
时间:2024-10-11 19:15:11 英语四级 我要投稿
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  Conversation one.

  ive just bought a new blender.

  Whats that a blender?

  A machine that blends food.

  the electric kitchen appliance, exactly.

  This one is state of the art. Ive been meaning to buy one for a while. I did thorough research on which specific model to get. I read through maybe hundreds of online user reviews. Anyway.

  its amazing really what could be so special about it. I its just a blender.

  Basically its just a very good one. It feels heavy and sturdy and well made. It also has lots of power and can easily cut and crush practically anything. This way. The soups and juices I make come out really fine and smooth with no lumpy bits.

  I see I have never thought of getting one myself. It sounds like the kind of thing that for me personally I would rarely use.

  Ive never had one before now that I do, I use it all the time. I make a fresh fruit juice in the morning, maybe not every morning but 3 or 4 times a week and it feels fantastic. Its a really healthy habit.

  I can imagine that must feel quite satisfying. I can picture you getting all creative in the kitchen and trying out a multitude of different ingredients. Its obviously going to be healthier than buying packaged juice from a supermarket.

  Its so much healthier. Its not even close did you know that store bought juice is like 10% sugar, right?

  Then you bought it for the health benefits, mostly yes.

  Basically, it allows me to have a more varied diet with a far wider assortment of nutrients, because its not only fruit in my morning juices. You see. I can also throw in vegetables, nuts, yogurt, cereals, anything that tickled my fancy.

  Questions. 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  Question 1, what does the man say he did before buying the blender?

  Question 2, what does the woman say she has never thought of doing?

  Question 3, what does the man say is a really healthy habit?

  Question 4, what do we learn about store bought juice from the conversation two?

  Today we have a very interesting guest, mister thomas benjamin grimm, the mayor of burkington is here to talk about his job and responsibilities overseeing this charming village. Mr. Grimm, thank you for being here.

  Thank you for having me.

  Id like to start by stating the obvious burketon has become one of the most popular tourist destinations in the country and this has happened under your watch. Just how did you achieve this?

  The achievements belongs to all the residents of burton. It was a shared effort where everybody pitched in for the communal good.

  But how did this change happen? In about 10 years, burkton has gone from a relatively unheard of sleepy village to a must see destination.

  Yes, the change has truly been remarkable. Burkton was always fortunate to be endowed with such a beautiful natural allure. The anbury hills above the village remain untouched by human development. The sonora valley just below it is equally stunning. The transformation commenced in a town hall meeting in spring 2008 over 10 years ago. Now when an overwhelming majority of neighbors voted in favor of motion, 836, this legislative proposal essentially set out to harmonize the aesthetic appearance of all the houses in berkton. The idea was that if all the properties looked a certain way with shared design features, then the village as a whole would look more beautiful. It worked, it certainly did.

  Im looking now at a before and after photo and the change is truly remarkable. Its hard to believe its the same place. How do the neighbours feel now? Great pride.

  I would say.

  But what about the multitudes of visitors now crowding the streets? Is everyone happy about that?

  The tourists we receive are a blessing as they have completely revitalized our local economy. Every visitor is warmly welcome.

  Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  Question 5, what is the question the woman asked mister grimm after the introduction?

  Question 6, what do we learn about burkton of 10 years ago?

  Question 7, what resulted from the passing of the legislative proposal motion 836.

  Question 8, why does the man say the tourists are a blessing to bergen? Passage one,

  researchers in the us have created a remote controlled robot that is so small. It can walk on the top of aus penny in research published in the journal science, robotics. A team at northwestern university said the crab like robot is 0.5 millimeters wide. Researchers described it as the smallest ever remote controlled walking robot. The tiny robot can bend, twist, crawl, walk, turn and even jump without the use of complex hardware or special power. The engineers said this is because the robot is powered by the elastic property of its body. To construct the robot, the researchers used a shape memory alloy material that transforms to its remembered shape when heated using a laser, the team is able to heat the robot at specific parts of its body, causing it to change shape as the robot deforms and goes back to its original shape. It creates movement from one place to another, because these structures are so tiny, the rate of cooling is very fast. Project lee, professor john a rogers said, in fact, reducing the sizes of these robots allows them to run faster. While the research is still in the exploratory phase, the team believes that technology could lead to micro sized robots that can perform practical tasks. In tightly confined spaces, you might imagine micro robots as agents to repair or assemble small structures or machines in industry or a surgical assistance to clear clogged arteries to stop internal bleeding or to eliminate cancerous tumors all in minimally invasive procedures. Rogers said.

  Questions 9 to 11 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  Question 9, what does the passage say about a team of researchers at northwestern university?

  Question 10, what did the researchers say about the robot they created?

  Question 11, what do the researchers expect their robots to do in the future?

  Passage two, I dont want to boast or anything, but I have always considered myself something of an elite sleeper given the opportunity, I will sleep for marathon stretches and condose through the most extreme situations on one very rough ferry crossing on the route to the isles of silly. For example, my traveling companion spent the entire 3 hour ride throwing up in the bathroom while I dozed happily on a plastic chair. Unfortunately, it has come to my attention that I am not an elite sleeper. After all. It seems I am just lazy because elite sleepers are defined as the approximately 3% of the population who are biologically programmed to need less sleep than the rest of us. According to a study that came out in march, elite sleepers have rare genetic changes, which means they can sleep fewer hours than mere mortals without any risk of cognitive decline, it may not be possible to change your own genes, but can you train yourself to need less sleep? Is there a non biological way to reach elite sleeper status? I have spent the past year trying to answer that question, not for fun, I should add because having a baby has severely disrupted my sleep for which I still have a great passion for a while. I assumed id be forced to become one of those people who jump out of bed at the crack of dawn. After a year of tough scientific study, however, I have discovered being forced to get up early in the morning is very different from being an early bird.

  Questions 12 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  Question 12. What does the speaker say she did on her ride to the isles of silly

  Question 13. What do we learn from the passage about elite sleepers?

  Question 14, what has the speaker been trying to find out over the past year?

  Question 15, what has the speaker discovered after a year of tough scientific study?

  Recording one if you read an article about a controversial issue, do you think youd realize if it had changed your beliefs? No one knows your own mind like you do. It seems obvious that you would know if your beliefs had shifted. And yet a new paper in the quarterly journal of experimental psychology suggests that we actually have very poor awareness of our own belief change, meaning that we will tend to underestimate how much weve been swayed. By a convincing article, the researchers recruited over 200 undergraduates across two studies and focused on their beliefs about whether physical punishment of kids is an effective form of discipline. The students reported their initial beliefs about whether physical punishment is an effective way to discipline a child on a scale from one completely disbelief to nine completely believe. Several weeks later, they were given one of two research based text to read. Each was several pages long and either presented the arguments and data in favor of physical punishments or against it. After this, the students answered some questions to test their comprehension and memory of the text. Then the students again scored their belief in whether physical punishment is effective or not. Finally, the researchers asked them to recall what their belief had been at the start of the study. The students belief about physical punishment changed when they read a text that argued against their own initial position. Crucially, the memory of their initial belief was shifted in the direction of their new belief. In fact, their memory was closer to their current belief than their original belief. The more their belief had changed, the larger this memory bias tended to be suggesting the students were relying on their current belief to deduce their initial belief, the memory bias was unrelated to the measures of how well theyd understood or recalled the text, suggesting these factors didnt play a role in memory of initial belief or awareness of belief change. The researchers concede that this research was about changes to mostly moderate beliefs. Its likely the findings would be different in the context of changes to extreme or deeply held beliefs. However, our beliefs on most topics are in the moderate range. And as we go about our daily lives reading informative material, these intriguing findings suggest we are mostly ignorance of what we just read has updated and altered our own position. Questions.

