
时间:2024-10-22 21:54:59 王娟 英语四级 我要投稿
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  Directions:Lets say your university is soliciting opinions from students on whether university dining halls should be open to the public.You will have 30 minutes for the task.You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

  In the modern era,there is a heated debate regarding whether the universitys canteens should be open to the public.Some believe that it will do us more good than harm,while others argue that it will pose a threat to the order and operation of the university.In my view,the university should recognize that this has both pros and cons.Lets start with the advantages.First,it allows the public to enjoy the diverse and delicious food offered by university canteens.This can enhance the reputation of the university and foster a stronger relationship between the university and the local community.Second,it can also generate additional revenue for the university,which can be used to improve the facilities and services provided to students .However,there are also potential drawbacks to consider.For in-stance,the increased number of people using the canteen may lead to overcrowding and longer waiting times for students during peak hours.Additionally,the public may have different preferences and dietary requirements compared to students,which could affect the menu options available and potentially increase costs.

  In conclusion,the university should weigh the merits and demerits so that it can provide the best possible experience for both students and members of the public.


  Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes)

  Directions:In this section,you will hear three news reports.At the end of each news report,you will hear two or three questions.Both the news report and questions will be spoken only once.After you hear questions,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.

  Part Ⅲ Reading Comprehension (40 minutes)

  Section A 26-35

  Directions:In this section,there is a passage with ten blanks.You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage.Read the passage through carefully before making your choices,Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter.Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.


  A team of researchers led by Priyanka Joshi examined the degree to...













  Section B 36-45

  Directions:In this section,you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it.Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs.Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived.You may choose a paragraph more than once.Each paragraph is marked with a letter.Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.

  New Formula One Chief Hopes to Grab Americans Attention


  Why Do Americans Work So Much?


  36-40 EHBFD 41-45 AICJG

  Section C 46-55

  Directions:There are 2 passages in this section.Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A),B),C)and D).You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.

  Passage One

  Questions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage.


  Lao Zi once said...


  46-50 CBDAD

  Passage Two

  Questions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage.


  Some people have said aging is more a slide into forgetfulness


  51-55 BCDAC

  Part IV Translation (30 minutes)

  Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English.You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.

  Siheyuan is a traditional chinese residential construction which is characterized with houses built around a courtyard.Siheyuan is usually warm in winter and cool in summer with the living environment so comfortable that it is especially suitable for a large family to live in.There are many different types of Siheyuan across China,among which that of Beijing is the most typical.Nowadays,with the development of modern cities,traditional Siheyuan buildings are decreasing gradually,However,with its unique architecture style,siheyuan still plays a significant role in the inheritance of chinese cultures and the study of chinese history.



  M:Whats the bestway toteach childrenhow to saveand spend theirmoney?

  W:You should make money a regular topic of discussion.Its best to startyoung,soits instinctiveratherthana scarysubject.

  M:In ourfamily,wetalk openly aboutthings likethe budget forholidays,howtaxes reduceyour income,andhow to shop around for the best deals.

  W:Indeed.Its also essentialto make moneyreal forchildrenthrough practical examples.Workingouthowmuch we save using discount pizzacoupons,forexample,is muchmore relevantthanabstract sums.

  M:We alsogiveourkids pocket money,andtheamountthey get islinked to chores,such asputting thebinsoutandemptyingthe dishwasher.

  W:Wedo that too,anditspaidaccordingtotheir age.Two pounds for eachyear,so they can see someprogression.

  M:Teaching them tosaveis important.We openeda savings accountwhen they were young.Afterbirthdaysand Christmas,they would goto thebranch and deposittheir gift money.

  W:Oh,Ihadnt considered doing that.

  Inour house,we have transparent money boxesfor themto putsmall change in,so they can see their savingsgrow.

  M:When thetime is nght,Ilstarttalking toourchildren aboutinvesting andshow them how themoneysaved for theirfurther education has grown.

  W:I am ahways talkingto my elder daughterabout theimportanceofsavinginto a pension.

  Shes just starteda part time job andwasthinking of not contributing to herpension.Luckily,I managedtopersuadeherotherwise.

  M:Yes,its suchan important lesson to learn

  Questions 8 to 11 are basedon the conversation you have just heard.

  Question 8.What should we dowith the topic ofmoney,according tothe woman?Question 9.How doesthe womansay money canbe made realfor children?Question 10.What is the commonpracticebetween theman andthe woman?Question 11.What is the womanalways talking about to herelderdaughter?

