
时间:2020-12-12 14:27:10 英语面试 我要投稿




  1. What is important to you in a job?


  Challenge, the feeling of accomplishment, and knowing that you have made a contribution.


  2. Why do you want to work for this organization?


  Its reputation, the opportunities it offers, and the working conditions.


  3. Why should we employ you?


  My academic preparation, job skills, and enthusiasm about working for the firm.


  4. If we hire you, how long will you stay with us?


  As long as my position here allows me to learn and to advance at a pace consistent with my abilities.


  5. What are your greatest strengths?


  I can see what needs to be done and do it.


  I work well with others.


  I can organize my time efficiently.





  Conducting an interview in your second language may be quite intimidating. Hopefully after reading this article, your fear can be conquered!


  Prepare 准备阶段

  Prepare for your interview multiple days in advance to reduce that jittery, nervous feeling. Be ready to answer questions about experiences you have had pertaining to your resume. Some of the most common questions employers may ask you include: 在面试前好好准备几天,以减少紧张不安的感觉。准备好回答与简历上一些经历相关的问题。雇主可能会问一些最常见的问题,包括如下:

  1. What do you know about our company? 1. 你对我们公司了解多少?

  2. Why do you believe we should hire you? DO NOT brag. State why you think you are a good fit for the position. 2.你认为我们为什么要聘请你? 不要夸夸其谈,重点说一下为什么你认为自己适合这个职位。

  3. Why did you leave your last job? NEVER say negative things about your past employer(s), because the new company will think you will say bad things about them when you leave some day! 3.你为什么辞掉上一份工作? 永远不要说你前任雇主的坏话,不然你的新公司会认为将来在你辞掉这份工作的时候也会说他们的不好!

  4. In what ways do you need to improve as an employee? Showing your weaknesses by answering this question is not a weakness! It shows that you can grow as an individual. 4.作为一名雇员,你认为需要在哪些方面来提升自己? 在回答这个问题的时候,你要表现出来你的弱点不是一个弱点!相反,你作为一个个体是十分有成长潜力的。

  5. Scenario 场景 You will often be given a possible circumstance or situation you may encounter while working at the company. You must clearly describe how you would solve that problem. 面试时考官常常会给你一个在该公司工作中可能会遇到的情形或问题。你必须要清楚地描述出你将如何解决这个问题。 Employers are often more interested in your character rather than your qualifications. There is no need to reiterate the items listed on your resume. 雇主更感兴趣的往往是你的性格,而不是你的学历。所以没有必要反复重申你简历上的内容。

  Your Questions 你的问题

  Towards the end of an interview, the interviewer will usually ask “Do you have any questions for us?” 在面试即将结束时,面试官通常会问“你有什么问题要问我们吗?”

  Be sure to research information about the company through their website, pamphlets, etc. beforehand. This will help you formulate appropriate questions when they ask you if you have questions. 一定要在事先浏览公司的'网站、宣传册等来研究相关信息。这对你是十分有帮助的,面试中当被问到你是否有疑问时就能迅速想出合适的问题。

  For example, while you are researching the company on the web, you may stumble upon information regarding an annual exhibition where a couple of employees must give presentations and represent the company at a booth. With this information, you could ask: 例如,当你在网上研究该公司网站时,可能会偶然发现一些信息,比如在公司年度展会上,一些员工需要发言或者代表公司在展位上站台。了解了这些信息,你就可以问:“Who is chosen to represent the company each year? Can I work my way up to becoming a representative? Which topics do these individuals lecture on?” 每一年哪些人会被选中来代表公司?我能争取做这个代表吗?他们的个人演讲主题都是什么?

  Doing your research shows you are ambitious and knowledgeable about the company. It really pays off! 你自己做功课了解公司让人觉得你对公司是有野心的、有见地的。这是非常值得的!

