- 相关推荐
Railway Development Section 铁路发展组〔地政总署组别〕
rain shelter 避雨亭
rate 率;收费;价格
rateable tenement 应缴差饷物业
rateable value 应课差饷租值
rateable value rent 差饷估值租金;估定租值
rated property 已评估差饷的物业;已征收差饷的物业
rates 差饷
rates charge 差饷征收率
rates relief 差饷宽减
rating assessment 差饷估价
raw water transfer 原水输送系统
re-enter upon the land 重收土地
re-entered property 重收物业
re-entry 重收
re-entry on leased land 重收已批租土地
re-erection works 重建工程
re-establishment allowance 复业津贴
re-let 重新出租 专业词汇|土地类
re-letting right [commercial tenant] 转租权利〔商业租户〕
re-roofing and insulation works 重铺天台及隔热工程
re-vested in the Crown 重新转归官方
re-zoning 重划分区
real estate 地产;不动产
real estate agent 地产代理人
real estate developer 地产发展商
real property 土地财产
realignment 改道;更改道路路线;重新定线
realignment [of the road] 更改道路路线
realignment works 重新划定线向工程
rear cubicle 尾房
Reassignment Memorial 转回契约
receipted demand note 注明款额已付的缴款通知书
receiver 接管人 www.ryedu.net
reception accommodation 迁置居所
reclaimed land 填海土地
reclamation 填海工程
reclamation area 填海区
recognized village 认可乡村
recompacted fill 再压实填土
recorded delivery 记录派递
recoverable rent 可收回的租金
recovery of land 收回土地
recovery of premises 收回楼宇
recreation area 康乐用地;游憩用地
recreation deck 屋顶康乐场地;游憩平台
recreation facilities 康乐设施
recreation ground-cum-rest garden 康乐休憩场地
recreation priority area 康乐优先区
recreational facilities clause 康乐设施条款
rectification deed 修正契据
rectify 更正
‘red’ area [squatter area] 「红色」区域〔寮屋区〕
red survey number [squatter] 寮屋登记红字编号
red title deed 红契
redefinition of old scheduled lots 重新界定旧批约地段
redemption 赎回;提早清还贷款
redevelopment 重建;重新发展;重行发展
Redevelopment Order 重建令
Redevelopment Programme 重行发展计划
redevelopment vote 重建拨款
reference ellipsoid 参考椭球
reforestation plan 植林计划
refurbishment 翻新工程
refuse chute 垃圾槽
refuse collection chamber 垃圾房
refuse collection point 垃圾收集站
refuse storage area 垃圾站
refuse transfer station 废物转运站;垃圾转运站
registered area 注册面积
registered contractor 注册承建商
registered lot owner 地段注册持有人
registered manager [of ‘tso’ or ‘tong’] 注册司理〔「祖」或「堂」〕
registered mortgage 已登记按揭契约
registered mortgagee 已登记承按人
registered owner 注册业主;登记拥有人
Registrar 注册主任
Registrar General’s Department 注册总署
registration district 注册区域
registration of deed 注册契据
registration of title 注册业权
Registries (Property Management and Regrant) 总务室(物业管理及契约重批)〔地政总署组别〕
registry 注册处
regrant 重批土地;重批契约
regrant of expired lease 重批已届满契约
regrant premium 补地价
Regrant Unit (Urban and NT) 契约重批小组(市区及新界)〔地政总署组别〕
regularization 合化法;纳入规范
regularization of area 修正界限;修正面积
regularization of lot boundary 修正地段界线
regularization programme on land 纠正土地用途计划
regulations 规例
rehabilitation allowance 更生津贴;重建津贴
rehabilitation works 美化工程
rehousing 安置
rehousing eligibility 获安置资格
reinstate 恢复原状
reinstate and make good 修葺使之恢复原状
reinstatement 恢复原状;恢复资格
reinstatement [of land] 〔将土地〕恢复原状
reinstatement notice 恢复原状通知书
reinstatement of tenancy 恢复租赁
reinstatement works 恢复原状工程
relative proportions of land 土地相对比例
relaying 重铺
release of land 批放土地
relief 地貌;地形
relief against re-entry/vesting 撤销重收/转归
relinquishment 放弃
remaining portion [RP] 余段
remaining works 余下工程
remedial works 修补工程;修缮工程
remedy 修补;补偿;补救;赔偿
removal 移去;搬迁
removal allowance 搬迁津贴
removal and decoration allowance 搬迁及装修津贴
Removal Order 清拆令
renewable Crown lease 可续期官契
renewable lease 可续期租契
renewed lease 续期租契
rent 租金
rent allowance 租金津贴
rent concession 租金优惠;减租
Rent Concession (East) 租金优惠小组(东区)〔地政总署组别〕
Rent Concession (West) 租金优惠小组(西区)〔地政总署组别〕
rent control 租金管制
rent exemption 豁免租金
rent free period 免租期
rent in arrears 欠缴租金;欠租
Rent Increase Certificate 加租证明书
rent paid in advance 上期缴交的租金
rent passing 现时租金
rent review 租金调整
rent tendered 投标租金
rent-book 租金册
rental agreement 租用协议;租约
rental level 租金水平
rental market 楼宇租赁市场
rental property 出租物业
rental tendering 竞出租金投标方式
rental value 租值
repair scheme 修葺计划
repair works 修葺工程
repairs 修补;修葺;维修
