话题从Part 1的简单询问考生的工作经历和对工作的感受,到Part 2需要考生描述一个有趣的职业或重要的职业,再到Part 3需要考生综合分析现在年轻人喜欢选择什么样的职业以及为什么年轻人频繁换工作等。其实无论是对于A类还是G类考生,关于工作的话题一直都是比较难的。G类考生在经验方面更胜一筹,然而在语言表达上稍微欠缺;A类考生语言能力稍好一些,而对工作的看法却鲜少,有些甚至答出一些幼稚的、让人哭笑不得的答案。比如在课堂上有学生在被问到what's your ideal job?的时候,居然回答My ideal job is no job but have much money, 我们先不论这位学生的语法,但就答案本身而言,我相信考官绝不会苟同。虽然我们提倡学生大胆说、说真话,但是这样幼稚的答案不会为你挣得分数。
guide导游 |
guard警卫 |
gas station attendant加油工 |
astronaut宇航员 |
baker烘培师 |
boxer拳击手 |
agent经纪人 |
bus driver公车(巴士)司机 |
butcher屠夫、肉商 |
cartoonist漫画家 |
cashier出纳员 |
chef厨师 |
clown小丑 |
computer programmer程序员 |
construction worker建筑工人 |
cook厨师 |
dancer舞蹈表演者 |
dentist牙科医生 |
designer设计师 |
detective侦探 |
doctor医生 |
dustman清洁工 |
editor编辑 |
engineer工程师 |
farmer农夫 |
fireman消防员 |
fisherman渔夫 |
florist花商 |
Foreign minister外交部长 |
gardener花匠、园丁 |
accountant会计 |
architect建筑师 |
artist艺术家 |
priest牧师 |
housekeeper管家 |
housewife家庭主妇 |
translator翻译(笔译) |
interpreter口译员 |
journalist记者 |
judge法官 |
lawyer律师 |
life guard救生员 |
magician魔术师 |
mathematician数学家 |
miner矿工 |
movie director导演 |
musician音乐家 |
nurse护士 |
office clerk职员 |
office staff上班族 |
photographer摄影师 |
pilot飞行员 |
policeman警察 |
hairdresser理发师、美容师(女) |
professor教授 |
real estate agent房地产经纪人 |
repairman修理工人 |
reporter记者 |
sailor船员、水手 |
scientist科学家 |
secretary秘书 |
soldier士兵、军人 |
traffic warden交通管理员 |
TV producer电视制作人 |
veterinarian兽医 |
Ø CEO (ChiefExecutive Officer): a CEO hasto supervise and coordinate different parts of theorganization, and of course, to know about what’s going on in each sector. Besides,a CEO has to represent the company in all important decisions.
Ø Finance Manager: a finance manager is often a qualified accountantand a member of the management team, monitoring a company’s financial performance,as well as supervising the budgets for various projects and controlling their costs.
Ø Human Resources Manager: A HR manager’s job is around the development a trainingof the managers inside the organisation, and making sure they do their jobs well.Also, a HR manager is responsible for the recruitment of new staff.
除此之外,考生要转变思维,关于到底什么样的工作是你的理想工作,或者什么样的工作是好工作,就刚才举例的答案而言,有钱的工作是好工作我们可以用well-paid来描述,并不是have much money这样幼稚又业余的表达;有人认为好的工作应该secure, promising, 有人则认为好工作就是challenging, exciting, 因为一个有挑战性的工作才会rewarding,worthwhile。当然,公司的待遇也是员工考虑的一方面,比如有没有paid-leaves, medical insurance, housing benefits, pension, bonus等等。Working space如何,与colleague的关系怎么样也都是很多人考虑的因素。所以考生们不要再局限于幼稚的表达,多积累相关的表达,再加以客观分析,定能让考官刮目相看。这里给大家做一示范:
Money is good, but I want a job which is also rewardingin other ways. It shouldn’t be boring like some other jobs, and there should bealways something unexpected. Thus I’ll feel I am doing something worthwhile.
当然,我们在答题时也要融合一些时代特色。比如随着经济的发展,我们的工作和生活节奏都日益加快,导致员工们不得不为heavy work拼命,大部分时间被paper work, computer work所占据,每天都meet tight deadlines的问题,很少有时间have a day-off, 而变得很容易feel fatigued, frustrated, depressed, 甚至会产生许多与快节奏的工作生活相关的健康问题stress-related illness, 比如high blood pressure, ulcer, fatigue等。对心理的影响也不可避免,比如bad mood, anxiety, low spirit等等。而在论述的时候,我们除了站在自己的角度上来思考问题之外,还可以站在更宏观的角度来考虑这些问题,比如谈论到对现在工作的看法,我们可以说:
Nowadays the pace of work has increased beyond people’s expectations.They are usually overwhelmed with the heavy work and feel fatigued.Overwork will result in stress-related illness, such as high blood pressureand ulcer. Employees will give very poor performance in their work.