  Conversation 2 Endeavor

  W:Welcometo Books inReview.Our guest today is John Banks,the author ofthebestsellingnewbook,Rewarding Success.

  M:Glad to behere,Jane.

  W:Your bookhas sold2 million copies,butbefore we discusswhy its getting somuch attention,lets talkaboutyour background.Youre aneconomist and spent twodecades teaching atuniversities?

  M:Ispent 25 years as a professor,actually.And then,forthelast 10 years,Iveworked asa politicalconsultant,advising politicians at the national level about problemsin our country.

  W:You discussthree ofthose problems in thebook,improvingpubliceducation,reducing our nations healthcareburden,and increasingpersonal savings.But your ideas about education are the most controversial.

  M:Absolutely.A lot ofpeoplethink Im tryingto punish students who arent doing well,when actually mygoaistogive allstudents more incentive to succeed.

  W:Imnot sure Iagree withyou.Yourproposal topay cashrewards to students who getgoodgradesis a

  particularproblem.Whatabout students who dontget good grades?It seems like youre blaming themfor notsucceeding,whenpoor performancein schoolisnt a childsfault.

  M:ButMyproposal is not just to reward studentswith goodgrades,but alsostudentswho showimprovement.

  W:Okay,anotherciticism of the plan is the cash rewards themselves.Where willthe moneycome from?

  M:If students dobetter well spendless on schooling.So,inthe end,therewardswill pay forthemselves.

  W:What aboutnow?How will wefund therewards in themeantime?

  M:Well,by increasingtaxesor moving money from otherareas ofthe budget intoeducation.

  Q12:Whatdo we learn about the man?

  Q13:What does the woman say is the most controversial?

  Q14:What does theman say ishis realgoal?

  Q15:Whatwill beone option for funding the proposed rewardsaccordingtothe man?

  NEWS 1

  A JetBlue Airlinesflight from West Palm BeachtoNew York City was forced to turn around andland Sunday morning after the plane struck abird.The flight from Palm Beach InternationalAirport to LaGuardia Airport turned around justminutes after takeoff following the strike.

  No injuries were reported on the plane,and theflight took off once again,7.5 hours after thefirst attempt.""It was like a split second of panicthat resulted in this nervous reaction on theplane,said passenger Brian Healy,""there wastotal quiet.And then there was relief when theplane came to a stop.""An email from JetBlueread,""our team is working to accommodatecustomers on later flights.""

  Q1:What do we learn about theJetBlue Airlines

  flightfrom the news report?

  Q2:How did the passengers feel when the plane

  came to a stop,according to Brian Healy?

  NEWS 2

  A deadly snake,which had finally been tracked downafter escaping a zoo has slipped away for the secondtime.The poisonous snake forced the closure of theattraction last week when staff noticed thedisappearance.fter six /days of desperatesearching,he was eventually found and placed in asupposedly secure area.

  But,it seems the animal is no fan ofthe zoo,becauseyet again,he is out on the loose.The snake is arelative newcomer to the zo0,but has already beenfrustrating its staff.The staff believe he squeezedhimself out of a gap located around new energysaving bulbs installed inside the snake house.Hewas only found the first time around because staffbrought in a special machine to trace him inside awall opening.

  This kind of snake is one of the most deadly andpoisonous in the wild,and they can range from 3 to 5meters in length.

  Q3:What do we learn about the deadly snake fromthe news report?

  Q4:How have the zoo staff been feeling about thesnake?

  NEWS 3

  Electric bikes have been the craze in downtownJacksonville since they were first introduced earlier thismonth as a one-year pilot program,but theyre leadingto safety concerns,mainly at night when some ridersdont follow the rules of the road.As the night goes on,groups of riders are often seen traveling in just aboutevery direction in thestreets and on pedestrian paths.

  That is increasing the probability of dangerousaccidents.Electric bike riders have to follow all thesame rules as you would if you were in an automobile.

  That means no running red lights or traveling in theopposite direction of traffic on one way streets.

  City Council Member Anna Kumber was instrumental inintroducing the electric bikes to Jacksonville as a wayto bringnew life into downtown.And shes aware oftheconcerns.Cumber said,people can have fun,but bothdrivers and riders are responsible for paying attentionwhile on the road.And never assume the driver is goingto stop or see you.

  Q5:What do we learn from the news report about theintroduction of electricbikes into Jacksonville?

