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  职称英语全称是全国专业技术人员职称英语等级考试,职称英语是评定职称所必须通过的科目,由人事部组织的全国统一考试。分综合与人文、理工、卫生和财经四大类,各类又分为A、B、C三个级别,职称英语考试虽分成四个类别,但各类别考试的题型、题量、试题的难易程度基本一致,差别只在于考试的内容。考试一般定为每年4月的第二个星期日。2001年底开始,统一各级题型,试的难度相对往年有所加深。 以下是2017职称英语《理工B》完形填空模拟题及答案汇总。




  Migrant (移民的) Workers

  In the past twenty years, there has been an increasing tendency for workers to move from one country to another. While some countries have restricted most __________ (51) to local people,others have attracted and welcomed migrant workers. This is particularly the case in the Middle East, __________ (52) increased oil incomes have enabled many countries to call in outsiders to improve local facilities. Thus the Middle East has attracted oilworkers __________ (53) the U. S. A. and Europe. It has brought in workers from many countries, __________ (54) South Korea and Japan.

  In view of the difficult living and worldng __________ (55) in the Middle East, it is not surprising that the pay is high to attract suitable workers. Many engineers and technicians can __________ (56) at least twice as much money in the Middle East as they can in their own country, and this is a major __________ (57)

  Sometimes a disadvantage has a compensating ( 补偿的 )advantage. For example, the __________ (58)living conditions often lead to increased friendship when workers have to __________ (59) on each other for safety and comfort. In a similar way, many migrant workers can save large sums of money partly because of the __________ (60) of entertainment facilities. The work is often complex and full of problems but this merely __________ (61) greater challenge to engineers who prefer to find solutions to problems rather than do routine work in their home country.

  One major problem which __________ (62) migrant workers in the Middle East is that their jobs are temporary ones. They are nearly always on __________ (63) , so it is not easy for them to plan ahead with great confidence. This is to be __________ (64) since no country welcomes a large number of foreign workers as permanent residents. In any __________ (65), migrant workers accept this disadvantage, along with others, because of the considerable financial benefits which they receive.

  51. A. cases

  B. jobs

  C. activities

  D. uses

  52. A. which

  B. what

  C. who

  D. where

  53.A. from

  B. with

  C. in

  D. of

  54. A. opposing

  B. limiting

  C. including

  D. asking

  55. A. parts

  B. conditions

  C. methods

  D. clothes

  56. A. earn

  B. borrow

  C. change

  D. cost

  57. A. role

  B. difficulty

  C. event

  D. attraction

  58. A. necessary

  B. normal

  C. difficult

  D. good

  59. A. depend

  B. look

  C. base

  D. go

  60. A. range

  B. lack

  C. lot

  D. number

  61. A. presents

  B. accepts

  C. takes

  D. meets

  62. A. invites

  B. affects

  C. needs

  D. reflects

  63. A. investment

  B. strike

  C. contract

  D. duty

  64. A. suggested

  B. reported

  C. indicated

  D. expected

  65. A. time

  B. attempt

  C. way

  D. case


  51.B。从上下文的语境来看,尽管多数的国家都限制只将绝大多数的___________ 给当地人,但是其他国家还是吸引和欢迎移民来的工人。四个选项{ob(工作),cases(个案),activities(活动),uses(使用)分别代入,job符合语境。



  54.C。从上下文的语境来看,中东引进了___________ 韩国和日本在内的许多国家的工人,显然including(包括)符合语境。

  55.B。从上下文的语境来看,考虑到中东的艰苦生活和工作___________ ,用高工资吸引合适的工人也就不奇怪了。四个选项conditions(条件),role(作用),difficulty(困难),event(事件)中,condition符合语境。



  58.C。从上下文的语境来看,有时候,不利的地方也可以从有利的地方中得到补偿。例如,在___________ 的劳动条件下,工人们不得不为了安全和舒服相互___________ 时促使友谊加深。从第二段的第一句话可以知道应该是difficult(困难)工作条件。其他三个选项necessary(必需的),normal(正常的),good(好的)都不符合语境。

  59.A。语境同上。这里考查固定搭配。depend on(依靠,依赖),look on(观看,旁观),base on(以……为基础),go on(继续,发生)。这里depend on符合语境。




  63.c。上一句中谈到的句子是最后一段的主题句。接着应该是说明___________ 。所在的句子就是说明。意思是:他们差不多总是订合同的,因而不大可能很有信心地超前安排。“合同”用contract。


  65.D。从上下文的语境来看,不管怎么样,迁移来的工人只能接受这种以及其他方面的不利之处,因为他们得到的经济方面的好处还是很多的。“不管怎么样”用in any case。

  二、 第6部分:完形填空(第51"-'-'65题,每题l分,共15分)


  Influence from Internet

  There can be no doubt at all that the Intemet has made a huge difference to our lives. Parents are worried that children spend too much time playing on the Intemet, hardly ___________ (51) doing anything else in their spare time. Naturally, parents are ___________ (52) to find out why the Interact is so attractive, and they want to know if it can be ___________ (53) for their children. Should parents worry if their children are spending that much time ___________ (54) their computers?

