
时间:2024-05-30 03:20:18 英语写作 我要投稿







  1 、词

  ( 1 )记单词并不难,因为任何事物都是有规律的:

  • eye, see, seek, meet, sleep

  • look, book,

  • water, wave, way, wall

  • line, lie, life, live, long, light

  • eat, seat, meat, wheat, heat, neat, cheat, beat,

  • heroine, Family, IM2BZ2CU

  • two, twice, twins, twenty, between

  ( 2 )用构词法扩大词汇量

  • antidisestablishmentarianism

  • Anti+dis+establish+ment+ary+ian+ism

  • antibody, antiwar, antifreeze, antismoking,

  • dislike, disappear, disagree, disadvantage,

  • movement, agreement, department

  • revolutionary, primary, ordinary, necessary

  • Italian, musician, guardian,

  • Marxism, socialism, communism, tourism

  ( 3 )注意词汇的翻译

  • 看黑板

  • 看电视/比赛

  • 看电影/病

  • 看望某人

  • 看孩子

  • 看着点!

  • 看天气

  • 尝尝看

  • 试试看

  • 看起来高兴

  • look at the blackboard

  • watch TV/a game

  • see a movie/a doctor

  • visit/call on someone

  • take care of the children

  • Watch out!

  • depend on the weather

  • just taste this

  • have a try

  • seem happy

  2 、句


  • 主 + 谓

  • 主 + 谓 + 宾

  • 主 + 谓 + 双宾

  • 主 + 谓 + 宾 + 宾补

  • 主 + 连系动词 + 表

  例一:主 + 连系动词 + 表

  To be

  He is a student.

  He is a middle school student.

  My friend Li Ming is a middle school student.

  Li Ming, one of my best friends, is a middle school student.

  Li Ming, who is one of my best friends, is a middle school student.

  例二: To be considered

  人物 Yao Ming is considered one of the greatest basketball players in NBA.

  景点 The Great Wall is considered one of the wonders in the world like the Pyramids.

  事物 Computer is considered one of the greatest inventions of the last century.


  I go to school. 4

  Last year I went back to school. 7

  Last year I went back to school to visit my teachers. 11

  During Spring Festival I went back to the middle school to visit my former teachers.15

  During Spring Festival I went back to the middle school where I had studied for 6 years to visit my former teachers.22


  I see a car.

  The other day, while I was walking along the road, I saw a car running fast.

  Yesterday morning, when I got to school, I saw many people sitting at the back of the classroom.


  When I sing, she dances.

  She dances when I sing.

  When she dances, I sing.

  I sing when she dances.

  If I sing, she will dance.

  If she dances, I will sing.

  句子练习 1

  1 ) We have made some progress.

  We still have a long way to go.

  We have made some progress but still have a long way to go.

  2 ) The house is not big enough for us.

  It is far from the town.

  The house is not big enough for us, and further more, it is too far from the town.

  句子练习 2

  3 ) The sky was cloudless.

  The sun was shining brightly.

  The sky was cloudless with the sun shining brightly.

  4 ) There were over two hundred passengers on board. About one third of them were foreigners.

  There were over two hundred passengers on board, about one third of whom were foreigners.

  句子练习 3

  5 ) The girl began to learn to play the piano when she was a child.

  Her mother was a famous pianist.

  The girl, whose mother was a famous pianist, began to learn to play the piano as a child.

  3 、篇章写作




  Travel by air or by train

  I like travelling by air. When I travel, I always choose flying. It is faster than by train. Trains are slow and noisy. So I like travelling by air.

  Travel by air or by train

  I like travelling by air because it is fast and comfortable. When I travel, I always choose flying. It is much faster than by train. Trains are slow and noisy. So I prefer taking flight to going by train.

  I like travelling by air because it is fast and comfortable. Taking a trip from Beijing to Guangzhou for example, it takes only 3 hours by air while if I travel by train, it takes 13 hours. Train travel is almost always slower than flying. Sometimes trains make unexpected stops to allow other trains to pass. What's more, You can't go to sleep with the noise. Most airlines have meal service and they offer drinks with several options to choose.

  So I prefer taking flight to going by train.


  When we go on a trip, we will be faced with the choice of traveling by train or by plane. As for me, I would like travelling by train.