  Q6:What are electric bike riderssupposed todo?

  Q7:Why did City Council member Anna Cumberadvocate th introduction of electric bikes intoJacksonville?

  Passage 1

  I met three different people today,and each time,when l asked,how are you,thereply was exactly thesame.Im busy.Honestly,Ihearthe same answer from the vast majority of people I meet.So I started tothink,guess what?Everybodys busy.Im busy.Yourebusy.Everybodys busy.So you being busy doesntmakeme sympathetic atall,because busy is the state of the world.

  So Imlaunching acampaign to stop people complaining aboutbeing busy.It may sound harsh,but thetruth is,nobody cares.Ina busy world,being busy doesnt stand out,nor does it meanproductive,creative,accomplished,or professional.SteveMaraboli once said,When someone tells you they are too busy,its not a reflectionoftheir schedule,its a reflection of yourspoton their schedule.

  Donna Lynn Hope has also remarked,Busy doesnt mean better.I have neverenvied a busyperson.The one who likesto point outtheir busylivesto others.The reality is,nobodys too busy.Itsjust aboutpriorities.So the next time someoneasksyou how you

  are,maybe respond differently.In my experience,the Im busyresponse is really coveringup the fact that theyre not actuallyaccomplishing their real purpose,and being busy is the lie theytell themselves about why they cant achieve it.

  Q16:Whyis the speaker launchinga campaign?

  Q17:What does thespeaker advise us to donext time someoneasksus howwe are?

  Q18:Why do many people make theIm busy response,according to the speaker?


  After all,if you can jump out of a plane or off a bridge,thenyou can face anything else easily.When doing extremesports,you have to become more focused.Youll be pushedto your limits,and ifyou arent focused,youll makedangerous mistakes.Learning to be thisfocused when

  enjoying extreme sportswill help you to be focused at work,keeping you more productive and ultimately moresuccessful.

  Its greatto stay fit and healthy,but standard exercise

  routines and sports only work the same muscles repeatedly.With extreme sports,youll be working entirely differentmuscles.And that means you get an all over workout.Extreme sports also burn a lot more calories than other

  sports.Skateboarding,for example,can burn as many as 500calories per hour.Basketball burns around 300 in the sametime.

  When you find that you can overcome the physical or mentalchallenges involved in extremesports,youll feel

  superhuman and your selfconfidence will beat an all timehigh.

  Q19:What may sound strange to say aboutextreme sports?

  Q20:Why should one be highly focused when doingextremesports?

  Q21:How can extreme sports benefitus more than standardexercise routines and sports?

  Passage 3

  Most ofus have been in teams or organizations where weve hadconflict with the people that were working with around the ideasor decisions that werediscussing.Conflict is natural.We all bringdifferent life and work experiences to the table.We all havedifferent personality preferences and tendencies.

  Were notall going to have the same ideas on how to approachpolicies,programs,or problems.Buttoo often,we get caught inthis placewhere conflict isperceived to be negative.Something wewant to avoid,sothat we can maintain the harmony of ourworkplace.This could be because somepeoplewant to avoidconflict at all costs.

  Afterall,they still have to work together.But this kind ofartificialharmony isnt the answer.Productiveconflict is a vital part ofteams and organizations that wantto push forward and do more.Without conflict,were often stuck in this artificial harmonywherepeople dont expresspotentiallyinnovative ideasforfear that theymay startconflict with others.

  But ifyoure in aplace where you have a basis of trust,conflict canbe extremely productive.Itcan lead to increased innovation andgreatertrust on teams.It may be an uncomfortable process,butgood leaders and healthy teams recognize that productive andhealthy conflict is an important part of howtheyfunction.

  Q22:What doesthe passage say about conflict in organizations?

  Q23:Why do some people want to avoid conflict at all costs?

  Q24:Why is productiveconflict importantforteams andorganizations?

  Q25:What does productive conflict need as a basis?


  Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage:

  "Welcome to the U.S.A.! Major credit cards are accepted!"

  By the millions they are coming no longer the tired,the poor,the wretched masses longing for a better living.These are the wealthy."We dont have a budget," says a biologist from Brazil,as she walks with two companions through New York Citys South Street." We just use our credit cards."

