
发布时间:2017-05-18 编辑:shixi

  1.“True contentment is a thing as active as agriculture. It is the power of getting out of any situation all that there is in it. It is arduous and it is rare.”

  – Gilbert K. Chesterton, Writer

  真正的满足如同务农,它是在任何一个情况下找出所有的正面因素,那是费力且不好找的。– 吉尔伯特‧基思‧却斯特顿 (作家)

  2.“Anytime you blame others and complain about your situation, you are choosing to be a victim. By playing the victim role you are putting yourself in an ineffective and weak position. It is virtually impossible to allow incredible miracles to enter your life when you choose to remain in this negative mental state.”– Sonia Ricotti, Motivational Speaker

  每当你怪罪他人和抱怨现况时,你即是选择当一个受害者。借由扮演受害者,你把自己放在一个无效果及微弱的位置,当你停留在此种负面心态时,让奇进入你生活几乎是不可能的。– 索尼娅‧瑞克蒂 (励志演说家)

  3.“In this world everything changes except good deeds and bad deeds; these follow you as the shadow follows the body.”– Ruth Benedict, Anthropologist

  世上所有事情都会改变,除了好的行为和坏的行为,它们如影子般的跟随着你。– 露丝‧潘乃德 (人类学家)

  4.“Who feels no ills, should, therefore, fear them; and when fortune smiles, be doubly cautious, lest destruction come remorseless on him, and he fall unpitied.”– Sophocles, Playwright

  感受不到危机的人,应惧怕它;当命运之神眷顾时,应加倍小心,以免毁灭无情的来临,失败了还得不到同情。– 索福克勒斯 (剧作家)

  5.“To me, the definition of focus is knowing exactly where you want to be today, next week, next month, next year, then never deviating from your plan. Once you can see, touch and feel your objective, all you have to do is pull back and put all your strength behind it, and you’ll hit your target every time.”– Bruce Jenner, Athlete

  对我来说,专注的定义是确切知道你今天、下周、下个月及明年会在哪里,绝不偏离你的计划。一旦你能看到、摸到及感受你的目标,你唯一需要做的是退后一步、把你所有的力气放在那愿景之后,你将每次都达到目标。– 布鲁斯‧杰纳 (运动员)

  6.“The aim of education should be to teach us rather how to think, than what to think — rather to improve our minds, so as to enable us to think for ourselves, than to load the memory with the thoughts of other men.”– John Dewey, Philosopher

  教育的目的应是教我们怎么思考,而不是该思考什么,应是改善我们的心智,好让我们能为自己思考,而不是将他人的想法装在我们的记忆里」– 约翰‧杜威 (哲学家)

  7.“Your own words are the bricks and mortar of the dreams you want to realize. Your words are the greatest power you have. The words you choose and their use establish the life you experience.”– Sonia Choquette, Spiritual Teacher

  你说出的话有如你欲实现梦想的砖瓦墙壁,你的言语是你最大的力量。你选择的话和它的意思将建筑你所的体验的人生。– 桑妮雅.乔凯特 (心灵老师)

  8.“Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things.”– Bible

  凡是真实的、光荣的、正确的、纯洁的、可爱的、好的名声,若有任何优异或值得赞扬之处,让你的思绪停留在那上面。– 圣经

  9.“Singleness of purpose is one of the chief essentials for success in life, no matter what may be one’s aim.”– John D. Rockefeller, Industrialist

  一心一意是成功的主要关键之一,不管你的目标为何。– 约翰‧洛克菲勒 (工业家)

  10.“Chance is the pseudonym God uses when He does not want to sign His name.”- Anatole France, Writer

  巧合是上帝不想签字时所用的匿名。– 阿纳托尔‧法郎士 (文学家)

  11.“At any moment, you have a choice, that either leads you closer to your spirit or further away from it.”– Thich Nhat Hanh, Buddhist Monk

  在任何时刻你都能做选择,使你更靠近或远离真正的你。– 释一行 (佛教禅宗)

  12.“Initiative is doing the right thing without being told.”– Victor Hugo, Writer

  主动是不用别人讲就做对的事。– 雨果 (作家)

  13.“A right is not what someone gives you, it’s what no one can take away from you.”– Ramsey Clark, Former U.S. Attorney General

  权利不是别人给你的,而是没有人可以从你身上拿走的东西。– 威廉·克拉克 (前美国司法部长)

  14.“Write your injuries in dust, your benefits in marble.”– Benjamin Franklin, Statesman

  把你受的伤害写在沙子上,把你受的恩惠刻在大理石上。– 班杰明‧富兰克林 (政治家)

  15.“You cannot shake hands with a clenched fist.”– Indira Gandhi, Indian Prime Minister

  紧握拳头你就无法与他人握手。– 英迪拉‧甘地 (印度总理)

  16.“The best way to gain self-confidence is to do what you are afraid to do.”– William Jennings Bryan, Politician

  获得自信的最好方法是做你不敢做的事。– 威廉‧詹宁斯‧布莱恩 (从政者)

  17.“Empty pockets never held anyone back. Only empty heads and empty hearts can do that.”– Norman Vincent Peale, Minister

  口袋空空从来不会限制一个人的发展,只有脑袋空空和心里空空会达到此效果。– 诺曼‧文森特‧皮尔 (牧师)

  18.“Never stop testing, and your advertising will never stop improving.”– David Ogilvy, Advertising Executive

  绝不停止测试,而你的广告绝不会停止进步。– 大卫‧奥格威 (广告总裁)