  16 to 18 are based on the recording you have just heard.

  Question 16. What does a new paper in the quarterly journal of experimental psychology suggest?

  Question 17, what happened when the students read a text that argued against their own initial position?

  Question 18, what did the researchers concede concerning their findings according to as the american population grows?

  So does the number of american moms recording to as the american population grows? So does the number of american moms, but more than a century after mothers day became an official holiday. Even as that number increases, the share of the american population who are mothers is at the lowest point in 1/4 century. Its frequently noted that fertility rates are falling sharply in richer countries, but the less observed consequence of this trend is that a decline in births can also mean a decline in motherhood in general. According to my analysis of data from the census bureau, the decline of american motherhood is real occurring very quickly and may continue for some time yet. Not only are moms making up less of the population, but their characteristics are changing too. And in a way that might be linked to their proportional decline, moms today tend to be older than in the past. Just looking at recent years, the change in age specific birth rates has been drastic. In just the past few years, the peak childbearing age range for american women has advanced from that of 25 to 29 that To 34. Meanwhile childbearing among women under 20 has fallen by half or more. While childbearing among women 35 and older is rising. One positive consequence of this age shift is that a larger proportion of new mothers are economically prepared to raise children less positively. However, many women find that as they age, they cant have as many kids as they would like. Plus having children later in life can increase the risk of health complications. These finer points aside, one major consequence of the older moms trend is that fewer years of a womans life are spent as a mother. This means that at any given time, a larger share of women and thus of the whole population will report not having children in government surveys. In other words, later motherhood means less motherhood, even as motherhood rates decline, mothers day will endure. In fact, despite the demographic shift, retail spending on the holiday appears to be rising. It is hard to say if mothers day spending is rising more than one would expect, given that the american population keeps growing. But one factor might be that the proportion of women who are the mothers of adult children is rising. Those adult children may spend more generously when it comes to celebrating the moms. They no longer live with.

  Questions, 19 to 21 are based on the recording. You have just heard.

  Question 19. What does the speaker conclude from her analysis of the census bureaus data?

  Question 20. What does the speaker say is a positive consequence of the age shift in childbearing?

  Question 21. What might be one explanation for the rise in retail spending on mothers day?

  Recording three. Since nasa published a paper in 1989, claiming that house plants can soak up pollution and toxic chemicals, businesses and homeowners have increasingly invested in greenery to help clean their air. But a new analysis suggests it could actually take more than 1,000 plants per square meter to gain a benefit any greater than simply opening a couple of windows. The problem lies in the fact that NASA conducted their tests in sealed containers that do not simulate the conditions in most peoples homes or offices. The space agency was primarily concerned about keeping the air fresh for astronauts cut off in biosphere or space stations and helping to combat sick building syndrome, which had become a problem due to the super insulated and energy efficient officers of the late 1970s. By the early 1980s, workers regularly complained of skin rashes, sleepiness, headaches and allergies as they breathed in toxic chemicals from paints and plastics. Nasa found that certain plants could remove chemicals from the air. And even today, garden centers recommend the plants for air cleaning properties. However, a new evaluation of dozens of studies spanning 30 years found that house plants in a normal environment have little impact. In fact, natural ventilation is far better at cleaning the air. The researchers also calculated the clean air delivery rates for plants in the studies they analyzed and found that the rate at which plants dispersed the compounds was well below the usual rates of air exchange in a normal building caused by the movements of people coming and going opening doors and windows. Many of the studies did show a reduction in the concentration of volatile organic compounds over time, which is likely why people have seized on them to praise the air purifying virtues of plants. But the researchers calculation showed it would take 10 to 1,000 plants per square meter of floor space to compete with the air cleaning capacity of a buildings, air handling system, or even just a couple of open windows in a house. In contrast, NASA sealed experiment recommended one pot plants per 100 square feet. This is certainly an example of how scientific findings can be misleading or misinterpreted over time. But its also a great example of how scientific research should continually re examine and question findings to get closer to the ground truth of understanding whats actually happening.

  Questions 22 to 25 are based on the recording. You have just heard question 22. What does nas as 1989 paper? Claim house plants can do.

  Question 23. What is said to be the problem with nas as study reported in its 1989 paper?

  Question 24. What is the finding of a new evaluation of dozens of studies spanning 30 years?

  Question 25. What does NASA sealed experiment recommendation exemplify in scientists pursuit of truth?



  Fans have enjoyed great popularity among Chinese sinceancient times.However,now they are regarded less as toolsof relievingheat andkeeping cool but more as art works forpeople to appreciate.Many fans feature graceful design andfine workmanship as well as exquisite pictures of landscape,flowers,birdsand figures,with superb artistic value.Manyfamous Chinese painters and calligraphers prefer to havepoems or paintings on the fans to demonstrate their artistictaste.Fans are often given to others as gifts to express ourgood wishes and sincere feelings.Nowadays,the practicalfunctions of fans have considerable decreased,but theystillplay a significant role in traditional Chinese culture as a cul-tural symbol and artistic form.



  There isa growing awarenessof the importance of digital lit-eracy and skills in todays world.Some believe that digitalliteracy is the key to success,while others argue that it is notcompulsory for everyone to learn.Personally,I find theformer view more reasonable.

  Firstly,digitat literacy is crucial for students in todays world.It enables students to develop critical thinking and prob-lem-solving skills,preparing them for future careers in atechnology-driven society.Secondly,digital skills are essen-tial for success in the modern workplace.Employers increas-ingly require employees who can utilize technology tostreamlineprocesses,analyze data,and solve problems.Forinstance,the ability to use software applications such as Mi-crosoft Office or data analysis tools like Excel can greatly en-hance ones productivity and employability.Lastly,digital lit-eracy is invaluable in daily life.From managing personalfinances online to accessing information and services,digi-tal skills are essential for navigating the digitalworld.

  In conclusion,digital literacy and skills are of paramount im-portance in todays world.As technology continues toevolve,it is crucial that we invest in developing digital litera-cy skillsto navigate and thrive in the digital age.



  After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices,mark abc and d then mark the corresponding letter on answer sheet one with a single line through the sensor。Conversation one。

  Thank you for meeting with me,steven at such short notice。

  not a problem,margaret。Now please give me some good news。Have you agreed to my last proposal?

  I have indeed and I wish to sign the agreement pending one small change to be made to the contract。

  Margaret,we have been through this for almost a year now back and forth making alterations。Are you sure you want to make a sponsorship deal for your clients or not?I ask this because frankly,some people at my end are running out of patience。I understand your concerns。

  but as im sure you understand,we hold our clients best interests to be of the utmost concern。We therefore comb through the fine details of all contracts。Rest assured we all appreciate your firms patience。

  Fine。So what changes do you wish to make?

  Essentially,we would like the new deal to exclude the middle east。

  Thats all the middle east。

  Why my client has a couple of other perspective marketing deals from companies in the middle east。Those offers should they materialize would exclusively employ my clients image in the middle east only。Therefore,in order to avoid any conflict,we would need to ensure that both marketing campaigns do not overlap geographically。

  What business sector in the middle east are we talking about here?

