
时间:2024-10-11 17:15:00 英语四级 我要投稿
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  In the modern era,there is aheated debate regarding whether theuniversitys library should be open to the public.Some believe thatit will do us more good than harm,while others argue that it wilpose a threat to the order and operation of the university.In myview,the university authorities shouldbe cautious about offeringthe outsiders an access to such an important venue,

  Above all,the library,serving as a critical academic facility as well asan indispensable researchsite for both students and teachers,issupposed to keep those limited valuable resourcesto its authorizedusers.If the university choosesto open the library to the public,it ishighly possible that a mass of people will rush into this place,leavingmany college students and teachersunable to complete their aca-demic work.Furthermore,when too many citizens crowd into thelibrary,there will be unnecessary talking,laughing,quarreling oreven chasing,incurring disorder of one kind oranother.

  In conclusion,the merits of such a practice outweigh the demerits.Therefore,opening the universitys library tothe public must neverbe put on the universitys agenda.


  农历(the lunar calendar)起源于数千年前的中国,根据太阳和月亮的运行规律制定。长期以来农历在农业生产和人们日常生活中发挥着重要作用。古人依据农历记录日期,安排农活,以便最 有效地利用自然资源和气候条件,提者农作物的产量和质量。中国的'春节、中秋节等传统节日的日期都基于农历。农历是中国传统文化的重要组成部分,当今依然广为使用。

  The lunar calendar,which originated from China thousandsof years ago,was set by themoving law of the sun and themoon.For a long period of time,such a calenda has playeda very important role inagricultural production and peoplesdaily life.Ancient Chinese arranged their farm work by thedate of the lunar calendar to make the best use of natural re-sources and climate and improve the quality and yield ofcrops.Traditional Chinese festivals such as the Spring Festi-val and the Mid-autumn Festival are based on the lunar cal-endar.It is a significant part of traditionalChinese culturewhich is still widely used today.



  文章开头A team of researchers led by














  文章标题 How to better work towards long-term goals

  答案速查36-40 ICMFA

  36.Our brains are genetically determined tosatisfyimmediate desires.

  【1】定位:Our brains are hard-wired for instantgratification.

  37.Taken in a practical way,saving for post-workyears is likegiving money away to others.

  【C】定位:Understand inthat way,saving forretirementisthe equivalent of giving money awayto someone elseentirely.

  38.Research found that,as regards achievementof onesgoals,it is important to focus more onenjoyingthe processthan the long-term benefits.

  【M】定位:These findings suggest that whedit话comes toachieving your goals,enjoving theprocess itself is moreimportant than wanting thelong-term benefits.

  39.Regarding our future selves as still beingourselves willhelp us makě better long-termdecisions.

  【F】定位:If the central problem..,it follows thattrying toidentify more closelywith our future语selves will encourageus to make better long-termdecisions.

  40.Savings rates in America have dropped inrecent decadeseven though peoples lifeexpectancy has increased.

  【A】定位:Across the board,people are livinglonger...Andyet,saving rates in the U.S.have gonedown in recent decade,not up.

  文章标题How to better work towards long-term goals

  答案速查41-45 KELBG

  41.Researchers found that enjoyment rather thanimportance enabled peoplé to persist in theirgoals.

  【K】定位:We found that enjoyment predictedpeople’sgoal persistence two months aftersetting the goal far morethan how important theyratedtheir goalto be,Woolley said.

  42.When making decisions,we give priorityto ourcurrentframe of mind without thinking much ofthe consequences.

  【E】定位:…but in daing so,we prioritize ourcurrent moodover the consequences of our火央inaction forthfuture slf.

  43.People ate more of a healthyfood when theyfocused onits good taste instead of its long-termbenefits.

  【L】定位:For example,people ate 50%more of ahealthyfood when directed to focus on the goodtaste rather thanthe long-termhealth benefits.

  44.As was expected,when people thought of theirpresentselves,their brains were observed tobecome more active.

  【B】定位:Unsurprisingly,people’s brains weremost activewhen thinking about their currentselves and...

  45.Researchers found thatparticipants who sawtheimagesof their aged selves would save morefor their later years thanthose who didnt.

  【G】定位:Participants who saw their aged selvessaid theywould save 30%moreof their salary fordretirement than thecontrol group.

  Passage One文章开头 People often wonder why some entrepreneurs..

  答案46-50 BADCB

  46.What does the authorsay we need to do tostrengthen ourwillpower?

  B)Applyit continuously.

  47.How arealmost halfof our daily actionsperformedaccording to the passage?

  A)Out of habit.

  48.What will help peoplestick to doingsomethingconstructive automatically?

  D)Foreseeing the desiredoutcome it will yield.

  49.How does the artof self-control help ussucceed?

  C)Byenabling us to take positive actions.

  50.Why can it be difficult for us to maintain self-control?

  B)We may not get immediate rewardfrom self-control.

  Passage Tow

  文章开头 Today,most scientific research is funded bygovernment

  答案51-55 DBACC

  51.What does the passage mainly discussregarding scientificresearch?

  D)Its funding.

  52.Whatdo we learnfrom the passage aboutresearchers like

  birdwatchers and rock collectors?

  B)They can do research with limited resources.

  53.Whatwould scientific studies look like in aperfect worldaccording to the author?

  A)They would be totally unbiased.

  54.What does the authorsay aboutcompaniesand specialinterest groups?

  C)They provide valuable resources for scientificresearch.

  55.What does the author think of research fundedbyindustry or specialinterest group?

  C)It’s validity should be checked with additional care.




  Since the reform and opening-up,Chinese diet has undergone significant changes.In the past when the economy was backward,food was so short in both kinds and amount that people were only concerned about whether they had enough to eat.Today,as the Chinese economy develops rapidly,food is not only more diverse but also much better in quality.With the improvement of living conditions,people have higher demand for food,paying more attention to food nutrition.Therefore,low-fat,low-sugar and organic foods that are launched into the market enjoy great popularity among people.


  Secetion A:新闻听力


  A police officer in the us stopped a large SUv car 【1】 that was going very slow and drifting across lanes on a highway.He expected to find the driver who was either very drunk or having a medical emergency,Instead,the officer discovered a five-year-old boy sat on the edge of the drivers seat.His feet could barely reached the brake,and his head was only high enough to see out of the windows.The child had taken the keys to the family car while his teenage sister was napping.He then drove 3 kilometers across town before getting on the highway.The boy later told confused officers that 【2】 he was planning the travel to California and buy a Lamborghini sports car.Although he only had 3 dollars in his wallet,at least he was driving in the right direction.

  Q1.Why did the police officer stopped the SUV car?

  Q2.What did the boy tell the police officer he was planning to do?

  Section A:新闻听力


  Mobile phones have changed the way we live.iiow we read,work,communicate and shop,but_wealready know this.Q3.what We have not yet understood is the way the tiny machines in front of us are changing our skeletons,possibly altering not just the way we behave,but even the very shape of our pddies.

  New scientific researchn attheUniversity of the Sunshine Gbast in Queensland Australia,suggests that young people are developing extra pieces of bone at the backs of their heads.These pieces of bone are caused by the way people bend their heads when they use the phone.Thisshifts weight onto the muscles at theback of the head and causes the bone to grow in a way that is not normal.This process can be compared to the way the skin hardens in response to constant rubbing or pressure.Q4.Theresulitisa piece of bone like a horn thatsticks autfram the head by the neck.

  Question 3.What does the report say we have not yet understood about mobile phones?

  Question 4.What happens to the skin when rubbed or pressed canstantly?


  News Report 3

  A village iis igoing to [Q5]throw a birthday party for an orange cat named Wilbur,who has become famous for making a regular appearance at local shops.Wilbur has his own internet pages as he approaches his 10th birthday on July 7.

  [Q6]wilbur is both bold and friendly.He spends most of his time in shops and businesses around the cillage.Hell just take himself into any shop anywhere.There was one time when the doctors receptionist came back and he was sitting on her chair.Among his favorite haunts,are a local hairdresser,two pubs,and the Nottingham Primary School.

  Leslie Harper,who runs one of the pubs said the cat has been a big hit with their customers.[Q7]"" Hes been a regular visiton for most of this year,""she told the Press Association.“Hes a very relaxed.cat happy for customers and vizis jhung and old tocome in and say hello.”

  She also said he is [Q6]a cat of expensive tastes who likes his high-priced cat foodsSara Godfreyirwhb is organizing Wilbers party,told the local newspaper,""Wilbur is part of our lives as he is for everyone who lives in the village.""

  Question 5.What does the report say the village is going to do for the cat Wilbur?

  Question 6 What do we learn from the report about the cat?

  Question 7 What does the pub owner Leslie Harper say about the cat?

  Section B:长对话1

  M:So,【8】where do you want to gofor lunch?

  W:I dont know.Do you have anythingin mind?

  M:What about 【9】 the sandwich place on Camden Street?

  W:No,sorry.I dont feel like sandwiches today.Its a great place,but I think we go there too often.

  M:Thats true.Remember thats where we saw""Bridget Clark,the famous movie star.

  W:Of course.How could le erforget?There were crowds of people around her asking for a photo with her.

  M:What about hamburgers,Then?Theres that American style diner on the way to the mall.

  W:I like that place.Their chips are great,but their service takes a long time.And I need to get back by 2:30【10】 for a conference call.How about trying something new?We could try Marios,the new Italiarestaurant on the comer.t looks allight.Have you been there?

  M:No,I havent,but Ive noticed that it has gktlreviews on the Internet.Its supposed to be one of the best ltalians in town.I think Jeremy has been there and said it was amazing.Im up for that.

  W:Cool.Have you asked emy if he would like to come with us?

  M:i already have.He says he cant.He has brought his own lunch today,so he will stay in.I think his wife made him soup

  W:Poor Jeremy.【11】His wife is a terrible cook.He should throw that soup in the bin and join us.

  Question 8.What are the speakers talking about in this conveetion?

  Question 9.Where did the speakers see Bridget Clark,the famous movie star?

  Questin 10.Why does the woman say she needs to get back by 2:30?

  Question 11.Why does the woman say Jeremy should throw his soup in the bin?

  Section B:长对话


  W:Hi there.How are you today?[Q12]Do yeiTa reservation with us already?

  M:Good afternoon.Yes.We reserved our rooms yesterday morning on your website for three nights.The names Patterson.

  W:Okay.Let me have a look.Yes,we have it here.You brought the whole family with you.I see.

  M:Yes.The two kids,my wife and I,and her parents too.

  W:Great.So we have a famlly room for you and your wife and the kids,and another double room for your parents-in-law.They are right next to each other on the ground floor Since you mentioned in your message that they have trouble with stairs.

  M:Thats wonderful.[Q13]My father-in-law has had terrible problems getting up and down stairs since his knee operation last April.

  W:Im sorry to hear that.AndF You need any help to find transportation for the whole family,we can definitely recommend someone for you.

  M:We were thinking of renting a car,but we will explore all the options available for sure.So yes,that would be very helpful [Q14]in comparing prices.Were also wondering what tours and day trips are available.

  W:We have bunches of brochures here.I would recommend getting out on a boat trip.The kids will love it and there are so many islands nearby to explore.Theres also a great night market further into town that has all kinds of food and cool little shops selling souvenirs and local jewelry and clothing made by hand.

  M:That all sounds marvelous.

  W:[Q15]Now all I need is to photocopy your passports and then I can get you all checked in and show you to yourrooms.

  Question 12.Who is the man talking to in the conversation?(预测是酒店前台receptionist /reception desk)

  Question 13.What do we learn about the mans father-in-law from the conversation?

  Question 14.Why does the man say they will explore all the options available?

  Question 15.What does the woman suggest the man and his family do close to the end of the conversation?

