
时间:2024-10-07 10:15:05 职业英语 我要投稿



  agar 琼脂

  abrus herb 鸡骨草

  aconiteleaf syneilesis herb 兔儿伞

  acutangular anisodus root 三分三

  adder's tongue herb 一支箭

  african myrsine herb 碎米棵

  agaric 猪苓

  air-plant herb 落地生根

  airpotato yam rhizome 黄药子

  aizoon stonecrop herb 景天三七

  akebia fruit 预知子

  akebia stem 木通

  aloes 芦荟

  alpine yarrow herb 蓍草

  alum 白矾

  amber 琥珀

  american ginseng 西洋参

  amur adonis herb 冰凉花

  amur ampelopsis stem 山葡萄

  amur barberry root 大叶小檗

  amur corktree bark 黄柏

  amur grape stem 山藤藤秧

  ancients euphorbia stem 火殃勒

  anemone clematis stem / armand clematis stem 川木通

  annual fleabane herb 一年蓬

  antelope horn 羚羊角

  antifeverile dichroa root 常山

  arabian jasmine flower 茉莉花

  arabic cowry shell 紫贝齿

  areca peel 大腹皮

  areca seed 槟榔

  argy wormwood leaf 艾叶

  ark shell 瓦楞子

  arrowshaped tinospora root 金果榄

  arsenic sublimate 信石

  ash bark 秦皮

  asiatic moonseed rhizome 北豆根

  asiatic pennywort herb 积雪草

  asiatic toddalia root 飞龙掌血

  auricled hedyotis herb 耳草

  autumn zephyrlily herb 肝风草

  avicennia pricklyash root 鹰不泊

  axillary choerospondias fruit 广枣

  baical skullcap root 黄芩

  balsamiferou blumea herb 大风艾

  bamboo shavings 竹茹

  barbary wolfberry fruit 枸杞子

  barbed skullcap herb 半枝莲

  barberry root 三棵针

  bat dung 夜明砂

  bear gall 熊胆

  beautiful millettia root 牛大力

  beautiful phyllodium twig and leaf 排钱草

  beautiful sweetgum fruit 路路通

  belladonna herb 颠茄草

  belvedere fruit 地肤子

  benzoin 安息香















  agar 琼脂

  abrus herb 鸡骨草

  aconiteleaf syneilesis herb 兔儿伞

  acutangular anisodus root 三分三

  adder's tongue herb 一支箭

  african myrsine herb 碎米棵

  agaric 猪苓

  air-plant herb 落地生根

  airpotato yam rhizome 黄药子

  aizoon stonecrop herb 景天三七

  akebia fruit 预知子

  akebia stem 木通

  aloes 芦荟

  alpine yarrow herb 蓍草

  alum 白矾

  amber 琥珀

  american ginseng 西洋参

  amur adonis herb 冰凉花

  amur ampelopsis stem 山葡萄

  amur barberry root 大叶小檗

  amur corktree bark 黄柏

  amur grape stem 山藤藤秧

  ancients euphorbia stem 火殃勒

  anemone clematis stem / armand clematis stem 川木通

  annual fleabane herb 一年蓬

  antelope horn 羚羊角

  antifeverile dichroa root 常山

  arabian jasmine flower 茉莉花

  arabic cowry shell 紫贝齿

  areca peel 大腹皮

  areca seed 槟榔

  argy wormwood leaf 艾叶

  ark shell 瓦楞子

  arrowshaped tinospora root 金果榄

  arsenic sublimate 信石

  ash bark 秦皮

  asiatic moonseed rhizome 北豆根

  asiatic pennywort herb 积雪草

  asiatic toddalia root 飞龙掌血

  auricled hedyotis herb 耳草

  autumn zephyrlily herb 肝风草

  avicennia pricklyash root 鹰不泊

  axillary choerospondias fruit 广枣

  baical skullcap root 黄芩

  balsamiferou blumea herb 大风艾

  bamboo shavings 竹茹

  barbary wolfberry fruit 枸杞子

  barbed skullcap herb 半枝莲

  barberry root 三棵针

  bat dung 夜明砂

  bear gall 熊胆

  beautiful millettia root 牛大力

  beautiful phyllodium twig and leaf 排钱草

  beautiful sweetgum fruit 路路通

  belladonna herb 颠茄草

  belvedere fruit 地肤子

  benzoin 安息香