
时间:2024-09-10 07:17:38 英语口译 我要投稿
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  I'm really sorry!

  Never mind. 没什么、别在意

  Don't worry about it.

  It's okay.

  Forget about it. 没什么

  What bad luck. *太遗憾了、太可惜了

  Better luck next time!

  That's too bad!

  What a shame!

  Bummer! *俚语。

  I'm sorry, I'm late.

  That's all right. 没事. /That's okay.

  It's no problem.

  It's all my fault!

  Don't blame yourself. 别责备自己了It's not your fault. 这不是你的错.

  I feel really bad about it.

  Don't worry, it happens. ..常有的事

  It happens to the best of us. /It happens to everyone. 这种事谁都会遇到.

  There's no need to worry about it.


  Don't concern yourself. 别担心

  Don't give it another thought.别想得太多

  It can't be helped. 没办法呀!

  You're welcome to stay.

  I don't want to put you out. *添麻烦”


  I don't want to bother you.

  I don't want to cause you trouble.

  Wow! Shibuya is crowded.

  This is nothing, you should see Shinjuku.

  You have a lot of homework.

  This is nothing. 这算不了什么

  It's no big deal. /It's no problem.

  How terrible! /How awful! 多糟糕呀!

  No big deal. *别小题大作、没什么

  Sorry, I can't play tennis with u tomorrow.

  No big deal. I'll ask John to play.

  That was a bad movie.

  I've seen worse. 这还算好的呢

  It could have been worse.有比这更糟的呢!

  It might have been worse.

  Don't be so hard on yourself. 别自暴自弃

  Don't feel so bad about yourself. 别那么自暴自弃.

  Don't be so down on yourself.

  Don't think so lowly of yourself.

  I don't know what to do!

  What a pity!真遗憾!

  I'm sure it'll work out.总会有办法的 *解决

  Everything will be fine.

  Things will work out.

  What's her problem?

  She's just upset. 她只是有点心烦

  She's just mad.

  She's only angry.


  Don't cry. 别哭了.

  Wipe your tears.猜猜眼泪.

  Cheer up! 振作起来! --I'll try. 我会的

  Come on! /Take it easy!

  Pull yourself together! 重新振作起来

  Get a hold of yourself!

  Get your shit together! *语气尖锐

  Do your best!进你最大努力!

  Do a good job! 好好干!

  Should I ask her out?

  Yeah, 是呀,go for it! 勇敢点!

  It's my turn to bat. 该轮到我打了。

  Go for it! 加油!

  Take a chance!

  I'm playing basketball tomorrow.

  We'll cheer for your team. *助威,喝彩


  My test score was low.

  Try harder next time. 下次再努力吧。

  I can't do it anymore.

  Hang in there! 别松劲!、坚持下去!

  Don't give it up!别放弃!/别认输!

  Keep at it!

  Keep your chin up! 要有信心!

  Try harder! 再加把劲!

  Don't give up!

  Keep it up!

  Never give up! 绝对不能放弃!

  This machine is too difficult to operate.

  You can do it! 你可以的.

  My salary is really low.

  Look on the bright side.你得看到好的一面…. Your job is very rewarding.

  Don't take it too seriously!别看的那么严重.

  Don't get worked up over nothing! 激动

  I feel so sad.

  Keep your chin up! 别灰心!

  You can do anything if u really want to.

  That's the spirit! 那才是好样的!

  You can do anything if you put your mind to it.只要你想做你就一定能做得到!

  You can do anything if you are so minded.

  You can accomplish anything if you believe in it.

  I'll never pass that test.

  There's a chance. 这是一个机会.

  There's a possibility.

  It's not impossible.

  It could happen.

  Worrying about it won't solve anything.担心解决不了任何为题.

  Worrying about it won't make it better.

  I can't do it, I can't!

  Get it together, Jack! 振作起来,杰克!

  I don't think I can. --Just try it.

  I don't want to. --Just try it.试试看.

  Come on, try it.

  Just give it a try.

