
时间:2020-11-18 12:17:30 Resumes 我要投稿




  国家奖学金---National Scholarship

  国家励志奖学金---National Encouragement scholarship

  校一等奖---The First Prize Scholarship

  校二等奖---The Second Prize Scholarship

  校三等奖---The Third Prize Scholarship

  单项奖学金---Individual Scholarship

  三好学生标兵---Pacemaker to Merit Student

  三好学生---Merit Student

  学习优秀生---Model Student of Academic Records

  突出才能奖---Model Student of Outstanding Capacity

  先进个人---Advanced Individual/Outstanding Student

  优秀工作者---Excellent staff

  优秀学生干部---Excellent Student Cadre

  优秀共青团员---Excellent League Member

  优秀毕业生---Outstanding Graduates

  优秀志愿者---Outstanding Volunteer

  先进班集体---Advanced Class

  优秀团干---Outstanding League Cadres

  学生协会优秀干部---Outstanding Cadres of Student Association

  学生协会工作优秀个人---Outstanding Individual of StudentAssociation

  精神文明先进个人---Spiritual Advanced Individual

  社会工作先进个人---Advanced Individual of Social Work

  文体活动先进个人---Advanced Individual of Cultural and Sports Activities

  道德风尚奖---Ethic Award

  精神文明奖---High Morality Prize

  最佳组织奖---Prize for The Best Organization

  突出贡献奖---Prize for The OutstandingContribution

  工作创新奖---Prize for The Creative Working

  团队建设奖---Prize for The Team Contribution


  外语系(Foreign Language Department):

  话剧比赛---Drama Competition

  英语演讲比赛---English Speech Contest

  八系辩论赛---Eight Departments Invitational Debate Competition

  黑板报设计大赛---Blackboard Poster Design Contest

  PPT设计大赛---PPT Design Competition

  文明宿舍---Outstanding Dormitory

  OK杯篮球比赛---OK Cup Basketball Game

  我心飞扬歌唱比赛---“My Heart Flies” Singing Competition

  中文系(Department of Chinese Language and Literature):

  诗歌朗诵比赛---Poetry Recitation Contest

  诗歌创作比赛---Poetry Creation Contest

  摄影大赛---Photography Competition

  金话筒比赛---“Golden Microphone” Competition

  兴我中华演讲比赛---Speech Competition on RevitalizingChina

  课件比赛---Courseware Design Contest

  报刊比赛---Press Writing Contest

  足球比赛---Football Match

  三笔比赛---Essay Contest

  冬日环保针织比赛---Knitting Contest on Winter EnvironmentalProtection

  数学系(Department of Mathematics):

  登山比赛---Mountain-climbing Competition

  网络工程师---Network Engineer Certification

  全国建模比赛---National Mathematical Modeling Contest

  知识风采比赛---Knowledge Competition

  PPT 课件制作大赛---Courseware PPT Design Competition

  经济管理系(The Department of Economics &Management):

  辩论赛---Debate Competition

  创业大赛---Venture Contest

  政法系(Politics and Law Department):

  党团知识竞赛---Knowledge Contest on the Party and theLeague

  政法论坛---Political and Legal Forum

  金秋系列活动---Series of Activities in “GoldenSeason

  模拟法庭---Mock Court

  演讲比赛---Speech Competition

  征文比赛---Essay Competition

  计算机科学系(Computer Science Department):

  网页设计大赛---Web Page Design Competition

  辩论赛---Debate Competition

  软件设计大赛---Software Design Competition

  多媒体课件设计大赛---Multimedia Courseware DesignCompetition

  网站设计竞赛---Web Design Competition

  电子科学系(Electronic Science Department):

  演讲比赛---Speech Contest

  电子设计大赛---Electronic Design Contest

  服装系(Textile and Fashion Department):

  服装创意设计大赛---Creative Garment Design Competition

  毕业设计大赛---Graduation Design Competition



  服装设计大赛---Garment Design Contest

  泳衣大赛---Swimsuit Design Competition

  手提包设计大赛---Handbag Design Competition

  生命科学系(Department of Life Science):

  实验技能操作大赛---Experiment Skill and OperationContest

  广东大学生生物化学实验技能大赛---The Biochemical ExperimentsContest for CollegeStudent in Guangdong

  建筑与土木工程系(Department of Architecture& CivilEngineering):

  建筑文化节---Architectural Culture Festival