在商务活动中,除了每天语言上的沟通,很多时候我们的交流是通过邮件等书写的方式来与你的上司沟通,因此撰写邮件是白领工作者必须具备的业务技巧。相信几个月前的Rebecca 邮件事件到现在都是记忆深刻,那两封英文原件在当时也可谓炙手可热。这期当然不是来判断邮件的正确与否,我们来学习一些用英文写商务邮件的要点。怎样顺畅地通过邮件来与上司沟通,尽可能的避免不必要的误解。希望这些对你今后无论是写工作报告还是提案,或是备忘录都有所启发。
Mr. Smith. I am writing to confirm that.…(史密斯先生,我想确认……)
E-mail 一般使用非正式的文体因此正文前的称呼无需使用诸如 “Dear Mr. John”之类的表达,Dear …的使用通常在书信或初次传递邮件的对象。在同辈的,亲朋好友或是同事间可以直呼起名,但是如果是你的上级或是长辈最好使用头衔加上信如:Mr. Smith. Thank you for your enquiry / e-mail.(谢谢你的提问/邮件)
这是一句通常正文的开头。在商务邮件中,虽然看信者不一定会仔细的注意你的语法。但是也应减少拼法,文法及内容等错误。以免引起误解。以快速取胜的邮件,更重要的是避免错误信息流出。以下列举常见错误:就是把e-mail写成复数e-mails或an e-mail. mail是信件和名信片的总称,故不能可数名。如果需就可以加上message之类的单词。变成:send me an e-mail message 或者send me an e-mail letter来表示 。
另外不要忘了“internet”要加“ the internet ”是表示世界上独一无二的专有名词。经常是大写并加the。例如:discuss on the Internet.还有一些错误句子:“Thank you for these information” “I need to improve my vocabularies” “Let’s discuss about it later.”等应分别改成this ,vocabulary, discuss it Colleagues, I have been looking for somebody who might go to Thailand for 4 years for market research. Is anybody interested?(各位伙伴,我想找一位能前往泰国四年,从事市场调查工作的人)
商务电子文件不同一般的信件,只叙述重点和相关事情。因此简洁是最重要的,尤其是在电子布告栏中的使用。 To put you in the picture regarding silk carpets, we would like to give you the following information.(为了让你了解有关绒毯的情况,我们提供下述情况)
报告书的目的就是为了提供资料,汇报情况。报告的正文开头一般用一段话概括基本情况,点出依据和原因,然后用“现将有关概况报告如下”的来承上启下起主干部分。或者像上句“we would like to give you the following information”来引出下面的内容。如果分支有好几点,希望可以分段用数字或(●)来表示。让人一目了然。 Could you please call me later today?
电子邮件的英语虽然不是很正式,但是也绝对不能没礼貌,这是沟通的原则。使用婉转表达方法对于由礼貌地沟通起到较好的`效果。例如对事情无法断言可以采取保留的态度,具体的方法是以:“I think …… I wonder if ……等起头。,使用否定句会比肯定句委婉。比如Will you …Won’t you…?Could you 比Can you 更好。再者注重简洁的电子邮件不喜欢过于婉转,因此表示适当的礼貌和恰当的长度就可以了。
Regards,/ sincerely,
商务信件简洁明了,姓尾客套话常常只须一个词,如美式英语常用“Thanks” “Best” “regards” “sincerely”, 英式英语“yours truly” “yours sincerely” “Best wishes”.称呼和正文之间、段落之间,正文和结尾客套话之间一般空一行,开头无需空格。
Thank you for ordering from us.
In reply to your request I can confirm that……
Thank you for your recent letter/fax.
Thank you for your enquiry about our products.
I am writing to enquire whether...
Reason for writing (写信的原因)
I’m sorry I wasn’t available to take your call yesterday.
I tried to phone you this morning but you were out of the office.
I’m sorry for the delay in replying to your e-mail but I needed to check some information with our shipping department. I can now confirm that your order has been shipped by air freight. It should reach you in two days.
Thank you for your e-mail. There is one point I don’t quite understand. Can you please confirm that the catalogue number of the item you require is 33/444-A?
I am sorry to inform you that we have to cancel this order.
Request for action (确认事宜)
If you have any further questions please call me or e-mail me.
If I can help you in any way, please e-mail me at the address below
I will let you know as soon as possible if I have any further news.
Please confirm that these arrangements are OK.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
I am looking forward to meeting you on May 1st.
Keep your message short - people don’t like long email (你的信件一定要简洁明了,人们都不喜欢太长的邮件)
Don’t use abbreviations unless you’re quite sure your reader will understand them(不要使用缩写除非你很确定对方一定能理解)
Only use capital letters for special emphasis(只有在特别强调的时候才用大写字母)
Don’t use underlining - underlining looks like a hyperlink to a website(不要用下划线,因为看起来像一个网址)
For clarity, put a complete line space between each paragraph(为了条理清晰,在两段之间要空一行)
Make sure your spelling and grammar are reasonably correct(确保你的拼写和语法要正确)
Never send an e-mail without checking it through carefully(如果没有仔细检查过不要随意发送)
Make sure you have attached any attachments you want to send(确保你的附件都已附上)
Make sure you’re sending it to the right person! (确保你发对了人)