  Section C:短文


  Artificial intelligence agents play ever more iniluential roles in our lives.[Q16]They do everything from suggesting new friends to recomimending purchases.[Q16]Theyre even beginning to drive our Cars,Another role that they are expected to take over is negotiating on our behalf in compercal transactions or legal disputes. So its important to know[Q17]whether using an artificial intelligence agent might affect how we negotiate.

  Research indicates that it does.In a new study,participants were told to imagine that they were negotiating for something important to them,like a house.Next,they were told either that they would negotiate for themselves,or they would program an artificial intelligence agent to negotiate for them.Participants then completed a survey indicating how tough,deceptive and pleasant,or otherwise they wanted to be,or one of their agent to be in the negotiations. For example,participants could chodse tb be tough by making an opening demand far greater than what theyd be willing to accept.

  They could also choose to express sympathy with their oppohent to appear pleasant,but they could also indicate that day or their agent would strategically express anger toward the opponent to gain advantage,or they coulc opt to convey dissatisfaction with the encounter,so that the other party would think they were losing interest.These are both examples of deceptive strategies.[Q18]Participants were more willing to employ deceptive strategies when assigned an agent to negotiate on their behalf.

  Questions 16.What does the passage say about artificial intelligence agents?

  Question 17 What does the new study want to find out about using an artificial intelligence agent?

  Question 18 What did participants tend to do when assigned an Al agent to negotiate on their behalf?

  Secetion C:短文


  New research has studied the effects of a Sevenjweek healthy cooking course.Academics measured the programs effect on cooking confidence and self-perceived mental health.Researchers also measured participants overall satisfaction around cooking and diet-related behayiors.What were the findings?[Q19]Course participants saw significant improvements in general health.They also reported improved mental health and subjective vitality immediately after the program.These benefits remained six months after the completion of the course.

  What caused these improvements?Researchers have previously found a link between eating more fruits and vegetables and improved longer-term mental health.This would imply that the participants in the cucrent study may have felt better due to improved diet.However,the study showed participantsmental health improved even if the reported diets did not change after completing the program.

  Also,the mental health benefits [Q20]were equal among participants who were overweight or obese and those in a healthy weight range.This suggests a link between cooking confidence and satisfaction around cooking and mental health benefits.

  Who benefits most from learning to cook?Gender plays a part at the start of the program.77%of female participants were confident about cooking while just 23%of males were confident.At the end of the program.[Q21]Cooking confidence and skills were equal across both counterparts.This changing confidence could lead to a gender balance in home cooking.This,in turn,could reduce consumptioh of unhealthy,high -calorie processed meals.

  Question 19:What do we learn about the benefits the participants gained from the healthy cooking course?

  Question 20:What do the new research findings suggest about mental health benefits?

  Question 21:What plays a role in determining who benefits most from learning to cook?

  Secetion C:短文3

  What is personal space?We often think of it as an invisible bubble of spaceCSurrounding us that others cant enter without causing discomfort.Research shows however,【22】 that we actually have bubbles of different sizes.Each of these bubbles applies to a different set of people.

  The smallest zone called intimate space extends outward from our bodies 18 inches in ever direction.Only family,pets and ones closest friends may enter it.【23】A mere acquaintance entering our intimate space makes us uncomfortable.

  Next is the bubble called personal space extending from 1.5 feet to 4 feet away.Friends and acquaintances can comfortably occupy this zone,especially during informal conversations,but strangers apre forbidden.

  【24】 Extending from 4 to 12 feet away Cbir us is social space.Here people feel comfortable conducting routine social interactions with new acquaintances or total strangers.

  Those are the average siaes of Americas personal bubbles anyway.It is important to keep in mind that personal space varies depending on culture and context.Funhermore,there are signiicant individual differences.As we all know,cultural or individual differences in personal bubble diameters are all too often the cause of discomfort.

  How did these persong bubbtes arise?According to researcn,we begin to develop our individual sense of personalspace around age 3 or 4.The sizes of our bubbles are fixed 【25】by onn teens.These bubbles are constructed and monitored by the brain region involved in fear.

  Question 22.What does research show about our personal space?

  Question 23.What happens if a mere acquaintance enters our intimate space?

  Question 24.Where do people feel comfortable interacting with new acquaintances or strangers?

  Question 25.When are the sizes of our bubbles fixed?


  1.C Thought something wrong with the driver.

  2.A Buy a sports car.

  3.B Alter human skeleton.

  4.C It hardens.

  5.D Hold a birthday party for him.

  6.B Regular visits to the village shop.

  7.A Fond of luxury food.

  8.D Where to launch.

  9.C Sandwich place on Cameron street.

  10.A There is to be a conference call.

  11.B She doesnt think his wife cooks well.

  12.C Receptionist

  13.B Difficulty getting up downstairs.

  14.D Compare price.

  15.B Go on a boat trip.

  16.D Increasingly more important.

  17.A Effect on the way we negotiate.

  18.C Use deceptive strategies.

  19.B Six months after The course EN

  20.D Eat more vegetable and fruits.

  21.A Gender

  22.D Varying in size.

  23.A Makes us feel uncomfortable.

  24.A Personal space.

  25.D Enter our teen.


  00:00:00 说话者1:

  College english test,band four,part two,listening comprehension,section a directions。In this section,you will hear three news reports。At the end of each news report,you will hear two or three questions。Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once。After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked ab c and d then mark the corresponding letter on answer sheet one with a single line through the center。

  00:00:39 说话者2:

  News report one。How you noticed how similar you are to your friends。It may be because your brains operate in harmony with each other。We know that friends are more likely to be the same age,gender and ethnic background as each other。Now it seems that brains are alike too。Researchers at the university of california scanned the brains of 42 classmates while they watched videos intended to provoke varying responses。Some people might find a romantic scene touching,for instance,while others would feel it was embarrassing,the activity of friends,brains was more similar than that of people who didnt know each other,particularly in regions involved in attention,emotion and language。This similarity was strong enough used to predict whether two people were already friends or not。The relationship probably goes two ways。We are drawn to people who think like us。We then influence their thoughts over time which may push their brain activity into more closely resembling our own questions。

  00:01:58 说话者1:

  One and two are based on the news report。You have just heard question one,what may be the reason that friends are similar to each other?According to the recent research?

  00:02:25 说话者1:

  Question two,what does the news report say about the relationship between friends?News report two,two men who have been best friends for 60 years have just realized they are actually brothers。Its reported that alan robinson and walter mcdonald met in the 6th grade at a school in hawaii。They have been best friends ever since。Allen was given away for adoption soon after he was born。And walter never knew his father。So recently they made separate attempts on dna matching websites to discover more about their ancestry。Walter was astonished to find that he matched with website user robbie 737。He knew immediately that this was his best friend alan whose friends call him robbie and flew 7:00 30 7:00 airplanes when he was a pilot。The pair were born to the same mother15 months apart。

  00:03:44 说话者2:

  Questions,three and four are based on the news report。You have just heard。Question three,what did both alan robinson and walter mcdonald attempt to do on dna matching websites?

  00:04:14 说话者2:

  Question four,what did the news report say about alan robinson and walter mcdonald?

  00:04:36 说话者2:

  News reports three,amid all the election drama,air pollution problems and disease outbreaks。Five tourists good work is being spread online。Yesterday two male and three female tourists were spotted walking the kilometer long beach,picking up trash。One of the male tourists from australia comments said that although there was a lot of trash,nobody was doing anything。Beach was not as nice or beautiful as it should be。He felt so sad to see such a gorgeous place littered with so much trash。Thus he and his friends decided to grab a few trash bags and clean it all up。A man passing by decided to video their good deed and put it on the internet。It was unclear where the rest of the group was from。They were most likely traveling together。One local woman commented on being embarrassed that tourists were cleaning up their beach。Another mentioned that it was actually the natives who brought food and drinks then left trash all along the island。

  00:05:42 说话者1:

  Questions 5 to 7 are based on the news report you have just heard。Question five,why did one of the male tourists feel sad?Question six,who put the good deed video on the internet?

  00:06:26 说话者1:

  Question seven,why did one local woman say she was embarrassed?Section b directions。In this section,you will hear two long conversations。At the end of each conversation,you will hear four questions,both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once。After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked ab c and d then mark the corresponding letter on answer,sheet one with a single line through the center。

  00:07:20 说话者2:

  Conversation one。Hello。

  00:07:22 说话者1:

  benjamin,dan and I will be going for a run along the canal saturday morning。Would you like to join us?

  00:07:29 说话者2:

  Id love to,but I hurt my ankle last weekend playing football with work colleagues。

  00:07:34 说话者1:

  Dear,is it serious?

  00:07:36 说话者2:

  No not at all。I landed badly during a fall and twisted it a little but its no big deal。Its just a little swollen and I should be fine for next saturday if you still want to go for a jog then。

  00:07:48 说话者1:

  I wont be here next saturday im going to the zoo。

  00:07:52 说话者2:

  00:07:53 说话者1:

  My little nephew turns six and he loves the zoo,so the whole family is going。

  00:07:58 说话者2:

  Then I havent been to a zoo since I was a kid。

  00:08:03 说话者1:

  They are nowhere near as popular as they used to be when we were children。I personally feel sorry for the poor animals stuck in cages,but theres no denying they are fun and educational for children。

  00:08:16 说话者2:

  Do you know if dan will be around next saturday?

  00:08:19 说话者1:

  Yeah,I think he will just send him a text message。Hes always keen on physical activities。Thats true。

  00:08:27 说话者2:

  Dan is extremely fit and healthy。He goes to the gym most days plus tennis 2 or 3 times a week。

  00:08:34 说话者1:

  What have you been doing to stay busy while youve had that swollen ankle?

  00:08:39 说话者2:

  Ive been catching up on some reading。I was given three books over christmas and im only now getting round to reading them。

  00:08:47 说话者1:

  Questions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard。Question eight,why cant the man go for a run saturday morning?Question nine,why is the womans whole family going to the zoo next saturday?Question ten,what do we learn about dan from the mans description?Question 11,what has the man been doing since last weekend?

  00:10:12 说话者2:

  Conversation two。

  00:10:14 说话者1:

  our guest on todays book talk is john black,the author of the new best seller retire early。

  00:10:22 说话者2:

  Thanks for having me on the show,lisa。

  00:10:25 说话者1:

  john,your book is getting a lot of attention,partly because you write that most people can retire by 40。Is that realistic?Definitely。

  00:10:35 说话者2:

  When researching this book,I interviewed hundreds of people who retired by 40。

  00:10:41 说话者1:

  okay,but how much money does a person need to retire?Ive read articles recommending $1 million as a good figure for retirement。

  00:10:51 说话者2:

  While most financial planners do give numbers,I dont think thats useful as people are living in different areas with different costs of living and have different needs and wants,which is why I suggest that people aim for financial independence。

  00:11:05 说话者1:

  What do you mean by financial independence?

  00:11:09 说话者2:

  Having investment income thats greater than monthly expenses?

  00:11:12 说话者1:

  That sounds risky to me。What if an accident happens or you get ill and need medical treatment?Shouldnt people have extra cash for emergencies?

  00:11:24 说话者2:

  Too many people spend their lives working on jobs they hate because theyre afraid。So I counsel people to take risks。Retirement doesnt have to be permanent and if people need to they can go back to work。

  00:11:38 说话者1:

  But its not always easy to get back into the workforce after an extended absence。

  00:11:43 说话者2:

  True,but if you keep current with your skills,you will be attracted to employers。Maybe。

  00:11:49 说话者1:

  But how can anyone save enough to retire by 40 when most people cant retire at 60。

  00:11:55 说话者2:

  simple by cutting housing food and transport expenses and investing half your monthly income?

