
时间:2023-06-14 05:50:51 英语阅读 我要投稿
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  儿童英语阅读材料 篇1


  There was once upon a time an old goat who had seven little kids, and loved them with all the love of a mother for her children. One day she wanted to go into the forest andfetch some food. So she called all seven to her and said, "Dear children, I have to go into the forest, be on your guard against the wolf; if he comes in, he will devour you all -- skin, hair, and all. The wretch often disguises himself, but you will know him at once by his rough voice and his black feet." The kids said, "Dear mother, we will take good care of ourselves; you may go away without any anxiety." Then the old one bleated, and went on her way with an easy mind.

  从前有只老山羊。它生了七只小山羊,并且像所有母亲爱孩子一样爱它们。一天,它要到森林里去取食物,便把七个孩子全叫过来,对它们说:“亲爱的孩子们,我要到森林里去一下,你们一定要提防狼。要是让狼进屋,它会把你们全部吃掉的——连皮带毛通通吃光。这个坏蛋常常把自己化装成别的样子,但是,你们只要一听 到他那粗哑的声音、一看到它那黑黑的爪子,就能认出它来。”小山羊们说:“好妈妈,我们会当心的。你去吧,不用担心。”老山羊咩咩地叫了几声,便放心地去了。

  It was not long before some one knocked at the house-door and called, "Open the door, dear children; your mother is here, and has brought something back with her for each of you." But the little kids knew that it was the wolf, by the rough voice; "We will not open the door," cried they, "thou art not our mother. She has a soft, pleasant voice, but thy voice is rough; thou art the wolf!" Then the wolf went away to a shopkeeper and bought himself a great lump of chalk, ate this and made his voice soft with it. Then he came back, knocked at the door of the house, and cried, "Open the door, dear children, your mother is here and has brought something back with her for each of you." But the wolf had laid his black paws against the window, and the children saw them and cried, "We will not open the door, our mother has not black feet like thee; thou art the wolf." Then the wolf ran to a baker and said, "I have hurt my feet, rub some dough over them for me." And when the baker had rubbed his feet over, he ran to the miller and said, "Strew some white meal over my feet for me." The miller thought to himself, "The wolf wants todeceive someone," and refused; but the wolf said, "If thou will not do it, I will devourthee." Then the miller was afraid, and made his paws white for him. Truly men are like that.

  没过多久,有人敲门,而且大声说:“开门哪,我的好孩子。你们的妈妈回来了,还给你们每个人带来了一点东西。”可是,小山羊们听到粗哑的声音,立刻知道是 狼来了。“我们不开门,”它们大声说,“你不是我们的妈妈。我们的妈妈说话时声音又软又好听,而你的声音非常粗哑,你是狼!”于是,狼跑到杂货商那里,买 了一大块白垩土,吃了下去,结果嗓子变细了。然后它又回来敲山羊家的门,喊道:“开门哪,我的好孩子。你们的妈妈回来了,给你们每个人都带了点东西。”可 是狼把它的黑爪子搭在了窗户上,小山羊们看到黑爪子便一起叫道:“我们不开门。我们的妈妈没有你这样的黑爪子。你是狼!”于是狼跑到面包师那里,对他说: “我的脚受了点伤,给我用面团揉一揉。”等面包师用面团给它揉过之后,狼又跑到磨坊主那里,对他说:“在我的脚上洒点白面粉。”磨坊主想:“狼肯定是想去 骗什么人”,便拒绝了它的要求。可是狼说:“要是你不给我洒面粉,我就把你吃掉。”磨坊主害怕了,只好洒了点面粉,把狼的爪子弄成了白色。人就是这个德行!

  So now the wretch went for the third time to the house-door, knocked at it and said, "Open the door for me, children, your dear little mother has come home, and has brought every one of you something back from the forest with her." The little kids cried, "First show us thy paws that we may know if thou art our dear little mother." Then he put his paws in through the window, and when the kids saw that they were white, they believed that all he said was true, and opened the door. But who should come in but the wolf! They were terrified and wanted to hide themselves. One sprang under the table, the second into the bed, the third into the stove, the fourth into the kitchen, the fifth into the cupboard, the sixth under the washing-bowl, and the seventh into the clock-case. But the wolf found them all, and used no great ceremony; one after the other he swallowed them down his throat. The youngest, who was in the clock-case, was the only one he did not find. When the wolf had satisfied his appetite he took himself off, laid himself down under a tree in the green meadow outside, and began to sleep.

