One to One Job Interview

时间:2020-10-14 20:31:52 Interview 我要投稿

One to One Job Interview

The most common interview is the one to one. The interviewer with the interviewee. The One to One Job Interview is a test/conversation and both parties will end the conversation with an opinion. The interviewer: if the candidate is right for the job and the interviewee: if the organisation is right for him.

The interview starts when the interviewee meets the interviewer. We read a lot in body language signs & other non-verbal communication. The clothes you wear are also important.

 The interviewer is going to conduct an 'investigation' in order to see if you are fit for the job vacancy and whether you are better at the job than the other candidates. The interviewer will ask questions of a technical nature and of a general nature.

General questions will analyze your problem solving abilities and your ability to socialize with the rest of the team. Always use previous achievements to back any facts you mention. Even if such achievements were at the school newspaper, employers under stand that school leavers have to start from some where.

Job interview preparation is very important. Make notes of your achievements and study the way you talk about them by practicing.

Apart from trying to see if you have the experience and qualifications for this job, interviewers also want to see how you fit in the work environment, the team and how you relate to your immediate supervisor. Therefore, if you have a one to one interview it is very likely that you will have several other one to one interviews. This is a disadvantage over a 'panel interview'. Each time the interviewer is satisfied you move a rung up in the corporate ladder until you're interviewed by the departmental manager (this depends on the kind of job you are being interviewed for).

Treat each one to one interview with great attention. Do not assume that the next interviewer knows what you told the first one. You will need to mention your preparation and qualities each time.

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