  Try and do it. 试试做做. /Try it. /Give it a try.

  Try again. 再试一遍./Have another try. /Do it again.

  Give it another try.

  Don't be a chicken. 别那么窝囊/别害怕Ask her out. ,去约她吧

  But what if she says not?

  Don't be a coward.

  Do you think I'm smart?

  Let's face it, you're no Einstein.让我们面对现实.

  Let's face facts.

  Let's be realistic.

  He looks blue.

  Let's cheer him up. 我们的让他振作起来!

  Let's try to make him forget his troubles

  I wish you success! 我祝你成功!/Success to you!

  May you succeed!

  I'll have my fingers crossed. *have one's fingers crossed 希望计划能够顺利进行

  I'll keep my fingers crossed.

  I'll cross my fingers.

  I'll keep my hopes up. 我期待着……

  Tell him to his face 应该面对他说that he's a liar!

  Well, I can't.

  No way! 不可能!

  Are you joking?

  No, I'm serious.我是认真的. /Seriously.

  I'm really serious.

  I'm not joking.

  I'm being honest with you.我坦白跟你讲

  I mean it!

  I don't mean it.

  Take my word for it. 这是真的呀、相信我

  Take it from me.

  Believe me.

  Did he really say that?

  You'd better believe it!请相信!

  I really mean it!

  Trust me!

  Is the party at 9∶00?

  I'm sure of it. 我敢肯定.

  I'm absolutely sure.

  I know for sure that...

  I'm positive. 我肯定

  It may sound strange, but it's true.


  You may not believe it,

  but I'm telling the truth.

  It may be unbelievable, but it's the truth.

  It's your fault.


  I'm innocent! 我是清白的

  Don't lie! I saw you do it.

  I didn't do it.


  What's the matter? 你怎么了?You look sad.

  Nothing. I'm just tired.

  What's wrong?

  Is anything wrong?

  What's the problem?

  Is something bothering you?

  Are you okay? 你没事吧?

  Are you all right?

  What's going on? 到底怎么回事?

  We were just talking.

  What happened?

  What's happening?

  Is something on your mind?你有什么心事吗?

  Do you have something on your mind?

  What are you worried about?

  What's on your mind?

  Is anything bothering you?

  I was worried about you.


  I was concerned about you.

  I'll drop you off. 我送你回家。

  Please don't go out of your way.


  You look serious.你看起来很严肃.

  This is important. 这事很重要。

  You look grave.

  You look sad today. 你今天看上去很悲伤.

  You don't look very happy today.


  Why are you so glum?闷闷不乐的、愁闷


  My girlfriend just dumped me. 抛弃

  Why so glum? /Why the long face?

  You look exhausted. 你看起来很疲惫.

  You look very tired.

  You look worn-out.

  It's six o'clock already.

  Yeah, you need a break.你该休息一会You need a rest.

  You need to take a break.

  You should take it easy.

  Something is wrong with you today.


  You're not yourself today.

  You seem different today.

  Who are you irritated with? *谁烦你了?

  Who has irritated you?

  You're nervous.你太紧张.

  I think you're nervous.

  No, I'm not nervous!

  You seem nervous.


  My dog died.

  I'm sorry to hear that. 听到这是我很难过.

  I'm sorry about that.

  That's too bad.

  That's a pity. /What a pity.

  How awful. 太可怕了!

  How sad. 太让人伤心了!

  Tough luck.


  What a shame.

  That's unfortunate.真不走运.It rained every day while I was in Hawaii.

  That's unfortunate. /It's unfortunate.

  I'm sorry about your misfortune.

  It happens! 常有的事.

  It's a common mistake. 这是常见的错误.

  She won't talk to me anymore.

  It must be tough for you.那你肯定很难受吧

  It must be hard on you.

  Bob got fired.

  Oh, poor thing! 哦!真可怜!

  Oh, poor baby!

  Ah, poor Bob!

  My wife left me.

  Mine, too.

  I know how you feel.你理解你的心情

  I understand the way you feel.