  这个坏蛋第三次跑到山羊家,一面敲门一面说:“开门哪,孩子们。你们的好妈妈回来了,还从森林里给你们每个人带回来一些东西。”小山羊们叫道:“你先把脚 给我们看看,好让我们知道你是不是我们的妈妈。”狼把爪子伸进窗户,小山羊们看到爪子是白的,便相信它说的是真话,打开了屋门。然而进来的是狼!小山羊们 吓坏了,一个个都想躲起来。第一只小山羊跳到了桌子下,第二只钻进了被子,第三只躲到了炉子里,第四只跑进了厨房,第五只藏在柜子里,第六只挤在洗脸盆 下,第七只爬进了钟盒里。狼把它们一个个都找了出来,毫不客气地把它们全都吞进了肚子。只有躲在钟盒里的那只最小的山羊没有被狼发现。狼吃饱了之后,心满 意足地离开了山羊家,来到绿草地上的一棵大树下,躺下身子开始呼呼大睡起来。

  Soon afterwards the old goat came home again from the forest. Ah! What a sight she saw there! The house-door stood wide open. The table, chairs, and benches were thrown down, the washing-bowl lay broken to pieces, and the quilts and pillows were pulled off the bed. She sought her children, but they were nowhere to be found. She called them one after another by name, but no one answered. At last, when she came to the youngest, a soft voice cried, "Dear mother, I am in the clock-case." She took the kid out, and it told her that the wolf had come and had eaten all the others. Then you may imagine how she wept over her poor children.

  没过多久,老山羊从森林里回来了。啊!它都看到了些什么呀!屋门敞开着,桌子、椅子和凳子倒在地上,洗脸盆摔成了碎片,被子和枕头掉到了地上。它找它的孩 子,可哪里也找不到。它一个个地叫它们的名字,可是没有一个出来答应它。最后,当它叫到最小的'山羊的名字时,一个细细的声音喊叫道:“好妈妈,我在钟盒 里。”老山羊把它抱了出来,它告诉妈妈狼来过了,并且把哥哥姐姐们都吃掉了。大家可以想象出老山羊失去孩子后哭得多么伤心!

  At length in her grief she went out, and the youngest kid ran with her. When they came to the meadow, there lay the wolf by the tree and snored so loud that the branches shook. She looked at him on every side and saw that something was moving and struggling in his gorged belly. "Ah, heavens," said she, "is it possible that my poor children whom he has swallowed down for his supper, can be still alive?" Then the kid had to run home and fetch scissors, and a needle and thread, and the goat cut open the monster's stomach, and hardly had she make one cut, than one little kid thrust its head out, and when she cut farther,all six sprang out one after another, and were all still alive, and had suffered no injury whatever, for in his greediness the monster had swallowed them down whole. What rejoicing there was! They embraced their dear mother, and jumped like a sailor at his wedding. The mother, however, said, "Now go and look for some big stones, and we will fill the wicked beast's stomach with them while he is still asleep." Then the seven kids dragged the stones thither with all speed, and put as many of them into his stomach as they could get in; and the mother sewed him up again in the greatest haste, so that he was not aware of anything and never once stirred.

  老山羊最后伤心地哭着走了出去,最小的山羊也跟着跑了出去。当它们来到草地上时,狼还躺在大树下睡觉,呼噜声震得树枝直抖。老山羊从前后左右打量着狼,看 到那家伙鼓得老高的肚子里有什么东西在动个不停。“天哪,”它说,“我的那些被它吞进肚子里当晚餐的可怜的孩子,难道它们还活着吗?”最小的山羊跑回家, 拿来了剪刀和针线。老山羊剪开那恶魔的肚子,刚剪了第一刀,一只小羊就把头探了出来。它继续剪下去,六只小羊一个个都跳了出来,全都活着,而且一点也没有 受伤,因为那贪婪的坏蛋是把它们整个吞下去的。这是多么令人开心的事啊!它们拥抱自己的妈妈,像当新娘的裁缝一样高兴得又蹦又跳。可是羊妈妈说:“你们去 找些大石头来。我们趁这坏蛋还没有醒过来,把石头装到它的肚子里去。”七只小山羊飞快地拖来很多石头,拼命地往狼肚子里塞;然后山羊妈妈飞快地把狼肚皮缝 好,结果狼一点也没有发觉,它根本都没有动弹。