  Real estate.

  that should be okay then so long as the product is very different from our food and beverage market,there should be no conflict of interest。Nevertheless,I will have to run this through my people。I dont foresee any problem though,the middle east is a negligible market for us,but I still need to check this with a couple of departments。

  Questions 1to4 are based on the conversation you have just heard。

  Question 1,what does the woman say she will do?

  Question 2,what does the man say about some people he represents?

  Question 3,what reason does the woman give for the new deal to exclude the middle east?

  Question 4,what does the man say about the middle east?

  Next,we have a special science related news story。Paula hancock is at the denver observatory。Paula,what is the big story over there?Hi.john.All the astronomers on site here are very excited。In fact,space enthusiasts all across north america and the rest of the northern hemisphere will be congregated on mountain tops tonight to watch the night sky。

  Whats the big event?Is there an eclipse happening soon?

  Tonight the earth will come into close proximity with the oppenheimer comet。It is the closest our planet has been to such a phenomenon in over 100years。For this reason。It is expected that thousands of people will gaze up at the sky tonight in order to see this formidable object。

  How far away is this common?Will people be able to see it with the naked eye?

  The oppenheimer comet will still be millions of miles away on the edge of our galaxy。But nevertheless,this is a relatively close distance,close enough for people to observe in good detail through a telescope。People will only see a blur without one。However that does not mean one needs professional equipment。Even the most ordinary of telescopes should be conducive for people to observe and wonder at this flying object。

  Many of our viewers will be wondering how they too can take part in this once in a lifetime event。Where will this comment be in the sky?How can people find it?

  The comet will be almost exactly due north at60°above the equator。However,finding the comet is indeed very tricky and scientists here have told me there are plenty of phone apps that will facilitate this。

  How fantastic?Thank you,paula for the information。

  Questions 5to8 are based on the conversation you have just heard。Question five,what does the woman say about all the astronomers at the denver observatory?

  Question 6,what do we learn from the conversation about the oppenheimer comment?

  Question 7,what does the woman say?People will only see in the sky without a telescope?

  Question 8,what do scientists at the denver observatory advise amateurs do to facilitate their observation。

  single line through the center。Passage one,

  dietary guidelines form the basis for nutrition advice and regulations around the world。While there is strong scientific consensus around most existing guidelines。One question has recently stirred debate。Should consumers be warned to avoid ultra processed foods?Two papers published today in the american journal of clinical nutrition outline the case for and against using the concept of ultra processed foods to help inform dietary guidelines beyond conventional food classification systems。The authors,carlos monteiro of the university of sao paulo and arna ostrich of novo nordisk foundation。Well discuss the issue in a live virtual debate。August14th,during nutrition,2024live online。The debate centers around a system developed by monteiro and colleagues that classifies foods by their degree of industrial processing,ranging from unprocessed to ultra processed。The system defines ultra processed foods as those made using sequences of processes that extract substances from foods and alter them with chemicals。In order to formulate the final product,ultra processed foods are characteristically designed to be cheap,tasty and convenient。Examples include soft drinks and candy,package snacks and pastries,ready to heat products and reconstituted meat products。Studies have linked consumption of ultra processed foods which are often high in salt,sugar and fat weight gain and an increased risk of chronic diseases,even after adjusting for the amount of salt,sugar and fat in the diet,while the mechanisms behind these associations are not fully understood,montero argues that the existing evidence is sufficient to justify discouraging consumption of ultra processed foods in dietary recommendations and government policies。

  Questions 9to11 are based on the passage you have just heard。

  Question 9,what question is said to have recently stirred debate?

  Question 10,how does the system developed by montero and colleagues classify foods?

  Question 11,what is consumption of ultra processed foods linked with according to studies passage two,believe it or not?

  Human creativity benefits from constraints。According to psychologists,when you have less to work with,you actually begin to see the world differently。It constraints。You dedicate your mental energy acting more resourcefully when challenged you figure out new ways to be better the most successful creative people know that constraints give their minds the impetus to leap higher。People who invent new products are not limited by what they dont have or cant do。They leverage their limitations to push themselves even further。Many products and services are created because the founders saw a limitation in what they use。They created innovation based on what was not working for them at the moment。Innovation is a creative persons response to limitation in a 2015study which examined how thinking about scarcity or abundance influences how creatively people use their resources。Ravi matter at the university of illinois and meng zhu at johns hopkins university found that people simply have no incentive to use whats available to them in novel ways。When people face scarcity,they give themselves the freedom to use resources in less conventional ways because they have to obstacles can broaden your perception and open up your thinking processes,consistent constraints,help you improve at connecting unrelated ideas and concepts。Marissa meyer,former vice president for search products and user experience at google。Once wrote in a publication on bloomberg constraints,shape and focus problems and provide clear challenges to overcome。Creativity thrives best and constraint。

  Questions 12to15 are based on the passage you have just heard。

  Question12,what do psychologists say?People do when they are short of resources,

  question13,what does the passage say about innovation?

  Question14.What did a 2015 study by ravi mehta and meng zhu find?

  question15.What did marissa meyer once write concerning creativity with a single line through the center?

  Recording one different people use different strategies for managing conflicts。These strategies are learned in childhood。Usually we are not aware of how we act in conflict situations。We just do whatever seems to come naturally,but we do have a personal strategy and because it is learned,we can always change it by learning new and more effective ways of managing conflicts。When you get involved in a conflict,there are two major concerns you have to take into account,achieving your personal goals and keeping a good relationship with the other person,how important your personal goals are, how important the relationship is to you affect how you act in a conflict。Given these two concerns,five styles of managing conflicts can be identified when the turtle turtles withdraw into their shells to avoid conflicts。They give up their personal goals and relationships。They believe it is easier to withdraw from a conflict than to face it。Two,the shark sharks try to overpower opponents by forcing them to accept their solution to the conflict they seek to achieve their goals at all costs。Sharks assume that conflicts are settled by one person winning and one person losing。Winning gives sharks a sense of pride and achievement losing gives them a sense of weakness,inadequacy and failure。Three,the teddy bear。Teddy bears want to be accepted and liked by other people。They think that conflict should be avoided in favor of harmony and believe that conflicts cannot be discussed without damaging relationships。They give up their goals to preserve the relationship for the fox foxes are moderately concerned with their own goals and about their relationships,with other people。They give up part of their goals and persuade the other person in a conflict to give up part of his goals。They seek a solution to conflicts where both sides gain something5,the owl owls view conflicts as problems to be solved。They see conflicts as improving relationships by reducing tension between two people。They try to begin a discussion that identifies the conflict as a problem by seeking solutions that satisfy both themselves and the other person。Owls maintain the relationship。Owls are not satisfied until a solution is found that achieves their own goals and the other persons goals。And they are not satisfied until the tensions and negative feelings have been fully resolved。

  Questions 16to18 are based on the recording you have just heard。

  Question 16。Why does the speaker say strategies for managing conflicts can always be changed?

  Question 17,what is said to affect the way one acts in a conflict?

  Question 18 of the five styles the speaker discusses which views conflicts as problems to be solved?