  I really sympathize with you.

















  I'm really sorry!

  Never mind. 没什么、别在意

  Don't worry about it.

  It's okay.

  Forget about it. 没什么

  What bad luck. *太遗憾了、太可惜了

  Better luck next time!

  That's too bad!

  What a shame!

  Bummer! *俚语。

  I'm sorry, I'm late.

  That's all right. 没事. /That's okay.

  It's no problem.

  It's all my fault!

  Don't blame yourself. 别责备自己了It's not your fault. 这不是你的错.

  I feel really bad about it.

  Don't worry, it happens. ..常有的事

  It happens to the best of us. /It happens to everyone. 这种事谁都会遇到.

  There's no need to worry about it.


  Don't concern yourself. 别担心

  Don't give it another thought.别想得太多

  It can't be helped. 没办法呀!

  You're welcome to stay.

  I don't want to put you out. *添麻烦”


  I don't want to bother you.

  I don't want to cause you trouble.

  Wow! Shibuya is crowded.

  This is nothing, you should see Shinjuku.

  You have a lot of homework.

  This is nothing. 这算不了什么

  It's no big deal. /It's no problem.

  How terrible! /How awful! 多糟糕呀!

  No big deal. *别小题大作、没什么

  Sorry, I can't play tennis with u tomorrow.

  No big deal. I'll ask John to play.

  That was a bad movie.

  I've seen worse. 这还算好的呢

  It could have been worse.有比这更糟的呢!

  It might have been worse.

  Don't be so hard on yourself. 别自暴自弃

  Don't feel so bad about yourself. 别那么自暴自弃.

  Don't be so down on yourself.

  Don't think so lowly of yourself.

  I don't know what to do!

  What a pity!真遗憾!

  I'm sure it'll work out.总会有办法的 *解决

  Everything will be fine.

  Things will work out.

  What's her problem?

  She's just upset. 她只是有点心烦

  She's just mad.

  She's only angry.


  Don't cry. 别哭了.

  Wipe your tears.猜猜眼泪.

  Cheer up! 振作起来! --I'll try. 我会的

  Come on! /Take it easy!

  Pull yourself together! 重新振作起来

  Get a hold of yourself!

  Get your shit together! *语气尖锐

  Do your best!进你最大努力!

  Do a good job! 好好干!

  Should I ask her out?

  Yeah, 是呀,go for it! 勇敢点!

  It's my turn to bat. 该轮到我打了。

  Go for it! 加油!

  Take a chance!

  I'm playing basketball tomorrow.

  We'll cheer for your team. *助威,喝彩


  My test score was low.

  Try harder next time. 下次再努力吧。

  I can't do it anymore.

  Hang in there! 别松劲!、坚持下去!

  Don't give it up!别放弃!/别认输!

  Keep at it!

  Keep your chin up! 要有信心!

  Try harder! 再加把劲!

  Don't give up!

  Keep it up!

  Never give up! 绝对不能放弃!

  This machine is too difficult to operate.

  You can do it! 你可以的.

  My salary is really low.

  Look on the bright side.你得看到好的一面…. Your job is very rewarding.

  Don't take it too seriously!别看的那么严重.

  Don't get worked up over nothing! 激动

  I feel so sad.

  Keep your chin up! 别灰心!

  You can do anything if u really want to.

  That's the spirit! 那才是好样的!

  You can do anything if you put your mind to it.只要你想做你就一定能做得到!

  You can do anything if you are so minded.

  You can accomplish anything if you believe in it.

  I'll never pass that test.

  There's a chance. 这是一个机会.

  There's a possibility.

  It's not impossible.

  It could happen.

  Worrying about it won't solve anything.担心解决不了任何为题.

  Worrying about it won't make it better.

  I can't do it, I can't!

  Get it together, Jack! 振作起来,杰克!

  I don't think I can. --Just try it.

  I don't want to. --Just try it.试试看.

  Come on, try it.

  Just give it a try.

  Try and do it. 试试做做. /Try it. /Give it a try.