  When the wolf at length had had his sleep out, he got on his legs, and as the stones in his stomach made him very thirsty, he wanted to go to a well to drink. But when he began to walk and move about, the stones in his stomach knocked against each other and rattled. Then cried he,

  "What rumbles and tumbles

  Against my poor bones?

  I thought 't was six kids,

  But it's naught but big stones."






  And when he got to the well and stooped over the water and was just about to drink, the heavy stones made him fall in, and there was no help, but he had to drownmiserably. When the seven kids saw that, they came running to the spot and cried aloud, "The wolf is dead! The wolf is dead!" and danced for joy round about the well with their mother.


  【Hree Good Friends三个好朋友】

  One day, a monkey rides his bike near the river. This time he sees a lion under a tree. The lion runs at him. He is afraid and falls into the river. He can’t swim. He shouts. The rabbit hears him. He jumps into the river. The rabbit swims to the monkey, but he can’t help him. Luckily, an elephant comes along. He is very strong. He helps the rabbit and monkey. Three friends are very happy. They go to the elephant’s home. Then, three of them become good friends.


  儿童英语阅读材料 篇2

  A Clever Panda 聪明的熊猫

  A little panda picks up a pumpkin and wants to take it home. But the pumpkin is too big. The panda can’t take it home.


  Suddenly she sees a bear riding a bike toward her. She watches the bike. “I know! I have a good idea.” she jumps and shouts happily, “I can roll a pumpkin. It’s like a wheel.”


  So she rolls the pumpkin to her home. When her mother sees the big pumpkin, she is surprised, “Oh, my God! How can you carry it home?” the little panda answers proudly, “I can’t lift it, but I can roll it.” Her mother smiled and says,“What a clever girl!”


  I Can’t Cook It 我没法煮它

  It’s sunny day in spring. Miss Cat is fishing. Suddenly the fishing rod moves. “Great! Oh, it’s so heavy!” Miss Cat says happily.


  The fish is plucked out of the river. “Oh, a big fish! How big the fish is!” She cheers. But she puts the fish into the river and goes on fishing.


  At the time Mr. Horse goes by and sees it. “Why do you set it free?” He asks. “Because my pot is too small, I can’t cook it,” Miss Cat says.

  这时候马先生路过,看见这一切,就问她:“为什么你把鱼放了?” “因为我的锅太小。我没办法烧这么大的鱼。”猫小姐回答说。

  The Ox and the Dog 牛和狗

  An ox and a dog serve for the same farmer.


  One day the dog arrogantly says: “How grand I am! In the daytime, I watch out for the cattle in the meadows; at night, I guard the house. But you…”

  一天, 狗骄傲地说着;‘我是多么重要啊!白天我在牧场看护家群,晚上我看家。而你呢…..?”

  “Me? How about me?” the ox says


  “You can only plough or draw a cart,” the dog slightly says.


  “Yes. It’s true,” the ox says. “But if I don’t plough, what do you guard?”


  儿童英语阅读材料 篇3


  Once there was a little ant. She wanted to get married, but she only wanted to marry the strongest creature.

  She wanted to marry the strongest creature, but she didn’t know who the strongest creature is. She saw the wind blow houses down. So she thought the wind was the strongest creature. She wanted to marry the wind.

  But the wind told the little ant that ht wasn’t the strongest creature. There was a tower in the forest. He had stood there for a thousand years against his force. The tower was the strongest creature.

  “Why do you want to marry me?” the wind asked.

  “Because you are the strongest creature in the world. You are strongest than the wind.” said the ant.

  “You are right. I’m strongest than the wind. But I’m not the strongest creature in the world. Look, how I’m damaged! Can’t you guess who has done this to me? It’s you, ants.”

  At last, the little ant married her own kind. Because they were the strongest creatures.