repayment 还款
repayment period 还款期
replacement cost 重置成本
replacement housing 重置房屋
replanning 重新规划
Report of the Task Force on Land Supply and Property Prices 土地供应及物业价格专责小组报告书
repossession 收楼
repossession order 收楼令
reprographic 摄影制图
Reprographic Section 摄影制图部〔地政总署组别〕
reprovision 配回地方;另配地方;重配地方
reprovisioning project 重建计划
Requisition for Particulars of Tenement 物业详情申报表
requisition form 申报表
resale 转售;重售
resale price 转售价;重售价
resale restriction 转售限制
resale restriction period 转售限制期
Research & Development 研究及发展〔地政总署组别〕
reservations 权益保留条款
reserve 保护区;专用范围;保留地
reserve area 专用范围;预留土地
reserve project 后备工程
reserve zone 预留区
resettlement area 徙置区
residential building 住宅楼宇
residential development 住宅用地发展
residential land 住宅用地
residential premises 住宅楼宇
residential property 住宅物业
residential purpose 住宅用途
residential upgrading area 住宅屋宇改善区
residential zone 住宅分区;住宅地带;住宅用地区域
residential/commercial land 住宅及商业用地;商住两用地
residents’ association 居民协会
residents’ fraternal association 居民联谊会
residual land value 土地余值
residual soil 残积土
resite 迁置;徙置
resite area 迁置区
resite house [village removal] 迁置屋宇〔搬村〕
resite village 迁置村
restoration works 修复工程
restricted area 专用区
restricted auction 限制条件拍卖;有限制拍卖
restricted instant tender 局限性现场投标
restricted rent 受管制租金
restricted tender 局限性投标
restricted village auction 限制条件乡村拍卖
restricted zone 限制区
restriction 限制
restriction on alienation clause 转让限制条款
restriction on partitioning clause 分割限制条款
restriction on use of water supply clause 使用自来水限制条款
resumed properties 收回物业
resumption 收回土地
resumption clearance limit 收地清拆范围
resumption notice 收地通告
resumption of Crown land 收回官地
resumption of leased land 收回已批租土地
resumption payment 收回土地付款
resumption plan 收地图则
resumption procedure 收地程序
Resumption Working Group 收地工作小组
retail facilities 商用设施
retail provision 商用设施
retail space 商用地方
retaining wall 护土墙;挡土墙
retake possession 重取管有权
retractable canvas 伸缩式帐篷
returned flat 交回单位
revaluation 重估应课差饷租值
reversion 归还
reversion of land 归还土地
reversionary estate 复归产业权
revert 复归;归还
revert to the government 复归政府所有
revised rent 经调整的租金
revoke 解除
rezone 重订分区用途;重新分区
rice paper contract 沙纸契
RICS [Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors] 皇家特许测量师学会
right in land 土地权益
right of entry 进入土地的权利
right of re-entry 重收土地的权利
right of renewal 续期权利
right of temporary occupation of land 暂时占用土地权
right of way 通行权;可行使通行权的地区
right to inspect 视察权
right to occupation 占用土地权
rising main 上行水管
river action plan 改善河道计划
river regulation 整治河道
river trade terminal 内河货运码头
river training 治理河道;疏浚河道
River Training Section 治理河道组〔地政总署组别〕
River Training Team 治理河道小组〔地政总署组别〕
river training works 河道治理工程;河道疏浚工程
road alignment works 改路工程
road capacity 道路通车容量;道路容车量
road embankment 路堤
road hump 路拱
road improvement 改善道路
road lighting 道路照明设备
road reserve 道路专用范围
road safety fence 道路安全围栏
road widening 扩阔道路
road works 道路工程
road-culvert 道路暗渠
Roads (Works, Use and Compensation) Ordinance (Cap. 370) 道路(工程、使用及补偿)条例(第370章)
rock crushing 压碎岩石
rock fall fence 防石栏;防坠石围栏;防石围墙
roof re-surfacing 天台重铺工程
roofed area 上盖面积
roofed over area 上盖面积
roofing 铺盖屋顶;屋顶
rooftop illegal structure 天台违例构筑物;天台违例搭建物
rooftop projection 屋顶突出物
rooftop squatter 天台寮屋居民
rooftop structure 天台构筑物;天台搭建物
routine maintenance 例行维修
Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors [RICS] 皇家特许测量师学会
royalty lease 缴付专利税的土地契约
royalty rate 专利费税率
RP [Remaining Portion] 余段
RPIS [Rural Planning and Improvement Strategy] 乡郊规划及改善策略
RPIS Section 乡郊规划及改善策略组〔地政总署组别〕
rubble wall 毛石墙
rule of administration 管理规则
run-in/out 车辆出入口通道
runoff 径流;溢出
rural activity area 乡郊活动区
rural area 乡郊地区
rural building lot 乡郊建屋地段;乡郊屋地
Rural Committee 乡事委员会;乡事会
rural council 郊区议局
rural development area 乡郊发展区
Rural Development Steering Committee 乡郊发展督导委员会
rural extension area 乡郊扩展区
rural holding 乡郊土地;农村土地