
时间:2020-12-24 16:09:55 考研真题 我要投稿


  I. Phrase Translation 30分


  DUI: 醉酒驾车

  OTC: 非处方药

  CBD: 中央商务区

  SOHO: 在家上班族

  HDTV: 高清电视

  corporal punishment: 体罚

  lifting of embargo: 解除禁运

  panic buying :抢购

  force majeure: 不可抵抗力

  anti-dumping :反倾销

  standby time: 待机时间

  junk mail :垃圾邮件

  joint communique:联合公报

  insurance claim: 保险索赔

  collect call :对方付费电话

  独家代理: sole agency

  端午节: Dragon Boat Festival

  全国人民代表大会: NPC

  吉尼斯世界记录: the guinness world records

  城镇居民人均可支配收入: urban per capita disposable income

  橙色预警: orange alert

  虚拟市场: virtual market

  价格听证会: price hearing

  现场直播: live broadcast

  人才流失: brain drain

  燃油税: fuel oil tax

  上市公司: listed company

  全球首映 :world premiere

  电子眼: electronic eye

  留守儿童: stay-at-home children

  II. Passage translation

  Source Text 1:

  One day about fifteen years ago Isuddenly came face to face with myself and realized therewas something quiteempty about my life. My friends and associates perhaps didnt see it. Bythegenerally accepted standards, I was successful, I was head of aprosperous manufacturingconcern and led what is usually referred to as anactive life, both socially and in business. But itdidnt seem tome to be adding up to anything. I was going around in circles. I workedhard,played hard, and pretty soon I discovered I was hitting the highballs harderthan I needed.I wasnt a candidate for Alcoholics Anonymous, but to be honestwith myself I had to admit Iwas drinking more than was good for me. It may havebeen out of sheer boredom.

  I began to wonder what to do. It occurred to me that I might have gotten myselftoo tightlywrapped up in my job, to the sacrifice of the basic butnon-materialistic values of life. It struckme abruptly that I was being quiteselfish, that my major interest in people was in what theymeant to me, whatthey represented as business contacts or employees, not what I might meantothem. I remembered that as my mother sent me to Sunday school as a boy, andencouragedme to sing in the church choir, she used to tell me that the valueof what she called a goodChristian background was in having something to tieto. I put in a little thought recalling theGolden Rule and some of the otherfirst principles of Christianity.




  Source Text 2: (暂无 有关老年痴呆症Alzheimers disease的` 20分)

  Source Text 3:


  Source Text 4:










