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  For more than 10years there has been a bigger rise in car crime than in most other types ofcrime. An average of more than two cars a minute are broken into,vandalized(破坏)orstolen in the UK. Car crime accounts for almost a third of all reportedoffences with no signs that the trend is slowing down.

  Although there arehighly professional criminals involved in car theft,almost 90 percent of car crime is committed by theopportunist. Amateur thieves are aided by our carelessness. When the AutomobileAssociation(AA)engineerssurveyed one town centre car park last year,10 percentof cars checked were unlocked,a figure backed up by a Home Officenational survey that found 12 percent of drivers sometimes left their carsunlocked.

  The vehicles aresitting in petrol stations while drivers pay for their fuel. The AA hasdiscovered that cars are left unattended for an average of three minutes—and sometimes much longer—as drivers buy drinks,cigarettesand other consumer items and then pay at the counter. With payment by creditcard more and more common,it is not unusual for a driver to be out ofhis car as long as six minutes providing the car thief with a goldenopportunity.

  In an exclusive AAsurvey,carried out at a busy garage on a main roadout of London,300 motorists were questioned over threedays of the holiday period. 24 percent admitted that they“always”or“sometimes”leave the keys in the car. This means that nationwide,a million cars daily become easy targets for theopportunist thief.

  The AA recommendslocking up whenever you leave the car—and for however short a period. Apartially open sunroof or window is a further come-on to thieves.

  Leaving valuablesin view is an invitation to the criminal. A Manchester probationary (假释期)service research project,whichinterviewed almost 100 car thieves last year,found manywould investigate a coat thrown on a seat. Never leave any documents showingyour home address in the car. If you have a garage,use it and lock it—a garagedcar is at substantially less risk.

  There are manyother traps to avoid. The Home Office has found little awareness among driversabout safe parking. Most motorists questioned made no efforts to avoid parkingin quiet spots away from street lights—just the places thieves love. The AAadvises drivers to park in places with people around-thieves do not likeaudiences.

  61. The passage seems to imply that payment bycredit card .

  A. is preferablefor safe parking B.is now a common practice

  C. takes longerthan necessary D.aids a car thief in a way

  62. Which of the following statements is correct?

  A. In the UK,a million cars are stolen daily.

  B. In the UK,there are amateur car thieves only.

  C. There are morecar crimes than any other type of offences.

  D. One in tendrivers invites car theft due to carelessness.

  63. The researches mentioned in the passage on cartheft include all the following EXCEPT

  A. checkingprivate garages B.interviewing motorists

  C. questioning carthieves D.examining parking lots

  64. The best way for a driver to avoid car theftis .

  A. leavingdocuments showing one’s home address in the car

  B. locking one’scar in a parking lot at any time

  C. not leaving thecar unattended for longer than necessary

  D. not leaving asunroof or window partially open

  65. In the last paragraph,the term“safeparking”means .

  A. not parkingunder street lights

  B. not parking infront of a theatre or cinema

  C. avoiding trapsset by a possible car thief

  D. parking where alot of people pass by










  61. 【正确答案】D


  【解析过程】文章似乎暗示:信用卡付账 。

  A. 是更加适合安全停车 B.是如今一个普遍的做法

  C. 要比需要花费更长的时间 D.以某种方式帮助了窃贼

  线索:文章的第3段提到“Withpayment by credit card more and more common,it is notunusual for a driver to be out of his car as long as six minutes providing thecar thief with a golden opportunity”表明D答案为正确选项。选项B是比较符合常识的一个判断,但原文中是没有提到的。


  62. 【正确答案】D



  A. 在英国,每天有一百万辆汽车被盗。

  B. 在英国仅仅有业余窃贼。

  C. 和其他的类型犯罪相比,汽车盗窃更多。

  D. 由于粗心,1/10的司机吸引了窃贼。

  线索:文章的第1段提到“Whenthe Automobile Association(AA)engineerssurveyed one town centre car park last year,10 percentof cars checked were unlocked”表明答案D为正确选项。A选项原文没有提到,而且也不符合常识,每天有100万的汽车丢失不太可能。B选项过于绝对化了,英国不可能只有业余窃贼。C选项原文是没有提到的。


  63. 【正确答案】A


  【解析过程】文章中提到的关于汽车盗窃的所有研究包括下面全部,除了 。

  A. 检查私人的汽车修理厂 B.和摩托车司机谈话

  C. 询问那些汽车窃贼 D.检查停车场

  线索1:文章的第4段提到,“300 motorists were questioned over three days of theholiday period 24 percent”表明选项B正确。

  线索2:文章的第5段“A Manchester probationary(假释期)service research project,whichinterviewed almost 100 car thieves last year”,表明选项C正确。

  线索3:文章的第6段“(AA)engineers surveyed one town centre car parklast year”,表明选项D正确。


  64. 【正确答案】B


  【解析过程】一个司机避免汽车窃贼的最好的方法是 。

  A. 把写明家庭地址的文件留在汽车里

  B. 任何时候都把车锁在停车场里

  C. 汽车无人照看的时间不要长于必要的时间

  D. 不要把天窗和车窗部分地开着

  线索:文章的第5段提到“The AArecommends locking up whenever you leave the car—and forhowever short a period. A partially open sunroof or window is a further come-onto thieves.”的内容和最后一段的内容,我们可以推理出答案选项B。


  65. 【正确答案】D


  【解析过程】文章的最后一段“安全停车”的含义是 。

  A. 不要停放在路灯下面 B.不要停放在剧院或电影院的前面

  C. 避免汽车窃贼设计的陷阱 D.停放在许多人路过的地方

  线索:文章的第7段提到“Mostmotorists questioned made no efforts to avoid parking in quiet spots away fromstreet lights just the places thieves love.”表明答案D为正确选项。选项A和 B不正确的原因是与原文正好相反。