  00:12:01 说话者1:

  That sounds impossible。

  00:12:04 说话者2:

  I admit its difficult,but it has worked for thousands。

  00:12:08 说话者1:

  Questions?12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard。Question 12,what do we learn about the mans book published recently?Question 13,what do the articles the woman read recommend?Question 14,what does the man say about retirement?Question 15,how does the man say his proposal about retirement can be carried out。

  00:13:20 说话者2:

  section c directions。In this section you will hear three passages,end of each passage,you will hear three or four questions,both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once。After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked abc and d then mark the corresponding letter on answer sheet one with a single line through the center。

  00:14:05 说话者1:

  Passage one,new research from america studies the role that the presence of individuals from different social or racial groups has in influencing consumers,food choices。This research found college students were more likely to choose healthy food in the presence of an observer of a different race as opposed to an observer from their own race。The same was true when they were with someone from a different university compared to someone from their own。Researchers say this was because participants anticipated more negative judgment from an outsider group。In contrast,they felt less judged by members of their own group。In one experiment,participants were offered the choice between candy and fruit as a snack when in the presence of an unknown student from their own university,only 12% of students selected the healthier option。However,this number was 31% when in the presence of an unknown student from another university,other experiments showed similar results based on racial group。Whats the reason for this pattern?The study found that people feel judged to a larger extent by members of other groups。Because of this,they strategically use healthy food choices to make a positive impression。There have been many attempts to help consumers make healthier choices,but consumers often struggle to maintain a healthy diet。This research finds that one way to promote a healthy diet could be to advertise the social benefits of healthy choices。

  00:15:52 说话者2:

  Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard。Question 16,what was the finding of the new research from america about consumers,food choices?Question 17,when did 31% of students in the experiment select the healthier option?Question 18,how could a healthy diet be promoted according to the findings of the new research?Passage two?For college students under pressure,a dog may be the best stress fighter around according to the finding of a recent study。Its a really powerful finding said patricia henry who led the study。Universities are doing a lot of great work trying to help students succeed academically,especially those who may be at risk due to a history of mental health issues or academic and learning issues。This study shows that traditional stress management approaches answers effective for this population compared with programs that focus on providing opportunities to interact with therapy dogs。The researchers measured executive functioning in the students involved in the study。Executive function is a term for the skills one needs to plan,organize,motivate,concentrate and memorize。These are skills students need to succeed in college。The research has found that students who were most at risk had the most improvements in executive functioning after interacting with therapy dogs。These results remained when researchers followed up 6 weeks later。Many universities provide academic stress management programs and workshops。These are traditionally very similar to college classes。They often talk about ways to get more sleep set goals or manage stress or anxiety。Pendry acknowledges these are really important topics and these workshops help typical students succeed,but they are less helpful for struggling students。Henry believes those students may experience the programs as another lecture,feel even more stressed。

  00:18:58 说话者1:

  Questions,19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard。Question 19。What does the recent study led by patricia pendry?Aim to examine question 20。What did the new study measure in the participants?Question 21。What does patricia hendrick think traditional stress management programs may do?

  00:20:09 说话者1:

  Passage three,taking risks in business does not mean going into business blindly and then expecting great results。On the contrary,taking risks in entrepreneurship involves careful planning and hard work。Nobody can really be sure if risks will be met with success,no matter how calculated they may be。But this should not stop you from taking risks as risks are necessary if you want your business to succeed,some risks may not work out,but an optimistic risk taker will always look at failure as an opportunity to learn.The willingness to experiment with new ideas is key to business growth。As the old saying goes,nothing ventured,nothing gained。Failure will teach you how to think and plan strategically,but just remember that not all risks are good ones。And when you fail,learn from it and move forward。Since most people tend to avoid risk,businesses that are brave enough to take risks,already have a competitive advantage。They are the ones setting the standard with new ideas,fresh offers and bold inventions。Risk takers are best at adapting in difficult times,simply put when most individuals stay away from risk。It means less competition for risk takers。We dont know if youll achieve what these risk takers have achieved。But for as long as you want to stay safe, for as long as you are content with where your business is right now,you will never find out。

  00:21:57 说话者2:

  questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard。Question 22。What do entrepreneurs have to do when taking risks according to the passage?Question 23。What does the passage say is key to business growth?Question 24。What are we advised to do when we fail?Question 25。What does it mean to risk taking businesses when most people tend to avoid risk?

  00:23:28 说话者1:

  Thats the end of listening comprehension。

  00:23:31 说话者2:



  1.C Their brains work in harmony.

  2.A lt can work both ways.

  3.D Find out more about their ancestry.

  4.B They were born to the same mother.

  5.B The beautiful beach was spoiled with lots of trash.

  6.C A passerby.

  7.A lt was tourists not natives who were cleaning up the beach.

  8.D He is physically unfit for it.

  9.D To give her little nephew a treat.

  10.D He spends most of his time in the gym.

  11.B Concentrating on reading.

  12.B It is attracting many peoples attention.

  13.C One should have one million dollars to retire.

  14.A It doesnt need to be permanent.

  15.D By investing half of ones monthly income.

  16.C They were influenced by the presence of someone from an outsider group.

  17.A When an unknown student from another universitywas present.

  18.B By advertising its social benefits.

  19.D The effect of interacting with therapy dogs on students under pressure.

  20.A Their executive functioning.

  21.B Add to some studentsstress

  22.A Work hard and plan carefully.

  23.D Being willing to experiment with novel ideas.

  24.B Learn from our failure and forge ahead.

  25.D Less competition.




  Passage 1赛马

  46 B he won enormous fame and love from British people

  47 A it was only a hindrance they had to get over

  48 D he took 3 Grand Nations wins in the 1970s

  49 A he had already passed the peak of his racing life

  50 D he remained famous and popular


  51 D rely on instinct in decision making

  52 B systematic data and analysis

  53 C combine the two together

  54 C resort to inner wisdom

  55 A apply instinct and data in communication


  Teenagers and social network

  36 C Indeed,social scientists who study young people have found that..

  37 L Distraction is also a serious issue…

  38 H But even as error rates stayed stable,studentessays…

  39A As a parent of two boys at primary school,I worry about.

  40 M So whats the best way to cope?…

  41 E Parents are wrong to worry about kids…

  42 I When linguist Naomi Baron studied students instant…

  43 B New technologies always provoke generational panic…

  44 J It is probably true that fewer kids are heavy readers…

  45 G But surely all this short-form writing is affecting literacy?…



  26.F impact

  27.D controversial

  28.H moderate

  29.I participated

  30.O upper

  31.M seemingly

  32.L risk

  33.J patterns

  34.A adjust

  35.G limitations


  D focus

  F overall

  E indicator

  K quantified

  N story

  M reflected

  H prior

  O strongly

  L recovery

  C especially




  Passage One

  Supermarkets have long been suffering as one of the thin-nest-margined businesses

  In existence and one of the least-looked-forward-to places to work or visit.


  46-50 BBDCA

  46.What problem have supermarkets been facing?

  B)They have been losing customers and profits.

  47.What does the passage say about the idea of a self-ser-vice grocery?

  B)It originated in the United States.

  48.What did supermarkets do by adopting the Fordist facto-ry approach?

  D)They revolutionized the distribution of goods.

  49.What is the typical supermarket layout intended to do?

  C)Induce customers to make more unplanned purchases.

  50.What have people long feared about supermarkets?

  A)They use tricky strategies to promote their business

  Passage Two

  The traditional school year,with three months of vacation every summer..


  51-55 ADDAC


  51.A)Students needed to help with farm work.

  52.D)It will strengthen their relationship with teachers.

  53.D)It contributes to students healthy growth.

  54.A)It does little good to most students.




  36-40 FCJEB

  41-45 LGDIL

  36.【F】Today,the dancers travel across Chinatown going from business to business to bring good luck for the coming year.

  37.【C】 But the club also acts as a recreation center and safe haven(庇护所)for teenagers,with video games readily available.

  38.【J】“But what makes you a competent lion dancer is that theres a sense of imagination involved.

  39.【E】It is believed that the lion dance began in the third century.Stories vary about how lion dancing came to be,but most of them include a monster named Nian who would ter-rorize a village.

  40.【B】Teenagers comprise about half of the group,many of whom began lion dancing at the age of 14.

  41.【L】“I value my culture and tradition,being Chinese or Asian-Americanl have a lot of pride in that,he said.

  42.【G】As one person controls the head,a second follows under a train of fabric representing the body.

  43.【D】”Were a big family""he said,shaking hands with other members as they walked through the doors You know everyone.

  44.【l】Mr.Chan ,who has been involved with the club for nearly 50 years,said that passing the dance from one gener-ation to the next was vital.

  45.【L】Mr.Le comes by the dance as a legacy(传承).“Twas born intoit""Mr.Le said,noting that his uncle and father were club members.



  Morocco is responding to increasing energy demands…


  26-30 H O I N C;31-35 L D M A G

  26.H located

  27.0 scheduled

  28.1 mostly

  29.N rising

  30.C crucial

  31.L pioneer

  32.D depend

  33.M potential

  34.A affordable

  35.G just




  第三套:Passage One

  Team-building exercises have become popular for manager strying to increase……



  46.A)They consider such exercises annoying.

  47.B)They rearanged the staff and office spaces.

  48.D)They were regarded as an intrusion into employees private lives.

  49.A)By allowing participants freedom to express them-selves.

  50.D)They have to be applied cautiously to be effective.

  Passage Two

  There are close to 58,000 homeless people in Los Angeles county.


  51~55 ACACD

  51 A)To combat the countys homelessness.

  52 C)They are responsible for their own condition.

  53 A)They find it increasingly difficult to afford a place to live.

  54 C)The increase in new housing falls short of the demand of the growing homeless population.

  55 D)They no longer find shocking.



  36-40 GLDAM

  41-45 JFCHK

  36【G】 Increased digital access for fansa,a more beh-nind-the-scenes experience for broadcast viewers and inno-vation in areas like virtual reality-what is it like to sped around a track inside a

  Perrari?-are among the possibilities.

  37【L】 He recalled attending Formula Ones Monaco race last year and being overwhelmed by the ceremony leading up to the event,the way the race charmed the city for days ahead of the start.

  38 【D】 Among the goals,Carey said in an interview onTuesday,is one that just abou tevery global sport seems in-terested in chasing:increasing interest in the United States.

  39【A】 For the past four decades the leader of Formula One car racing,one of the

  biggest annual sporting series in the world,was Bernie Eccle-stone,a former motorcycle parts dealer who built it into an international presence essentially on his own.

  40【M】 He was fascinated.""You cant help but be awed,”he said,""and I think that feeling can be translatedto the viewer.’

  41【J】 At Fox Broadcasting Company,he was a top advisor for years,known for his skill in helping to lead the launch of the company into sports,as well as the start of Fox NewsChannel.

  42【F】…and second,alter the way fans experience the within the sport both in person and remotely,so that con-nections between the audience and people within the seriesare easier to make.

  43【C】 …Chase Carey-a former executive with Fox Broad-casting Company and Direc TV who by his own admission is not a fierce racing fan…

  44【H】 The larger question,though,is a familiar one:Is there room for Formula One in the ever-crowded sports landscape of the United States?Opinions vary,particularly because viewing habits among consumers continue to evolve.

  45【K】 Its about speed,danger and risk.And Formula One has that more than any other racing series.



