留学网 > 托福考试 > 新托福口语Task6考点及答题技巧






  Using points and examples from the talk, explain the two definitions of money presented by the professor.

  Using points and examples from the talk, explain the two types of motivation.

  Using the examples from the talk, explain how persuasive strategies are used in advertising.

  Using the research described by the professor, explain what scientists have learned about the mathematical abilities of babies.






  由于第六道题目是纯粹的听力讲座而没有阅读材料,那么讲座中的主要内容通常情况下是会在第一句话中体现出来的。有时候教授会非常直接明显地点明话题,例如:Today we’ll talk about how companies determine the initial prices for their products.然后教授会讲述主要概念涉及的过程或者基本原理及举例。

  讲座结束后,考生将听到并在电脑屏幕上看到题目。如上文所示,第六题的题目会要求考生解释讲座所讨论的核心概念。由于此部分没有阅读内容,相较于Task3和Task4, 考生只有20秒的准备时间,在此期间,考生可依据自己的笔记进行思考和准备。在听到“哔”的提示声后,考生将有60秒的时间作答。


  So, let’s talk about money. What is money? Well, typically people think of coins and paper “bills” as money... but that’s using a somewhat narrow definition of the term.

  A broad definition is this: money is anything that people can use to make purchases with. Since many things can be used to make purchases, money can have many different forms. Certainly, coins and bills are one form of money. People exchange goods and services for coins or paper bills, and they use this money ... these bills ... to obtain other goods and services. For example, you might give a taxi driver five dollars to purchase a ride in his taxi. And he in turn gives the five dollars to a farmer to buy some vegetables...

  But, as I said, coins and bills aren’t the only form of money under this broad definition. Some societies make use of a barter system. Basically, in a barter system people exchange goods and services directly for other goods and services. The taxi driver, for example, might give a ride to a farmer in exchange for some vegetables. Since the vegetables are used to pay for a service, by our broad definition the vegetables areused in barter as a form of money.

  Now, as I mentioned, there’s also a second ... a narrower definition of money. In the United States only coins and bills are legal tender—meaning that by law, a seller must accept them as payment. The taxi driver must accept coins or bills as payment for a taxi ride. OK? But in the U.S., the taxi driver is not required to accept vegetables in exchange for a ride. So a narrower definition of money might be whatever is legal tender in a society, whatever has to be accepted as payment.

  Using points and examples from the talk, explain the two definitions of money presented by the professor.



  -- A broad definition is this: money is anything that people can use to make purchases with

  -- coins and bills are one form of money.

  -- in a barter system people exchange goods and services directly for other goods and services.

  -- So a narrower definition of money might be whatever is legal tender in a society, whatever has to be accepted as payment.

  -- In the United States only coins and bills are legal tender—meaning that by law, a seller must accept them as payment.


  The professor talks about two definitions of money, a broad one and a narrow one. By the broad definition, money is everything with which we can make purchases. For example, coins and bills can be money, because we can use them to buy goods such as vegetables and pay for services such as taxi. But in a barter system, vegetables can be money, because farmers can give drivers vegetables in exchange for a drive. By the narrow definition, in a society, the legal tender is money. For instance, in the US, drivers and farmers must accept dollars as payment. People can use dollars to pay for taxi and buy vegetables because dollar is the legal tender in the US. So, dollar in the form of coin and bill is money.



  1. 避免原句照搬阅读和听力内容,适当进行词汇和语法的替换。由于Task6是要求考生复述听力讲座中的内容,因此很容易出现考生直接原文复述所听所记内容的现象。要知道这样是会对考生的成绩产生一定的影响的,考生需要在总结出中心句的同时,对中心句进行一定的paraphrase。例如,听力原文的对话为:money is anything that people can use to make purchases with。在范文中,被替换为money is everything with which we can make purchases。同样的一句话,同为定语从句结构,只是将介词的位置稍作改变,依旧是漂亮的一句话。很多考生存在疑问:是不是同义替换要把一整句话全部替换掉?其实不一定要一句话内没有丝毫重合,朗阁海外考试研究中心分析认为,考生只需将原句中的一、两个词替换成自己的表达,已经算是高效的同义替换了。

  2.学会记笔记。在第六道题里,考生记笔记的能力显得尤为重要,由于没有过多的准备时间,大多数考生会将自己记的内容稍加润色就直接读出来,因此笔记的量直接影响了回答的内容。然而,就像听力里的lecture, 如果笔记记得过多,又可能会影响听后面的内容。那么应该如何记笔记呢?笔者在上文中提到,讲座的主题一般会出现在第一句话,因此,在讲座一开始的时候,考生要全神贯注地去听核心概念,并用缩写记下关键术语,还要记下足够的信息来帮助自己定义这个核心概念。可能某个专业术语听不懂,但是又重复了好多遍,那么就标注其发音,甚至用中文拼音将其记录下来,因为后面肯定用得到。其次,考生需要记下支撑关键术语的例子或者实验的过程,通常有两个例子或者两个步骤,将步骤记得尽可能详尽。同时,由于听力的量比较大,考生需要学会运用适当的符号、箭头和缩写来完成自己的笔记。