  Recording two,the genetic code of all1.5million known species of animals and plants living on earth will be mapped to help save species from extinction and boost human health。Scientists hope that cracking the genetic code of plants and animals could help uncover new treatments for infectious diseases。Slow aging improve crops in agriculture create new bio materials in britain,organizations including the natural history museum,the royal botanic gardens,a queue and the welcome sanger institute have joined forces to sequence britains 66,000 species of animals and plants dubbed the darwin tree of life project。It is expected to take 10 years and cost£100 million once completed。All the information will be publicly available to researchers。Many scientists believe that earth has now entered the 6th mass extinction with humans creating a toxic mix of habitat loss,pollution and climate change,which has already led to the loss of at least 77 species of mammals and 140 types of birds。Since1500,it is the biggest loss of species since the dinosaurs were wiped out 66 million years ago。Scientists say that sequencing every species will revolutionize the understanding of biology and evolution,bolster efforts to conserve as well as protect and restore biodiversity。Doctor tim littlewood,head of life sciences department at the natural history museum said whether you are interested in food or disease,the history of how every organism on the planet has adapted to its environment is recorded in its genetic makeup,how you then harness that is dependent on your ability to understand it。We will be using modern methods to get a really good window on the present and the past。And course,a window on the past gives you a prospective model on the future。Sir jim smith,director of science at welcome said,try as I I cant think of a more exciting,more relevant,more timely or more internationally inspirational project。Since1970,humanity has wiped out60%of animal populations about 23,000of80,000 species surveyed are approaching extinction。We are in the midst of the 6th great extinction events of life on our planet which not only threatens wildlife species,but also imperils the global food supply。As scientists,we all realise we desperately need to catalogue life on a fragile planet。Now I think were making history。

  Questions19to21 are based on the recording you have just heard

  question 19.what do scientists hope to do by cracking the genetic code of plants and animals?

  Question 20,what do many scientists believe with regard to earth?

  How does sir jim smith,director of science at welcome describe the darwin tree of life project。John dunn,the english poet wrote in the 17th century,no man is an island entire of itself。Every man is a piece of the continent,a part of the main。Now a british academic has claimed that human individuality is indeed just an illusion,because societies are far more interconnected at a mental,physical and cultural level than people realize。In his new book,the self delusion。Professor tom oliver,a researcher in the ecology and evolution group at the university of reading argues there is no such thing as self。 And not even our bodies are truly us. Just as Copernicus realized, the earth is not the center of the universe. Professor Oliver said society urgently needs a Copernican like revolution to understand people are not detached beings, but rather part of one connected identity, a significant milestone in the cultural evolution of human minds was the acceptance that the earth is not the center of the universe, the so called Copernican revolution, he writes, however, we have one more big myth to dispose of that we exist as independent selves at the center of a subjective universe. You may feel as if you are an independent individual acting autonomously in the world that you have unchanging inner self that persists throughout your lifetime, acting as a central anchor point with the world changing around you. This is the illusion I seek to tackle. We are intimately connected to the world around us. Professor Oliver argues there are around 37 trillion cells in the body, but most have a lifespan of just a few days or weeks. So the material us is constantly changing. In fact, there is no part of your body that has existed for more than 10 years. Since our bodies are essentially made anew every few weeks, the material in them alone is clearly insufficient to explain the persistent thread of an identity. Professor Oliver claims that individualism is actually bad for society only by realizing we are part of a bigger Entity. Can we solve pressing environmental and societal problems through selfish over consumption? We are destroying the natural world and using non renewable resources at an accelerating rate. We are at a critical crossroads as a species where we must rapidly reform our mindset and behavior to act in less selfish ways. He said so lets open our eyes to the hidden connections all around us.

  Questions, 22 to 25 are based on the recording you have just heard.

  Question 22. What is indeed just an illusion according to professor Tom Oliver?

  Question 23. What does professor Tom Oliver think of the idea that we exist as independent selves at the center of a subjective universe?

  Question 24. Why does professor Tom Oliver claim that the material us is constantly changing?

  Question 25. How can we solve pressing environmental and societal problems? According to professor Tom Oliver.



  Traditional Chinese wedding customs have a long history.Acomplete set of wedding ceremonies were gradually formedin the Zhou Dynasty,and someof them are still in use today.Nowadays,although Chinese wedding conventions havechanged a lot,the ceremony isstill a very grand occasion,when the wedding venue is carefully decorated,with red asthe main color to symbolize happiness,and with many spe-cial objects placed to wish the couple well-being.At thewedding ceremony,the couple should bow to heaven andearth,to their parents and to each other,and afterwardshold a banquet to entertain and toast to the guests.Today,many young people still love the traditional Chinese wed-ding to experience the unique and beautiful Chinese ro-mance.



  There is a growing awareness of the equal importance ofsocial practice and academic learning in todays world.Some believe that social practice is thekey to success,whileothers arguethat it is not compulsory for everyone toengage in.Personally,I find the former view morereason-able.

  Firstly,social practice is essential for students.It allows themto apply what they have learned in the classroom to real-lifescenarios,enhancing their understanding and reinforcingtheir knowledge.For example,participating in internships orvolunteer work can provide students with valuable insightsinto their chosen field and help them develop practical skillsthat cannot be learned from textbooks.Secondly,in theworkplace,employers value individuals who can effectivelycollaborate,communicate,and adapt to different situations.Lastly,in daily life,social practice enables individuals to in-teract effectively with others,resolve conflicts,and make in-formed decisions.

  In conclusion,social practice and academic learning are ofequal importance in todays world.By recognizing and em-bracing the value of both,we can foster a society thatvaluesknowledge,practical skills,and social responsibility.




  In the modern era,there is aheated debate regarding whether theuniversitys library should be open to the public.Some believe thatit will do us more good than harm,while others argue that it wilpose a threat to the order and operation of the university.In myview,the university authorities shouldbe cautious about offeringthe outsiders an access to such an important venue,

  Above all,the library,serving as a critical academic facility as well asan indispensable researchsite for both students and teachers,issupposed to keep those limited valuable resourcesto its authorizedusers.If the university choosesto open the library to the public,it ishighly possible that a mass of people will rush into this place,leavingmany college students and teachersunable to complete their aca-demic work.Furthermore,when too many citizens crowd into thelibrary,there will be unnecessary talking,laughing,quarreling oreven chasing,incurring disorder of one kind oranother.

  In conclusion,the merits of such a practice outweigh the demerits.Therefore,opening the universitys library tothe public must neverbe put on the universitys agenda.


  农历(the lunar calendar)起源于数千年前的中国,根据太阳和月亮的`运行规律制定。长期以来农历在农业生产和人们日常生活中发挥着重要作用。古人依据农历记录日期,安排农活,以便最 有效地利用自然资源和气候条件,提者农作物的产量和质量。中国的春节、中秋节等传统节日的日期都基于农历。农历是中国传统文化的重要组成部分,当今依然广为使用。

  The lunar calendar,which originated from China thousandsof years ago,was set by themoving law of the sun and themoon.For a long period of time,such a calenda has playeda very important role inagricultural production and peoplesdaily life.Ancient Chinese arranged their farm work by thedate of the lunar calendar to make the best use of natural re-sources and climate and improve the quality and yield ofcrops.Traditional Chinese festivals such as the Spring Festi-val and the Mid-autumn Festival are based on the lunar cal-endar.It is a significant part of traditionalChinese culturewhich is still widely used today.



  文章开头A team of researchers led by














  文章标题 How to better work towards long-term goals

  答案速查36-40 ICMFA

  36.Our brains are genetically determined tosatisfyimmediate desires.