  19.“When a gifted team dedicates itself to unselfish trust and combines instinct with boldness and effort, it’s ready to climb.”– Pat Riley, Basketball Coach

  当一支有潜力的队伍致力于无私的信任,结合直觉和勇敢与努力,它已准备好向上攀升。– 帕特‧莱利 (篮球教练)

  20.“Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get, only with what you are expecting to give, which is everything.”– Katharine Hepburn, Actress

  爱和你预期得到什么没有关联,它只和你预期给予什么有关联,而这是最重要的部分。– 凯瑟琳‧霍顿‧赫本 (女演员)

  21.“Good character is more to be praised than outstanding talent. Most talents are, to some extent, a gift. Good character, by contrast, is not given to us. We have to build it piece by piece – by thought, choice, courage and determination.”– John Luther Long, Writer

  好的性格比出色的才华更值得赞扬,大部分的才华,某种程度上,都是与生俱来的礼物。好的性格相较之下,不是天生就拥有,我们得慢慢建立它 – 透过思考、选择、勇气以及决心。– 约翰‧隆恩 (作家)

  22.“Holding on to anger, resentment and hurt only gives you tense muscles, a headache and a sore jaw from clenching your teeth. Forgiveness gives you back the laughter and the lightness in your life.”– Joan Lunden, News Anchor

  心存愤慨、怨恨及悲痛只会让你肌肉紧绷、头痛以及咬牙切齿而酸疼的下巴,原谅才能使笑声及轻松愉快回到你的生活里。– 琼·朗登 (新闻主播)

  23.“It’s paradoxical, that the idea of living a long life appeals to everyone, but the idea of getting old doesn’t appeal to anyone.”– Andy Rooney, Broadcaster

  矛盾的是人们都想长寿,但没有人想变老。– 安迪·鲁尼 (媒体人)

  24.“I hope everyone that is reading this is having a really good day. And if you are not, just know that in every new minute that passes you have an opportunity to change that.”– Gillian Anderson, Actress

  我希望每个看到这里的人都过得很愉快,如果你没有,只要记住所过的每一分你都有机会改变它。– 吉莲‧安德森 (女演员)

  25.“You cannot make yourself feel something you do not feel, but you can make yourself do right in spite of your feelings.”– Pearl Buck, Novelist

  你无法让自己感受你没感受到的事,但你可以使自己做对的事,无论你的感受为何。– 珀尔‧巴克 (小说家)

  26.“I don’t know what the big deal is about old age. Old people who shine from the inside look 10 to 20 years younger.”– Dolly Parton, Singer

  我不知道年老有什么大不了的,内心散发出光辉的老人看起来年轻 10-20 岁。– 多莉‧芭顿 (歌手)

  27.“Who of us is mature enough for offspring before the offspring themselves arrive? The value of marriage is not that adults produce children but that children produce adults.”– Peter De Vries, Writer

  我们有谁在生儿育女前就成熟到可为人父母?婚姻的价值不是在于成人造就小孩,而是小孩造就成人。– 埃德蒙·伯克 (作家)

  28.“He that wrestles with us strengthens our nerves and sharpens our skill. Our antagonist is our helper.”– Edmund Burke, Statesman

  与我们对抗的人增加我们的勇气,并提升我们的技术,我们的对手是我们的助手。– 埃德蒙·伯克 (政治家)

  29.“Never hesitate to hold out your hand; never hesitate to accept the outstretched hand of another.”– Pope John XXIII

  绝不要犹豫伸出援手,也绝不要犹豫接受别人求援的手。– 圣若望二十三世 (教宗)

  30.“Champions do not become champions when they win the event, but in the hours, weeks, months and years they spend preparing for it. The victorious performance itself is merely the demonstration of their championship character.”– T. Alan Armstrong, Teacher

  冠军不是在比赛中变成冠军,而是在准备过程的小时、星期及年月日里。胜利的演出只是他们冠军性格的展现。– 艾伦‧阿姆斯壮 (老师)

  31.“Your living is determined not so much by what life brings to you as by the attitude you bring to life; not so much by what happens to you as by the way your mind looks at what happens.”– Khalil Gibran, Poet

  你的人生主要不是取决于生活带给你什么,而是你带何种态度至生活里;不是你遭遇了什么,而是你怎么看待所遭遇的事。– 哈里利‧纪伯伦 (诗人)

  32.“The developing athletes who make the fastest progress and those who ultimately become their best make extensive use of mental imagery. They use it daily as a means of directing what will happen in training, and as a way of pre-experiencing their best competition performances.”– Terry Orlick, Coach

  进步最快速及最终达到个人成就顶峰的运动员,他们都大规模的在心里做想像。他们每天都做,藉以引导训练的进行,并提前体验他们最好的比赛表现。– 泰瑞‧奥力克 (教练)

  33.“If you would win a man to your cause, first convince him that you are his sincere friend.”– Abraham Lincoln, 16th President of the United States

  若你想赢得一个人的支持,你必须先说服他你是他的挚友。– 亚伯拉罕‧林肯 (美国第 16 任总统)

  34.“The only disability in life is a bad attitude.”– Scott Hamilton, Figure Skater

  人生唯一的残疾是不好的态度。– 斯科特‧汉密尔顿 (花式滑冰选手)

  35.“Knowledge is a treasure but practice is the key to it.”– Thomas Fuller, Clergyman

  学识是宝藏,但实践才是打开它的钥匙。– 汤玛斯‧富勒 (传教士)
