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  高考英语阅读题学会分享 1


  (2012·安徽卷)In Asia,there are special competitions where kites have complex designs and are fitted with instruments that make musical sounds as the wind blows through them.Although all kites have a similar structure (结构),they are widely different in size and shape.Kitefighting competitions are also held,in which competitors use their kites to attack and bring down their opponents(对手) kites or cut their strings(线).

  For more than 15 years,the Big Wind Kite Factory has been giving kitemaking and kiteflying classes for the children on an island in Hawaii.In its kitemaking lessons,students can make kites in as little as 20 minutes!Children as young as four years old can learn how to fly a kite.Jonathan Socher and his wife Daphne started the kite factory in 1980.Their kites are made of nylon(尼龙).Their designs are Hawaiian themes created by Daphne.The designs are cut out of the nylon with a hot knife that seals the edges and then fastened directly onto the kite.

  The kite that is used to give lessons is a regular diamond kite with a rainbow pattern.The difference between this kite and the ones they make during the lessons is that it is a twostring controllable kite.Big Wind employees fly the kite and for a few minutes show students how pulling on one line and then on the other controls the direction the kite goes in.Then the controls are given to the students.

  Jonathan insists that it is not necessary to make a huge impressive kite to have fun making and flying kites.Even the simplest structure can work,and can give hours of fun.Go on,give it a try!

  【语篇解读】 一家风筝厂15年来一直坚持为夏威夷一座岛屿上的孩子开设制作风筝和放风筝的课程。

  1.Which of the following is true according to the text?

  A.A hot knife is used to iron the nylon.

  B.Children never fly kites on their own in flying lessons.

  C.Kite strings must not be cut in kitefighting competitions.

  D.Daphne designs kites for the Big Wind Kite Factory.

  答案 D [考查细节理解。根据第二段最后一句可知,使用加热过的刀是切割尼龙,而不是熨烫尼龙,故A错。B项与第三段最后一句“Then the controls are given to the students.”相悖。根据第一段最后一句可知C项错误。由第二段倒数第二句和倒数第四句可知D项表述正确。]

  2.What is different about the kite used for flying lessons?

  A.It has two strings.

B.It is simple in design.

  C.It has a rainbow pattern.

D.It is shaped like a diamond.

  答案 A [考查细节理解。根据第三段第二句“The difference between this kite and the ones they make during the lessons is that it is a twostring controllable kite.”可知,与孩子们在制作课上制作的风筝不同的是飞行课上使用的风筝是双线控制的,故选A。]

  3.According to Jonathan,what do you need to have fun with kites?

  A.A large kite.

B.Any type of kite.

  C.A complex structure.

D.A kite that impresses others.

  答案 B [考查推理判断。最后一段表明的是Jonathan的观点。根据他的观点可推知,他认为即使构造最简单的风筝也可以给你带来快乐,不一定非要制作大而华丽的风筝,故选B。]

  4.What is mainly described in the text?

  A.A kite factory.

B.Kiteflying lessons.

  C.Special competitions.

D.The kitemaking process.

  答案 A [考查主旨大意。通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了一家风筝厂15年来一直坚持为夏威夷一座岛屿上的孩子开设制作风筝和放风筝的课程,故选A。B、C、D三项只是文章的细节,并不是主旨。]

  高考英语阅读题学会分享 2

  The house sprang to life when everyone arrived on Christmas Eve.In the middle of our church service,__1__,my spirits fell.There was no lonelier feeling than standing in the __2__ of ones family singing “Silent Night”—__3__ by an active college daughter; a sweet,gentle daughterinlaw; a handsome,__4__ 25yearold son; a wideeyed,3yearold grandson; and an awkward teenager whose hugs were like wet shoelaces—and be keenly __5__ that someone was missing.Back at home,everyone continued to __6__ the subject.

  “The tree is splendid,Mom,” Molly said.She knelt down and began pulling __7__ out of a shopping bag to add to my pile.

  “I love what you did with the __8__,Pam,” Amy said.“Youre always so __9__”

  “I forgot to buy wrapping paper,” I told her.“I __10__ use newspaper.”

  It was Christmas as usual—easier to __11__ everything was normal than deal with hardhearted __12__.Ross and Patrick quarreled over whose stocking was __13__,and Shane parked himself in front of a bowl of M&Ms.They all got to open the customary one __14__ on Christmas Eve,and after doing so,we went off to bed.It was Christmas __15__—easier to pretend everything was normal than deal with hardhearted reality.

