留学网 > 留学国家 > 英国 > 英国高中留学申请面试的常见提问



  随着近年来低龄留学的逐渐火爆,越来越多的家长都希望孩子能在高中就去英国留学 。今天,YJBYS就为大家总结了英国高中留学 最常见的面试问题,一起来看看吧!


  1. What’s your English name? How old are you?

  2. Where do you live in china?

  3. Do you have any brothers or sisters?

  4. Can you give me a brief introduction of yourself?

  5. Why do you want to study in the UK?

  6. Why have you decided to apply to our school?/How do you know our school?

  7. Which others have you applied to? Why?

  8. Where are you studying now?

  9.Which subject are you interested in? What’s your favorite course?

  10.How many years have you studied English? What is your current level?

  11. Give me three reasons to admit you

  12. What will you plan to do in the future

  13. Have you any questions you would like to ask me?


  14. Do you have any hobbies?/Tell me about your main interest outside school?/Would you describe yourself as being “active in sport”, why?

  15. What do you do in your spare time?

  17. Who will support your study?

  18. What do your parents do for living?

  19. How do your friends describe you?

