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“As technologies and the demand for certain services change, many workers will lose their jobs. The responsibility for those people to adjust to such change should belong to the individual worker, not to government or to business.
As a saying goes, “God helps those help themselves”, which is true in most cases. But as far as the large numbers of laid-off workers caused by the technological and market changes are concerned, I believe the government and the business certainly have an unshakable responsibility to take.
开头方法二、 可以适当的复述一下题目,然后稍作让步,再表达自己的观点和立场
“Work greatly influences people’s personal lives—their special interests, their leisure activities, even their appearance way from the work place.”
The speaker claims that our jobs greatly influence our personal interests, recreational activities and even appearance. While I agree that the personal lives of some people are largely determined by their work, in my view it would be a mistake to draw this conclusion generally. In my observation, the extent to which occupation influences personal life depends on the nature of the work, and how central the work is to one’s sense of self.
“We shape our buildings and afterwards our buildings shape us.”
I believe this statement should be interpreted broadly—to mean that we are influenced by the exterior shape of buildings, as well as by the arrangement of multiple buildings and by a building’s various architectural and aesthetic elements. While I doubt that buildings determine our character or basic personality traits, I agree that they can greatly influence our attitudes, moods, and even life styles.
“As technologies and the demand for certain services change, many workers will lose their jobs. The responsibility for those people to adjust to such change should belong to the individual worker, not to government or to business.”
As technology and changing social needs render more and more jobs obsolete, who is responsible for helping displaced workers adjust While individuals have primary responsibility for learning new skills and finding work, both industry and government have some obligation to provide them the means of doing so.
Businesses are as likely as are governments to establish large bureaucracies, but bureaucracy is far more damaging to a business than it is to a government.
Contrary to the statement’s premise, my view is that businesses are less likely than government to establish large bureaucracies, because businesses know that they are more vulnerable than government to damage resulting from bureaucratic inefficiencies. My position is well supported by common sense and by observation.
评分的第一个标准是对内容的评价。即是否把题目中所涉及的所有观点进行了讨论。这并不反对你选择一边倒。这方面同学们常犯的错误是自说自话。如有的同学认为老师不会被电脑所取代,然后在主体段论述了老师的数个优势,却完全没有提及电脑和网络的存在合理性及优势。这个不是理性的一边倒,而是片面看问题。考官的评语是the question is partially addressed. 这一项的评分不会超过24分。托福的六分相当于大学入学考试的及格分,而辩证看问题的能力是入大学门槛的一个前提。所谓辩证,就是你可以站在不同的角度看一个事情,并且能够看到各自的优劣势。