  【1】定位:Our brains are hard-wired for instantgratification.

  37.Taken in a practical way,saving for post-workyears is likegiving money away to others.

  【C】定位:Understand inthat way,saving forretirementisthe equivalent of giving money awayto someone elseentirely.

  38.Research found that,as regards achievementof onesgoals,it is important to focus more onenjoyingthe processthan the long-term benefits.

  【M】定位:These findings suggest that whedit话comes toachieving your goals,enjoving theprocess itself is moreimportant than wanting thelong-term benefits.

  39.Regarding our future selves as still beingourselves willhelp us makě better long-termdecisions.

  【F】定位:If the central problem..,it follows thattrying toidentify more closelywith our future语selves will encourageus to make better long-termdecisions.

  40.Savings rates in America have dropped inrecent decadeseven though peoples lifeexpectancy has increased.

  【A】定位:Across the board,people are livinglonger...Andyet,saving rates in the U.S.have gonedown in recent decade,not up.

  文章标题How to better work towards long-term goals

  答案速查41-45 KELBG

  41.Researchers found that enjoyment rather thanimportance enabled peoplé to persist in theirgoals.

  【K】定位:We found that enjoyment predictedpeople’sgoal persistence two months aftersetting the goal far morethan how important theyratedtheir goalto be,Woolley said.

  42.When making decisions,we give priorityto ourcurrentframe of mind without thinking much ofthe consequences.

  【E】定位:…but in daing so,we prioritize ourcurrent moodover the consequences of our火央inaction forthfuture slf.

  43.People ate more of a healthyfood when theyfocused onits good taste instead of its long-termbenefits.

  【L】定位:For example,people ate 50%more of ahealthyfood when directed to focus on the goodtaste rather thanthe long-termhealth benefits.

  44.As was expected,when people thought of theirpresentselves,their brains were observed tobecome more active.

  【B】定位:Unsurprisingly,people’s brains weremost activewhen thinking about their currentselves and...

  45.Researchers found thatparticipants who sawtheimagesof their aged selves would save morefor their later years thanthose who didnt.

  【G】定位:Participants who saw their aged selvessaid theywould save 30%moreof their salary fordretirement than thecontrol group.

  Passage One文章开头 People often wonder why some entrepreneurs..

  答案46-50 BADCB

  46.What does the authorsay we need to do tostrengthen ourwillpower?

  B)Applyit continuously.

  47.How arealmost halfof our daily actionsperformedaccording to the passage?

  A)Out of habit.

  48.What will help peoplestick to doingsomethingconstructive automatically?

  D)Foreseeing the desiredoutcome it will yield.

  49.How does the artof self-control help ussucceed?

  C)Byenabling us to take positive actions.

  50.Why can it be difficult for us to maintain self-control?

  B)We may not get immediate rewardfrom self-control.

  Passage Tow

  文章开头 Today,most scientific research is funded bygovernment

  答案51-55 DBACC

  51.What does the passage mainly discussregarding scientificresearch?

  D)Its funding.

  52.Whatdo we learnfrom the passage aboutresearchers like

  birdwatchers and rock collectors?

  B)They can do research with limited resources.

  53.Whatwould scientific studies look like in aperfect worldaccording to the author?

  A)They would be totally unbiased.

  54.What does the authorsay aboutcompaniesand specialinterest groups?

  C)They provide valuable resources for scientificresearch.

  55.What does the author think of research fundedbyindustry or specialinterest group?

  C)It’s validity should be checked with additional care.



  1.A) Spending their holidays in a novel way.

  2. D) He once owned a van.

  3. A) Generate their own electricity.

  4.C) Enjoying the freedom to choose where to go and work.

  5. C) Her job performance has worsened over the past month.

  6.B) Some problems at home

  7. B) The womans work proficiency.

  8. C) The woman will be off work on the next two Mondays.

  9. D) It can enable us to live a healthier and longer life.

  10.B) The spouses level of education can impact oneshealth.

  11.A) They had more education than their spouses.

  12.C) Forecasting flood risks accurately.

  13.D) To improve his mathematical flooding model.

  14.A) To forecast rapid floods in real time.

  15.B) They set up Internet-connected water-level sensors.

  16.B) To argue about the value of a college degree.

  17.D) The factor of wages.

  18.A) The sharp decline in marriage among men with no college degrees.

  19.C) More and more people prioritize animal welfare when buying things to wear.

  20.D)Avoided the use of leather and fur.

  21.A)Whether they can be regarded as ethical.

  22.D) The era we live in is the most peaceful in history.

  23.C) They believed the world was deteriorating.

  24.B) Our psychological biases.

  25.A) Paying attention to negative information.



  As China is facing an ageing society,there is awidespread concern over the issue of elderly care.What kind of care model for the elderly should beadopted is the most debated topic.The majorityof?people believe that the care model for the elderlyshould be diversified.More and better elderly serviceinstitutions can be established,community servicecentres can be improved,and self-care for theelderly at home can be encouraged through government guidance and social participation.It isalso possible to promote a model of the elderly thatcombines family and social care.The continuousincrease in government and social investment inservices for the elderly witlbring further improvements in care facilities,gradual enhancements in the quality of services and a moreconvenient and comfortable life with health andhappiness for the elderly.


  With their valuable skills and experiences,elderly people can continue to make significant contributions to society.This view is accepted by more and more citizens as they wit-ness firsthand the capabilities of these experienced individ-uals.

  First of all,the older generation,especially highly skilled workers,is still irreplaceable for jobs that require extensive skills and expertise.Without them,it is highly possible that work quality and efficiency will be seriously affected.In ad-dition,these senior citizens play a significant role in trainingor cultivating the young generation by passing down their valuable skills and experiences.Young people,benefiting from this mentorship,can directly contribute to their organi-zations and country.Finally,the elderly can even be part of think tanks,offering precious advice or suggestions to the management teams of firms or to the government,thus pro-moting development.

  Therefore,recognizing the significance of elderly people and encouraging their active participation in society is cru-cial,rather than merely viewing them as individuals who should retire from active life.






  改革开放以来,中国人民生活水平不断提高,这在人们的饮食(diet)变化上得到充分体现。如今,人们不再满足于吃得饱,而是追求吃得更加安全、更加营养、更加健康,食物也愈来愈丰富多样,不再限于本地的农产品。物流业(logistics industry)的发展使人们很容易品尝到全国各地的特产。毫无疑问,学食品质量与饮食结构的改善为增进人们健康提供了有力的保障。

  Since the reform and opening-up,the living standard of the Chinese people has been on continuous improve-ment,which is fully reflected in the change of peoplesdiet.Today,people are no longer satisfied with whether they have enough to eat,but seek to eat more safely,more nutritiously and more healthily.Whats more,food becomes more diverse and is not limited to local produce.The development of the logistics industry makes it easy for people to taste local specialties from all over the country.Doubtlessly,the improvement of food quality and diet structure provides a strong guarantee for the promotion of peoples health.



  第三套:Passage One

  Team-building exercises have become popular for manager strying to increase……



  46.A)They consider such exercises annoying.

  47.B)They rearanged the staff and office spaces.

  48.D)They were regarded as an intrusion into employees private lives.

  49.A)By allowing participants freedom to express them-selves.

  50.D)They have to be applied cautiously to be effective.

  Passage Two

  There are close to 58,000 homeless people in Los Angeles county.


