nonetheless, conversely, nor rather, whereas, though, on the one hand, on the contrary, by contrast with/to, even though, instead, unlike, different from, in contrast (with/to), instead (of), unlike, while, for all of that, notwithstanding, something is just the other way around, opposed to, as opposed to.


  similarly, likewise, like, as, at the same time, in fact, too, in the same way, in alike manner, both, also, compared with, in comparison with


  first of all, to begin with, first, second, next, in the first (second) place, furthermore, moreover, beyond that, also, besides, in addition, what is more, such as, finally, for example, for instance, in this case, namely, a case in point is…, consider…, in particular, including…, for one thing…, for another…, put it simply, stated roughly, as an illustration, I will say…, a good example (of…) would be…, to detail this, I would like to…, it is interesting to note that…, in this situation, as proof, take the case of…, take (something) as example, as for, as regards, as to, according to, on this occasion.


  Since, because (of), as, for, owing to, result from, due to, on account of, on the ground of, as a result of, being that, another important factor/reason of…, in that…, for the reason that…, in view of.

  So, therefore, thus, hence, as a result, accordingly, for this reason, on that account, it follows that, thereupon, inevitably, under these conditions, as a consequence, consequently, in consequence, so that, not only…but (also…), so… as to


  To sum up, in summary, to summarize, in short, in brief, to be brief, on the whole, in conclusion, to conclude, the conclusion can be drawn that…