  Whether youre just having a down day or a down period…


  26-30 G N D F H 31-35 K E C I M

  26.G daily

  27.N symptoms

  28.D classified

  29.F come

  30.H definitely

  31.K inactive

  32.E clearing

  33.C bond

  34.I distractions

  35.M reaping



  改革开放以来,中国人民生活水平不断提高,这在人们的饮食(diet)变化上得到充分体现。如今,人们不再满足于吃得饱,而是追求吃得更加安全、更加营养、更加健康,食物也愈来愈丰富多样,不再限于本地的农产品。物流业(logistics industry)的发展使人们很容易品尝到全国各地的特产。毫无疑问,学食品质量与饮食结构的改善为增进人们健康提供了有力的保障。

  Since the reform and opening-up,the living standard of the Chinese people has been on continuous improve-ment,which is fully reflected in the change of peoplesdiet.Today,people are no longer satisfied with whether they have enough to eat,but seek to eat more safely,more nutritiously and more healthily.Whats more,food becomes more diverse and is not limited to local produce.The development of the logistics industry makes it easy for people to taste local specialties from all over the country.Doubtlessly,the improvement of food quality and diet structure provides a strong guarantee for the promotion of peoples health.



  第三套:Passage One

  Team-building exercises have become popular for manager strying to increase……



  46.A)They consider such exercises annoying.

  47.B)They rearanged the staff and office spaces.

  48.D)They were regarded as an intrusion into employees private lives.

  49.A)By allowing participants freedom to express them-selves.

  50.D)They have to be applied cautiously to be effective.

  Passage Two

  There are close to 58,000 homeless people in Los Angeles county.


  51~55 ACACD

  51 A)To combat the countys homelessness.

  52 C)They are responsible for their own condition.

  53 A)They find it increasingly difficult to afford a place to live.

  54 C)The increase in new housing falls short of the demand of the growing homeless population.

  55 D)They no longer find shocking.



  36-40 GLDAM

  41-45 JFCHK

  36【G】 Increased digital access for fansa,a more beh-nind-the-scenes experience for broadcast viewers and inno-vation in areas like virtual reality-what is it like to sped around a track inside a

  Perrari?-are among the possibilities.

  37【L】 He recalled attending Formula Ones Monaco race last year and being overwhelmed by the ceremony leading up to the event,the way the race charmed the city for days ahead of the start.

  38 【D】 Among the goals,Carey said in an interview onTuesday,is one that just abou tevery global sport seems in-terested in chasing:increasing interest in the United States.

  39【A】 For the past four decades the leader of Formula One car racing,one of the

  biggest annual sporting series in the world,was Bernie Eccle-stone,a former motorcycle parts dealer who built it into an international presence essentially on his own.

  40【M】 He was fascinated.""You cant help but be awed,”he said,""and I think that feeling can be translatedto the viewer.’

  41【J】 At Fox Broadcasting Company,he was a top advisor for years,known for his skill in helping to lead the launch of the company into sports,as well as the start of Fox NewsChannel.

  42【F】…and second,alter the way fans experience the within the sport both in person and remotely,so that con-nections between the audience and people within the seriesare easier to make.

  43【C】 …Chase Carey-a former executive with Fox Broad-casting Company and Direc TV who by his own admission is not a fierce racing fan…

  44【H】 The larger question,though,is a familiar one:Is there room for Formula One in the ever-crowded sports landscape of the United States?Opinions vary,particularly because viewing habits among consumers continue to evolve.

  45【K】 Its about speed,danger and risk.And Formula One has that more than any other racing series.



  Whether youre just having a down day or a down period…


  26-30 G N D F H 31-35 K E C I M

  26.G daily

  27.N symptoms

  28.D classified

  29.F come

  30.H definitely

  31.K inactive

  32.E clearing

  33.C bond

  34.I distractions

  35.M reaping


  Suppose your university newspaper is inviting submis-sions from students for its coming edition on a campus event that has impressed them most.

  As a student at the Foreign Languages School of [University Name],I am most impressed by the care our university shows to us students.

  Given the damp and cold winters and burning hot sum-mers,the authorities have installed air conditioning units in all the dormitories,providing us with comfortable shelter from the extreme temperatures.Moreover,the canteens offer affordable set meals,ensuring that students on a tight budget dont have to worry exces-sively about living expenses and can save money for other necessities.Most notably,I am struck by the traffic control during rush hours to ensure student safety.During these times,vehicles are prohibited from usingthe routes students take to and from classroom buildings and dormitories.

  To be frank,there are too many such examples to list intheir entirety.I am very proud to be a part of our university and would like to express my sincere gratitude for everything our university does for its students.


  由于冬天潮湿寒冷,夏天酷热难耐,校方在所有宿舍都安装了空调,为我们提供了一个舒适的'遮蔽处。此外,食堂提供实惠的套餐,确保预算紧张的学生不必 过分担心生活费用,可以节省其他必需品的钱。最值得注意的是,我对高峰时段的交通管制感到震惊,以确保学生的安全。在此期间,车辆禁止使用学生往返教学楼和宿舍的路线。




  中国政府十分重视人民的健康饮食。通过大力提倡健康饮食,人们对合理营养增进健康的重要性有了更加深刻的'认识。 “吃的安全,吃的营养,吃得健康”是人民对美好生活的基本需求,是提升人民幸福感的必然要求,也为食品产业的发展提供了新机遇目前,各级政府都在采取多种措施,推进健康中国的建设。

  The Chinese Government attaches great importance to a healthy diet for its people.With its vigorous advocation,the Chinese people have gained a deeper understanding of the important role of proper nutrition in health improvement.""Eating safely,nutritiously and healthily""is the peoples basic demand for a good life,an in evitable requirement inenhancing peoples sense of well-being,and also creation of new opportunities for the development of the food indus-try.At present,governments at all levels are taking various measures to promote the construction of a healthy China.



  改革开放以来,中国人民生活水平不断提高,这在人们的饮食(diet)变化上得到充分体现。如今,人们不再满足于吃得饱,而是追求吃得更加安全、更加营养、更加健康,食物也愈来愈丰富多样,不再限于本地的农产品。物流业(logistics industry)的.发展使人们很容易品尝到全国各地的特产。毫无疑问,学食品质量与饮食结构的改善为增进人们健康提供了有力的保障。

  Since the reform and opening-up,the living standard of the Chinese people has been on continuous improve-ment,which is fully reflected in the change of peoplesdiet.Today,people are no longer satisfied with whether they have enough to eat,but seek to eat more safely,more nutritiously and more healthily.Whats more,food becomes more diverse and is not limited to local produce.The development of the logistics industry makes it easy for people to taste local specialties from all over the country.Doubtlessly,the improvement of food quality and diet structure provides a strong guarantee for the promotion of peoples health.




  Since the reform and opening-up,Chinese diet has undergone significant changes.In the past when the economy was backward,food was so short in both kinds and amount that people were only concerned about whether they had enough to eat.Today,as the Chinese economy develops rapidly,food is not only more diverse but also much better in quality.With the improvement of living conditions,people have higher demand for food,paying more attention to food nutrition.Therefore,low-fat,low-sugar and organic foods that are launched into the market enjoy great popularity among people.



  Passage 1赛马

  46 B he won enormous fame and love from British people

  47 A it was only a hindrance they had to get over

  48 D he took 3 Grand Nations wins in the 1970s

  49 A he had already passed the peak of his racing life

  50 D he remained famous and popular


  51 D rely on instinct in decision making

  52 B systematic data and analysis

  53 C combine the two together

  54 C resort to inner wisdom

  55 A apply instinct and data in communication


  Teenagers and social network

  36 C Indeed,social scientists who study young people have found that..

  37 L Distraction is also a serious issue…

  38 H But even as error rates stayed stable,studentessays…

  39A As a parent of two boys at primary school,I worry about.

  40 M So whats the best way to cope?…

  41 E Parents are wrong to worry about kids…

  42 I When linguist Naomi Baron studied students instant…

  43 B New technologies always provoke generational panic…

  44 J It is probably true that fewer kids are heavy readers…

  45 G But surely all this short-form writing is affecting literacy?…



  26.F impact

  27.D controversial

  28.H moderate

  29.I participated

  30.O upper

  31.M seemingly

  32.L risk

  33.J patterns

  34.A adjust

  35.G limitations


  D focus

  F overall

  E indicator

  K quantified

  N story

  M reflected

  H prior

  O strongly

  L recovery

  C especially


  Suppose your university newspaper is inviting submissions from students for its coming edition on a campus event that has impressed them most.

  Last Saturday, our Student Union organized the AnnuaI Campus Sports Games, which lasted throughout the weekend. This activity left an unforgettable impression on me. lt was a huge success because not only did it spark students enthusiasm for sports activities, but it also proved our universitys openness and care for students needs.

  The games started at 9 a.m. with a short speech de livered by the principal of our university, who emphasized the im- portance of sports in building a healthy and balanced life-style. Then, various sports event were held including track and field, basketball, swimming, and even chess, catering to a wide range of interests and abilities. The highlight for me was th e relay race, which saw an incredible display of teamwork a nd determination. Additionally, many students, me included, were impressed with the good organization of the events, the exciting cheers and medaI awarding ceremony held on the Sunday evening.

  ln all, it was clear that these events had achieved more than just physical engagement. They fostered a sense of community, encouraged healthy competition, and allowed students from different backgrounds to connect and engage.






  00:00:00 说话者1:

  College english test,band four,part two,listening comprehension,section a directions。In this section,you will hear three news reports。At the end of each news report,you will hear two or three questions。Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once。After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked ab c and d then mark the corresponding letter on answer sheet one with a single line through the center。

  00:00:39 说话者2:

  News report one。How you noticed how similar you are to your friends。It may be because your brains operate in harmony with each other。We know that friends are more likely to be the same age,gender and ethnic background as each other。Now it seems that brains are alike too。Researchers at the university of california scanned the brains of 42 classmates while they watched videos intended to provoke varying responses。Some people might find a romantic scene touching,for instance,while others would feel it was embarrassing,the activity of friends,brains was more similar than that of people who didnt know each other,particularly in regions involved in attention,emotion and language。This similarity was strong enough used to predict whether two people were already friends or not。The relationship probably goes two ways。We are drawn to people who think like us。We then influence their thoughts over time which may push their brain activity into more closely resembling our own questions。

  00:01:58 说话者1:

  One and two are based on the news report。You have just heard question one,what may be the reason that friends are similar to each other?According to the recent research?

  00:02:25 说话者1:

  Question two,what does the news report say about the relationship between friends?News report two,two men who have been best friends for 60 years have just realized they are actually brothers。Its reported that alan robinson and walter mcdonald met in the 6th grade at a school in hawaii。They have been best friends ever since。Allen was given away for adoption soon after he was born。And walter never knew his father。So recently they made separate attempts on dna matching websites to discover more about their ancestry。Walter was astonished to find that he matched with website user robbie 737。He knew immediately that this was his best friend alan whose friends call him robbie and flew 7:00 30 7:00 airplanes when he was a pilot。The pair were born to the same mother15 months apart。

  00:03:44 说话者2:

  Questions,three and four are based on the news report。You have just heard。Question three,what did both alan robinson and walter mcdonald attempt to do on dna matching websites?

  00:04:14 说话者2:

  Question four,what did the news report say about alan robinson and walter mcdonald?

  00:04:36 说话者2:

  News reports three,amid all the election drama,air pollution problems and disease outbreaks。Five tourists good work is being spread online。Yesterday two male and three female tourists were spotted walking the kilometer long beach,picking up trash。One of the male tourists from australia comments said that although there was a lot of trash,nobody was doing anything。Beach was not as nice or beautiful as it should be。He felt so sad to see such a gorgeous place littered with so much trash。Thus he and his friends decided to grab a few trash bags and clean it all up。A man passing by decided to video their good deed and put it on the internet。It was unclear where the rest of the group was from。They were most likely traveling together。One local woman commented on being embarrassed that tourists were cleaning up their beach。Another mentioned that it was actually the natives who brought food and drinks then left trash all along the island。

  00:05:42 说话者1:

  Questions 5 to 7 are based on the news report you have just heard。Question five,why did one of the male tourists feel sad?Question six,who put the good deed video on the internet?