  51~55 ACACD

  51 A)To combat the countys homelessness.

  52 C)They are responsible for their own condition.

  53 A)They find it increasingly difficult to afford a place to live.

  54 C)The increase in new housing falls short of the demand of the growing homeless population.

  55 D)They no longer find shocking.



  36-40 GLDAM

  41-45 JFCHK

  36【G】 Increased digital access for fansa,a more beh-nind-the-scenes experience for broadcast viewers and inno-vation in areas like virtual reality-what is it like to sped around a track inside a

  Perrari?-are among the possibilities.

  37【L】 He recalled attending Formula Ones Monaco race last year and being overwhelmed by the ceremony leading up to the event,the way the race charmed the city for days ahead of the start.

  38 【D】 Among the goals,Carey said in an interview onTuesday,is one that just abou tevery global sport seems in-terested in chasing:increasing interest in the United States.

  39【A】 For the past four decades the leader of Formula One car racing,one of the

  biggest annual sporting series in the world,was Bernie Eccle-stone,a former motorcycle parts dealer who built it into an international presence essentially on his own.

  40【M】 He was fascinated.""You cant help but be awed,”he said,""and I think that feeling can be translatedto the viewer.’

  41【J】 At Fox Broadcasting Company,he was a top advisor for years,known for his skill in helping to lead the launch of the company into sports,as well as the start of Fox NewsChannel.

  42【F】…and second,alter the way fans experience the within the sport both in person and remotely,so that con-nections between the audience and people within the seriesare easier to make.

  43【C】 …Chase Carey-a former executive with Fox Broad-casting Company and Direc TV who by his own admission is not a fierce racing fan…

  44【H】 The larger question,though,is a familiar one:Is there room for Formula One in the ever-crowded sports landscape of the United States?Opinions vary,particularly because viewing habits among consumers continue to evolve.

  45【K】 Its about speed,danger and risk.And Formula One has that more than any other racing series.



  Whether youre just having a down day or a down period…


  26-30 G N D F H 31-35 K E C I M

  26.G daily

  27.N symptoms

  28.D classified

  29.F come

  30.H definitely

  31.K inactive

  32.E clearing

  33.C bond

  34.I distractions

  35.M reaping


  Suppose your university newspaper is inviting submis-sions from students for its coming edition on a campus event that has impressed them most.

  As a student at the Foreign Languages School of [University Name],I am most impressed by the care our university shows to us students.

  Given the damp and cold winters and burning hot sum-mers,the authorities have installed air conditioning units in all the dormitories,providing us with comfortable shelter from the extreme temperatures.Moreover,the canteens offer affordable set meals,ensuring that students on a tight budget dont have to worry exces-sively about living expenses and can save money for other necessities.Most notably,I am struck by the traffic control during rush hours to ensure student safety.During these times,vehicles are prohibited from usingthe routes students take to and from classroom buildings and dormitories.

  To be frank,there are too many such examples to list intheir entirety.I am very proud to be a part of our university and would like to express my sincere gratitude for everything our university does for its students.


  由于冬天潮湿寒冷,夏天酷热难耐,校方在所有宿舍都安装了空调,为我们提供了一个舒适的遮蔽处。此外,食堂提供实惠的'套餐,确保预算紧张的学生不必 过分担心生活费用,可以节省其他必需品的钱。最值得注意的是,我对高峰时段的交通管制感到震惊,以确保学生的安全。在此期间,车辆禁止使用学生往返教学楼和宿舍的路线。





  Since the reform and opening-up,Chinese diet has undergone significant changes.In the past when the economy was backward,food was so short in both kinds and amount that people were only concerned about whether they had enough to eat.Today,as the Chinese economy develops rapidly,food is not only more diverse but also much better in quality.With the improvement of living conditions,people have higher demand for food,paying more attention to food nutrition.Therefore,low-fat,low-sugar and organic foods that are launched into the market enjoy great popularity among people.



  Passage 1赛马

  46 B he won enormous fame and love from British people

  47 A it was only a hindrance they had to get over

  48 D he took 3 Grand Nations wins in the 1970s

  49 A he had already passed the peak of his racing life

  50 D he remained famous and popular


  51 D rely on instinct in decision making

  52 B systematic data and analysis

  53 C combine the two together

  54 C resort to inner wisdom

  55 A apply instinct and data in communication


  Teenagers and social network

  36 C Indeed,social scientists who study young people have found that..

  37 L Distraction is also a serious issue…

  38 H But even as error rates stayed stable,studentessays…

  39A As a parent of two boys at primary school,I worry about.

  40 M So whats the best way to cope?…

  41 E Parents are wrong to worry about kids…

  42 I When linguist Naomi Baron studied students instant…

  43 B New technologies always provoke generational panic…

  44 J It is probably true that fewer kids are heavy readers…

  45 G But surely all this short-form writing is affecting literacy?…



  26.F impact

  27.D controversial

  28.H moderate

  29.I participated

  30.O upper

  31.M seemingly

  32.L risk

  33.J patterns

  34.A adjust

  35.G limitations


  D focus

  F overall

  E indicator

  K quantified

  N story

  M reflected

  H prior

  O strongly

  L recovery

  C especially


  Suppose your university newspaper is inviting submissions from students for its coming edition on a campus event that has impressed them most.

  Last Saturday, our Student Union organized the AnnuaI Campus Sports Games, which lasted throughout the weekend. This activity left an unforgettable impression on me. lt was a huge success because not only did it spark students enthusiasm for sports activities, but it also proved our universitys openness and care for students needs.

  The games started at 9 a.m. with a short speech de livered by the principal of our university, who emphasized the im- portance of sports in building a healthy and balanced life-style. Then, various sports event were held including track and field, basketball, swimming, and even chess, catering to a wide range of interests and abilities. The highlight for me was th e relay race, which saw an incredible display of teamwork a nd determination. Additionally, many students, me included, were impressed with the good organization of the events, the exciting cheers and medaI awarding ceremony held on the Sunday evening.

  ln all, it was clear that these events had achieved more than just physical engagement. They fostered a sense of community, encouraged healthy competition, and allowed students from different backgrounds to connect and engage.






  00:00:00 说话者1:

  College english test,band four,part two,listening comprehension,section a directions。In this section,you will hear three news reports。At the end of each news report,you will hear two or three questions。Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once。After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked ab c and d then mark the corresponding letter on answer sheet one with a single line through the center。

  00:00:39 说话者2:

  News report one。How you noticed how similar you are to your friends。It may be because your brains operate in harmony with each other。We know that friends are more likely to be the same age,gender and ethnic background as each other。Now it seems that brains are alike too。Researchers at the university of california scanned the brains of 42 classmates while they watched videos intended to provoke varying responses。Some people might find a romantic scene touching,for instance,while others would feel it was embarrassing,the activity of friends,brains was more similar than that of people who didnt know each other,particularly in regions involved in attention,emotion and language。This similarity was strong enough used to predict whether two people were already friends or not。The relationship probably goes two ways。We are drawn to people who think like us。We then influence their thoughts over time which may push their brain activity into more closely resembling our own questions。

  00:01:58 说话者1:

  One and two are based on the news report。You have just heard question one,what may be the reason that friends are similar to each other?According to the recent research?

