how to write a Business Letter

时间:2020-10-27 13:26:58 Letters 我要投稿

how to write a Business Letter

  1. If there is more than one interviewer, write to each of them personally.
  2. Thank the person for the opportunity to interview.
  3. Express your continued enthusiasm about the position and the company.
  4. Recap your qualifications and abilities, being careful to relate them to the requirements of the job and the company. Keep this portion under two sentences.
  5. Conclude by stating when you will contact the interviewer for a follow up meeting or a decision on the status of your candidacy. The standard "I look forward to hearing from you" close is limp and does nothing to show the employer that you are really interested. Instead, end your letter by taking action! Specify what you will do and when you will do it. (i.e. I will call on March 5th …)
  6. Always make sure you are 100% correct in spelling, grammar and facts. Use the spell and grammar checker from your word processor. If you are not very good or need more help, get someone to edit the letter.


It's good to know that you have had an interview, I hope it all turns out well.

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