卖 方:____________________________________
地 址:____________ 邮码:____________ 电话:____________
法定代表人:____________ 职务:____________ 国籍:____________
买 方:____________________________________
地 址:____________ 邮码:____________ 电话:____________
法定代表人:____________ 职务:____________ 国籍:____________
第一条 品名、数量、价格
第二条 包装:____________________________
第三条 保险:由买方按发票金额100%投保。
第四条 唛头:____________________________
第五条 装运口岸:____________________________
第六条 目的口岸:____________________________
第七条 装运期限:____________________________
第八条 付款条件:买方应通过买卖双方同意的银行,开立以卖方为受益人的、不可撤消的、可转让和分割的信用证。该信用证凭装运单据在________ 银行见单即付。该信用证必须在________ 前开到卖方。信用证有效期限为装船后15天在________ 到期。
第九条 装运单据:买方应提供下列单据。
第十条 装运条件:
第十一条 索赔:卖方同意受理因货物的质量、数量和(或)规格与合同规定不符的异议索赔,但卖方仅负责赔偿由于制造工艺不良或材质不佳所造成的质量不符部分。有关安装不当或使用不善造成的索赔或损失,卖方均不予受理。提出索赔异议必须提供有声誉的、并经卖方认可的公证机构的检验报告。有关质量方面索赔异议应于货到目的地后3个月内提出,有关数量和(或)规格索赔异议应于货到目的地后30天内提出。一切损失凡由于自然原因或属于船方或保险公司责任范围内者,卖方概不受理。如买方不能在合同规定期限内将信用证开出,或者开来的信用证不符合合同规定,而在接到卖方通知后,不能按期办妥修正,卖方可以撤销合同或延期交货,并有权提出赔偿要求。
第十二条 不可抗力:因不可抗力不能如期交货或不能交货时,卖方不负责任。但卖方必须向买方提供有权机构所出具的证明。
第十三条 仲裁:凡因执行本合同或与本合同有关事项所发生的一切争执,均由双方通过友好协商方式解决。如不能取得协议时,则在被告国家根据被告国家仲裁机构的仲裁程序规则进行仲裁。仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方具有同等的约束力。仲裁费用,除仲裁机构另有决定外,均由败诉方负担。
第十四条 其他:对本合同的任何变更,需双方商定达成书面协议经双方签字后,方为有效,任何一方在未取得对方书面同意前,无权将本合同规定的权利及义务转让给第三者。
第十五条 本合同于____年____月____日在____ 市用____ 文签署,正本一式两份,买卖双方各持一份,具有同等效力。
买方:____________ 卖方:____________
代表:____________ 代表:____________
____年____月____日 ____年____月____日
TO: 合同编号:
电 子 产 品 购 销 合 同
甲 方(需方) :
Armor (buyer) : 乙 方(供方) : B (the) :
Both parties consultation, party a shall order specified brand electronic product related matters agreed as follows:
第一条 定购产品(以下简称“电子产品”):
第二条 质量要求及技术标准:
Article 2 the quality requirements and technical standard:
Article 1 in accordance with the prescribed specifications and configuration that provides electronic products, quality standard according to manufacturer technical standards.
第三条 包装与运输:
Packaging and shipping: article
3-1 包装方式:纸箱 3-1 packing: cartons
3-2 运输安排由方代办运输至方承担。 3-2 transportation arrangement is responsible by the supplier, and the supplier for transportation to the designated place: party a location, transport costs by the supplier.
第四条 价款约定: Article 4 price:
4-1 the buyer prepaid 30%, goods to the buyer is paid the moneyTO: 合同编号:
4-2 payment: check, net
第五条 收货和验收条款:
Article 5 receiving and acceptance:
5-1 验收标准:按照本合同第二条约定的质量要求及技术标准。
5-1 acceptance criteria: according to this contract 2 the prescribed quality requirements and technical standards. 5-2 乙方在交货地点有办事机构的(以乙方确认书为准),甲方在电子产品运输至交货地点收货同时进行验收;乙方在交货地点没有办事机构的,甲方在电子产品运输至交货地点之日起三日内进行验收。验收中存在异议的.,甲方向乙方出具书面异议理由,由乙方协同生产厂商按照本合同第二条质量要求及标准进行检查。 5-3电子产品运输至
5-2 in place of delivery by party b (offices), party a shall prevail in the sales of electronic products to delivery location receiving simultaneously acceptance, Party b in delivery place no agencies, party a in electronic products to the date of delivery place within three days. Acceptance of the existing objection, party a shall issue a written objections by party b, collaborative manufacturers according to this contract 2 check the quality requirement and standard.
5-3 electronic product transportation and delivery locations within three days after party a without written objections, as the reason for acceptance.