  The US has long been one of the worlds most popular tourist destinations,but this year has been exceptional.First,there was the World Cup,which drew thousands from every corner of the globe; then came the weakening of the US dollar against major currencies.Now the US,still the worlds superpower,can also claim to be the worlds bargain basement(廉价商品部).Nobody undersells America these days on just about everything,from consumer electronics to fashion clothes to tennis rackets.Bottom retail prices anywhere from 30 % to 70% lower than those in Europe and Asia have attracted some 47 million visitors,who are expected to leave behind $ 79 billion in 1994.Thats up from $74 billion the year before.

  True,not everyone comes just for bargains.There remains an undeniable fascination in the rest of the world with all things American,nourished by Hollywood films and US television series.But shopping the USA is proving irresistible.Every week thousands arrive with empty suitcases ready to be filled; some even rent an additional hotel room to hold their purchases.The buying binge(无节制)has become as important as watching Old Faithful Fountains erupt in Yellowstone Park or sunbathing on a beach in Florida.

  The US has come at last to appreciate what other countries learned long ago:the pouring in of foreign tourists may not always be convenient,but it does put money in the bank.And with a trade deficit at about $130 billion and growing for the past 12 months,the US needs all the deposits it can get.Compared with American tourists abroad,visitors to the US stay longer and spend more money at each stop; an average of 12.2 night and $ 1624 a traveler versus the Americans four nights and $298.

  31.From what the Brazilian biologist says,we know that tourists like her ____.

  A)are reluctant to carry cash with them

  B)simply don t care how much they spend

  C)are not good at planning their expenditure

  D)often spend more money than they can afford

  32.The reason why 1994 was exceptional is that ____.

  A)it saw an unusually large number of tourists to the US

  B)it witnessed a drop in the number of tourists to the US

  C)tourism was hardly affected by the weakening of the US dollar that year

  D)Tourists came to the US for sightseeing rather than for bargains that year

  33.By saying " nobody undersells America" (Underlined),the author means that ____.A)no other country underestimates the competitiveness of American productsB)nobody expects the Americans to cut the prices of their commodities

  C)nobody restrains the selling of American goods

  D)no other country sells at a lower price than America

  34.Why does the author assert that all things American are fascinating to foreigners?A)Because they have gained much publicity through the American media

  B)Because they represent the world s latest fashions

  C)Because they embody the most sophisticated technology

  D)Because they are available at all tourist destinations

  35.From the passage we can conclude that the US has come to realize____.

  A)the weakening of the US dollar can result in trade deficits

  B)the lower the retail prices,the greater in profits

  C)tourism can make great contributions to its economy

  D)visitors to the US are wealthier than US tourists abroad


  Directions:In this section,you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs.Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived.You may choose a paragraph more than once.Each paragraph is marked with a letter.Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.

  Food-as-Medicine Movement Is Witnessing Progress

  [A]Several times a month,you can find a doctor in the aisles of Ralph’s market in Huntington Beach,California,wearing a white coat and helping people learn about food.On one recent day,this doctor was Daniel Nadeau,wandering the cereal aisle with Allison Scott,giving her some idea on how to feed kids who persistently avoid anything that is healthy.“Have you thought about trying fresh juices in the morning?” he asks her.“The frozen oranges and apples are a little cheaper,and fruits are really good for the brain.Juices are quick and easy to prepare,you can take the frozen fruit out the night before and have it ready the next morning.”

  [B]Scott is delighted to get food advice from a physician who is program director of the nearby Mary and Dick Allen Diabetes Center,part of the St.Joseph Hoag Health alliance.The center’s ‘Shop with Your Doc’ program sends doctors to the grocery store to meet with any patients who sign up for the service,plus any other shoppers who happen to be around with questions.

  [C]Nadeau notices the pre-made macaroni (通心粉)-and-cheese boxes in Scott’s shopping cart and suggests she switch to whole grain macaroni and real cheese.“So I’d have to make it?”she asks,her enthusiasm fading at the thought of how long that might take,just to have her kids reject it.“I’m not sure they’d eat it.They just won’t eat it.”

  [D]Nadeau says sugar and processed foods are big contributors to the rising diabetes rates among children.“In America,over 50 percent of our food is processed food,” Nadeau tells her.“And only 5 percent of our food is plant-based food.I think we should try to reverse that.” Scott agrees to try more fruit juices for the kids and to make real macaroni and cheese.Score one point for the doctor,zero for diabetes.

