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目 录
摘 要 1
1 概 述 3
1.1网上银行的概念 3
1.2 网上银行的发展及面临的问题 3
1.3 具有的特点和主要功能 5
2 需求分析 7
2.1 开发背景 7
2.2 系统开发环境需求 7
2.3 系统目标 8
2.4 系统需求 9
2.4.1 系统性能需求 9
2.4.2 系统功能需求 9
3 系统总体设计 12
3.1 系统体系结构 12
3.1.1 终端层 13
3.1.2 接入服务器 13
3.2 主要功能设计 13
3.2.1 系统模块介绍 14
3.2.2 系统的物理结构 14
3.3 银行业务系统 15
3.3.1 业务说明 15
3.3.2 商户在校园银行网上银行系统开户 15
3.3.3 B2B的处理流程分析 15
3.4 信息安全设计 16
3.4.1 数据的加密介绍 16
3.4.2 金融信息安全的基本要素 17
3.4.3 系统安全 18
3.4.4 环境安全 18
3.4.5 物理安全 18
3.4.6 网络安全 18
3.5 数据库概要设计 18
4 系统详细设计 20
4.1首页面及主要页面设计 20
4.2 系统交易处理流程 20
4.3 数据库设计 20
4.4 功能模块设计 23
4.5 报文 26
4.5.1 报文传输过程 26
4.5.2 报文结构 26
5 系统实现 28
5.1 首页设计 28
5.2 帐户查询模块 30
5.3 用户信息查询模块 31
5.4 转帐模块 32
5.5 修改密码模块 35
5.6 挂失模块 36
5.7 安全事件机制 37
5.8 样式表 39
6 结束语 42
参考文献 43
致谢 44
摘 要:网上银行是电子商务时代银行的必然选择,它利用计算机和互联网技术,为客户提供了综合、实时的全方位银行服务。相对于传统银行,网上银行是1种全新的银行服务手段,1种全新的企业组织形式,有着传统银行无法比拟的成本和服务优势。它的产生,是互联网技术发展的结果,是市场竞争的结果。网上银行的发展,己成为商业银行业务拓展的重要领域。相应的对网上银行建设的研究,也成为近年来的热点问题。
关键词: 电子商务;CA;信息安全;网上银行
The Design And Realization Of On-line Bank Based On Asp
Abstract: The on-line bank is the electronic commerce time bank inevitably choice, it uses the computer and the Internet technology, has provided the synthesis, the real-time omni-directional bank service for the customer. Is opposite to the traditional bank, the on-line bank is one brand-new bank service method, one kind of brand-new enterprise organizes the form, has cost and service superiority which the traditional bank is unable to compare. Its production, is the Internet technological development result, is the market competition result. The on-line bank development, the oneself becomes the commercial banking development the important domain. Corresponding to on-line bank construction research also became the recent years the hot topic.
This article elaborated the on-line bank concept, the origin, the characteristic and the function and so on. Has analyzed the on-line banking system design pattern, industry met this article to begin to study the on-line bank system construction strategy. The question which in this aspect, the article first analyzed which the on-line banking system concept, the development, had the function and meets. The on-line bank technology has made a more thorough description with emphasis, pointed out the on-line bank must solve the security, the identification authentication. Finally, the article also elaborated the on-line bank in the next development direction.
This article research summarized the on-line bank development experience achievement in the certain degree, from the service flow, the functional design, the system safe various aspects has carried on the multi- angles elaboration, has a benefit by the time to our country on-line bank construction.
Key word: electronic commerce; CA; Information security; On-line bank