  First of all, the railway station is not as far as the airport so it is easy and quickly to get there by bus or taxi. Second, in a train we can enjoy the beautiful scenery of the countryside. While in a plane we can only view some clouds. What's more, a train ticker is cheap so most of us can afford it. However, a plane ticket is about twice as expensive as a train ticket. Besides, it is safer to travel by train. If the train gets some trouble, we survive by jumping out of it. On the contrary, if we travel by plane, we have to ask God to bless us. However, it takes us longer time to travel by train than by plane.

  Therefore, it depends on which transportation tool we should choose. If we just want to save money, we will travel by train. But if we want to save time, we will turn to the plane.



  在展示范文中,有意识地让学生总结划出好词好句,或者让学生加入新鲜的词汇或句型,使学生敢于评价范文、超越范文。 还可以鼓励学生从高一开始准备一个积累本,从课文中、课外阅读中收集好词好句,每周定期交流分享。 Eg. The picture reminds me of a common social phenomenon that… “对......有害”: be bad for/do harm to/ be harmful to/ have bad effects on…



  这里想让听课的老师们停一下,给大家 5 分钟的时间相互讨论一下自己在教学中常用的方法,并记录下来。


  传统写作教学模式:给出题目 —— 提出要求 —— 课上完成 —— 教师批改。这几个环节都是由教师决定的,写作教学内容或话题由教师决定后强加给学生,以致无法激发学生的表达欲望和兴趣。写作要求也是教师提出来到,在教学中较少关注情感因素对写的激励、促进作用;教师只给学生有限的时间,教师批改后仅仅给个分数使学生不知道如何改进。练来练去,就这几种形式,久而久之学生对写作失去兴趣。教师们对学生失望的同时,很少考虑学生为什么写不出写不好。



  这里给大家介绍杨生栋老师写的一篇文章 《美国学生写作课带给我们的思考》

  美国的学生上作文课和中国有很多不同之处,其中有一条就是不要求学生当堂完成写作任务,他们可以到图书馆查资料,可以实地调查访问,给学生充分思考和准备的余地。作文命题也很广,关注人生,关注学生未来的发展,与社会和现实生活联系紧密,并且追求真实和实用。相反,中国的学生要按写作要求行文,如所写内容必须在话题范围之内,不能超出话题,不得抄袭,字数不少于 60 字,但也不能超出太多等等。



















  1 、词

  ( 1 )记单词并不难,因为任何事物都是有规律的:

  • eye, see, seek, meet, sleep

  • look, book,

  • water, wave, way, wall

  • line, lie, life, live, long, light

  • eat, seat, meat, wheat, heat, neat, cheat, beat,

  • heroine, Family, IM2BZ2CU

  • two, twice, twins, twenty, between

  ( 2 )用构词法扩大词汇量

  • antidisestablishmentarianism

  • Anti+dis+establish+ment+ary+ian+ism

  • antibody, antiwar, antifreeze, antismoking,

  • dislike, disappear, disagree, disadvantage,

  • movement, agreement, department

  • revolutionary, primary, ordinary, necessary

  • Italian, musician, guardian,

  • Marxism, socialism, communism, tourism

  ( 3 )注意词汇的翻译

  • 看黑板

  • 看电视/比赛

  • 看电影/病

  • 看望某人

  • 看孩子

  • 看着点!

  • 看天气

  • 尝尝看

  • 试试看

  • 看起来高兴

  • look at the blackboard

  • watch TV/a game

  • see a movie/a doctor

  • visit/call on someone

  • take care of the children

  • Watch out!

  • depend on the weather

  • just taste this

  • have a try

  • seem happy

  2 、句


  • 主 + 谓

  • 主 + 谓 + 宾

  • 主 + 谓 + 双宾

  • 主 + 谓 + 宾 + 宾补

  • 主 + 连系动词 + 表

  例一:主 + 连系动词 + 表

  To be

  He is a student.

  He is a middle school student.

  My friend Li Ming is a middle school student.

  Li Ming, one of my best friends, is a middle school student.

  Li Ming, who is one of my best friends, is a middle school student.

  例二: To be considered

  人物 Yao Ming is considered one of the greatest basketball players in NBA.

  景点 The Great Wall is considered one of the wonders in the world like the Pyramids.

  事物 Computer is considered one of the greatest inventions of the last century.


  I go to school. 4

  Last year I went back to school. 7

  Last year I went back to school to visit my teachers. 11

  During Spring Festival I went back to the middle school to visit my former teachers.15

  During Spring Festival I went back to the middle school where I had studied for 6 years to visit my former teachers.22


  I see a car.