  00:06:26 说话者1:

  Question seven,why did one local woman say she was embarrassed?Section b directions。In this section,you will hear two long conversations。At the end of each conversation,you will hear four questions,both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once。After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked ab c and d then mark the corresponding letter on answer,sheet one with a single line through the center。

  00:07:20 说话者2:

  Conversation one。Hello。

  00:07:22 说话者1:

  benjamin,dan and I will be going for a run along the canal saturday morning。Would you like to join us?

  00:07:29 说话者2:

  Id love to,but I hurt my ankle last weekend playing football with work colleagues。

  00:07:34 说话者1:

  Dear,is it serious?

  00:07:36 说话者2:

  No not at all。I landed badly during a fall and twisted it a little but its no big deal。Its just a little swollen and I should be fine for next saturday if you still want to go for a jog then。

  00:07:48 说话者1:

  I wont be here next saturday im going to the zoo。

  00:07:52 说话者2:

  00:07:53 说话者1:

  My little nephew turns six and he loves the zoo,so the whole family is going。

  00:07:58 说话者2:

  Then I havent been to a zoo since I was a kid。

  00:08:03 说话者1:

  They are nowhere near as popular as they used to be when we were children。I personally feel sorry for the poor animals stuck in cages,but theres no denying they are fun and educational for children。

  00:08:16 说话者2:

  Do you know if dan will be around next saturday?

  00:08:19 说话者1:

  Yeah,I think he will just send him a text message。Hes always keen on physical activities。Thats true。

  00:08:27 说话者2:

  Dan is extremely fit and healthy。He goes to the gym most days plus tennis 2 or 3 times a week。

  00:08:34 说话者1:

  What have you been doing to stay busy while youve had that swollen ankle?

  00:08:39 说话者2:

  Ive been catching up on some reading。I was given three books over christmas and im only now getting round to reading them。

  00:08:47 说话者1:

  Questions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard。Question eight,why cant the man go for a run saturday morning?Question nine,why is the womans whole family going to the zoo next saturday?Question ten,what do we learn about dan from the mans description?Question 11,what has the man been doing since last weekend?

  00:10:12 说话者2:

  Conversation two。

  00:10:14 说话者1:

  our guest on todays book talk is john black,the author of the new best seller retire early。

  00:10:22 说话者2:

  Thanks for having me on the show,lisa。

  00:10:25 说话者1:

  john,your book is getting a lot of attention,partly because you write that most people can retire by 40。Is that realistic?Definitely。

  00:10:35 说话者2:

  When researching this book,I interviewed hundreds of people who retired by 40。

  00:10:41 说话者1:

  okay,but how much money does a person need to retire?Ive read articles recommending $1 million as a good figure for retirement。

  00:10:51 说话者2:

  While most financial planners do give numbers,I dont think thats useful as people are living in different areas with different costs of living and have different needs and wants,which is why I suggest that people aim for financial independence。

  00:11:05 说话者1:

  What do you mean by financial independence?

  00:11:09 说话者2:

  Having investment income thats greater than monthly expenses?

  00:11:12 说话者1:

  That sounds risky to me。What if an accident happens or you get ill and need medical treatment?Shouldnt people have extra cash for emergencies?

  00:11:24 说话者2:

  Too many people spend their lives working on jobs they hate because theyre afraid。So I counsel people to take risks。Retirement doesnt have to be permanent and if people need to they can go back to work。

  00:11:38 说话者1:

  But its not always easy to get back into the workforce after an extended absence。

  00:11:43 说话者2:

  True,but if you keep current with your skills,you will be attracted to employers。Maybe。

  00:11:49 说话者1:

  But how can anyone save enough to retire by 40 when most people cant retire at 60。

  00:11:55 说话者2:

  simple by cutting housing food and transport expenses and investing half your monthly income?

  00:12:01 说话者1:

  That sounds impossible。

  00:12:04 说话者2:

  I admit its difficult,but it has worked for thousands。

  00:12:08 说话者1:

  Questions?12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard。Question 12,what do we learn about the mans book published recently?Question 13,what do the articles the woman read recommend?Question 14,what does the man say about retirement?Question 15,how does the man say his proposal about retirement can be carried out。

  00:13:20 说话者2:

  section c directions。In this section you will hear three passages,end of each passage,you will hear three or four questions,both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once。After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked abc and d then mark the corresponding letter on answer sheet one with a single line through the center。

  00:14:05 说话者1:

  Passage one,new research from america studies the role that the presence of individuals from different social or racial groups has in influencing consumers,food choices。This research found college students were more likely to choose healthy food in the presence of an observer of a different race as opposed to an observer from their own race。The same was true when they were with someone from a different university compared to someone from their own。Researchers say this was because participants anticipated more negative judgment from an outsider group。In contrast,they felt less judged by members of their own group。In one experiment,participants were offered the choice between candy and fruit as a snack when in the presence of an unknown student from their own university,only 12% of students selected the healthier option。However,this number was 31% when in the presence of an unknown student from another university,other experiments showed similar results based on racial group。Whats the reason for this pattern?The study found that people feel judged to a larger extent by members of other groups。Because of this,they strategically use healthy food choices to make a positive impression。There have been many attempts to help consumers make healthier choices,but consumers often struggle to maintain a healthy diet。This research finds that one way to promote a healthy diet could be to advertise the social benefits of healthy choices。

  00:15:52 说话者2:

  Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard。Question 16,what was the finding of the new research from america about consumers,food choices?Question 17,when did 31% of students in the experiment select the healthier option?Question 18,how could a healthy diet be promoted according to the findings of the new research?Passage two?For college students under pressure,a dog may be the best stress fighter around according to the finding of a recent study。Its a really powerful finding said patricia henry who led the study。Universities are doing a lot of great work trying to help students succeed academically,especially those who may be at risk due to a history of mental health issues or academic and learning issues。This study shows that traditional stress management approaches answers effective for this population compared with programs that focus on providing opportunities to interact with therapy dogs。The researchers measured executive functioning in the students involved in the study。Executive function is a term for the skills one needs to plan,organize,motivate,concentrate and memorize。These are skills students need to succeed in college。The research has found that students who were most at risk had the most improvements in executive functioning after interacting with therapy dogs。These results remained when researchers followed up 6 weeks later。Many universities provide academic stress management programs and workshops。These are traditionally very similar to college classes。They often talk about ways to get more sleep set goals or manage stress or anxiety。Pendry acknowledges these are really important topics and these workshops help typical students succeed,but they are less helpful for struggling students。Henry believes those students may experience the programs as another lecture,feel even more stressed。

  00:18:58 说话者1:

  Questions,19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard。Question 19。What does the recent study led by patricia pendry?Aim to examine question 20。What did the new study measure in the participants?Question 21。What does patricia hendrick think traditional stress management programs may do?

  00:20:09 说话者1:

  Passage three,taking risks in business does not mean going into business blindly and then expecting great results。On the contrary,taking risks in entrepreneurship involves careful planning and hard work。Nobody can really be sure if risks will be met with success,no matter how calculated they may be。But this should not stop you from taking risks as risks are necessary if you want your business to succeed,some risks may not work out,but an optimistic risk taker will always look at failure as an opportunity to learn.The willingness to experiment with new ideas is key to business growth。As the old saying goes,nothing ventured,nothing gained。Failure will teach you how to think and plan strategically,but just remember that not all risks are good ones。And when you fail,learn from it and move forward。Since most people tend to avoid risk,businesses that are brave enough to take risks,already have a competitive advantage。They are the ones setting the standard with new ideas,fresh offers and bold inventions。Risk takers are best at adapting in difficult times,simply put when most individuals stay away from risk。It means less competition for risk takers。We dont know if youll achieve what these risk takers have achieved。But for as long as you want to stay safe, for as long as you are content with where your business is right now,you will never find out。

  00:21:57 说话者2:

  questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard。Question 22。What do entrepreneurs have to do when taking risks according to the passage?Question 23。What does the passage say is key to business growth?Question 24。What are we advised to do when we fail?Question 25。What does it mean to risk taking businesses when most people tend to avoid risk?

  00:23:28 说话者1:

  Thats the end of listening comprehension。

  00:23:31 说话者2:



  1.C Their brains work in harmony.

  2.A lt can work both ways.

  3.D Find out more about their ancestry.

  4.B They were born to the same mother.

  5.B The beautiful beach was spoiled with lots of trash.

  6.C A passerby.

  7.A lt was tourists not natives who were cleaning up the beach.

  8.D He is physically unfit for it.

  9.D To give her little nephew a treat.

  10.D He spends most of his time in the gym.

  11.B Concentrating on reading.

  12.B It is attracting many peoples attention.

  13.C One should have one million dollars to retire.

  14.A It doesnt need to be permanent.

  15.D By investing half of ones monthly income.

  16.C They were influenced by the presence of someone from an outsider group.

  17.A When an unknown student from another universitywas present.

  18.B By advertising its social benefits.

  19.D The effect of interacting with therapy dogs on students under pressure.

  20.A Their executive functioning.

  21.B Add to some studentsstress

  22.A Work hard and plan carefully.

  23.D Being willing to experiment with novel ideas.

  24.B Learn from our failure and forge ahead.

  25.D Less competition.


  中国政府十分重视人民的健康饮食。通过大力提倡健康饮食,人们对合理营养增进健康的重要性有了更加深刻的认识。 “吃的安全,吃的营养,吃得健康”是人民对美好生活的基本需求,是提升人民幸福感的必然要求,也为食品产业的发展提供了新机遇目前,各级政府都在采取多种措施,推进健康中国的建设。

  The Chinese Government attaches great importance to a healthy diet for its people.With its vigorous advocation,the Chinese people have gained a deeper understanding of the important role of proper nutrition in health improvement.""Eating safely,nutritiously and healthily""is the peoples basic demand for a good life,an in evitable requirement inenhancing peoples sense of well-being,and also creation of new opportunities for the development of the food indus-try.At present,governments at all levels are taking various measures to promote the construction of a healthy China.



  Passage One

  Supermarkets have long been suffering as one of the thin-nest-margined businesses

  In existence and one of the least-looked-forward-to places to work or visit.


  46-50 BBDCA

  46.What problem have supermarkets been facing?

  B)They have been losing customers and profits.

  47.What does the passage say about the idea of a self-ser-vice grocery?

  B)It originated in the United States.

  48.What did supermarkets do by adopting the Fordist facto-ry approach?

  D)They revolutionized the distribution of goods.

  49.What is the typical supermarket layout intended to do?

  C)Induce customers to make more unplanned purchases.

  50.What have people long feared about supermarkets?

  A)They use tricky strategies to promote their business

  Passage Two

  The traditional school year,with three months of vacation every summer..


  51-55 ADDAC


  51.A)Students needed to help with farm work.

  52.D)It will strengthen their relationship with teachers.

  53.D)It contributes to students healthy growth.

  54.A)It does little good to most students.




  36-40 FCJEB

  41-45 LGDIL

  36.【F】Today,the dancers travel across Chinatown going from business to business to bring good luck for the coming year.

  37.【C】 But the club also acts as a recreation center and safe haven(庇护所)for teenagers,with video games readily available.

  38.【J】“But what makes you a competent lion dancer is that theres a sense of imagination involved.

  39.【E】It is believed that the lion dance began in the third century.Stories vary about how lion dancing came to be,but most of them include a monster named Nian who would ter-rorize a village.

  40.【B】Teenagers comprise about half of the group,many of whom began lion dancing at the age of 14.

  41.【L】“I value my culture and tradition,being Chinese or Asian-Americanl have a lot of pride in that,he said.

  42.【G】As one person controls the head,a second follows under a train of fabric representing the body.

  43.【D】”Were a big family""he said,shaking hands with other members as they walked through the doors You know everyone.

  44.【l】Mr.Chan ,who has been involved with the club for nearly 50 years,said that passing the dance from one gener-ation to the next was vital.