  But there was one __16__ thing that had to be done.I went over to Toms desk,found a red __17__ in the top drawer,and stuck into it a check made out to the American Heart Association.It seemed __18__ “I know the kids—and even I—have to go on with our lives,Tom,” I whispered.“But I wish you were here.”It __19__ to me as I tucked the red envelope midway up the __20__ that one of the kids would say,“Oh,yeah—I remember he always did that.”

  And then there would be a silence and perhaps sheepish looks.I hoped so.


  keenly adv.敏锐地 ②tuck vt.卷起 ③sheepish adj.害羞的

  【语篇解读】 乐善好施的Tom永远地离开了我们,在圣诞前夕,我们都非常怀念他,但是大家都避免谈起他,以免彼此伤心。在整理Tom的抽屉时“我”发现了Tom打算捐给基金会的支票,这又一次勾起“我”对他的思念。

  1.A.however B.therefore C.still D.then

  答案 A [前后为转折关系,因此用however。]

  2.A.front B.corner C.midst D.back

  答案 C [联系空后我们知道,“我”被家人所包围,因此应在家庭成员的中间。]

  3.A.forced B.asked C.located D.surrounded

  答案 D [“我”在中间唱Silent Night,家人围绕着“我”。force表示“强迫”;locate表示“放置”。]

  4.A.successful B.tall C.strict D.lazy

  答案 A [一个英俊的、成功的25岁的儿子。B、C均有一定的干扰性,tall指长相,与空前的handsome重复;其他选项中,strict不能表达自己对儿子的喜爱。]

  5.A.sad B.worried C.aware D.disappointed

  答案 C [联系下文我们意识到,Tom已经离开了这家人,因此是自已敏锐地意识到,有人离开。]

  6.A.take B.avoid C.discuss D.mention

  答案 B [空后的the subject指someone was missing,再联系下文每个人的举动我们知道,大家都避开这个话题。]

  7.A.gifts B.food C.pictures D.books

  答案 A [联系下文“They all got to open the customary one __14__ on Christmas Eve”,可以知道,Molly为他们买了礼物,把礼物从袋子中拿出来。]

  8.A.tree B.wrappings C.design D.shopping

  答案 B [联系下文“I forgot to buy wrapping paper.”我们知道,这里在谈包装的事情。]

  9.A.considerate B.kind C.careful D.creative

  答案 D [联系下文可知,用报纸当包装纸,因此Amy说“我”很有创造力。]

  10.A.can B.should C.had to D.need

  答案 C [因为忘了买包装纸,因此“不得不”用报纸。]

  11.A.pretend B.assure C.suppose D.guess

  答案 A [联系下文“easier to pretend everything was normal”可以得出答案。]

  12.A.difficulties B.feelings C.reality D.problems

  答案 C [从下文的“deal with hardhearted reality”可以得出答案。]

  13.A.there B.better C.whose D.empty

  答案 C [他们在为袜子的归属争论不休,因此用whose。B有一定的干扰性,联系上下文可知,他们并没有对袜子的好坏进行评判。]

  14.A.party B.present C.dinner D.meeting

  答案 B [联系上文的“She knelt down and began pulling(gifts)out of a shopping bag to add to my pile.”可知,现在人们分得平安夜的传统礼物。 ]

  15.A.in reality B.by accidentC.on purpose D.as usual

  答案 D [联系上文的“It was Christmas as usual”可以得出答案。]

  16.A.good B.important C.more D.sad

  答案 C [在其他事情做完后,“我”还有一件事情。]

  17.A.envelope B.letter C.note D.stocking

  答案 A [联系下文的“It __19__ to me as I tucked(卷起)the red envelope midway up.”可以得出答案。]

  18.A.endless B.impossible C.appropriate D.strange

  答案 C [这是对Tom做法的肯定,这似乎是合适的。]

  19.A.occurred B.seemed C.appeared D.came

  答案 A [It occurs to me that...为固定句型,意思是“我突然想到……”that后面的主语从句是想到的内容。]

  20.A.bed B.tree C.wall D.drawer

  答案 B [“我”要把Tom的信封挂在树上。]

  维C 阅读理解(每题2分,满分分)

  高考英语阅读题学会分享 3

  Just weeks after a fire roared through her apartment complex,Jessica Arias was looking on the bright side.Arias says she has plenty to be thankful for—she is already living in a new place,working on replacing her wardrobe and belongings.