  A young rich man to consult a success, but the rich man took three different sizes in front of a watermelon on the youth, "If each piece of watermelon on behalf of the interests of a certain extent, you choose that piece?"

  "Of course is the biggest piece of!" Young did not hesitate to answer.

  Rich man smiled: "Well, please now!" Rich people to the biggest piece of watermelon to the youth, while they eat the smallest piece.

  Soon, rich on the finish, and then pick up the last piece of watermelon table proudly shook the face of the young, with big stuttering.

  Young people immediately understand the meaning of the rich: the rich man does not eat the melon melon young people, and eat more than young people.

  If each piece of watermelon on behalf of the interests of a certain degree, then the interests of rich natural possession of more than youth.

  Eating watermelon, rich youth said: "To be successful, we must learn to give up, only to give up immediate interests in order to obtain long-term Italian, and this is my success."





  青年马上明白了富翁的意思:富翁吃的瓜虽无青年的瓜大,却比青年吃得多。 如果每块西瓜代表一定程度的利益,那么富翁占有的利益自然比青年多。


  儿童英语阅读材料 篇4

  fail the exam名落孙山

  In the Song Dynasty (宋朝) there was a joker called Sun Shan (孙山). 宋朝有一个很幽默的人,他叫孙山。

  One year he went to take the imperial examination, and came bottom of the list of successful candidates. 有一年他去参加考试,公布名单时他是最后一名。

  Back in his hometown, one of his neighbor asked him whether the neighbor's son had also passed. 回到家,他的邻居向他打听自己的儿子考得怎么样。

  Sun Shan said, with a smile:"Sun Shan was the last on the list. Your son came after Sun Shan." 孙山笑着对邻居说:“孙山考了最后一名,你儿子的名字还在孙山的后面呢。”

  The people used this idiom to indicate failing in an examination or competition.人们用“名落孙山”来比喻考试没有考上或者选拔没有被录取。

  It is never too late to mend.亡羊补牢

  Once upon a time, there was a shepherd who kept several sheep.从前有个人,养了几只羊。

  One morning, the shepherd discovered that one of his sheep was missing.It turned out that, during the night, a wolf had stolen his sheep through a hole in the sheep pen.一天早上,他发现少了一只羊。原来羊圈破了个窟窿,夜间狼从窟窿里钻进来把羊叼走了。

  His neighbor suggested to him: "You should fix the pen and cover the hole right away." 邻居劝告他说:“赶快把羊圈修一修,堵上那个窟窿吧。”

  But the shepherd said: "The sheep is already lost, so I don't need to repair it." And so he rejected the neighbor's suggestion.他说:“羊已经丢了,还修羊圈干什么呢?”他没接受邻居的`劝告。

  The next morning, he discovered that another sheep was missing.Once again, the wolf stole the sheep through the hole in the fence.第二天早上,他去放羊,发现又少了一只羊。原来狼又从窟窿里钻进来把羊叼走了。

  The shepherd regretted not taking the neighbor's advice.So he plugged the hole to secure the sheep pen.他很后悔没有接受邻居的劝告,他赶快堵上那个窟窿,把羊圈修得结结实实的。

  儿童英语阅读材料 篇5

  get on a gravy train 守株待兔

  Once upon a time, there was a farmer.One day, while he was working in the fields, he saw a hare run into a tree stump accidentally and die of a broken neck.从前,有一个农夫。一天,在他耕田的时候,忽然跑过来一只野兔,恰好碰在一个树桩上,脖子折断死了。

  The farmer took the hare home and cooked a delicious meal for himself.农夫把兔子拾回家去,美美地吃了一顿兔肉。

  That night he thought: "I needn't work so hard. All I have to do is wait every day by the stump to pick up the hare that runs into it."当晚,他就想:“我何必辛辛苦苦的种地呢?每天在树桩旁等着捡撞晕的野兔就好了”。

  Sofromthen on he gave up farming, and stood by the tree stump waiting for the hare to come and run into it.于是他从此不再耕种,每天在树桩旁等待野兔的到来。

  Butfromthen on, he never saw another hare run into the tree stump.但是,从那以后,他再没有发现一只野兔撞在树桩上。

  run in opposite directions南辕北辙

  Once a man went to the south, but his carriage was heading north.一次一个人想往南走,但是他的`马车却是朝北走的。

  A passer-by asked him: "If you are going to the south, why is your carriage heading north?"一个过路人问他:“如果你想往南走,为什么你的马车却朝北走呢?”

