
发布时间:2017-12-30 编辑:yangjie


  ·best wishes for a happy and prosperous new year!

  ·wishing you all the joy of the season and a new year of health, happiness and good fortune.

  ·may warmest wishes, happy thoughts and friendly greetings arrive on new year's day and stay with you the whole year

  ·may life bring its best and finest to you, may all your days be happy and bright with good cheer throughout the year!

  ·raise a glass of celebration, now the new year has begun. hope all your dreams, plans and wishes will come true.

  ·the song of the angels, the joy of that night, may it shine round your side, and make your paths bright. happy new year!

  ·please accept my sincere wishes for the new year. i hope you continue to enjoy health and happiness.

  ·have a merry christmas and a new year that's filled with happiness!


  ·may the beautiful white snowflakes dancing in the sky carry my best wishes to you for a happy and prosperous new year.

  ·may your holiday season be a joyous one and may each day of the new year bring success and happiness!

  ·wishing you peace, joy and happiness through christmas and the coming year.

  ·may christmas and the new year be filled with happiness for you.

  ·greetings on new year's day! may it bring you pleasure, health, luck and all the best.

  ·may the new year brings much happiness to you and be happier than any year before. be happy, healthy and successful!



  严慈师长诲言挚真话旧岁; 青春学子壮志飞扬迎新春 (辞旧迎新)

  迎元旦中华民族换新貌; 庆佳节健坤学府创辉煌 (校兴班荣)

  文明健坤励精图治新崛起; 品位民校雄姿英发创奇功 (前程似锦)

  佳节又元旦天天快乐; 健坤逢盛世步步高升 (欣欣向荣)

  五十三人齐心协力共济风雨; 二十六班众志成城同创辉煌 (携手共进)

  教师治教不二心团结协作创新; 学子求学必一意勤奋刻苦努力 (品位健坤)


  元旦晚会会有笑笑口常开; 台上艺人人多才才华横溢 (皆大欢喜)

  菁菁校园张灯结彩庆新春; 莘莘学子热歌劲舞秀风采 (春光满园)

  高歌劲舞庆元旦歌舞升平; 你争我赶创学业勇往直前 (齐乐融融)

  元旦才源九州圆; 新春人欣健坤兴 (喜庆元旦)