  Arias was among the 32 residents displaced by a kitchen fire that spread through the Radcliffe Apartments at 366 W.Olive Ave,on the morning of Oct.28,damaging 17 units.

  Things looked bleak for Arias on the day of the fire,when she first spoke to the Sunnyvale Sun,but within the past few weeks,Arias has managed to turn her file around.Just a few days before Thanksgiving,she talked about what it has been like to rebuild her life.

  “At least I have my health,and that is what is most important,” says Arias,31,who escaped the flames that morning with her purse,cell phone and a handful of important documents.

  As the fire turned her belongings to ash,she stood on the opposite side of the street looking on.During the fire,Arias called her coworker Charli Freeman,who jumped in her truck and immediately drove to be by Arias side.“It wasnt even a conscious thought,” Freeman said.“I didnt want her to be by herself.” Arias is from the East Coast and does not have family in California,but friends and coworkers came to the rescue.

  As word spread through her office,coworkers dug into their pockets and collected money to help Arias get back on her feet.Two women from her workplace took Arias the money that day,along with a jacket from a coworker to keep her warm while she stood outside.They also brought her photos of her boyfriend for comfort.


  bleak adj. 阴暗的

  【语篇解读】 本文是记叙文。大火无情人有情,大火使Arias几乎失去所有财产,但同事们的帮助使她重新振作起来了。

  1.We can learn from the passage that the kitchen fire ______.

  A.started from Arias kitchen

  B.left many people homeless

  C.was put out in a short time

  D.only destroyed Arias home

  答案 B [细节理解题。从文章第二段可知,厨房失火引发的火灾使32家居民失去了家园。]

  2.Charli Freeman came to Arias help because ________.

  A.she was sent by Arias boyfriend

  B.she was Arias best friend

  C.she came on behalf of the coworkers

  D.she thought it was natural to help a coworker

  答案 D [细节理解题。从文章倒数第二段可知,同事接到Arias的电话后想都没想就来帮助她,这说明同事认为帮助Arias是很自然的事情。]

  3.We can infer from the passage that Arias ________.

  A.is still sad about the things lost in the fire

  B.is struggling to find a new place to live

  C.has a positive attitude towards what happened

  D.has rescued much of her belongings

  答案 C [推理判断题。从文章第一段可推断出,她现在已经摆脱了大火的阴影,开始积极面对生活。]

  4.The passage is best regarded as a story of ________ as a whole.

  A.adventure B.luck

  C.kindness D.surprise

  答案 C [主旨大意题。综合全文可知,本文主要介绍了同事们对Arias无私、热情的帮助,因此C项符合逻辑。]

  维D 根据短文内容,从下框的A~F选项中选出能概括每一段主题的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余项。(每题2分,满分10分)

  Ways to Motivate Others


  As a leader you need to treat the people helping you with the most respect and kindness.Hand out your praise when its necessary.You might not know it,but its a big motivation booster(助推器) when people are treated right.People enjoy knowing when theyre doing a good job and enjoy working with people that treat others with kindness.


  If there are certain tasks that youre allowed to delegate to others,by all means choose someone to take responsibility for that task.When people are fully responsible,theyll be more likely to find the motivation to complete the task.This is because,as a part of a group,they may not feel like their hard work matters,but when theyre responsible it certainly matters.They also know that theyre being held accountable for the success or failure of the project.


  Think long and hard about how your goal setting abilities can teach you how to motivate others.You dont want to set goals that are too easy.Your team might reach them quickly but they wont be pushed to become the best they can be.On the other end,you dont want to set goals that are unattainable (无法实现的) either.Your team will quickly lose motivation because theyll never get the feeling of having met their goals.You want to find a goal that would push them to achieve just a little more than they have in the past and keep going from there.


  You may not want to be personal friends with your colleagues,but that doesnt mean that you cant get to know them as people.Keep lines of communication open and get to know your team by paying attention to their wants,needs,strengths and weaknesses.People are smart and theyll know when they have a leader that cares and a leader that doesnt.Theyll certainly be more motivated to work hard for somebody that cares about them.


  Nobody likes to be left in the dark.Make sure that youre open about your thinking and decisions with the people youre motivating.Sure,sometimes there will be things that youre not supposed to share.You just need to make an effort to spread the word around when you can communicate important issues.

  答案 1.C 2.E 3.A 4.B 5.F



  1.A common sight is that of old Persian men sitting in the corner talking loudly about world topics,watching news events on TV,drinking a black tea known as Persian chai,an reading local Persian newspaper all the while trying to finish off their plates piled with food.




