
时间:2023-01-21 02:20:37 托福(TOEFL) 我要投稿
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  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

  Young people today have no influence on the important decisions that determine the future of society as a whole.

  Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


  With the development of society, people nowadays are living in a relatively complete mechanism, yet some tiny but important aspects, which may be overlooked, need to be ameliorated by discussion. Some people may argue that youth seems to have on influence on current society, however, in my opinion, youth should still be taken into consideration when determining the future of the society in the long time run.

  Firstly, young people play a major role in improving the development of current society. For one thing, there are some special tasks, which are not only inevitable in its area but also needs high requirements of physical condition and cannot be accomplished by old people. For instance, when enrolling pilots, no matter for military affairs or civil aviation, it is strict with requirements of physical condition like eyesight and height, which old people may not satisfy. For another, young people also promote economic increase to some degree. Many enterprises aim at expanding the market of youth by developing more products, which largely increase the purchasing power of youth. And this method achieves big success especially in the electronic market.

  Additionally, young people directly guide future direction of our society. As youth possess creativity coming up with ideas, which sometimes seem to be ridiculous, it's entirely possible that one of those "wired idea" become breakthrough in a specific area. For instance, Steve Jobs, who has been described as the "Father of the Digital Revolution", once said he would like to invent a smartphone containing only one key. It was such a brave and creative idea and cannot be realized at that time. However, after continuously research, iphone, which guide a new period of communication, came out.

  Admittedly, despite older people are more experienced than youth, and are more possible to come up with more feasible and reasonable ideas when confronting difficulties, yet youth represent creativity, bravery and confidence, which are all inevitable during the process of the development of the society. Moreover, experience is based on accumulation of time and lessons, as older people also have no experience when they were young. Hence, blindly overlooking the important influence of youth, will finally lead to unexpected negative consequences.

  Overall, youth represent the future of the society, and have potential influence to the society from the aspect of future development.




  Young people, enough time, communities


  正:Objectively, time is indeed far from sufficient for youth to engage in this kind of activities.

  正:At a deeper level, the concept or awareness of devotion may be lacking in the young's mind.

  正:The lack of communication between young people and the community drives the youth today further away from contributing to community.


  Since the end of last century, a lot of criticism of the young generation has diffused through out the world. Till now those young people have been yet labeled as “selfish”, “apathetic” and “lazy”. Particularly, someone point out that, the youth are tepid in their participant in community activities. However, such a presumptuous judgment neglects the simultaneous change of human society, and deliberately covers the contributions made by the young.

  Decades ago, frequent exchanges within one community were significantly in need as to ensure the quality of people’s daily life. The youth regarded as the most energetic group, therefore, should take more responsibilities to contribute to the whole community. Whereas, time has changed, with the boom of service industry and the great development of artificial intelligence, people became more autonomic—we are not like people before need much physical help from our neighbors. For example, before, the old in one community might need young people to take care of their daily life. But recently, we have more service agencies to look after the old. Staffs there are well educated and have rich professional knowledge about how to take account of the aged. Moreover, people are liberated from tedious housework—we have cleaners to sweep the floor and dishwasher to wash the dirty plates, and, those artificial machines are also easy-use for the old. In this sense, people now are more independent than ever before, and need less help from the outside. Hence, it could be understandable that the youth reduce their work time in the communities.

  Although the development of technology and a finer division of labor free us from some bland work in a community, young people attempt to contribute more to the community and do what they could do as they are. If we look around, we could find those cherubic teenagers active in kindergarten, nursing home and orphanage—playing with kids, accompanying the lonely old and brining their own books and clothes to those orphans. For instance, several friends of mine, even though they are quite busy with their academic study, they still keep going to a nursing home every weekend to cook with those old, and have lunch together. Also, they go to a local kindergarten each month to play with those kids: teach them drawing and recognizing the national flags. The youth are doing more than we expect, and they do care about the others, especially those who are vulnerable. Therefore, it would be prejudicial and unfair if we yet claim that the young people nowadays have not put in the time to their communities, and ignoring effort they made.

  Society should be more lenient to the youth, at least, not harsh. On one hand, we should

  understand the change of the world, and the potential influence such a change might bring to our life. We could not falsely conclude the development of our human society into complain about the teenagers. On the other hand, we should notice and admit every attempt made by the young people—they are doing their best.


  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

  Successful people try new things and take risks rather than only doing what they know how to do well.

  Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


  We are all interested to find out how successful people gain success. A majority of people claim that successful people tend to take risks and avoid only doing what they have already know. This statement is somewhat reliable since successful people indeed do something unusual. However, their unusual behavior is based on things that have been known for a long time.

  Let’s take Albert Einstein as the first example. As we all know, he invented the theory of Quantum Mechanics, which is so different from what we have already known in physics. This theory led to his personal success in the field of theoretical physics. However, almost all of us ignore the fact that he also did really well in traditional physics. He made his discovery based on his research on traditional physics. A more recent example is Steve Jobs, who is the chief executive officer of Apple. We usually oversee his achievement in the innovative Apple system and applications. In fact, without deep knowledge of basic computer system or electronic devices, he cannot put his innovation into use. Actually, successful people do take risks after they have done what they have known for sure. Basic things can provide proof for innovative actions. Before taking risks, we just need to evaluate the risks and its proof. Anything in the world should have solid proof, or it can never become reality. To become successful, we just need to learn better about basic things, or things we have already known well, in the first place. Just as Steve and Albert, suppose they have no background knowledge at all, how can they take risks challenging?

  Another importance of things we know is that they can provide some enlightens. By the time we do things that are quite familiar well, we can easily find out their limitations and come out with some methods of improvement. Einstein first did his research on lights, which is so familiar with people at time, and find out some limitations of the characters of lights. Without background information, we just cannot see the little faults, let alone take risks doing something unusual.

  All in all, people who get final success actually do try things and take risks, but actually their risky behavior is based on what they have already know well. So the basic step for their success is to do familiar things well. This must be the philosophy of any successful people, and, is should also be the philosophy of all of us as well.









