留学网 > 留学费用 > 自费留学 > 美国花费最高的20所大学



  据Business Insider 报道,美国大学学费日益高昂,目前全美国有50所大学每年学费超过6万美元。据彭博社统计的数据显示,自1978年以来,大学学杂费(包括学费、住宿费和其他费用)增长了1225%,而吃、穿方面的花费涨幅仅为257%和370%。

  #20 西北大学 Northwestern University

  Total Cost: $59,389

  Tuition and Fees: $45,527

  Room and Board: $13,862

  Department of Education Rank: 54

  #19 匹兹学院 Pitzer College

  Total Cost: $59,416

  Tuition and Fees: $45,018

  Room and Board: $14,398

  Department of Education Rank: 41

  #18 哈弗福德学院 Haverford College

  Total Cost: $59,446

  Tuition and Fees: $45,636

  Room and Board: $13,810

  Department of Education Rank: 48

  #17 欧柏林学院 Oberlin College

  Total Cost: $59,474

  Tuition and Fees: $46,870

  Room and Board: $12,604

  Department of Education Rank: 17

  #16 斯克利普斯学院 Scripps College

  Total Cost: $59,570

  Tuition and Fees: $45,564

  Room and Board: $14,006

  Department of Education Rank: 56

  #15 西方文理大學 Occidental College

  Total Cost: $59,592

  Tuition and Fees: $46,652

  Room and Board: $12,940

  Department of Education Rank: 28

  #14 南加州大学University of Southern California

  Total Cost: $59,615

  Tuition and Fees: $46,713

  Room and Board: $12,902

  Department of Education Rank: 30

  #13 卡内基梅隆大学 Carnegie Mellon University

  Total Cost: $59,632

  Tuition and Fees: $47,642

  Room and Board: $11,990

  Department of Education Rank: 6

  #12 福特汉姆大学 Fordham College

  Total Cost: $59,802

  Tuition and Fees: $43,902

  Room and Board: $15,900*

  Department of Education Rank: N/A

  *The average room and board for Fordham's 2 NYC campuses

  #11 约翰霍普斯金大学 Johns Hopkins University

  Total Cost: $59,802

  Tuition and Fees: $45,970

  Room and Board: $13,832

  Department of Education Rank: 45

  #10 三一学院 Trinity College

  Total Cost: $59,860

  Tuition and Fees: $47,560

  Room and Board: $12,300

  Department of Education Rank: 5

  #9 西蒙洛克学院 Bard College at Simon's Rock

  Total Cost: $60,003

  Tuition and Fees: $47,313

  Room and Board: $12,690

  Department of Education Rank: 10

  #8 芝加哥大学 University of Chicago

  Total Cost: $60,039

  Tuition and Fees: $46,386

  Room and Board: $13,653

  Department of Education Rank: 11

  #7 达特茅斯学院 Dartmouth College

  Total Cost: $60,201

  Tuition and Fees: $46,752

  Room and Board: $13,449

  Department of Education Rank: 21

  #6 卫斯理大学 Wesleyan University

  Total Cost: $60,214

  Tuition and Fees: $47,274

  Room and Board: $12,940

  Department of Education Rank: 8

  #5 莎拉劳伦斯学院 Sarah Lawrence College

  Total Cost: $60,656

  Tuition and Fees: $48,696

  Room and Board: $11,960

  Department of Education Rank: 2

  #4 伦斯勒理工大学 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

  Total Cost: $60,779

  Tuition and Fees: $47,819

  Room and Board: $12,960

  Department of Education Rank: 36

  #3 巴德学院 Bard College

  Total Cost: $61,446

  Tuition and Fees: $47,944

  Room and Board: $13,502

  Department of Education Rank: 16

  #2 哈维穆德学院 Harvey Mudd College

  Total Cost: $61,760

  Tuition and Fees: $46,609

  Room and Board: $15,151

  Department of Education Rank: 43

  #1 纽约大学 New York University

  Total Cost: $61,977

  Tuition and Fees: $44,845

  Room and Board: $16,622

  Department of Education Rank: 64

