
时间:2024-08-05 05:29:59 英语笔译 我要投稿
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  The Sun


  Wu Guanzhong


  Yesterday, the small park was bathed in sunshine and lots of kids and elderly folks there enjoyed themselves very much. Today, the sun has disappeared. It is a cold and gloomy winter day and looks like snow. The park is deserted except for a solitary walker wrapped in an overcoat with his head bent low. The disappearance of the sun does affect his solitary walk at all. It seems that there is no sun in his heart.


  1,“小公园里撒满了阳光”即“小公园沐浴在阳光下”译为the small park was bathed in sunshine,be bathed in形象地再现了当时的情形,《张》中还给出了另一种译法,Yesterday, lots of kids and elderly folks enjoyed themselves very much in the sun drenched small park

  2,“只有一个人裹着大衣低头独自行走”多动词句,此处译者巧妙地将“独自行走”转译为名词walker,大大精简了句式,相似的例子还有《古城》中“那是一只灰色的铁鸟。对这古城,它不是完全陌生的。”译为That was a grey iron bird by no means a stranger to ancient city.此处将“陌生”转译为名词~

  太 阳与大家有关,人们跟着太阳起床,随着太阳的沉没而沉睡,等待明天的太阳。大家喜欢太阳,等着看日出,《日出的印象》是举世绘画名作,“夕阳无限好”是千 古名句。太阳赋大自然色彩,太阳在人间创造了阴影。没有了阴影,也就看不清光明,有了阴影才认识世界原来是立体的。总是生活在阴影里不健康,生活中没有阴 影也不健康,太阳控制着人们的健康,生死存亡。

  We are all closely related to the sun. We get up at sunrise and fall into a heavy slumber after sunset until the sun reappears the next day. We all love the sun and long for sunrise. Impression, Sunrise is a world-famous painting. “The setting sun shines with unrivalled splendor” is a celebrated line from an ancient Chinese poem. The sun endows Mother Nature with color and creates shadows for men. Without shadows, we could be unable to see light. It is by means of shadows that we find the world to be three-dimensional. It is unhealthy to confine ourselves to shadows, nor is it healthy to have no shadows in life. The sun has much to do with our health and determines our life or death, survival or extinction.


  1,“…等待明天的太阳”即“直到第二天太阳升起”译为until the sun reappears the next day.

  2,“’夕阳无限好’是千 古名句”译为“The setting sun shines with unrivalled splendor” is a celebrated line from an ancient Chinese poem.其中把“千古”译为from an ancient Chinese poem,带有解释性,交代此名句来自一句中国古诗

  3,“等着看日出”即“渴望着/盼望着日出”译为long for sunrise

  4, “太阳控制着人们的健康,生死存亡”,此处的“控制”宜理解为“与…有关”或“决定”因此译为The sun has much to do with our health and determines our life or death, survival or extinction.


  People look at the sun and admire its glow, light and brilliance. Men invented the lantern in imitation of the sun and continue to love the lantern when they have the electric lamp because the sun will always have the worship of all. It also appears most often in drawings done by children. We see one and only one sun from the earth. The sun is the sole ball of fire in the sky. Anything that is the only one of its kind is often held up as great. Louis XIV styled himself Solar King. But he nevertheless died, leaving his potential successors to contend for the Solar-King throne.


  1,“人们看太阳,观赏其红、光、亮”即“人们欣赏太阳的红,光,亮”译为People look at the sun and admire its glow, light and brilliance.

  2,“有了电灯,还爱灯笼”即“在发明了电灯之后还继续爱着灯笼” 译为continue to love the lantern when they have the electric lamp

  3,“令人崇拜”译为have the worship of all

  4,“太阳是唯一”译时,采用增词法,译为The sun is the sole ball of fire in the sky.或The sun is the only fiery celestial body.

  5,“惟一往往被尊为最伟大”译为Anything that is the only one of its kind is often held up as great.其中把“唯一”译为the only one of its kind,也采用了增词法,此处“尊为”译为to hold up,意为“提出,推举”,另外“尊为”也可译be revered/admired/respected as

  太 阳是热之源,是温暖的象征,悽怆之人常说失去了心中的太阳。赤日炎炎的酷暑,人们怕太阳,太阳并不总赐予幸福,它可能是伪君子,它令禾苗枯萎,荼毒生灵。 当它被人畏惧时,夏夜的月色倒赢得了人们的青睐,其实月亮那点迷人的光,只是太阳的反照。太阳我行我素,永远这样放光芒,它一样对待野草、鲜花、蛆虫、蝙 蝠、高楼大厦与沙漠洪荒……


  The sun is the source of heat and the symbol of warmth. Sorrowful people often complain that they have no sun in their hearts. People dread the sun in sweltering summer days. The sun does not always give us blessings. It may be a hypocrite, causing seedlings to wither and plunging people into the depth of misery. While people dread the sun, they admire the moon on summer evenings though, in fact, its enchanting pale light is a reflection from the sun. the sun goes on doing whatever it pleases, always shining on all alike, be they wild grass, fresh flowers, worms, bats, skyscrapers, deserts, wild country….

  All in all, people can’t live without the all-powerful sun.


  1,“赤日炎炎的酷暑”译为sweltering summer days,swelter用于天气,表示“炎热”,之前我们总结过各种“笑”,各种“走”,各种“胖”,此处得各种“热”也是值得注意的,其他表示“炎热”的词还有searing,scorching,blistering

  2,“那点迷人的光”即“那迷人的黯淡光芒”译为its enchanting pale light

  3,“太阳我行我素,永远这样放光芒,它一样对待…”译为the sun goes on doing whatever it pleases, always shining on all alike,“我行我素”译为doing whatever it pleases,alike意同equally


















  The Sun


  Wu Guanzhong


  Yesterday, the small park was bathed in sunshine and lots of kids and elderly folks there enjoyed themselves very much. Today, the sun has disappeared. It is a cold and gloomy winter day and looks like snow. The park is deserted except for a solitary walker wrapped in an overcoat with his head bent low. The disappearance of the sun does affect his solitary walk at all. It seems that there is no sun in his heart.


