
时间:2020-08-15 14:55:33 公共英语 我要投稿




  Passage One

  Read the following text and fill each of the numbered spaces with ONE suitable word.

  Write your answers on ANSWER SHEET l.

  Impatience characterizes young intellectual workers.They want to make their mark(31) ___.So it’s important to get(32) ___to them in a challenging manner the idea(33) ___big achievements rarely come easily and quickly.Point out that the little successes are essential.Show that they(34) ___turn become the foundation on(35) ___reputations are built and from which mole important tasks can be accomphished.

  A variety of job assignments,including job Or project rotation,also keep a job(36) ___becoming dull.Whereas it’s natural for some individuals to want to move ahead immediately to more difficult assignments,(37) ___proper guidance they call continue to learn and to gain versatility by working on a number of jobs that are essentially(38)——the same complexity.This way they gain breadth,if not depth.

  Probably the greatest offense to guard(39) ___when dealing with younger specialists is to reject ideas out of hand.You must listen--and listen objectively~to their suggestions.Avoid(40)——0vercritical.You want to nurture an inquiring mind with a fresh approach. You’ll frustrate it quickly if you revert too often(41) ___“We’ve tried that before and it won’t(42) ___here.”

  One sure way to disenchant(43) ___college graduates is flagrantly misusing their talents.Expect them to do some routine work,of course.But don’t make their(44) ___work just one long series of errands.This in—eludes such break—in assignments(45) ___performing routine calculations,digging up(46) ___material,(47) ___0perating reproduction equipment.One large manufacturing company recently interviewed a number of(48) ___engineers who had left them.The company found that the overwhelming complaint was that the company not only did not offer work that(49) ___challenging but also expected(50) ___too little from them in the way of performance.




  31.fast 【解析】由上一句句意“不耐心代表了年轻的脑力工作者们的特点。”可知,本句“他们想…成名”中的空处应填“快速地”。

  32.across 【解析】9et across意为“使(观点等)被理解或接受,讲清自己的意思”,此句意为“给他们讲清巨大的成功不会轻易、快速地到来很重要。”

  33.that 【解析】参见32题解析,idea与big achievements rarely come easily and quickly是同位语,故此空应填that,引导同位语从句。

  34.in 【解析】in turn意为“转而,反过来”,此旬意为“给他们讲明这些小成功成为建立声誉的基础,而且从这些小成功开始更重要的任务才能被完成。”。

  35.which 【解析】“声誉建立的基础”英语表达为“the foundation on which reputations ale built”,which指代foundations。

  36.from 【解析】keep sth.from doing sth.意为“防止某事…”,为固定短语。

  37.under 【解析】under guidance意为“在…指导下”,为固定短语。

  38.of 【解析】be of the same...意为“是一样…”,此句意为“…在正确的指导下,他们能继续学习,继续通过干许多一样复杂的工作而获得多样性。”

  39.against 【解析】guard against意为“防止,防范,警惕”,为固定短语,against也可以省略。

  40.being 【解析】avoid doing sth.意为“避免…”,avoid后必须跟名词或动名词。be overcritical意为“过分挑剔的”。

  41.to 【解析】revert to意为“重想,重提”,此句意为“如果你经常提到‘我们以前已经试着这样做了,但是不管用’就会很快地挫伤这种好问的头脑”。

  42.work 【解析】本句意为“我们以前已经尝试过,但是不…。”显然,此空处应填“奏效,起作用”,英语中表达这一含义最地道的词就是work。

  43.young 【解析】本文均是在讲年轻的脑力工作者,故此空所应填的用于修饰“college graduates”的词也应是“年轻的”。

  44.daily 【解析】此句意为“但是不要使他们的…工作仅仅成为一长串令人心烦的差使。”显然,此空应填“每日的,日常的”。

  45.as 【解析】such…as意为“这样的…如”。此空后为并列的三个分词短语,即“如”后跟的例举事项。

  46.reference 【解析】这三个分词短语意为“执行日常运算、挖掘…材料、操作再生产设备”。显然,“参考材料”最合适。

  47.and 【解析】这三个分词短语是并列的,故中间的连词只能用and。

  48.promising 【解析】此旬意为“一家大制造公司最近采访了许多…的工程师,这些工程师都已离开这家公司。”由上下句判断,此空处填“有希望的,有前景的”最合句意。

  49.was 【解析】此空显然应是句子的谓语成分,应填动词的过去式。

  50.far 【解析】可用于修饰“too little”的只能是far,意为“太少,特别少”。

  Passage Two

  Read the following text and fill each of the numbered spaces with ONE suitable word.

  Write your answers on ANSWER SHEET l.

  “Down-to-earth”means someone or something that is honest.realistic and easy to deal with.It is a pleasure to find(31)___who is down-to-earth.A person who is down—to-earth is easy to talk(32) ___and accepts other people as equals.A down-to-earth person is just the(33) ___of someone who acts important or proud.