  45.【L】Mr.Le comes by the dance as a legacy(传承).“Twas born intoit""Mr.Le said,noting that his uncle and father were club members.



  Morocco is responding to increasing energy demands…


  26-30 H O I N C;31-35 L D M A G

  26.H located

  27.0 scheduled

  28.1 mostly

  29.N rising

  30.C crucial

  31.L pioneer

  32.D depend

  33.M potential

  34.A affordable

  35.G just


  Suppose your university newspaper is inviting submissions from students for its coming edition on the recent development of their hometown.

  I was born and raised in Changsha,the capital city ofHunan Province.Recently,it has witnessed significant improvements.

  To begin with,the citys infrastructure has undergone significant upgrades.New roads,bridges,and public transportation systems have greatly improved connec-tivity,making it easier for residents to commute and access essential services.Moreover,green spaces have been expanded,with numerous parks and gardens providing a much-needed respite from bustling city life.Finally,new schools and universities have been estab-lished,offering a wide range of educational opportunities for the citys youth.

  In conclusion,these recent developments have trans-formed Changsha into a vibrant city.I hope to see even more innovation in the city in the years to come.







  Nowadays community service has been placed more importance in our society. As aging society and empty-nest elderly has been proliferating in the entire society, it calls for

  community service to assist in tending to the elderly and pre-school children.

  To ensure high-quality community service,relevant administrationshould take the lead in

  putting forward regulations and order to promote a cooperating environment, so that the

  community staff can better carry out their work, or engage more people to join their cause, for example, organizing voluntary team to help with caring for the elderly residents and pre-school children in the community. In this way, the community as a whole can enjoy a more

  harmonious and secured rapport, which serves as the basis of any possible development.

  Taking into account what has been mentioned, concerted efforts in the whole society are needed to promote the community’s ability to enhance their service.



  1.D) She was accused of violating a city law.

  2.A) It will take time to solve the rat problem.

  3 B) Work in an environment resembling Mars.

  4.A) Ready-made food.

  5.C) He bit a softball players Olympic gold medal.

  6.D) Pay for the cost of a new one.

  7.C) Treat them as treasures.

  8.A) She covered its screen with a plastic sheet.

  9.B) It includes unnatural light.

  10.D) He has been burdened with excessive work.

  11.B) Sleep may be more important than people assumed.

  12.A) What they wanted to be when grown up.

  13.C) A mechanical engineer.

  14.C) Imaginative.

  15.B) Help their kids understand themselves.

  16.D) Promote Internet-ready phones

  17. A) They cater to Africansneeds

  18.B) An old-school keypad.

  19.C) It was cheaper than using fossil fuel plastic.

  20.D) A rapid increase in U.S. petroleum chemical production.

  21.D) Take measures to promote the use of recycled plastic.

  22.B) It rents a place for nap-takers.

  23.C) To understand the obvious importance of napping

  24.B) They depend on his ability to concentrate.

  25.A) Some bosses associate napping with laziness.


  1.A) A man was bitten by a snake.

  2.D) Who owned the snake.

  3.A) Taking her trash out in fancy dresses.

  4.B) To amuse people.

  5.C) Have a meal even if they have no money.

  6.C) It originated from a donation to her staff.

  7.B) More people have been giving than taking

  8.A) He is a psychologist.

  9.D) Why friends break off contact all of a sudden.

  10.C) They scream to get their parents back.

  11.A) They may regard any difference as the end of a relation-ship.

  12.C) Their quality.

  13.A) Jeans are a typical American garment.

  14.B) They are natural.

  15.D) They are worth the price.

  16.A) He desires more in life.

  17.D) It is relatively predictable.

  18.D) They are too simple.

  19.B) It can help connect people.

  20.B) Make them more open to learning

  21.C) Convey fundamental values.

  22.B)lmmigrants have been contributing to the U.S.

  23.D) More of them are successful business people.

  24.C) Their level of debt is lower than that of native bornAmericans.

  25.A) Keep their traditional values and old habits.

  Section A:新闻听力1

  Q1.A woman was charged withallegedly violating a Rhode Island City law agaict feedingwild animals. The fifty-year-oldwomans neighbors blame herfor making the areas rat problem worse. newly installedcameras captured several ratsactive in the middle of the day.Neighbors say that itsyepworse during the night. Thewoman and her parents whoown the home told reportersthat shes been charged for feeding birds who would haveknown just loving animals getsyou that much trouble she said.It is prohibited to feed any wildanimals including birds in RhodeIsland City. Nevertheless, whilethe womans intention was tofeed hirds, it is clear that ratswere aiso benefiting Q2.intanyMoradi, director of the cityadministration, said he sawmore than 20 rats near the womans home. He siitjwilltake months to get the problemunder control.

  Qugstion one. What do we iearnfrom the report about the fifty-year-old woman?

  Question two. What did thedirector of the city administration say at the end of the news report?

  To prepare for eventually sendingastronauts to-Mars, NASA began taking applications Friday for fourpeople to live for a yearpin MarsJune Alpha. Thats a 1700-square-foot Martian habitat, inside abuilding in Houston.

  【Q3】Thepaid volunteers will workin an envirgment similar to Marsitheywill have lihited communicationswith family, restricted food, and resources. NASA is planning threeexperiments with the first one

  starting in the fall next year. Foodwill all be 【Q4】 ready-to-eat spacefood. Some plants will be grown butnot potatoes like in the movie TheMartian.""We want to understandhow humans perform in them,"" saidlead scientists Grace Douglas,""Were looking at Mars realisticsituations. The applicatian process opened Eriday, and theyre notseeking just anybody. The requirements are strict, including amasters degree in a science,engineering or math field or pilotexperience. Only American citizensor permanent US residents areacceptable. Applicants must be

  between 30 and 55, and in goodphysical health.""Attitude is key,""said former Canadian astronautChris Hadfield. He said theparticipants need to be supercompetent, resourceful, and notrely on other people to feelcomfortable.

  Question Three: What does NASArequire the paid volunteers to ldo?

  Question Four: What will theparticipants in the project eat?

  [Q5]A JapanesenMayor apologizedThurseayfor hiting the Olympicgold eda[bfa softball player.

  Nagoya mayor Takashekawamurahad praised athlete Miu Goto.

  During a public media event. Heasked her to put the metal aroundhis neck Kawamura, then a bit intoit. Biting a metal in front of journatists and photographers hasbecome a common pose for Olympic medalists. However,jit isonly for the winners themselves, notothers. Im really sorry that I hurtthe treasurer of the gold medalist,Kawamura told reporters Thursday.

  [Q6]The mayor said the metal wasundamaged, though he offered topay for the cost of a new one. Goto,however, has accepted the International Olympic Committeesoffer of a replacement, according to Japanese media reports. The scenebroadcast on television promptedthousands of complaints to City Hall.[Q7]Some Olympianssaid theytreat their medals as treasures, andthat it was disrespectful and unacceptable for Kawamura to bite one.I would cry if that happened tome, said another athlete. Now hesaid to Koto.I handle my own goldmedal so gently that I would notscratch it.

  Question 5 What does the newsreport say about the Japanesemayor to Kashi Kawamura?

  Question 6 What did Mayor Kashi Kawamura offer to do?

  Question 7 What did some Olympians say they would do withtheir medals?

  M: Well start orange thing on your computerscreen.

  W: Q8a semething about yesterday, Its aplastic Sweet tHat-blocks blue light. I have onethat I use to cover my phewe:ssrean too.

  M: What do you mean by blue light?

  W: Q9.Blue light includes naturatlight, but italso includes light that isnt natural. Forexample,from computers, phones,televisions, andother electronic devices.

  M: So blue light is harmful and thats why youwant to block it.

  W: It isnt that simple.Q9.Blue light isntnecessarily bad for us. In fact, we need bluelight during the day to be herhgit[toomuch blue light, especially from electronicdevices can harm our health by weakeningour vision and making it harder for us to fallasleep. And poor sleep can cause all sorts ofhealth problems.

  M: Q10.Im not so sure that sleep is nearly asimportant as people always say it is.I haventslept enough in months, because I have toomuch work to do. And I feel fine. And its thesame for most of my friends. Poor sleepmight be a problem for older people, butsurely young people can handle late nights.

  W:Well, Q11.the research Iv Pshows that sleep isprobably even more important than wei thought and that not having enoughsleep can contribute to serious health probled li ppesity and heart disease. Andall the artificiat blue light from electronicdevices means we have to try harder to sleepwell.

  M: Maybe youre right. Im on my computervery late most nights and thats probablywhy I dont sleep enough.

  Question 8.What did the woman do toher computer?

  Question 9. What does the woman sayabout blue light?

  Question 10. Why does the man say hehasnt slept enough for months?

  Question 11. What has the womanlearned from the research she has read?

  Woman: as a kid, did you know 【12】 whatjob you wanted to do when you grew up?

  Man: No,I didnt. And I got sick every timeadults asked me what I wanted to be when Igrew up.

  Woman: Its the same with me. And lm tiredof people asking that question of my 10-year-old daughter. My daughters stock answersour basketball player, pop singer,【13】mechanical engineer. Adults love that last

  one, as its the perfect mix of the sensible andthe ambitjous. When she was much younger.My daughter used to say she wanted to bequeen of the clouds, which I loved.【14】Thats the kind of goal setting dje inchildren springing from their boundlessimaginations.

  Man: Yes, we grownups can be tedious andlimiting in our need for reality. And we teacha very gloomy image of adult hood, thatwhatever our childrens future holds it mustbe seen within the context of ajob.

  Woman: How utterly overwhelming and dull.

  Man: When people ask my son what he wantsto be when he grows up, I have to swallowthe urge to say,""Hey, back off my kidsdreams.""

  Man: We cant dismiss the idea thatteenagers have to plan to do something after theyfinish school, and parents are entitled tohope its more than simply spending 10 hoursa day playing computer games.

  Man: But asking ""What do you want to be?""isnt going to lead a child to fulfilled liferather lead to false expectations and a highchance of disappointment.

  Woman: Exactly.【15】We should be helpingour kids understand who therivn ifthat means letting go of who we thinktheyshound be.

  Question 12 What question were bothspeakers fed up with when they were kids?

  Question 13 What occupation do adults seeas both sensible and ambitious according tothe woman?

  Question 14 What kind of goal setting doesthe woman like to see in children?

  Question 15 What does the woman suggestadults should do?

  Section C:

  Greater Internet access correlatesdirectly with improved health care,education, and economic development.People living in rural areas, howeyer,lagbehind in online use, which limits theiraccess to government services,banking,and job opportunities. Nowhere is thischallenge clearer than in Africa. MostAfricans live in rural areas that are toughto wire for internet access. Now,[Q16]some phone eompanies are trying tointroduce internet-ready phones intoAfrican markets. Certain companies have started selling simple smartphonesfor only $20. Previously the lowest pricehad been around $40 well out of reachfor many people. These devices are

  powered by software from the giantelectronics company KaioS technologies limited. Most companiesare trying to make phones ever morepowerful and capable, but KaiOS wentthe other way.[Q17] It made every effortto keep the essential capabilities of smartphones, to strip out costs and preserve battery life for people wholikely have inadequate access to electricity.The KaiOS devices offer analternative to the more expensive models that remain out of reach ofmany Africans and contribute to thedigital divide. The body of KaiOS phonesis as basic as it gets. Instead .of atouchscreen,f8] theyreCsqhtliolledwith an ofd-school keypad. Theyre designed for 3g networks because 4gcoverage doesnt reach two-thirds ofAfricas customers. In total, KaiOS phonesiare made from about $15 worthof parts, while Apples top-of-the-lineiPhone has $390 worth of stuff.

  Question 16 What are a number ofphone companies trying to do in Africa?

  Question 17 How do KaiOS smartphonesdiffer from smartphones of most othercompanies?