  00:02:25 说话者1:

  Question two,what does the news report say about the relationship between friends?News report two,two men who have been best friends for 60 years have just realized they are actually brothers。Its reported that alan robinson and walter mcdonald met in the 6th grade at a school in hawaii。They have been best friends ever since。Allen was given away for adoption soon after he was born。And walter never knew his father。So recently they made separate attempts on dna matching websites to discover more about their ancestry。Walter was astonished to find that he matched with website user robbie 737。He knew immediately that this was his best friend alan whose friends call him robbie and flew 7:00 30 7:00 airplanes when he was a pilot。The pair were born to the same mother15 months apart。

  00:03:44 说话者2:

  Questions,three and four are based on the news report。You have just heard。Question three,what did both alan robinson and walter mcdonald attempt to do on dna matching websites?

  00:04:14 说话者2:

  Question four,what did the news report say about alan robinson and walter mcdonald?

  00:04:36 说话者2:

  News reports three,amid all the election drama,air pollution problems and disease outbreaks。Five tourists good work is being spread online。Yesterday two male and three female tourists were spotted walking the kilometer long beach,picking up trash。One of the male tourists from australia comments said that although there was a lot of trash,nobody was doing anything。Beach was not as nice or beautiful as it should be。He felt so sad to see such a gorgeous place littered with so much trash。Thus he and his friends decided to grab a few trash bags and clean it all up。A man passing by decided to video their good deed and put it on the internet。It was unclear where the rest of the group was from。They were most likely traveling together。One local woman commented on being embarrassed that tourists were cleaning up their beach。Another mentioned that it was actually the natives who brought food and drinks then left trash all along the island。

  00:05:42 说话者1:

  Questions 5 to 7 are based on the news report you have just heard。Question five,why did one of the male tourists feel sad?Question six,who put the good deed video on the internet?

  00:06:26 说话者1:

  Question seven,why did one local woman say she was embarrassed?Section b directions。In this section,you will hear two long conversations。At the end of each conversation,you will hear four questions,both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once。After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked ab c and d then mark the corresponding letter on answer,sheet one with a single line through the center。

  00:07:20 说话者2:

  Conversation one。Hello。

  00:07:22 说话者1:

  benjamin,dan and I will be going for a run along the canal saturday morning。Would you like to join us?

  00:07:29 说话者2:

  Id love to,but I hurt my ankle last weekend playing football with work colleagues。

  00:07:34 说话者1:

  Dear,is it serious?

  00:07:36 说话者2:

  No not at all。I landed badly during a fall and twisted it a little but its no big deal。Its just a little swollen and I should be fine for next saturday if you still want to go for a jog then。

  00:07:48 说话者1:

  I wont be here next saturday im going to the zoo。

  00:07:52 说话者2:

  00:07:53 说话者1:

  My little nephew turns six and he loves the zoo,so the whole family is going。

  00:07:58 说话者2:

  Then I havent been to a zoo since I was a kid。

  00:08:03 说话者1:

  They are nowhere near as popular as they used to be when we were children。I personally feel sorry for the poor animals stuck in cages,but theres no denying they are fun and educational for children。

  00:08:16 说话者2:

  Do you know if dan will be around next saturday?

  00:08:19 说话者1:

  Yeah,I think he will just send him a text message。Hes always keen on physical activities。Thats true。

  00:08:27 说话者2:

  Dan is extremely fit and healthy。He goes to the gym most days plus tennis 2 or 3 times a week。

  00:08:34 说话者1:

  What have you been doing to stay busy while youve had that swollen ankle?

  00:08:39 说话者2:

  Ive been catching up on some reading。I was given three books over christmas and im only now getting round to reading them。

  00:08:47 说话者1:

  Questions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard。Question eight,why cant the man go for a run saturday morning?Question nine,why is the womans whole family going to the zoo next saturday?Question ten,what do we learn about dan from the mans description?Question 11,what has the man been doing since last weekend?

  00:10:12 说话者2:

  Conversation two。

  00:10:14 说话者1:

  our guest on todays book talk is john black,the author of the new best seller retire early。

  00:10:22 说话者2:

  Thanks for having me on the show,lisa。

  00:10:25 说话者1:

  john,your book is getting a lot of attention,partly because you write that most people can retire by 40。Is that realistic?Definitely。

  00:10:35 说话者2:

  When researching this book,I interviewed hundreds of people who retired by 40。

  00:10:41 说话者1:

  okay,but how much money does a person need to retire?Ive read articles recommending $1 million as a good figure for retirement。

  00:10:51 说话者2:

  While most financial planners do give numbers,I dont think thats useful as people are living in different areas with different costs of living and have different needs and wants,which is why I suggest that people aim for financial independence。

  00:11:05 说话者1:

  What do you mean by financial independence?

  00:11:09 说话者2:

  Having investment income thats greater than monthly expenses?

  00:11:12 说话者1:

  That sounds risky to me。What if an accident happens or you get ill and need medical treatment?Shouldnt people have extra cash for emergencies?

  00:11:24 说话者2:

  Too many people spend their lives working on jobs they hate because theyre afraid。So I counsel people to take risks。Retirement doesnt have to be permanent and if people need to they can go back to work。

  00:11:38 说话者1:

  But its not always easy to get back into the workforce after an extended absence。

  00:11:43 说话者2:

  True,but if you keep current with your skills,you will be attracted to employers。Maybe。

  00:11:49 说话者1:

  But how can anyone save enough to retire by 40 when most people cant retire at 60。

  00:11:55 说话者2:

  simple by cutting housing food and transport expenses and investing half your monthly income?

  00:12:01 说话者1:

  That sounds impossible。

  00:12:04 说话者2:

  I admit its difficult,but it has worked for thousands。

  00:12:08 说话者1:

  Questions?12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard。Question 12,what do we learn about the mans book published recently?Question 13,what do the articles the woman read recommend?Question 14,what does the man say about retirement?Question 15,how does the man say his proposal about retirement can be carried out。

  00:13:20 说话者2:

  section c directions。In this section you will hear three passages,end of each passage,you will hear three or four questions,both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once。After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked abc and d then mark the corresponding letter on answer sheet one with a single line through the center。

  00:14:05 说话者1:

  Passage one,new research from america studies the role that the presence of individuals from different social or racial groups has in influencing consumers,food choices。This research found college students were more likely to choose healthy food in the presence of an observer of a different race as opposed to an observer from their own race。The same was true when they were with someone from a different university compared to someone from their own。Researchers say this was because participants anticipated more negative judgment from an outsider group。In contrast,they felt less judged by members of their own group。In one experiment,participants were offered the choice between candy and fruit as a snack when in the presence of an unknown student from their own university,only 12% of students selected the healthier option。However,this number was 31% when in the presence of an unknown student from another university,other experiments showed similar results based on racial group。Whats the reason for this pattern?The study found that people feel judged to a larger extent by members of other groups。Because of this,they strategically use healthy food choices to make a positive impression。There have been many attempts to help consumers make healthier choices,but consumers often struggle to maintain a healthy diet。This research finds that one way to promote a healthy diet could be to advertise the social benefits of healthy choices。

  00:15:52 说话者2:

  Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard。Question 16,what was the finding of the new research from america about consumers,food choices?Question 17,when did 31% of students in the experiment select the healthier option?Question 18,how could a healthy diet be promoted according to the findings of the new research?Passage two?For college students under pressure,a dog may be the best stress fighter around according to the finding of a recent study。Its a really powerful finding said patricia henry who led the study。Universities are doing a lot of great work trying to help students succeed academically,especially those who may be at risk due to a history of mental health issues or academic and learning issues。This study shows that traditional stress management approaches answers effective for this population compared with programs that focus on providing opportunities to interact with therapy dogs。The researchers measured executive functioning in the students involved in the study。Executive function is a term for the skills one needs to plan,organize,motivate,concentrate and memorize。These are skills students need to succeed in college。The research has found that students who were most at risk had the most improvements in executive functioning after interacting with therapy dogs。These results remained when researchers followed up 6 weeks later。Many universities provide academic stress management programs and workshops。These are traditionally very similar to college classes。They often talk about ways to get more sleep set goals or manage stress or anxiety。Pendry acknowledges these are really important topics and these workshops help typical students succeed,but they are less helpful for struggling students。Henry believes those students may experience the programs as another lecture,feel even more stressed。

  00:18:58 说话者1:

  Questions,19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard。Question 19。What does the recent study led by patricia pendry?Aim to examine question 20。What did the new study measure in the participants?Question 21。What does patricia hendrick think traditional stress management programs may do?