  Try again. 再试一遍./Have another try. /Do it again.

  Give it another try.

  Don't be a chicken. 别那么窝囊/别害怕Ask her out. ,去约她吧

  But what if she says not?

  Don't be a coward.

  Do you think I'm smart?

  Let's face it, you're no Einstein.让我们面对现实.

  Let's face facts.

  Let's be realistic.

  He looks blue.

  Let's cheer him up. 我们的让他振作起来!

  Let's try to make him forget his troubles

  I wish you success! 我祝你成功!/Success to you!

  May you succeed!

  I'll have my fingers crossed. *have one's fingers crossed 希望计划能够顺利进行

  I'll keep my fingers crossed.

  I'll cross my fingers.

  I'll keep my hopes up. 我期待着……

  Tell him to his face 应该面对他说that he's a liar!

  Well, I can't.

  No way! 不可能!

  Are you joking?

  No, I'm serious.我是认真的. /Seriously.

  I'm really serious.

  I'm not joking.

  I'm being honest with you.我坦白跟你讲

  I mean it!

  I don't mean it.

  Take my word for it. 这是真的呀、相信我

  Take it from me.

  Believe me.

  Did he really say that?

  You'd better believe it!请相信!

  I really mean it!

  Trust me!

  Is the party at 9∶00?

  I'm sure of it. 我敢肯定.

  I'm absolutely sure.

  I know for sure that...

  I'm positive. 我肯定

  It may sound strange, but it's true.


  You may not believe it,

  but I'm telling the truth.

  It may be unbelievable, but it's the truth.

  It's your fault.


  I'm innocent! 我是清白的

  Don't lie! I saw you do it.

  I didn't do it.


  What's the matter? 你怎么了?You look sad.

  Nothing. I'm just tired.

  What's wrong?

  Is anything wrong?

  What's the problem?

  Is something bothering you?

  Are you okay? 你没事吧?

  Are you all right?

  What's going on? 到底怎么回事?

  We were just talking.

  What happened?

  What's happening?

  Is something on your mind?你有什么心事吗?

  Do you have something on your mind?

  What are you worried about?

  What's on your mind?

  Is anything bothering you?

  I was worried about you.


  I was concerned about you.

  I'll drop you off. 我送你回家。

  Please don't go out of your way.


  You look serious.你看起来很严肃.

  This is important. 这事很重要。

  You look grave.

  You look sad today. 你今天看上去很悲伤.

  You don't look very happy today.


  Why are you so glum?闷闷不乐的、愁闷


  My girlfriend just dumped me. 抛弃

  Why so glum? /Why the long face?

  You look exhausted. 你看起来很疲惫.

  You look very tired.

  You look worn-out.

  It's six o'clock already.

  Yeah, you need a break.你该休息一会You need a rest.

  You need to take a break.

  You should take it easy.

  Something is wrong with you today.


  You're not yourself today.

  You seem different today.

  Who are you irritated with? *谁烦你了?

  Who has irritated you?

  You're nervous.你太紧张.

  I think you're nervous.

  No, I'm not nervous!

  You seem nervous.


  My dog died.

  I'm sorry to hear that. 听到这是我很难过.

  I'm sorry about that.

  That's too bad.

  That's a pity. /What a pity.

  How awful. 太可怕了!

  How sad. 太让人伤心了!

  Tough luck.


  What a shame.

  That's unfortunate.真不走运.It rained every day while I was in Hawaii.

  That's unfortunate. /It's unfortunate.

  I'm sorry about your misfortune.

  It happens! 常有的事.

  It's a common mistake. 这是常见的错误.

  She won't talk to me anymore.

  It must be tough for you.那你肯定很难受吧

  It must be hard on you.

  Bob got fired.

  Oh, poor thing! 哦!真可怜!

  Oh, poor baby!

  Ah, poor Bob!

  My wife left me.

  Mine, too.

  I know how you feel.你理解你的心情

  I understand the way you feel.

  I really sympathize with you.