  1,“小公园里撒满了阳光”即“小公园沐浴在阳光下”译为the small park was bathed in sunshine,be bathed in形象地再现了当时的情形,《张》中还给出了另一种译法,Yesterday, lots of kids and elderly folks enjoyed themselves very much in the sun drenched small park

  2,“只有一个人裹着大衣低头独自行走”多动词句,此处译者巧妙地将“独自行走”转译为名词walker,大大精简了句式,相似的例子还有《古城》中“那是一只灰色的铁鸟。对这古城,它不是完全陌生的。”译为That was a grey iron bird by no means a stranger to ancient city.此处将“陌生”转译为名词~

  太 阳与大家有关,人们跟着太阳起床,随着太阳的沉没而沉睡,等待明天的太阳。大家喜欢太阳,等着看日出,《日出的印象》是举世绘画名作,“夕阳无限好”是千 古名句。太阳赋大自然色彩,太阳在人间创造了阴影。没有了阴影,也就看不清光明,有了阴影才认识世界原来是立体的。总是生活在阴影里不健康,生活中没有阴 影也不健康,太阳控制着人们的健康,生死存亡。

  We are all closely related to the sun. We get up at sunrise and fall into a heavy slumber after sunset until the sun reappears the next day. We all love the sun and long for sunrise. Impression, Sunrise is a world-famous painting. “The setting sun shines with unrivalled splendor” is a celebrated line from an ancient Chinese poem. The sun endows Mother Nature with color and creates shadows for men. Without shadows, we could be unable to see light. It is by means of shadows that we find the world to be three-dimensional. It is unhealthy to confine ourselves to shadows, nor is it healthy to have no shadows in life. The sun has much to do with our health and determines our life or death, survival or extinction.


  1,“…等待明天的太阳”即“直到第二天太阳升起”译为until the sun reappears the next day.

  2,“’夕阳无限好’是千 古名句”译为“The setting sun shines with unrivalled splendor” is a celebrated line from an ancient Chinese poem.其中把“千古”译为from an ancient Chinese poem,带有解释性,交代此名句来自一句中国古诗

  3,“等着看日出”即“渴望着/盼望着日出”译为long for sunrise

  4, “太阳控制着人们的健康,生死存亡”,此处的“控制”宜理解为“与…有关”或“决定”因此译为The sun has much to do with our health and determines our life or death, survival or extinction.


  People look at the sun and admire its glow, light and brilliance. Men invented the lantern in imitation of the sun and continue to love the lantern when they have the electric lamp because the sun will always have the worship of all. It also appears most often in drawings done by children. We see one and only one sun from the earth. The sun is the sole ball of fire in the sky. Anything that is the only one of its kind is often held up as great. Louis XIV styled himself Solar King. But he nevertheless died, leaving his potential successors to contend for the Solar-King throne.


  1,“人们看太阳,观赏其红、光、亮”即“人们欣赏太阳的红,光,亮”译为People look at the sun and admire its glow, light and brilliance.

  2,“有了电灯,还爱灯笼”即“在发明了电灯之后还继续爱着灯笼” 译为continue to love the lantern when they have the electric lamp

  3,“令人崇拜”译为have the worship of all

  4,“太阳是唯一”译时,采用增词法,译为The sun is the sole ball of fire in the sky.或The sun is the only fiery celestial body.

  5,“惟一往往被尊为最伟大”译为Anything that is the only one of its kind is often held up as great.其中把“唯一”译为the only one of its kind,也采用了增词法,此处“尊为”译为to hold up,意为“提出,推举”,另外“尊为”也可译be revered/admired/respected as

  太 阳是热之源,是温暖的象征,悽怆之人常说失去了心中的太阳。赤日炎炎的酷暑,人们怕太阳,太阳并不总赐予幸福,它可能是伪君子,它令禾苗枯萎,荼毒生灵。 当它被人畏惧时,夏夜的月色倒赢得了人们的青睐,其实月亮那点迷人的光,只是太阳的反照。太阳我行我素,永远这样放光芒,它一样对待野草、鲜花、蛆虫、蝙 蝠、高楼大厦与沙漠洪荒……


  The sun is the source of heat and the symbol of warmth. Sorrowful people often complain that they have no sun in their hearts. People dread the sun in sweltering summer days. The sun does not always give us blessings. It may be a hypocrite, causing seedlings to wither and plunging people into the depth of misery. While people dread the sun, they admire the moon on summer evenings though, in fact, its enchanting pale light is a reflection from the sun. the sun goes on doing whatever it pleases, always shining on all alike, be they wild grass, fresh flowers, worms, bats, skyscrapers, deserts, wild country….

  All in all, people can’t live without the all-powerful sun.


  1,“赤日炎炎的酷暑”译为sweltering summer days,swelter用于天气,表示“炎热”,之前我们总结过各种“笑”,各种“走”,各种“胖”,此处得各种“热”也是值得注意的,其他表示“炎热”的词还有searing,scorching,blistering

  2,“那点迷人的光”即“那迷人的黯淡光芒”译为its enchanting pale light

  3,“太阳我行我素,永远这样放光芒,它一样对待…”译为the sun goes on doing whatever it pleases, always shining on all alike,“我行我素”译为doing whatever it pleases,alike意同equally