  [E]Nadeau is part of a small revolution developing across California.The food-as-medicine movement has been around for decades,but it’s making progress as physicians and medical institutions make food a formal part of treatment,rather than relying solely on medications (药物).By prescribing nutritional changes or launching programs such as ‘Shop with your Doc’,they are trying to prevent,limit or even reverse disease by changing what patients eat.“There’s no question people can take things a long way toward reversing diabetes,reversing high blood pressure,even preventing cancer by food choices,” Nadeau says.

  [F]In the big picture,says Dr.Richard Afable,CEO and president of ST.Joseph Hoag Health,medical institutions across the state are starting to make a philosophical switch to becoming a health organization,not just a health care organization.That feeling echoes the beliefs of the Therapeutic Food Pantry program at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital,which completed its pilot phase and is about to expand on an ongoing basis to five clinic sites throughout the city.The program will offer patients several bags of food prescribed for their condition,along with intensive training in how to cook it.“We really want to link food and medicine,and not just give away food,” says Dr.Rita Nguyen,the hospital’s medical director of Healthy Food Initiatives.“We want people to understand what they’re eating,how to prepare it,the role food plays in their lives.”

  [G]In Southern California,Loma Linda University School of Medicine is offering specialized training for its resident physicians in Lifestyle Medicine—that is a formal specialty in using food to treat disease.Research findings increasingly show the power of food to treat or reverse diseases,but that does not mean that diet alone is always the solution,or that every illness can benefit substantially from dietary changes.Nonetheless,physicians say that they look at the collective data and a clear picture emerges:that the salt,sugar,fat and processed foods in the American diet contribute to the nation’s high rates of obesity,diabetes and heart disease.According to the World Health Organization,80 percent of deaths from heart disease and stroke are caused by high blood pressure,tobacco use,elevated cholesterol and low consumption of fruits and vegetables.

  [H]“It’s a different paradigm(范式)of how to treat disease,” says Dr.Brenda Rea,who helps run the family and preventive medicine residency program at Loma Linda University School of Medicine.The lifestyle medicine specialty is designed to train doctors in how to prevent and treat disease,in part,by changing patients’ nutritional habits.The medical center and school at Loma Linda also has a food cupboard and kitchen for patients.This way,patients not only learn about which foods to buy,but also how to prepare them at home.

  [I]Many people don’t know how to cook,Rea says,and they only know how to heat things up.That means depending on packaged food with high salt and sugar content.So teaching people about which foods are healthy and how to prepare them,she says,can actually transform a patient’s life.And beyond that,it might transform the health and lives of that patient’s family.“What people eat can be medicine or poison,” Rea says.“As a physician,nutrition is one of the most powerful things you can change to reverse the effects of long-term disease.”

  [J]Studies have explored evidence that dietary changes can slow inflammation(炎症),for example,or make the body inhospitable to cancer cells.In general,many lifestyle medicine physicians recommend a plant-based diet — particularly for people with diabetes or other inflammatory conditions.

  [K]“As what happened with tobacco,this will require a cultural shift,but that can happen,” says Nguyen.“In the same way physicians used to smoke,and then stopped smoking and were able to talk to patients about it,I think physicians can have a bigger voice in it.”

  36.More than half of the food Americans eat is factory-produced.

  37.There is a special program that assigns doctors to give advice to shoppers in food stores.

  38.There is growing evidence from research that food helps patients recover from various illnesses.

  39.A healthy breakfast can be prepared quickly and easily.

  40.Training a patient to prepare healthy food can change their life.

  41.One food-as-medicine program not only prescribes food for treatment but teaches patients how to cook it.

  42.Scott is not keen on cooking food herself,thinking it would simply be a waste of time.

  43.Diabetes patients are advised to eat more plant-based food.

  44.Using food as medicine is no novel idea,but the movement is making headway these days.

  45.Americans’ high rates of various illnesses result from the way they eat.


  D 36.More than half the food Americans eat is factory-produced.

  B 37.There is a special program that assigns doctors to give advice to shoppers in food stores.

  G 38.There is growing evidence from research that food helps patients recover from various illnesses.

  A 39.A healthy breakfast can be prepared quickly and easily.

  I 40.Training a patient to prepare healthy food can change their life.

  F 41.One food-as-medicine program not only prescribes food for treatment but teachers patients how to cook it.

  C 42.Scott is not keen on cooking food herself,thinking it would simply be a waste of time.

  J 43.Diabetes patients are advised to eat more plant-based food.

  E 44.Using food as medicine is no novel idea,but the movement is making headway these days.

  G 45.Americans’ high rates of various illnesses result from the way they eat.









