
发布时间:2017-12-09 编辑:bin

  1. Professor Ramfield describes in his recent book publishing as dark as it is deep, even as one hidebound industry, indeed, it is facing a profound change in its product model, but is so (i)___ its past as to be (ii)____opportunities offered by technological change.

  Blank (i) Blank (ii)

  A. indebted in D. unable to seize

  B. encumbered by E. capable of seeking

  C. irrelevant with F. definite to circumvent



  空白(i) 空白(ii)

  A负债的 D.不能抓住

  B.被阻碍 E.可以寻找

  C.无关 F.明确避免


  2. The cognitive flexibility of successful fictional detectives is often ____ by their cultural ambivalence: detectives' intellectual acumen, it seems, exists in direct proportion to their uneasy place in society.

  A. spurned

  B. spaded

  C. spurred

  D. matched

  E. emaciated



  3. The history of the region's natural resources has been one of initial (i)___ followed by (ii)___; as such the region has over time gone from a resource-rich to a resource-dependent economy.

  Blank (i) Blank (ii)

  A. abundance D.rapacious depletion

  B. depletion E.vain endeavor

  C. scarcity F.one-sided reciprocity



  空白(i) 空白(ii)

  A.丰富 D.贪婪的耗尽

  B.耗尽 E.徒劳的努力

  C.稀少 F.单方面的互惠


  4. People accustomed to thinking that the human lifespan (i)_____________the outer bounds of animal longevity tend to dismiss tales of musket balls being found in the shells of living turtles. Samantha Romney,however,argues that while such stories may be (ii) ______________, some turtles do indeed exhibit a phenomenon known as “negligible (iii) _____________,” showing nosigns of aging even as they pass the two-century mark.

  Blank (i)

  A. belies

  B. demarcates

  C. antedates

  Blank (ii)

  A. apocryphal

  B. authentic

  C. heresy

  Blank (iii)

  A. rejuvenation

  B. superannuation

  C. senescence


  解析:这道题是说有些人认为人类寿命(i)____ 动物寿命的极限,通常不会理会乌龟壳上发现子弹的故事。然而Samantha Romney认为,这些故事可能(ii)______,但是一些乌龟确实呈现了一种现象叫做“可以忽略的(iii)______”,即使经过两个世纪也没有变老的迹象。

  空白(i) 空白(ii) 空白(iii)

  A.掩饰 A.虚构的但却能说明真相的 A.返老回童

  B.划定 B.真实的 B.退休

  C.先于 C.异端邪说 C.衰老