  Obviously; if children are bent over their computers for hours, ___________ (55) in some game,instead of doing their homework, then something is wrong. Parents and children could decide how much use the child should ___________ (56) of the Intemet and the child should give ___________ (57) to parents that it won't interfere with homework. If the child is not ___________ (58 ) to this arrangement,the parent can take more drastic ___________ (59) dealing with a child's use of the Intemet, which is not much ___________ (60) from any other sort of bargain about behaviour.

  Any parent who is ___________ (61) alarmed about a child's behaviour should make an appointment to ___________ (62) the matter with a teacher. Spending time in front of the screen does not ___________ (63) affect a child's performance at school. Even ifa child is ___________ (64) crazy about using the Intemet, he or she is probably just ___________ (65) through a phase, and in a few months there will be something else to worry about!

  5l. A. always

  B. rarely

  C. never

  D. ever

  52. A. worried

  B. concerned

  C. curious D. hopeful

  53. A. harming

  B. harmful

  C. hurting

  D. hurtful

  54. A. stating at

  B. glancing at

  C. looking D. watching

  55. A. supposed

  B. occupied

  C. interested

  D. absorbed

  56. A. do

  B. have

  C. make

  D. create

  57. A. word

  B. promise

  C. vow

  D. claim

  58. A. holding

  B. sticking

  C. following

  D. accepting

  59. A. rules

  B. procedures

  C. regulations

  D. steps

  60. A. common

  B. different

  C. positive

  D. negative

  61. A. widely

  B. heavily

  C. seriously

  D. broadly

  62. A. speak

  B. discuss

  C. talk

  D. debate

  63. A. possibly

  B. necessarily

  C. probably

  D. consequently

  64. A. absolutely

  B. more

  C. quite

  D. a lot

  65. A. going

  B. passing

  C. travelling

  D. walking


  51.C。本题是考查词汇的。题干:一个国家的生活标准,因此首先__________它生产财富的能力。四个选项,callon意为“号召,拜访”,geton意为“进展”,dependon意为“依赖,取决于”,take on意为“穿上,承担”,分别代入原文可知C为正确选项。

  52.A。本题是考查固定搭配的。题干:财富__________不是指金钱。in this sense意思是“在这个意义上”,因此A是正确选项。相关短语in some sense意为“在某种意义上,在某种程度上”。

  53.B。本题是考查词汇的。题干:一个国家__________财富的能力依赖于许多因素。由第一段的第二句“A country’S standard of livin9,therefore 51 first on its capacity to produce wealth.”可知此处的最佳选择为produce,从而使上下文保持一致,所以正确选项为B。

  54.D。本题考查的是定语从句。题干:一个国家(生产)财富的能力依赖许多因素,多数 彼此相互影响。英语中两个句子由逗号放在一起,则其中一个必为从句,由此可知“most of 54 have an effect on one another”为从句。从上下文来看,这个从句是修饰factors的定语从句,因此只能在that和which之间选择,但是由于空格前出现了介词of,因此, 排除that,只能选which。(定语从句的相关知识具体见本系列丛书之《每天1小时4周攻克职称英语周计划理工类》中有关定语从句的【备考助手】。)




  58.D。本题考查的是固定搭配。题干:但遭受多年内部和外部的战争。”suffer from“遭遇,遭受”。因此,正确选项为D。

  59.A。本题考查词汇。题干:因为这样或那样的__________不能开发它本身的资源。四个选项,reason意为“原因”, aspect意为“方面”, point意为“点,意义”,service意为“服务”,分别代入空格处后,可知A为正确选项。




  63.C。本题考查词汇。题干:英国的食品和农业__________会很少。四个选项,organization意为“组织,机构,团体”,resource意为“资源”,product意为“产品”, labor意为“劳动”。通过句意判断空格处应为“产品”,因此选C。