第六条 保修:
Article 6 warranty:
6-1 保修范围:按照生产厂商的保修范围。
6-1 warranty scope: according to manufacturer's warranty scope.
6-2 guarantee deadline: party b will electronic product transportation to the date of delivery location (12) months.
第七条 违约责任:
Article 7 liability for breach:
7-1 甲方延期付款的,乙方交付电子产品的时间可相应顺延,甲方按照延期支付金额的/日向乙方支付滞纳金,直至款项付清之日。甲方延期支付超过三十日的,乙方有权选择解除合同,甲方按照合同滞纳金标准向乙方支付违约金(支付至乙方提出解除日),向乙方返还电子产品,甲方已经支付的款项作为赔偿,如不足以弥补乙方的损失的,由甲方另行赔偿。
7-1 party a and party b consign the deferred payment of electronic products, party a may postpone deferred payment in accordance with the amount of 0.5% of payment to party b/day, until the date of payment. More than 30 of the deferred payment of party a, party b has the right to terminate the contract, party a shall choose to party b in accordance with the contract, fine for delaying payment standard pay liquidated damages paid to party b (day), puts forward to remove the return to party b, party a has electronic products as compensation for payment made to compensate party b, such as the loss of compensation by party a, separately.
7-2 乙方按照本合同约定的时间、地点、质量要求和技术标准向甲方提供定购产品,如延期交付的,按照未交付产品金额的 0.5% /日向甲方支付滞纳金。因乙方延期到货给甲方造成的损失由乙方赔偿。(因甲方未按期支付价款导致延期交货的除外)TO: 合同编号:
7-2 according to this contract, the time and place of the quality requirements and to provide technical standards for products, such as deferred delivery, according to not deliverable amount, pay to party a the 0.5% / payment. Party b to party a due to delay arrival damage compensation by party b. Party fails to pay (except in the delivery price), 7-3 甲方未按合同约定收货、验收或无正当理由提出异议拒绝收货的,乙方将电子产品运输至交货地点之日视为甲方收到货物和验收合格的时间,由此造成的损失由甲方负责。
7-3 party fails to contract receiving, acceptance or without warrant objection refused to receiving party b will electronic product transportation and delivery locations, as party a receives goods and acceptance of time, which caused by party a is responsible for the loss.
7-4 除本合同约定外,任何一方擅自解除合同,应当按照本合同总价款的0.5%向另一方支付违约金,由此给另一方造成的损失,由擅自解除合同一方负责赔偿。
7-4 except this contract without authorization, any party shall cancel the contract, and in accordance with the contract, the total price to pay liquidated damages to the other party 0.5%, thus causing losses to the other party, the party responsible for authorization to terminate the contract.
第八条 不可抗力:
Article 8 the force majeure:
8-1 战争、动乱、瘟疫、地震、台风、洪水、物体坠落或其他非合同双方责任造成的爆炸、火灾、意外事故和自然灾害。 任何一方由于不可抗力原因不能履行合同时,应在不可抗力事件发生后3日内通知对方,尽力减少损失。不可抗力造成的损失,由双方自行承担。
8-1 war, unrest, plague, earthquake, typhoon, flood, falling objects or other than the contract caused by explosion, fire, accidents and natural disasters. Due to the force majeure causes any party is unable to perform a contract due to force majeure, should be in 3 days after the event notification, try to reduce the loss. The loss caused by force majeure, shall be borne by both parties.
第九条 争议解决:
Article 9 dispute resolution:
The dispute shall be settled through friendly negotiation, and through consultation by the party, the people's courts have jurisdiction over the local ruling.
第十条 其他:
Article 10 other:
10-1 双方应对合同履行过程中的技术信息和商业秘密承担保密责任,如因任何一方未尽此义务导致他方经济损失,应予赔偿。
10-1 to contract both sides in the process of information technology and commercial secret liabilities for any party, such as the obligation such as economic losses caused shall compensate.
10-2 本合同未尽事宜或合同变更,经双方协商一致后签订补充合同,效力与本合同一致。
10-2 issues unmentioned in the contract or contract variation, is reached through consultation, the effect of the contract signed the contract agreement.
10-3 因生产厂商产品调整或国家政策原因导致产品调整的,乙方应尽快通知甲方并变更合同约定。10-3 for manufacturers products or national policy adjustment of product causes, party b shall inform party a and change the contract.
10-4 appendix of this contract shall be confirmed by both parties to this contract after the indispensable part of this contract, the effectiveness and consistent.
10-5 this contract in duplicate, both copies, after its signing by both parties shall also apply facsimile, namely. 10-6本合同签约地点: 北京
10-7 this contract price and delivery of the products of calibration time since signing date within a week, if exceed this contract to any delivery time, both written agreement.