  Down-to-earth persons may be(34)___members of society,of course.But they do not let their importance“(35)___to their heads”.They do not consider themselves to be better persons than(36) ___of less importance.Someone who is filled with his own importance and pride,(37) ___without cause,is said to have“his nose in the air”.There is(38) way a person with his nose in the air can be down-to-earth.

  Americans(39) ___ another expression that means almost the same as“down—to-earth”.The expression is“both—feet—on-the—ground”. Someone(40) ___both—feet—on—the-ground is a person with a good understanding(41) ___reality.He has what is called“common sense,”he may have dreams,(42) ___he does not allow them to block his knowledge of(43) ___is real.

  The opposite kind of(44) ___is one who has his“head—in-the—clouds”. A man with his head-in-the—clouds is a dreamer(45) ___mind is not in the real world.

  (46) ___,such a dreamer can be brought back to earth.Sharp words from teacher can usually(47)___a day-dreaming student down-to-earth.

  Usually.me person who is down—to-earth is very(48) ___to have both feet on the ground.(49) ___we have both our feet on the ground,when we are down-t0—earth,we act honestly and openly(50) ___others.Our lives are like the ground below us,solid and strong.


  31.someone 【解析】由本文的第一句话“‘Down-to-earth’means some—one or something that is honest,realistic and easy to deal with.”可知“Down—to—earth”指的`是诚实,现实、平易近人的那些人。这里的someone和后面是相对应的。故答案为someone。

  32.to【解析】talk to的意思是“和某人聊天”,talk这里不及物动词,后面需要接一个介词。在从句中介词不能省略。作者这里要表达的意思是“和那些诚实的平易近人的人聊天是很惬意的。”故答案为to。

  33.opposite 【解析】从文章第二段的内容可以看出,A down—to—earth person和那些表面上装的很重要的人物正好相反。所以这里应填“相反的”,故答案为opposite。

  34.important 【解析】从本句后面的一句话可以看出,A down—to—earth person就算是重要的人物,他们也不会把这种显赫写在脸上。所以前面应填important。故答案为important。

  35.go 【解析】go to one’s heads的意思是“展现、表现”,俗语。用在文中表示“把…写在脸上”,生怕别人不知道的显摆。故答案为go。

  36.those 【解析】本句的意思是“他们不认为自己比别的不重要的人更好、更优秀。”这里比较的是down—to—earth persons和别人。故答案为those。

  37.often 【解析】本句话的意思是“那些自我感觉很了不起、内心充满骄傲的人,总是不需要理由的就被人认为是趾高气扬的人。”故这里答案为often。

  38.n0 【解析】本句话的意思是“那些趾高气扬的人不可能是那些平易近人的人”。这是否定的意思,故答案为no。

  39.use 【解析】后面的一句话“The expression is‘both—feet—on—the—ground.’”表示down—to—earth的另一种表达方法是both—feet.on—the— ground。而后一种说法是美国人的用法,常常被美国人使用。故答案为use。

  40.with 【解析】根据对等关系,这里应该与后面的部分“a person with a good understanding”相对应。意思是“那些脚踏实地的人往往是那些很了解现实的人。”故答案为with。

  41.of 【解析】“对现实的了解”的英文表达是“the understanding of reality”,这里的介词用of。故答案为of。

  42.but 【解析】这里表达的前后句意是一种转折关系。前面说“he may have dreams,”而后面“he does not allow them to block his knowledge...”的意思却是“但是他也不会让这些梦想阻挡自己对什么是现实的理解。”故答案为but。

  43.what 【解析】解析同上。这里是一个名词性从句,what在句中做主语。故答案为what。

  44.person 【解析】本句话的意思是“与此相反的一类人是那些想入非非的人。”根据上下文的要求这里应该填入man的同义词。故答案为person。

  45.whose 【解析】这是一个后置定语从句,用whose来引导,表示mind与dreamer的所属关系。故答案为whose。

  46.Sometime【解析】通过对后面句子的分析,我们可以知道那些想人非非、飘飘欲仙的人有朝一日也是可以“双脚落地的”,那就是“sharp words from teacher”,所以这里表示的是“有朝一日”,故答案为sometime。

  47.bring 【解析】通过前一句话“such a dreamer Can be brought back to earth.”中的brought可以知道,这里应该填bring,表示“把…带到”。故答案为bring。

  48.1ikely 【解析】前面所说的the person who is down—to—earth与the person whose both feet on the ground大体是一类人,所以这里表达的意思是“很有可能就是一类人”。be likely to do就表达了这种意思。故答案为likely。

  49.When 【解析】这里的一句话其实与下一半句“when we are down—to—earth,...”所起到的作用是一样的,同时两者也是并列的,when表达了“当…”,所以这里填when。故答案为when。

  50.toward 【解析】作者要表达的意思是“我怎么才能对别人诚实。”英语中表达“对某人…”一般是用介词toward。故答案为toward。









