Personal Information:
Family Name : Wang Given Name: Shushun
Sex : Male Date of Birth : June 15,1992
Marital Status: Unmarried Birth Place: Gansu
Address:NO.19,Techonology Road ,High-Tech Industrial Zone,
BoHai University, Jinzhou, China
Telephone:15640636245 E-mail; w859926285@163.com
To obtain a position in the fields of E-commerce , Shop Customer Service, Network store operations professional, Shop Graphic designer ,etc
Education :
1. Sep , 2005 ~ June , 2008
Studied in the Liushipu Middle School
2. Sep , 2008 ~ June , 2012
Studied in the Huining No. 4 Middle School
3. Sep,2012~Now
Studied in Business English ,College of Foreign Languages , BoHai
University ,Jinzhou
Major Courses :
Intensive English, Extensive English, English Writing
Business English Writing, English Listening, Spoken English, International trade
Business English Translation, International Business Negotiations, Advanced English, English and American Literature, American Country Profiles
Rewards :
1. Won The second level Stipend in 2012
2. Joined the items of 4*100 race and 800 meters race of male in the match of the department
Experience :
1. Jan. 2009 Participated in national English contest
2. Aug. 2010, Participated in the activities organized by the school's summer camp
3. Sep. 2012 , Participated in school community activities
4. Nov.2013, learned to open shop in spare time on the internet
5. A customer service, seller, distributed leaflets,
Special Skills :
1. Language : English ( GET 4 of College English Test )Russian
3. E-commerce : Gold Customer Service Certificate
Web store promotion personnel certificate
Shop Operations Certificate
Interests & other skills:
Travel , Going to the gym, listening to music
Watching inspirational videos
Listening to the speech
Watching movies
Playing basketball and billiards