
时间:2020-10-22 08:36:48 商务英语 我要投稿


  Statement on U.S.-China Energy Efficiency Action Plan



  Today, President Barack Obama and President Hu Jintao announced the launch of a new U.S.-China Energy Efficiency Action Plan to strengthen the economy, improve energy security and combat climate change by reducing energy waste in both countries. The United States and China consume over 40 percent of global energy resources, costing businesses and households in the two countries roughly $1.5 trillion per year. Working together to improve energy efficiency in buildings, industry and consumer products, the United States and China can reduce spending on imported and highly polluting sources of energy and reinvest in new sources of economic growth and job creation. The U.S.-China Energy Efficiency Action Plan will help achieve this through:


  Green buildings and communities: The Action Plan will promote greener buildings through energy efficient building codes and labels, training building inspectors and developing advanced energy rating systems. The two countries will establish a Mayors Sustainable Cities Program where local officials from the two countries visit each other’s cities to share experiences and best practices in sustainable urban development and planning.

  -- 绿色建筑和社区:这项行动计划将通过推广建筑物节能标准与标识、培训建筑评估师和制定先进的能效评级制度,促进建筑的绿色化。两国将建立一个市长级可持续城市计划(Mayors Sustainable Cities Program),使两国地方官员互访彼此城市,就城市的可持续发展和规划交流经验及最佳做法。

  Industrial energy efficiency: The Action Plan will reduce energy waste in industry through energy efficiency benchmarking, on-site energy audits and development of the tools and training programs to support these activities. Industry accounts for roughly half of the two countries’ combined energy consumption and the Action Plan will help ensure both countries meet their domestic energy efficiency goals.

  -- 工业能效:美中能效行动计划将通过能效对标、实地能源审计和开发支持相关活动的工具及培训项目,减少工业领域的能源浪费。工业约占两国能源消耗总和的二分之一,这项行动计划将有助于确保两国达到各自国内的节能目标。

  Consumer product standards: The Action Plan will promote energy efficient consumer products through harmonization of test procedures and performance metrics. The two countries will exchange best practices in energy efficient labeling systems and promote awareness of the benefits of energy efficient products.

  -- 消费品标准:行动计划将通过使测试程序与性能指标协调化,推广节能消费产品。两国将交流在能效标识制度方面的最佳实践,并提高对节能产品优越性的认识。

  Advanced energy efficiency technology: The U.S. and China will work together to demonstrate energy efficient technologies and design practices, building on the research and development work of the new U.S.-China Clean Energy Research Center.

  -- 先进能效技术:美国和中国将以新的'美中清洁能源联合研究中心(U.S.-China Clean Energy Research Center)的研究开发为基础,联合示范节能技术和设计方法。

  Public-private engagement: The Action Plan will engage the private sector in promoting energy efficiency and expanding bilateral trade and investment through a new U.S.-China Energy Efficiency Forum that will be held annually, rotating between the two countries. The work of the Action Plan will also be supported by the U.S.-China Energy Cooperation Program, a newly-formed public-private partnership with leading U.S. clean energy companies.

  -- 政府与私营部门共同参与:行动计划将通过一年一度轮流在两国举行的新的美中能效论坛(U.S.-China Energy Efficiency Forum)推动私营部门参与促进能效,扩大双边贸易与投资。这项行动计划也将得到与美国主要清洁能源公司结成的新的政府-民间伙伴关系——美中能源合作项目(U.S.-China Energy Cooperation Program)的支持。

  The U.S. and China are making unprecedented investments in energy efficiency. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act includes more than $17 billion in energy efficiency investments, including $5 billion for home weatherization and $4.5 billion to green federal buildings. China has set a goal of reducing the energy-intensity of economic activity by 20% in five years and has established a “Top 1000 Enterprise” program to ensure that the country’s largest industrial enterprises help meet the national efficiency target.

  美国和中国正在对能效领域进行前所未有的投资。《美国复苏和再投资法》(American Recovery and Reinvestment Act)包含170亿美元以上的能效投资,其中50亿美元用于居家保温防寒,45亿美元用于联邦政府建筑节能。中国制定了在今后5年内将经济活动能耗强度降低20%的目标,并设立了“企业1000强”项目,以确保中国最大工业企业帮助实现国家的能效目标。










