1. Do your homework.
Reach out to your professional network and check if any professional organizations or websites provide data on average salaries around the country in your industry.
2. Sell yourself!
If you’ve done your homework, you’ll have solid facts to support your request: the range of salaries and the value you will add for the company’s future success.
When they ask you about the salary expectation too early:
“I really need more information about the position before I can begin to discuss salary. Can you tell me the range budgeted for this position?”
If they are pushing you to give them a number, give them a range:
“From the research that I have done it’s in the xxx–xxx range. Is that the range you had in mind?”
If they ask you what was/is your previous/current job’s salary:
“I don’t have enough information about your whole package. I’m sure we can discuss this subject and your entire package before an offer is made.”
If they give you a number and you want to negotiate it:
“I think the experience that I bring to the tableand the value that I’ve been able to demonstrate in my prior jobs, warrant a higher salary than xxx.”
If they ask you to consider having a lower salary than in your previous job:
“While my highest career value is not money, it is important to me that I’m fairly compensated for the work that I do. I would be willing to listen to a fair offer based on what I bring to the position in the way of experience and skills.”
3. Stay calm.
Even though you prepared you can still expect that not every salary negotiation will be successful. If it becomes clear that your request will not be accepted don’t give up.
You can suggest discussing this again in six months. If a salary raise isn’t possible right now, you can suggest some other modes of compensation, such as more vacation days, housing allowance, it depends. If everything fails still try to end the conversation on a positive note. Be patient and always leave the door open for future discussions.
You can say it like this:
“I’d like to discuss how we might get closer to that number.”