  The other day, while I was walking along the road, I saw a car running fast.

  Yesterday morning, when I got to school, I saw many people sitting at the back of the classroom.


  When I sing, she dances.

  She dances when I sing.

  When she dances, I sing.

  I sing when she dances.

  If I sing, she will dance.

  If she dances, I will sing.

  句子练习 1

  1 ) We have made some progress.

  We still have a long way to go.

  We have made some progress but still have a long way to go.

  2 ) The house is not big enough for us.

  It is far from the town.

  The house is not big enough for us, and further more, it is too far from the town.

  句子练习 2

  3 ) The sky was cloudless.

  The sun was shining brightly.

  The sky was cloudless with the sun shining brightly.

  4 ) There were over two hundred passengers on board. About one third of them were foreigners.

  There were over two hundred passengers on board, about one third of whom were foreigners.

  句子练习 3

  5 ) The girl began to learn to play the piano when she was a child.

  Her mother was a famous pianist.

  The girl, whose mother was a famous pianist, began to learn to play the piano as a child.

  3 、篇章写作




  Travel by air or by train

  I like travelling by air. When I travel, I always choose flying. It is faster than by train. Trains are slow and noisy. So I like travelling by air.

  Travel by air or by train

  I like travelling by air because it is fast and comfortable. When I travel, I always choose flying. It is much faster than by train. Trains are slow and noisy. So I prefer taking flight to going by train.

  I like travelling by air because it is fast and comfortable. Taking a trip from Beijing to Guangzhou for example, it takes only 3 hours by air while if I travel by train, it takes 13 hours. Train travel is almost always slower than flying. Sometimes trains make unexpected stops to allow other trains to pass. What's more, You can't go to sleep with the noise. Most airlines have meal service and they offer drinks with several options to choose.

  So I prefer taking flight to going by train.


  When we go on a trip, we will be faced with the choice of traveling by train or by plane. As for me, I would like travelling by train.

  First of all, the railway station is not as far as the airport so it is easy and quickly to get there by bus or taxi. Second, in a train we can enjoy the beautiful scenery of the countryside. While in a plane we can only view some clouds. What's more, a train ticker is cheap so most of us can afford it. However, a plane ticket is about twice as expensive as a train ticket. Besides, it is safer to travel by train. If the train gets some trouble, we survive by jumping out of it. On the contrary, if we travel by plane, we have to ask God to bless us. However, it takes us longer time to travel by train than by plane.

  Therefore, it depends on which transportation tool we should choose. If we just want to save money, we will travel by train. But if we want to save time, we will turn to the plane.



  在展示范文中,有意识地让学生总结划出好词好句,或者让学生加入新鲜的词汇或句型,使学生敢于评价范文、超越范文。 还可以鼓励学生从高一开始准备一个积累本,从课文中、课外阅读中收集好词好句,每周定期交流分享。 Eg. The picture reminds me of a common social phenomenon that… “对......有害”: be bad for/do harm to/ be harmful to/ have bad effects on…



  这里想让听课的老师们停一下,给大家 5 分钟的时间相互讨论一下自己在教学中常用的方法,并记录下来。


  传统写作教学模式:给出题目 —— 提出要求 —— 课上完成 —— 教师批改。这几个环节都是由教师决定的,写作教学内容或话题由教师决定后强加给学生,以致无法激发学生的表达欲望和兴趣。写作要求也是教师提出来到,在教学中较少关注情感因素对写的激励、促进作用;教师只给学生有限的时间,教师批改后仅仅给个分数使学生不知道如何改进。练来练去,就这几种形式,久而久之学生对写作失去兴趣。教师们对学生失望的同时,很少考虑学生为什么写不出写不好。



  这里给大家介绍杨生栋老师写的一篇文章 《美国学生写作课带给我们的思考》

  美国的学生上作文课和中国有很多不同之处,其中有一条就是不要求学生当堂完成写作任务,他们可以到图书馆查资料,可以实地调查访问,给学生充分思考和准备的余地。作文命题也很广,关注人生,关注学生未来的发展,与社会和现实生活联系紧密,并且追求真实和实用。相反,中国的学生要按写作要求行文,如所写内容必须在话题范围之内,不能超出话题,不得抄袭,字数不少于 60 字,但也不能超出太多等等。