  Question 18 What are KaiOSsmartphones equipped with?



  For over 40 years after the reform and opening-up, the Chi-nese government has placed increasing emphasis on highereducation, which has stepped into a stage of stable development with 47 million college students, topping the world in terms of number. With the rapid development of Chinas economy and the ever-increasing living standard of the Chi-nese people, more and more citizens long for higher education. The number of colleges and universities and the pro-fessionalism of disciplines and majors are continuously raised, the enrolments gradually increased, and the teaching quality constantly improved, creating more opportunities of higher education for young men.



  The Chinese government attaches progressively more importance to life-long education. Developing continuing edu-cation is an effective way to build life-long education. With advanced ideas and abundant teaching resources, high tech-nology as the basis of talent cultivation should be regardedas main body of adult education. In recent years, many colleges and universities have found a new developmental way of continuing education that is suitable to Chinas national conditions by meeting social needs and communicating with employers, so as to ensure continuing education a a greaterrole in the national strategy.



  The Chinese government has been emphasizing compulsory education all the time, making it available to each and every child. Since ""Law of Compulsory Education"" came intoforce in 1986, the authorities have made relentless efforts to achieve the goal of compulsory education for all. Nowa-days, the Chinese children start school at 6 and receive 9-year compulsory education from the primary school to the junior middle school. In the autumn of 2008, free compulsory education took effect. With the implementation of a series of educational reforms, the quality of Chinas compulsory education has been considerably improved.




  Online learning has become an option because it provides flexible learning opportunities. This method has ensured that students do not get left behind on their academic study, however, some problems have also emerged during the course.

  Since online learning lacks interaction compared with face-to-face teaching, it requires more attention and concentration. Sometimes, students find it so demanding to keep concentrated, and finally turn to some irrelevant online resources instead of academic study. To make sure that they stay tuned, some monitoring software can be ordered to download to ensure they are not browsing other websites while taking online courses. The increasing time students spending in digital devices also pose problems to their health. Thus, schools should encourage their students to do regular exercises such as stretches and eye massages during the break, and some guiding handbooks can be a good start.

  The advance of technology should not come with the cost of loosing its original purpose, so does remote study. So we should do our utmost in doing away its possible detriments to the young.



  Friendship is an indispensable thing in our lives. On our long journey of life, we will encounter various people and make various friends. We should learn how to maintain good friendships with friends or classmates and experience the benefits that friendship brings to us.

  In daily life, we can demonstrate the good character of being helpful when our friends or classmates encounter difficulties, and comfort them when they are feeling down. This is beneficial for maintaining friendship between both parties.

  Having good friendships and getting along well and harmoniously with friends can help us achieve success in our studies. When encountering difficulties in learning, we can not only seek the help of teachers, but also seek the help of friends and classmates. Their answers are also the key to our success in learning. In addition, when encountering difficulties in life that you cannot solve, attentive and enthusiastic friends will also bring warmth to you, which will be something worth remembering for a lifetime.

  In short, friendship is an essential thing in our lives, and with it, our path of life can be smoother.



  Nowadays community service has been placed more importance in our society. As aging society and empty-nest elderly has been proliferating in the entire society, it calls for

  community service to assist in tending to the elderly and pre-school children.

  To ensure high-quality community service,relevant administrationshould take the lead in

  putting forward regulations and order to promote a cooperating environment, so that the

  community staff can better carry out their work, or engage more people to join their cause, for example, organizing voluntary team to help with caring for the elderly residents and pre-school children in the community. In this way, the community as a whole can enjoy a more

  harmonious and secured rapport, which serves as the basis of any possible development.

  Taking into account what has been mentioned, concerted efforts in the whole society are needed to promote the community’s ability to enhance their service.



  26.L sew

  27.B abundant

  28.E exact1

  29. N statistics

  30.F increasingly

  31.O textile

  32.C awareness

  33.I nearly

  34. K reducing

  35.M shrink


  36.【F】According to Francis Dittoh,their speech-based weathe information service was meant to beinexpensive and easy to use.

  37.【K】Using voice instead of typingenables doctors to spend more timetaking care of patients.

  38.【H】It is extremely difficult toconvert voice into text because of different pronunciations.

  39.【D】African farmers unable to read often dont have access to important information convyed online.

  40.【J】 Some phone users worry advertisers will take advantage of voice assistants to send ads directly to them.

  41.【M】The spoken web is helpful when ones hands are occupied.

  42.【C】Some people believe online interaction would soon depnd mainly on voice.

  43.【G】Setting up a spoken web isby no means an easy task.

  44.【E】Weather information isextiheiy important to farners.

  45.【J】 Some people are concernedabout privacy because their phonesare constantly collecting theirpersonaiinformation.


  Passage One

  46. What are big houses promoted tobe in the United States?

  B) A reward for industriousness.

  47. What is one of the consequencesof livitbig?

  A) Many Americans quality of life hasbecome lower.

  48.What questions arise from livingbig?

  A) Questions related to moral principles.

  49. What kind of social system doesthe author think is unacceptable?

  D) One in which the affluent enjoy amore comfortable life at the expense of the poor.

  50. What does the author advocate for people to live well?

  C) More public spaces created for everyone to enjoy.

  Passage Two

  51.What does the author think of mostentrepreneurs?

  B) They are more ambitious thanordinary people.

  52.What does the author imply bysaying ""this isnt always the case""(Line 1,Para.3)?

  A) Ambitious people may not have agreater change of success.

  53.What does the author say is ofextreme importance for one to become a successful entrepreneur?

  B)Being able to adapt to newsituations.

  54. How do the most ambitious entrepreneurs regard failure in theirendeavor?

  C) It means the end of their career.

  55. What does the author advise us todo concerning ambition?

  D) Prioritize health and happinessover material success.



  26.H located

  27.O scheduled

  28.I mostly

  29.N rising

  30.C crucial

  31.L pioneer

  32.D depend

  33.M potential

  34.A affardable

  35.G just


  36.Chase Carey believes greater use should be madeof digital technology to makeFormula One more accessibleto its fans.


  37.Chase Carey was deeplyimpressed by the ceremony preceding last years Monacorace.


  38.O of chase Careys goals is to make Formula Onemore appealing to Americans.


  39.A former motorbike parts dealer led Formula One the past forty years.


  40.Chase Carey thought theaudience of Formula One cou be made to share hisfeeling about the race.


  41. Chase Carey used to serveas a top advisor for a majorbroadcasting company.


  42.Chase Carey intends tomake connections easierbetween the audience andthe Formula One racers.


  43.The new leader of FormulaOne admitted he was not super interested in car racing.


  英语44. Peoples opinionsdiffer as to whether FormulaOne can be promoted in theU.S.


  45. Compared with otherracing series, Formula语One focuses more on speedand involves more danger.



  Passage One

  46.What problem have supermarkets been facing?

  B) hey have been losingcustomers and profits

  47.What does the passage sayabout the ideaof a self-service grocery?

  B) It originated in the UnitedStates.

  48. What did supermarkets doby adopting the Fordistfactory approach?

  D) They revolutionized thedistribution of goods.

  49. What is the typical supermarket layout intendedto do?

  C) Induce customers to makemore unplanned purchases.

  50. What have people longfeared about

  A) They use tricky strategiesto promote their business

  Passage Two

  51. A) Students needed tohelp with farm work.

  52. D) It will strengthen theirrelationship with teachers.

  53. D) It contributes to students healthy growth.

  54. A) It does little good tomost students.

  55. C) Outdated.



  26.G) daily

  27.N) symptoms

  28.D) classified

  29.F) come

  30.H) definitely

  31.K) inactive

  32.E) clearing


  34.I) distractions

  35.M) reaping


  36. The lion dancers perform fromdoor to door to bring New Yearwishes to business people.


  37. The New York dance club alsoserves as a place for entertainmentwhere youngsters can enjoy

  themselves safely.


  38. Lion dancers need to have a littleimagi tionjts perform well


  39. There are a number of differentversions about the origin of the liondance


  40.Same 50% of the members of aNew York lion dance club are teenagers


  41.One club member says heproud of his culturaltradition


  42.Two dancers coordinate theirmovements,one manipulating thelions head and the other its body.答案:G

  43.One lion dancer compares theirNew York dance club to a family


  44.Lion dance should bezhandeddownc fature generations as part of Chinese culture


  45. One lion dancer learned how toperform from his elders



  Passage One

  46. A) They consider such exercises annoying.

  47. B) They rearanged the staff andoffice spaces.

  48. D) They were regarded as anintrusion into employees privatelives.

  49. A) By allowing participantsfreedom to express themselves.

  50. D) They have to be appliedcautiously to be effective.

  Passage Two

  51. A) To combat the countyshomelessness.

  52. C) They are responsible for theirown condition.

  53. A) They find it increasingly difficultto afford a place to live.

  54. C) The increase in new housingfalls short of the demand of thegrowing homeless population.

  55. D) They no longer find shocking.




  Friendship is an indispensable thing in our lives. On our long journey of life, we will encounter various people and make various friends. We should learn how to maintain good friendships with friends or classmates and experience the benefits that friendship brings to us.

  In daily life, we can demonstrate the good character of being helpful when our friends or classmates encounter difficulties, and comfort them when they are feeling down. This is beneficial for maintaining friendship between both parties.

  Having good friendships and getting along well and harmoniously with friends can help us achieve success in our studies. When encountering difficulties in learning, we can not only seek the help of teachers, but also seek the help of friends and classmates. Their answers are also the key to our success in learning. In addition, when encountering difficulties in life that you cannot solve, attentive and enthusiastic friends will also bring warmth to you, which will be something worth remembering for a lifetime.

  In short, friendship is an essential thing in our lives, and with it, our path of life can be smoother.




  Online learning has become an option because it provides flexible learning opportunities. This method has ensured that students do not get left behind on their academic study, however, some problems have also emerged during the course.

  Since online learning lacks interaction compared with face-to-face teaching, it requires more attention and concentration. Sometimes, students find it so demanding to keep concentrated, and finally turn to some irrelevant online resources instead of academic study. To make sure that they stay tuned, some monitoring software can be ordered to download to ensure they are not browsing other websites while taking online courses. The increasing time students spending in digital devices also pose problems to their health. Thus, schools should encourage their students to do regular exercises such as stretches and eye massages during the break, and some guiding handbooks can be a good start.

  The advance of technology should not come with the cost of loosing its original purpose, so does remote study. So we should do our utmost in doing away its possible detriments to the young.




  Nowadays community service has been placed more importance in our society. As aging society and empty-nest elderly has been proliferating in the entire society, it calls for

  community service to assist in tending to the elderly and pre-school children.

  To ensure high-quality community service,relevant administrationshould take the lead in

  putting forward regulations and order to promote a cooperating environment, so that the

  community staff can better carry out their work, or engage more people to join their cause, for example, organizing voluntary team to help with caring for the elderly residents and pre-school children in the community. In this way, the community as a whole can enjoy a more

  harmonious and secured rapport, which serves as the basis of any possible development.

  Taking into account what has been mentioned, concerted efforts in the whole society are needed to promote the community’s ability to enhance their service.




  Friendship is an indispensable thing in our lives. On our long journey of life, we will encounter various people and make various friends. We should learn how to maintain good friendships with friends or classmates and experience the benefits that friendship brings to us.

  In daily life, we can demonstrate the good character of being helpful when our friends or classmates encounter difficulties, and comfort them when they are feeling down. This is beneficial for maintaining friendship between both parties.

  Having good friendships and getting along well and harmoniously with friends can help us achieve success in our studies. When encountering difficulties in learning, we can not only seek the help of teachers, but also seek the help of friends and classmates. Their answers are also the key to our success in learning. In addition, when encountering difficulties in life that you cannot solve, attentive and enthusiastic friends will also bring warmth to you, which will be something worth remembering for a lifetime.