  The man said, "My horse is good at running, my driver is highly skilled at driving a carriage, and I am rich." 这个人说:“我的马很能跑,我的车夫善于赶车,我又很富有,所以不在乎。”

  The man didn't care the direction might be wrong; the better his conditions were, the further he was far awayfromhis destination. 这个人根本没有考虑到行进的方向也许错了;他的条件越好,反而会离目的地越远。

  This idiom camefromthis story tells that one's action was the opposite effect to one's intention. 这个成语比喻行动和目的正好相反。

  儿童英语阅读材料 篇6

  Theaffairof the east window isexposed./The cat is out of the bag.东窗事发

  During the final years of the Song dynasty (sòng cháo 宋朝), China was invaded by Jin (jīn金) people from the north.宋朝末年,北方的金人来侵犯。

  General Yue Fei led the army in resistance, and defeated the enemy. 将军岳飞率领军队勇敢抵抗,终于把敌人打败。

  Just as he was about to take advantage of his victory and attack the Jin army, he received word that the emperor had ordered him to return. 正想乘胜追击敌人的时候,忽然皇帝下了十二道金牌,命令岳飞和军队立刻回去。

  As it turned out, this was actually a plot of Chin Hui, a Sung dynasty official who was conspiring with the enemy.In order to frame Yue Fei, Chin Hui had tricked him into returning early. 原来这是私通敌人的太师秦桧的诡计,假冒皇帝的.意思来陷害岳飞。

  Chin Hui had thought this plot up together with his wife, under the east window of their house.秦桧的这些诡计,都是他和妻子王氏在家里的东窗下秘密商量出来的。

  Sometime later, Chin Hui and his son Chin Shi died, one right after the other. Chin Hui's wife hired someone who could communicate with ghosts and spirits to come and find out how her husband and son were doing after death.后来秦桧和他的儿子秦僖相继死亡,王氏请了几个研究神鬼灵魂的人来,想知道他们父子死后的情形。

  After he had finished, the man said to her, "I first went to see your son, who told me that your husband was in the city of Feng-du. So I went there and found him doing hard labor, wearing iron cangue. He asked me to tell you that the thing which you two discussed under the east window has already been exposed."来的人在做法以后告诉王氏说:“我先见到了公子秦僖,他告 诉我秦太师在酆都城,我到了酆都城,看见太师正戴着铁枷做苦工呢。他让我转告你,你们在东窗下商量的那件事已经被揭发了。”

  Now, when a wrong-doing is brought to light, it may be said that "the affair of the east window has been exposed."现在当一件丑事被曝光之后,就可以说是:“东窗事发”了。

  call black white (and white black)指鹿为马

  In Qin dynasty, there was a powerful and evil counselor named Zhao Gao.在秦朝,有个很得势的奸臣叫赵高。

  Zhao Gao wanted to rebel, but he didn't know how many people in the court would stand by his side.赵高想造反,但是又不知道群臣中有多少人会支持他。

  So he worked out a way to test the people.于是他想了个办法来测试。

  He presented a deer as a tribute to the emperor in front of the court, and said that it was a swift horse.他在群臣面前送了一头鹿给皇上,并说这是一匹千里马。

  The emperor not accepting his statement said, "This is obviously a deer."皇上不信,说“这明明是鹿啊。”

  Then, Zhao Gao took this opportunity to ask the court, "Is this a deer or a horse?"然后赵高借机问各位大臣,“这是鹿还是马?”

  In the court, those who didn't dare to go against Zhao Gao agreed with him and said that it was a horse, those who dared to go against Zhao Gao said that it was a deer.在大臣中,不敢反抗赵高的都赞同说是马,敢于反对赵高的说是鹿。

  Later, Zhao Gao remembered the counselors who didn't agree with him and persecuted them to solidify his power.后来,赵高记住了这些反对他的人并加以迫害,以巩固自己的势力。

  This story is still popular even today. People use this idiom to describe someone who calls white black.这个故事流传至今,人们用这个成语来形容一个人颠倒黑白。









