
时间:2023-03-17 08:41:00 晓怡 英语面试 我要投稿
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  第一,在与西方人面对面谈话的时候要注意保持一定的距离(keep a certain distance)。当然,不同社会文化习俗的人保持的距离是不一样的。对英美人而言,这个距离是3英尺,如果是面对东欧人和南美人,这个距离还可以再近些,但仍要在2英尺以上。第二,在跟英美人第一次见面相互握手的时候,一定要有点力度,如果握起手来有气无力,或者只伸出手指尖来给人握,就会给对方冷冰冰的感觉,英文中管这种握手叫做wet handshake。

  男女之间的握手一般是女方先主动伸出手来,男子不必主动;女方若不伸手,亦可点头致意。西方人之间(特别是亲属和关系密切的朋友)的见面礼还有拥抱和亲吻,这个我们暂时还用不到。第三,必须特别指出的一点是eye contact(目光交流),是否有这种目光交流是表明你自信与否的重要手段。在中国,受几千年传统文化的影响,尤其是在面对长辈的时候,我们会尽可能避开他们的目光,尽量表现得谦虚、恭敬。但是,在外国人看来,这是一种不诚实的行为,你的话的可信度会大打折扣,甚至他会怀疑你在说谎。这是我们中国学生在申请奖学金面试和找工作面试的时候最不注意同时也是吃亏最多的地方。还有一些body language(体态语言)是西方文化里面所特有的,比如:

  winking(眨眼睛,使眼色):to convey a message, signal, orsuggestion(传达信息、信号或建议)

  shrugging(耸肩):to raise the shoulders, especially as a gesture of doubt, disdain, or indifference(抬高肩膀,尤其作为一种表示怀疑、蔑视或漠然的姿式)

  wagging the index finger(摇动食指):disapproval,warning(表示不同意、警告)

  thumbing down(拇指朝下):a“no”sign(表“不赞成、不支持”的符号)

  chewing fingernails(啃手指甲):indicating stress, worry etc。(表示压力、焦虑等)


  covering one’s mouth with one hand while speaking(说话的时候用一只手掩着嘴):saying something secret(说秘密的事情)

  staring atstrangers(目不转睛地盯着陌生人):showing curiosity(表示好奇)

  pointing to one’s own nose with an index finger(用食指指向自己的鼻子):an“It’s me”gesture (表示“这是我”的手势)

  holding an object with both hands when offering it to sb。(双手捧着某样东西给某人):showing respect(表示尊敬)


  1. "What can you tell me about yourself?" This is not an invitation to give your life history. The interviewer is looking for clues about your character, qualifications, ambitions, and motivations.

  The following is a good example of a positive response. "In high school I was involved in competitive sports and I always tried to improve in each sport I participated in. As a college student, I worked in a clothing store part-time and found that I could sell things easily. The sale was important, but for me, it was even more important to make sure that the customer was satisfied. It was not long before customers came back to the store and specifically asked for me to help them. I’m very competitive and it means a lot to me to be the best."



  2. "Why do you want to work for us? This is an obvious question and, if you have done your research on the company, you should be able to give a good reason. 0rganize your reasons into several short sentences that clearly spell out your interest.

  "You are a leader in the field of electronics. Your company is a Fortune 5O0 company. Your management is very progressive."



  3. "Why should I hire you?" Once again, you should not be long winded, but you should provide a summary of your qualifications. Be positive and show that you are capable of doing the job.

  Based on the internships that I have participated in and the related part-time experiences I have had, I can do the job.



  4. "How do you feel about your progress to date?" Never apologize for what you have done.

  "I think I did well in school. In fact, in a number of courses I received the highest exam scores in the class." "As an intern for the X Company, I received some of the highest evaluations that had been given in years.



  5. "What would you like to be doing five years from now?" Know what you can realistically accomplish. You can find out by talking to others about what they accomplished in their first five years with a particular company.

  "I hope to be the best I can be at my job and because many in this line of work are promoted to area manager, I am planning on that also."





  6. "What is your greatest weakness?" You cannot avoid this question by saying that you do not have any, everyone has weaknesses.

  The best approach is to admit your weakness but show that you are working on it and have a plan to overcome it. If possible, cite a weakness that will work to the company’s advantage. "I’ m such a perfectionist that I won’t stop until a job is well done.



  7. "What is your greatest strength"?" This is a real opportunity to toot your own horn. Do not brag or get too egotistical, but let the employer know that you believe in yourself and that you know your strengths.

  "I feel that my strongest asset is my ability to stick to things to get them done. I feel a real sense of accomplishment when I finish a job and it turns out just as I’d planned. I’ve set some high goals for myself. For example, I want to graduate with highest distinction. And even though I had a slow start in my freshman year, I made up for it by doing an honor’s thesis."