  答案 人们常常(在餐馆)可以看见一些年长的波斯人坐在角落里,用餐的同时一直在高声地谈论时政、看电视新闻报道、品一种名叫Persian chai的红茶并读当地的波斯语报纸。

  本句有五个并列的现在分词短语作men的后置定语,一个过去分词短语piled with food作后置定语,修饰plates。

  2.There has long been debate in the scientific community that the two might be separate species,but this is the most convincing scientific evidence so far that they are indeed different species.




  答案 科学界长期就有两种(大象)是不同种类的争论,但这是迄今为止(证明)它们确实是不同种类的最有说服力的科学依据。


  3.The real reason why I ask students to leave technology at the door is that I think there are very few places in which we can have deep conversions and truly engage complex ideas.




  答案 我让学生们把科技手段都丢在门口的真正原因是在这些场合下我们才能进行深入讨论,真正地探讨复杂的观点,但这样的场合太少见了。

  The reason why...is that...为高中常见句型,why引导定语从句,先行词为reason,that引导表语从句,I think可以认为是插入语,“介词+which”引导定语从句,先行词为places。

  4.As I opened the basement door,before us lay the biggest room,full of amazing things like guns,dolls,and old clothes.




  答案 我打开地下室的门,展现在我面前的是最大的一间房,里面装满了令人叹为观止的东西,比如枪,玩具,还有旧衣服。


  5.One of the common problems with making excuses is that people,especially young people,get the idea that it is okay not to be totally honest all the time.





  答案 编造借口的一个普遍问题就是人们,尤其是年轻人有个观点就是不必总是完全诚实。


  6.It was not until this moment when I considered myself truly different that my writing acquired a voice.





  答案 正是当我考虑到自己真正与别人不同这一时刻,我才获得了写作的“灵感”。

  本句主干为It was not until...that...构成的强调句式,在被强调部分中when引导定语从句,其先行词为this moment。

  高考英语阅读题学会分享 4

  The impression you make at the beginning of an interview is very important. Employers often decide to hire someone in the first three minutes of the interview. They judge you by your appearance, attitude (态度) and manners.

  A friendly smile when you walk into the room is important. A smile shows a confident (自信的) and positive attitude.

  When you introduce yourself, make eyes contact with the interviewer. Some interviewers offer a hand??shake. Others dont.

  Try to be as natural as possible. But pay attention to your body language. The way you sit, walk, gesture, use your voice and show feeling on your face are all parts of your body language. It makes the interviewer know how you feel about yourself and the situation you are in. Are you feeling positive about yourself? Your abilities? Your interest in the job?

  Speak clearly and loudly enough. Show interest and enthusiasm in your voice. When you speak, look at the interviewer. Also dont say negative things about yourself, or former employers.

  Listen to questions carefully. If you dont understand a question, ask the interviewer to repeat or explain.

  "Im sorry, but I didnt catch that."

  "Im not sure exactly what you mean."

  Almost everyone is nervous in a job interview. Interviewers know that. They dont expect you to be totally calm and relaxed. But they expect you to try to control your nervousness. They expect you to show confidence in your ability to do the job.

  At the end of the interview, thank the interviewer for her or him. Its a good idea to send a short thank-you letter right after the interview, or deliver it by hand.

  Phone the company if you have not heard anything after one week. Ask if they have make a decision about the job.

  21. It can be inferred from the passage that ________.

  A. you should always put on a smile when meeting the employer

  B. you should stand still with respect before the employer

  C. the first impression is very important in an interview

  D. employers understand and like employees nervousness

  22. Why should we pay attention to our body language?

  A. Because it can help us win the employers positive impression.

  B. Because it can help us feel about the employer.

  C. Because it is needed by our employer.

  D. Because we need it to improve our feeling.

  23. The main purpose of the passage is ________.

  A. to give you some advice on the art of finding a job

  B. to tell from wrong about job interviews

  C. to explain why we should do something about an interview

  D. to suggest not being shy in an interview

  24. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

  A. A Friendly Smile B. Making a Good Impression

  C. Dont Be Nervous D. Sending a Thank-You Letter


  21. C 推断题。据文章的第一、二句可知。

  22. A 细节题。据第四段最后3句可知。

  23. A 推断题。由第一段可知:本文意在教会读者如何参加面试。








高考英语阅读题 文学欣赏02-27