  00:20:09 说话者1:

  Passage three,taking risks in business does not mean going into business blindly and then expecting great results。On the contrary,taking risks in entrepreneurship involves careful planning and hard work。Nobody can really be sure if risks will be met with success,no matter how calculated they may be。But this should not stop you from taking risks as risks are necessary if you want your business to succeed,some risks may not work out,but an optimistic risk taker will always look at failure as an opportunity to learn.The willingness to experiment with new ideas is key to business growth。As the old saying goes,nothing ventured,nothing gained。Failure will teach you how to think and plan strategically,but just remember that not all risks are good ones。And when you fail,learn from it and move forward。Since most people tend to avoid risk,businesses that are brave enough to take risks,already have a competitive advantage。They are the ones setting the standard with new ideas,fresh offers and bold inventions。Risk takers are best at adapting in difficult times,simply put when most individuals stay away from risk。It means less competition for risk takers。We dont know if youll achieve what these risk takers have achieved。But for as long as you want to stay safe, for as long as you are content with where your business is right now,you will never find out。

  00:21:57 说话者2:

  questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard。Question 22。What do entrepreneurs have to do when taking risks according to the passage?Question 23。What does the passage say is key to business growth?Question 24。What are we advised to do when we fail?Question 25。What does it mean to risk taking businesses when most people tend to avoid risk?

  00:23:28 说话者1:

  Thats the end of listening comprehension。

  00:23:31 说话者2:



  1.C Their brains work in harmony.

  2.A lt can work both ways.

  3.D Find out more about their ancestry.

  4.B They were born to the same mother.

  5.B The beautiful beach was spoiled with lots of trash.

  6.C A passerby.

  7.A lt was tourists not natives who were cleaning up the beach.

  8.D He is physically unfit for it.

  9.D To give her little nephew a treat.

  10.D He spends most of his time in the gym.

  11.B Concentrating on reading.

  12.B It is attracting many peoples attention.

  13.C One should have one million dollars to retire.

  14.A It doesnt need to be permanent.

  15.D By investing half of ones monthly income.

  16.C They were influenced by the presence of someone from an outsider group.

  17.A When an unknown student from another universitywas present.

  18.B By advertising its social benefits.

  19.D The effect of interacting with therapy dogs on students under pressure.

  20.A Their executive functioning.

  21.B Add to some studentsstress

  22.A Work hard and plan carefully.

  23.D Being willing to experiment with novel ideas.

  24.B Learn from our failure and forge ahead.

  25.D Less competition.


  中国政府十分重视人民的健康饮食。通过大力提倡健康饮食,人们对合理营养增进健康的重要性有了更加深刻的认识。 “吃的安全,吃的营养,吃得健康”是人民对美好生活的基本需求,是提升人民幸福感的必然要求,也为食品产业的发展提供了新机遇目前,各级政府都在采取多种措施,推进健康中国的建设。

  The Chinese Government attaches great importance to a healthy diet for its people.With its vigorous advocation,the Chinese people have gained a deeper understanding of the important role of proper nutrition in health improvement.""Eating safely,nutritiously and healthily""is the peoples basic demand for a good life,an in evitable requirement inenhancing peoples sense of well-being,and also creation of new opportunities for the development of the food indus-try.At present,governments at all levels are taking various measures to promote the construction of a healthy China.



  Passage One

  Supermarkets have long been suffering as one of the thin-nest-margined businesses

  In existence and one of the least-looked-forward-to places to work or visit.


  46-50 BBDCA

  46.What problem have supermarkets been facing?

  B)They have been losing customers and profits.

  47.What does the passage say about the idea of a self-ser-vice grocery?

  B)It originated in the United States.

  48.What did supermarkets do by adopting the Fordist facto-ry approach?

  D)They revolutionized the distribution of goods.

  49.What is the typical supermarket layout intended to do?

  C)Induce customers to make more unplanned purchases.

  50.What have people long feared about supermarkets?

  A)They use tricky strategies to promote their business

  Passage Two

  The traditional school year,with three months of vacation every summer..


  51-55 ADDAC


  51.A)Students needed to help with farm work.

  52.D)It will strengthen their relationship with teachers.

  53.D)It contributes to students healthy growth.

  54.A)It does little good to most students.




  36-40 FCJEB

  41-45 LGDIL

  36.【F】Today,the dancers travel across Chinatown going from business to business to bring good luck for the coming year.

  37.【C】 But the club also acts as a recreation center and safe haven(庇护所)for teenagers,with video games readily available.

  38.【J】“But what makes you a competent lion dancer is that theres a sense of imagination involved.

  39.【E】It is believed that the lion dance began in the third century.Stories vary about how lion dancing came to be,but most of them include a monster named Nian who would ter-rorize a village.

  40.【B】Teenagers comprise about half of the group,many of whom began lion dancing at the age of 14.

  41.【L】“I value my culture and tradition,being Chinese or Asian-Americanl have a lot of pride in that,he said.

  42.【G】As one person controls the head,a second follows under a train of fabric representing the body.

  43.【D】”Were a big family""he said,shaking hands with other members as they walked through the doors You know everyone.

  44.【l】Mr.Chan ,who has been involved with the club for nearly 50 years,said that passing the dance from one gener-ation to the next was vital.

  45.【L】Mr.Le comes by the dance as a legacy(传承).“Twas born intoit""Mr.Le said,noting that his uncle and father were club members.



  Morocco is responding to increasing energy demands…


  26-30 H O I N C;31-35 L D M A G

  26.H located

  27.0 scheduled

  28.1 mostly

  29.N rising

  30.C crucial

  31.L pioneer

  32.D depend

  33.M potential

  34.A affordable

  35.G just


  Suppose your university newspaper is inviting submissions from students for its coming edition on the recent development of their hometown.

  I was born and raised in Changsha,the capital city ofHunan Province.Recently,it has witnessed significant improvements.

  To begin with,the citys infrastructure has undergone significant upgrades.New roads,bridges,and public transportation systems have greatly improved connec-tivity,making it easier for residents to commute and access essential services.Moreover,green spaces have been expanded,with numerous parks and gardens providing a much-needed respite from bustling city life.Finally,new schools and universities have been estab-lished,offering a wide range of educational opportunities for the citys youth.

  In conclusion,these recent developments have trans-formed Changsha into a vibrant city.I hope to see even more innovation in the city in the years to come.












