留学网 > GRE考试 > 3月15日GRE考试出现异常结构section




  在这次考试中,多位同学向我们反映某一个Verbal Section并非以正常的结构出现。这几年GRE考试结构稳定在以text completion开始,sentence equivalence 穿插其中的方式。而这次考试有些同学遇到了一个section以阅读开始,10道阅读题目结束后才出现了4个sentence equivalence,然后紧跟着6个text completion。这种情况我所知道的还是第一次出现,不过我的预判应该很有可能是一个加试的section,因为算分的section和大部分加试都遵循着经典结构。在以往的考试中有同学跟我汇报过在一个section中碰到过8个三空题,6选二出现在了第一题等情况,后来根据判据确定那个section为加试。所以同学们在考场上如果遇到了不规则的section不需要紧张,一来根据历史经验加试的可能性极大,而来GRE考试可以调整做题顺序,还是可以按照你舒服的方式完成题目。

  2. 本次考试机经放送


  (1) 虽然早期的Florence Nightingale 的传记倾向于______, LS这个人很irreverent 的essay驶入了新的领域,让批评他成为了可接受的事情,甚至还很流行。

  参考答案: sycophantic

  陪考词汇难词: pedantic / censorious

  (2) 机经定位原文:During the recent citizen-scientist event, the amateur astonished the organizer by having the schedule of the galaxies ahead of a long time. Buoyed by the alacrity, the scientists went on to ask more-complicated questions that led to studies they had never imagined.(出自韩冰、潘晨光老师2014.9月份发布的GRE机经考古50题,本次考试原题复现)

  考察词汇:astonished/ buoyed/ alacrity

  (3) 通常我们提到的human communities 和insect colonies 的parallel 是______, 昆虫因为基因而合作,人类通常与nonrelatives 合作。

  机经定位原文:Today, we know that the parallels between human communities and insect states do not reach very far. The amazing degree of cooperation found among social insects is essentially due to the strong family ties within ant hills or bee hives. Humans, by contrast, often collaborate with non-related partners.

  (4) It is important to differentiate between scientifically inaccurate ideas that are conceptually unproductive and understandings that are inaccurate, yet can foster learning of more sophisticated understandings. The former are simply wrong; the latter can be seen as incomplete, overly simplistic, or tied to only a few limited contexts.

  考察词汇: unproductive / foster

