摘要: 本文通过介绍湖南休闲旅游概况、湖南省休闲旅游产业的`介绍,结合湖南省内具体的休闲旅游模式,在综合他人资料的基础上,分析了我省休闲旅游面临的优势与不足之处和其所带来的效率,提出了加大宣传,加强交流合作、完善休闲旅游产品、完善旅游保障体系、明确市场定位、拓宽融资渠道,吸引更多的资金等若干发展建议。
关键词: 休闲旅游;旅游效益;问题;策略
Development Research of the Recreation Travel Industry of Hunan
Abstract:The article through the introduction domestic traveling survey, the Hunan Province leisure traveling industry introduction, unifies in Hunan Province the concrete leisure traveling pattern, in synthesizes the other people material in the foundation, the efficiency which analyzed which our province eco-tourism to have faced the superiority and the deficiency and its brings, the parallel connection collaborator by oneself experience, proposed enlarged the communication and cooperate, strengthened the exchange cooperation, the consummation leisure traveling product, consummates the traveling safeguard system, the explicit market localization, opens up the financing channel, attracted more funds and so on certain development suggestions.
Key words:Leisure traveling; Traveling benefit; Question; Strategy