  In short, friendship is an essential thing in our lives, and with it, our path of life can be smoother.




  Online learning has become an option because it provides flexible learning opportunities. This method has ensured that students do not get left behind on their academic study, however, some problems have also emerged during the course.

  Since online learning lacks interaction compared with face-to-face teaching, it requires more attention and concentration. Sometimes, students find it so demanding to keep concentrated, and finally turn to some irrelevant online resources instead of academic study. To make sure that they stay tuned, some monitoring software can be ordered to download to ensure they are not browsing other websites while taking online courses. The increasing time students spending in digital devices also pose problems to their health. Thus, schools should encourage their students to do regular exercises such as stretches and eye massages during the break, and some guiding handbooks can be a good start.

  The advance of technology should not come with the cost of loosing its original purpose, so does remote study. So we should do our utmost in doing away its possible detriments to the young.




  Online learning has become an option because it provides flexible learning opportunities. This method has ensured that students do not get left behind on their academic study, however, some problems have also emerged during the course.

  Since online learning lacks interaction compared with face-to-face teaching, it requires more attention and concentration. Sometimes, students find it so demanding to keep concentrated, and finally turn to some irrelevant online resources instead of academic study. To make sure that they stay tuned, some monitoring software can be ordered to download to ensure they are not browsing other websites while taking online courses. The increasing time students spending in digital devices also pose problems to their health. Thus, schools should encourage their students to do regular exercises such as stretches and eye massages during the break, and some guiding handbooks can be a good start.

  The advance of technology should not come with the cost of loosing its original purpose, so does remote study. So we should do our utmost in doing away its possible detriments to the young.




  Nowadays community service has been placed more importance in our society. As aging society and empty-nest elderly has been proliferating in the entire society, it calls for

  community service to assist in tending to the elderly and pre-school children.

  To ensure high-quality community service,relevant administrationshould take the lead in

  putting forward regulations and order to promote a cooperating environment, so that the

  community staff can better carry out their work, or engage more people to join their cause, for example, organizing voluntary team to help with caring for the elderly residents and pre-school children in the community. In this way, the community as a whole can enjoy a more

  harmonious and secured rapport, which serves as the basis of any possible development.

  Taking into account what has been mentioned, concerted efforts in the whole society are needed to promote the community’s ability to enhance their service.




  Friendship is an indispensable thing in our lives. On our long journey of life, we will encounter various people and make various friends. We should learn how to maintain good friendships with friends or classmates and experience the benefits that friendship brings to us.

  In daily life, we can demonstrate the good character of being helpful when our friends or classmates encounter difficulties, and comfort them when they are feeling down. This is beneficial for maintaining friendship between both parties.

  Having good friendships and getting along well and harmoniously with friends can help us achieve success in our studies. When encountering difficulties in learning, we can not only seek the help of teachers, but also seek the help of friends and classmates. Their answers are also the key to our success in learning. In addition, when encountering difficulties in life that you cannot solve, attentive and enthusiastic friends will also bring warmth to you, which will be something worth remembering for a lifetime.

  In short, friendship is an essential thing in our lives, and with it, our path of life can be smoother.




  Nowadays community service has been placed more importance in our society. As aging society and empty-nest elderly has been proliferating in the entire society, it calls for

  community service to assist in tending to the elderly and pre-school children.

  To ensure high-quality community service,relevant administrationshould take the lead in

  putting forward regulations and order to promote a cooperating environment, so that the

  community staff can better carry out their work, or engage more people to join their cause, for example, organizing voluntary team to help with caring for the elderly residents and pre-school children in the community. In this way, the community as a whole can enjoy a more

  harmonious and secured rapport, which serves as the basis of any possible development.

  Taking into account what has been mentioned, concerted efforts in the whole society are needed to promote the community’s ability to enhance their service.



  Passage One

  46. What are big houses promoted tobe in the United States?

  B) A reward for industriousness.

  47. What is one of the consequencesof livitbig?

  A) Many Americans quality of life hasbecome lower.

  48.What questions arise from livingbig?

  A) Questions related to moral principles.

  49. What kind of social system doesthe author think is unacceptable?

  D) One in which the affluent enjoy amore comfortable life at the expense of the poor.

  50. What does the author advocate for people to live well?

  C) More public spaces created for everyone to enjoy.

  Passage Two

  51.What does the author think of mostentrepreneurs?

  B) They are more ambitious thanordinary people.

  52.What does the author imply bysaying ""this isnt always the case""(Line 1,Para.3)?

  A) Ambitious people may not have agreater change of success.

  53.What does the author say is ofextreme importance for one to become a successful entrepreneur?

  B)Being able to adapt to newsituations.

  54. How do the most ambitious entrepreneurs regard failure in theirendeavor?

  C) It means the end of their career.

  55. What does the author advise us todo concerning ambition?

  D) Prioritize health and happinessover material success.




  Online learning has become an option because it provides flexible learning opportunities. This method has ensured that students do not get left behind on their academic study, however, some problems have also emerged during the course.

  Since online learning lacks interaction compared with face-to-face teaching, it requires more attention and concentration. Sometimes, students find it so demanding to keep concentrated, and finally turn to some irrelevant online resources instead of academic study. To make sure that they stay tuned, some monitoring software can be ordered to download to ensure they are not browsing other websites while taking online courses. The increasing time students spending in digital devices also pose problems to their health. Thus, schools should encourage their students to do regular exercises such as stretches and eye massages during the break, and some guiding handbooks can be a good start.

  The advance of technology should not come with the cost of loosing its original purpose, so does remote study. So we should do our utmost in doing away its possible detriments to the young.




  Friendship is an indispensable thing in our lives. On our long journey of life, we will encounter various people and make various friends. We should learn how to maintain good friendships with friends or classmates and experience the benefits that friendship brings to us.

  In daily life, we can demonstrate the good character of being helpful when our friends or classmates encounter difficulties, and comfort them when they are feeling down. This is beneficial for maintaining friendship between both parties.

  Having good friendships and getting along well and harmoniously with friends can help us achieve success in our studies. When encountering difficulties in learning, we can not only seek the help of teachers, but also seek the help of friends and classmates. Their answers are also the key to our success in learning. In addition, when encountering difficulties in life that you cannot solve, attentive and enthusiastic friends will also bring warmth to you, which will be something worth remembering for a lifetime.

  In short, friendship is an essential thing in our lives, and with it, our path of life can be smoother.




  26.G) daily

  27.N) symptoms

  28.D) classified

  29.F) come

  30.H) definitely

  31.K) inactive

  32.E) clearing


  34.I) distractions

  35.M) reaping


  36. The lion dancers perform fromdoor to door to bring New Yearwishes to business people.


  37. The New York dance club alsoserves as a place for entertainmentwhere youngsters can enjoy

  themselves safely.


  38. Lion dancers need to have a littleimagi tionjts perform well


  39. There are a number of differentversions about the origin of the liondance


  40.Same 50% of the members of aNew York lion dance club are teenagers


  41.One club member says heproud of his culturaltradition


  42.Two dancers coordinate theirmovements,one manipulating thelions head and the other its body.答案:G

  43.One lion dancer compares theirNew York dance club to a family


  44.Lion dance should bezhandeddownc fature generations as part of Chinese culture


  45. One lion dancer learned how toperform from his elders



  Passage One

  46. A) They consider such exercises annoying.

  47. B) They rearanged the staff andoffice spaces.

  48. D) They were regarded as anintrusion into employees privatelives.

  49. A) By allowing participantsfreedom to express themselves.

  50. D) They have to be appliedcautiously to be effective.

  Passage Two

  51. A) To combat the countyshomelessness.

  52. C) They are responsible for theirown condition.

  53. A) They find it increasingly difficultto afford a place to live.

  54. C) The increase in new housingfalls short of the demand of thegrowing homeless population.

  55. D) They no longer find shocking.



  Passage One

  46.What problem have supermarkets been facing?

  B) hey have been losingcustomers and profits

  47.What does the passage sayabout the ideaof a self-service grocery?

  B) It originated in the UnitedStates.

  48. What did supermarkets doby adopting the Fordistfactory approach?

  D) They revolutionized thedistribution of goods.

  49. What is the typical supermarket layout intendedto do?

  C) Induce customers to makemore unplanned purchases.

  50. What have people longfeared about

  A) They use tricky strategiesto promote their business

  Passage Two

  51. A) Students needed tohelp with farm work.

  52. D) It will strengthen theirrelationship with teachers.

  53. D) It contributes to students healthy growth.

  54. A) It does little good tomost students.

  55. C) Outdated.




  26.G) daily

  27.N) symptoms

  28.D) classified

  29.F) come

  30.H) definitely

  31.K) inactive

  32.E) clearing


  34.I) distractions

  35.M) reaping


  36. The lion dancers perform fromdoor to door to bring New Yearwishes to business people.


  37. The New York dance club alsoserves as a place for entertainmentwhere youngsters can enjoy

  themselves safely.


  38. Lion dancers need to have a littleimagi tionjts perform well


  39. There are a number of differentversions about the origin of the liondance


  40.Same 50% of the members of aNew York lion dance club are teenagers


  41.One club member says heproud of his culturaltradition


  42.Two dancers coordinate theirmovements,one manipulating thelions head and the other its body.答案:G

  43.One lion dancer compares theirNew York dance club to a family


  44.Lion dance should bezhandeddownc fature generations as part of Chinese culture


  45. One lion dancer learned how toperform from his elders



  Passage One

  46. A) They consider such exercises annoying.

  47. B) They rearanged the staff andoffice spaces.

  48. D) They were regarded as anintrusion into employees privatelives.

  49. A) By allowing participantsfreedom to express themselves.

  50. D) They have to be appliedcautiously to be effective.

  Passage Two

  51. A) To combat the countyshomelessness.

  52. C) They are responsible for theirown condition.

  53. A) They find it increasingly difficultto afford a place to live.

  54. C) The increase in new housingfalls short of the demand of thegrowing homeless population.

  55. D) They no longer find shocking.



  Passage One

  46. What are big houses promoted tobe in the United States?

  B) A reward for industriousness.

  47. What is one of the consequencesof livitbig?

  A) Many Americans quality of life hasbecome lower.

  48.What questions arise from livingbig?

  A) Questions related to moral principles.

  49. What kind of social system doesthe author think is unacceptable?

  D) One in which the affluent enjoy amore comfortable life at the expense of the poor.

  50. What does the author advocate for people to live well?

  C) More public spaces created for everyone to enjoy.

  Passage Two

  51.What does the author think of mostentrepreneurs?

  B) They are more ambitious thanordinary people.

  52.What does the author imply bysaying ""this isnt always the case""(Line 1,Para.3)?

  A) Ambitious people may not have agreater change of success.

  53.What does the author say is ofextreme importance for one to become a successful entrepreneur?

  B)Being able to adapt to newsituations.

  54. How do the most ambitious entrepreneurs regard failure in theirendeavor?

  C) It means the end of their career.

  55. What does the author advise us todo concerning ambition?

  D) Prioritize health and happinessover material success.



  Passage One

  46.What problem have supermarkets been facing?

  B) hey have been losingcustomers and profits

  47.What does the passage sayabout the ideaof a self-service grocery?

  B) It originated in the UnitedStates.

  48. What did supermarkets doby adopting the Fordistfactory approach?

  D) They revolutionized thedistribution of goods.

  49. What is the typical supermarket layout intendedto do?

  C) Induce customers to makemore unplanned purchases.

  50. What have people longfeared about

  A) They use tricky strategiesto promote their business

  Passage Two

  51. A) Students needed tohelp with farm work.

  52. D) It will strengthen theirrelationship with teachers.

  53. D) It contributes to students healthy growth.

  54. A) It does little good tomost students.

  55. C) Outdated.