  My students on italki often want to ask this question: “What will my salary be?” AVOID THIS QUESTION. 我在italki上的学生常常希望问这个问题: 我的薪酬将有多少?请避免这一类的问题。

  It makes it look like you only care about the money and not the position. Every employer knows the candidate is eager to know this information. 这种问题会让人看起来像你只关心钱而不是职位。事实上每一个雇主都知道他们的应试者急切地想知道这方面的信息。

  The interviewer should also provide you with a time frame in which you can expect to hear from them about a second interview or if you have received the position. 面试官也应该为你提供一个时间窗口,在哪个阶段你能收到通知去参加第二轮面试或者你能够得到这个职位。

  Attire 着装

  Dress appropriately! Wear business casual clothing, which often consists of white and black colors. Men and women will often wear black pants with a collared shirt. Men can wear a tie and nicer shoes. Women can wear conservative jewelry and heels. AVOID clothing with holes, t-shirts and jeans. 着装要得体!商务休闲装,大都由黑白两色。男女应试者通常都穿黑色裤子、有领衬衫。男士可以系领带、穿一双得体的皮鞋。女士可以戴不招人注目的首饰、穿高跟鞋。注意衣服上不能有洞,避免穿T恤和牛仔裤。

  Materials 材料

  Even if you have already sent in a CV (cover letter) and resume to your new potential workplace, print off another CV and resume to hand to your future employer when you walk through the door. Be sure to have it neatly placed in a folder for the employer to keep. 即使你在面试前已经发送了一份求职信或者简历给你的目标企业,面试时记得打印一份备用,进门时递给雇主。请务必将它整洁地整齐地放在一个文件夹中以便雇主保管。

  Arriving 到达

  It is extremely important to be a few minutes early. You can gather your thoughts and scan the premise while gathering potential questions in your head and inferences about the atmosphere of the workplace. Make eye contact and shake the interviewer’s hand firmly when greeting each other. 早到几分钟是极其重要的。在思考潜在问题时,你可以理一下思路,实地查看场地、推断可能的工作氛围。在与面试官相互问好的时候要进行眼神交流,握手要有力。

  The Interview 面试

  Please refer to the Prepare and Your Questions sections. Continue to make eye contact. Remain alert and interested throughout the interview. Take detailed notes to show the interviewer you don’t wish to forget anything important! You may ask questions throughout the interview, but only ask at appropriate times. NEVER INTERRUPT.请参阅上述准备和你的问题这两部分内容。在面试过程中要始终保持眼神交流。同时保持警惕、感兴趣的状态。做好详细的笔记会面试官一个感觉,就是你不想遗漏任何重要的事情!在面试过程中你可以提问题,但一定要在恰当的时间。切勿打断面试官的说话。

  Leaving ALWAYS thank the interviewer for his or her time. If the interviewer has not mentioned when you are expected to hear follow-up information about your potential position, you may want to ask at this time. 在结束时一定要向面试官表示感谢。如果你想知道关于目标职位的后续信息,但面试官并没有提及,你可以再找个时候问他相关信息。

  Follow-Up 跟进

  The next day, send a typed letter to the specific person who took the time to speak with you. Thank him or her for taking their time to meet with you. If you prefer to send an e-mail, be sure to write it in a formal manner. 在面试第二天,送一封打印信给腾出时间与你谈话的人。向他或者她表示感谢,谢谢他们花时间与你见面。如果你喜欢发送电子邮件,确保以正式的书面形式书写。

  Remember you are also “interviewing” the company throughout the entire process to see if you want to work for them! Relax, take a deep breath, and be confident. You are a strong candidate for the position; otherwise the company wouldn’t have called you in for an interview! You can do it! Good luck on your interview in English! 记住,在这整个过程中你同时也在“面试”这个公司,看自己是否愿意与他们共事!放轻松,做个深呼吸,要对自己有信心。要相信自己是这个职位的有力候选人,不然公司也不会打电话叫你去面试!要相信自己能做到! 祝你在英语面试中好运!










