新标准小学六年级英语上册《visit to the UN》 说课稿

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新标准小学六年级英语上册《visit to the UN》 说课稿

  学习任务:Do you want to visit the UN building in New York?

新标准小学六年级英语上册《visit to the UN》 说课稿

  I want to show DaMing the present from china.

  功 能:询问他人的意愿以及表达自己的意愿



  l Bring a picture of the UN building to class.

  l Show the picture to the students and encourage them to say what it is.

  l Then, discuss some simple facts about the United Nations


  T: what building is this?

  Ss: (make suggestions)

  T: this is the UN building?

  T: Where is the UN building?

  Ss: (make guesses)

  T: It is in New York in America.

  l Then, erase the information on the board and ask students questions to see if they can remember the following on the board.

  Eat ice cream watch TV visit the UN building


  T: do you want to eat ice cream?

  S1: Yes, I do.

  S2: No, I don’t.

  1. Listen, point and find ‘want to’.

  l Tell the students to close their books.

  l Tell the students that you are going to play the tape and they have to tell you which city and famous building they can gear in the recording.

  l Now play the tape a second time and ask the students to call out ‘stop’ each time they hear the phrase ‘want to’.

  l After that, ask them to read the dialogue and underline examples of the expression ‘want to’.

  2. Talk about what you want to do.

  l Tell the students that you are going to mime the activities that you like to do.

  l Encourage the students to guess the activities.

  l Continue with lots of different verbs so that they can revise the verbs.

  3. Homework: read the dialogue

  板书设计:Unit 1 A visit to the UN

  Do you want to eat ice cream?

  S1: Yes, I do.

  S2: No, I don’t.

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